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Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 11.11.2020

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International invite you to attend their Sunday Evening Meeting: Cooke’s Presbyterian Church (Fireside Room) 5825 Wellington Avenue... Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 2E1 Sunday, August 30th, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m. For further information call: Bill Hamm (604) 316-4540. Special Speaker: Tracy Booth Tracy is not only a hard working businessman, but every spare moment the evangelist in Tracy is at work ministering, sharing the love of Jesus, and winning souls to Christ. As founder of Gleam Guard Dust Free Wood Refinishing, he has many opportunities to share his faith. Tracy on fire for Jesus attended Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma for a year. His lovely wife Amrit attended Victory Bible School in Tulsa for a year. This dynamic couple has held evangelistic meetings in the United States and British Columbia. Anointed, called of God, full of the Holy Ghost and fire. You don't want to miss this meeting. Come and be blessed. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST WITH YOUR FRIENDS.

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 17.10.2020

From Simon Apperloo. It is with great sadness that I am informing you of the death of Gerrit. He passed away in the evening of 2 July 2019 after some complications from his battle with leukemia. We claim joy in knowing that Jesus has conquered death and rest assured that Gerrit is with his Father in heaven. We look forward to seeing him again when our time comes to join him. At this time we do not have arrangements for a service, but we will post again once we have those details.

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 07.10.2020

Bruce W. Rudolph of Surrey, British Columbia Contact Bruce W. Rudolph https://brucewrudolph.bandcamp.com/... 1. Worship From the Heart 2. Better Than Life 3. Country Collection 4. Never Been Down This Road Before 5. Peace Like A River 6. Reflections of the Cross Check out about Bruce W. Rudolph of Surrey, British Columbia Bandcamp https://brucewrudolph.bandcamp.com/

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 28.09.2020

A Puzzling Situation Recently Andrew, a friend of mine, posed this problem to me: Three men rented a hotel room. Assuming the price was $300 total, each chipped in $100 and gave it to the bellhop, who passed it on to the manager. The manager told the bellhop the room cost was only $250 and gave him $50 to return to the three men. Well, it is not easy to split $50 three ways so the men decided to take $10 each and give the remaining $20 to the bellhop as a tip. The problem... is that now each man paid $90, totalling $270. They gave $20 to the bellhop, which brings the total to $290. They started off paying $300, so what happened to the remaining $10? An interesting puzzle, isn’t it? I wrestled with it for some time, finally realizing that this was a classic case of misdirection. By focusing on the $300 I was being mislead. This became clear to me when I tried the same scenario with exaggerated figures of $360 for the room ($120 each), the room still only $250 and the bellhop returning $110. The men each took $30 and gave the remaining $20 to the bell boy leaving a $70 difference. Obviously the reality was that I was focused on trying to solve the wrong total I was being mislead in some way. That is often how it is with life and life issues, isn’t it? Misdirection of focus. Have you heard (or used) the excuse: I don’t go to church (or believe in God) because the church is made up of hypocrites. Or If God is truly a loving God, why is there so much pain in the world the Bible must be lying about who God is. But these are misdirections. The focus is on the wrong thing. Yes, there are many hypocrites in the church. But the real question should not focus on who is there and how they relate to God, but what is YOUR relationship with God? And yes, there is a lot of pain in the world, a lot of suffering. But who causes it and what part are you playing in the bringing of this pain and suffering? Are you missing out because you are being misdirected to focus on the pain caused by sin rather than God’s love? Satan started this all in the Garden of Eden when he misdirected Eve’s (and Adam’s) attention by asking her to focus on what he led her to believe was missing from her life. He took her attention away from what true life she had and suggested she was being shortchanged in some way by God. It continues to this day! But the truth of life is that God is good, loving, merciful, kind. Sin brings suffering and pain, God brings life, healing, and joy available through accepting the work of Jesus on the cross as full payment for all sin. Look beyond the subtle misdirection and misleading and see the Truth!

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 19.09.2020

Comfort A couple of years ago, my wife and I were camping at a local lake. Each day was windy with some rain. The wind seemed relentless and it soon became irritating. If the temperature had been in the mid 30s and the sun beating down on us, this same wind would have been very welcome, but this week it was a nuisance. Camping is not really camping unless you have a fire, is it? And so, despite the wind, we lit a fire and pulled up a couple chairs to enjoy ourselves. ... Though we sat within two feet of the fire, we actually received very little warmth from it. The wind kept blowing the heat away from us; it was only once in a while when the wind shifted or died down for a second that we felt the benefit of heat from the fire. Yet we stayed there, because it seemed warmer than if we sat further away. Seemed is perhaps the key word here. I think it was mostly an illusion that we were warmer because of the fire. Perhaps it was the idea of having one, the smell of the smoke, the ambience of the fire that gave us hope for warmth from it. Twenty feet away we had a nice warm RV, with total shelter from the wind and rain and with warmth and comfortable seats. We could even turn on the propane furnace for additional heat and comfort. But we stayed outside with the illusion of comfort and warmth! That’s often the way we deal with life and the problems of life, isn’t it? We opt for the illusion of comfort and help, we tell ourselves we are satisfied with things that we know don’t really provide the comfort and help we need. As the TV advertisement says, Life comes along and bites you in the butt. And then what do we do, how do we handle the pain? Where is our healing going to come from? Some turn to self-help programs but find very little lasting help. Others seek and accept advice based on human understanding of life. But these solutions are illusions of true help. Still others discover help found in the bottom of the bottle, or through the use of the needle, or even the calming effect of a joint. But later they discover the awful truth of this help it is no help at all but just covers up the pain. In fact, often the pain has multiplied as they now struggle with the addiction they have developed. And all the while there is help available, true help and comfort. It is found in the arms of Jesus and his healing powers. My wife and I finally gave in and left the illusionary warmth of the fire and entered the true warmth of the RV. We listened to the wind howling around us, but were untouched by it. We were protected. We learned - better late than never, right? How about you?

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 11.09.2020

Falling Snow Some years ago I was sitting in my study, staring out the window at the snow laden trees, preparing to write another sermon. Some of the alder bushes were so snow-covered that the branches were completely bent over. It crossed my mind that in the spring I would have to take my chainsaw and cut these branches since they were now resting on my fence. As I watched, I noticed the snow beginning to fall off the trees. I could only assume that the snow was being rel...eased as the temperature was rising. The branches on the evergreens were springing back up as the snow fell off. Then I noticed some of the bent over alder also springing erect as the snow dropped off what a relief, perhaps I would not have to cut them in the spring after all! Watching this common spring event was both interesting and enlightening for me. As the weight dropped off, it was almost like the trees revived! Oh, I had seen it before but this time it struck a chord in my mind. You see, a group of us in the church had been talking about revival, wondering what it would take to see new life being birthed into the community. Just the other day I was speaking with some other people in the Fraser Valley who were struggling with the same question, "What does it take to see new life in our community?" It seems as if this is a common question in many churches and it never seems to go away. Now here I saw the simple answer! What causes people to be frustrated with life? What causes them to become burdened with the results of struggles they face each day? What causes them to be ready to give up on this life, seeking any escape imaginable, including the taking of one’s own life whether by deliberate suicide or by slowly killing themselves through the use of alcohol or drugs or other things that cause serious physical ailments which often result in death? You will probably answer, Well, it must be sin and the result or consequence of sin in the world. After all, you are a preacher and sin seems to be what all preachers zero in on, right? Truth be told, it is not just sin. It is more the inability of people to deal with sin, to get rid of sin and the consequences of sin. Sin just piles on, and piles on, and a person becomes bowed down with the heavy burden. How do we remove the burden? How do we get rid of the weight of sin? What it needs is a spiritual thaw! People need to hear and see, to experience that God loves them and has made a way for them to have the sin removed removed through Jesus Christ. People cannot cleanse themselves of sin any more than the trees could shake the snow off. Only Jesus can do that, only he can remove the burden from our lives. He offers ‘sin-burden removal’ freely to us, by grace. We just need to reach out and accept it. Then we can spring back to life, real life. We can live again as we were meant to. Revival floods into our lives. Then we don’t have to be broken because of the weight of sin in our lives.

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 02.09.2020

Snow On The Roof? Some winters ago I drove past a house and noticed lazy curls of smoke rising from the chimney. I was surprised, not realized that anyone was living in that house all summer it appeared vacant, no cars in the driveway, no evidence of people in the yard. But obviously it was occupied. I spent many years in the north of BC in a small town called Dease Lake. When I first arrived in Dease Lake many of the houses were government owned, serving as residences ...for the government staff. As with most northern and isolated communities, staff turnover was constant and many of the houses were vacant for long periods. In the cold winter months, this became a bit of a concern for those responsible for the houses because every time the hydro power failed (and that was quite frequently), the house was in danger of freezing solid. Constant checks were made make sure the heat was still on, but it was a time consuming chore . One of the employees came up with a brilliant and time saving solution. He designed a simple thermometer controlled light system to put in the window, visible from the road. As long as the temperature in the home was above a set temperature the green light was on, but if it dropped, the red light came on and the person monitoring the house could tell from a distance whether the house needed to be attended to. I was thinking about these signs of occupancy and of heat in the house when I read some of the statistics about our Canadian population, particularly the number of people who claimed to be Christian. Though the percentage of the population making this claim is in decline, I was still surprised by the number. Where are all these people on a typical Sunday? Obviously not in church if you look at the church attendance figures. Now, I am not saying that church attendance determines whether one is Christian or not. Many followers of Jesus Christ have become so turned off by organized religion that they refuse to attend organized services. In fact, many even hate the label Christian because of the connotations of the term. And the truth is that your car can be parked in the church lot each Saturday or Sunday for years, and you may occupy a space on the pew, but that does not mean you are a follower of Jesus. But there should be some outward indication that you are a Christ follower, shouldn’t there, some sign that you are different because of Jesu?. There has to be evidence of occupancy by God. Others should be able to tell you follow Jesus. One pastor told me that those who follow Christ should be like a poorly insulated house there should be no snow on the roof because of the heat within escaping. Believers in Jesus should want to be telling others about their new life. How is your roof? What is it telling about your life, your witness?

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 29.08.2020

Growing Fruit Self Control and Freedom 2 Timothy 3:1-5 NLT, You should know this that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray...Continue reading

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 24.08.2020

Growing Fruit Patience and Gentleness As we continue our journey in developing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, let’s reflect on what fruit we’ve grown so far. In the first week we started with showing more love and kindness to those around us, just as Jesus has shown us the same. In week 2 we focused on bringing more goodness and joy into our lives. We reflected on how all of these characteristics ultimately come from God and when we’re seeking Him, not only will H...Continue reading

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 16.08.2020

Growing Fruit Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Over the past few weeks we’ve focused on adding more love and kindness into our lives, as well as spreading goodness and joy to those around us. This week we’ll take another step in adding 2 more fruit of the Spirit....Continue reading

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 02.08.2020

GROWING FRUIT While keeping love and kindness in mind and continuing to develop and grow that fruit in our lives, we’ll add two more fruit to focus on this week. Week 2 ...Continue reading

Full Gospel Fellowship of Believers International 25.07.2020

GROWING FRUIT Last week we examined the need to see Jesus, to read about Him, to blow the dust off our Bibles and take a fresh look at this Saviour of ours. I trust you have been doing that. One of the things the Bible teaches us is that believers can not simply carry on as if they were not believers when one accepts Jesus as Saviour, God expects them to change their lives and to develop new results, new behaviours, or as Scripture refers to it - fruits of the Spirit. ...Continue reading