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Game Changer Game On 26.10.2020

Scorpio Season October 22 November 21 Truth Revealed - SHOW UP #Gamechangerbook #Emotionalhonesty #Scorpioseason #Pluto #MarsRetrograde #MercuryRetrograde #Transformation #Authenticity #Consciousness #gamechangergameon # #SelfDiscovery #Introspection #Selfmastery #Consultant #Coach #Intuition #Choices #GameChanger

Game Changer Game On 08.10.2020

There will be a video posted by tomorrow so you have choices of what works best for YOU - the video has a bit more information as I tend to add to it LOL. The p...owerful and magical winds of Scorpio! What is the Scorpio theme and planets bringing YOU this month? To totally understand the energies of the Scorpio season I will explain the planets involved. You can check your Natal chart as to what house Scorpio rules. This is the bottom line for each of us; and the planets that will assist us for our personal Sovereignty, Mastery and Empowerment. Scorpio energy is all about intensity, rebirth, sex, psychoanalysis, the occult, that which is hidden, alchemy, esoteric, passion, transformation, uncovering secrets, emotionally powerful, committed, deep, protective, penetrating, compulsive and can be violent. The planets that rule Scorpio are Pluto and Mars. Pluto energy is about power, illumination (brings in the LIGHT), regeneration, transformative rebirth, and metamorphosis (caterpillar becoming the butterfly). Mars energy is about initiative, action independence, courage, hero’s journey, and being warrior-like. Mars also rules Aires, and we have Mars Retrograde in Aires - Mars (personal planet) energy is action, initiative, risk taking, independence, adventuresome, very assertive, warrior, courage, bravery, hero’s journey unless it is a lower frequency and then anger and fear. So, do you have faith and trust or do your FEAR? We are experiencing a Mars Retrograde from September 9 until November 14 when it goes Direct at 14 degrees Aires. All Retrograde planets have a stop movement and we are asked to go within. So, we can experience, anger, anxiety, frustration, being tired, and confused as to which road to travel. We will experience a powerful surge of energy as Mars goes Direct (moving forward); which is a time to act, new ideas, opportunities, and learn to use technology to connect. The big powerful energy this month is Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio from October 13/14, 2020 (dips into Libra for awhile) and then goes Direct on November 3 (American election) and stays in Scorpio until December 3. Once it goes Direct on November 3 you will have some answers/resolutions to anything you questioned. Truth becomes visible with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio as it brings to light what was hidden. Personally, and collectively be ready for surprising shocks, chaos, and liberation from the past. The power is in the moment, so navigate the shifts and changes. How have you changed, and what is changing in your life? With the winds of change blowing you cannot hold onto the old patterns that are not serving you. Confusion and anxiety - as we are embracing and ascending/moving from the 3rd dimensional frequency to 5th dimensional frequency which allows us to be more conscious, aware, mindful, and awake! Hence The Awakening the Reboot the Ascension. Uncomfortable; yes - an example, (try writing your name with the opposite hand that you usually use). The Universe wants YOU to evolve, grow and expand - being abundantly prosperous. Not greedy, deceitful, or corrupt as YOU will then be destroyed Karma. Everything must be for the benefit of all involved no energy vampires. The big question - How do YOU OWN your power; How do YOU USE your power and How do YOU GIVE your power away? During the Scorpio season we are ending a Karmic Cycle, and this Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio (and then going direct and staying in that energy until December 3/2002) has us going within so we know what to release with the Full Moon in Taurus on October 31/2020 coupled with Uranus - we are being pushed in a new direction. Then - Wow, we get to experience the Millionaire conjunction that can help many of us out by giving us an opportunity to find deeper meaning, resources within and without! Watch your rising sun and moon signs here! This is the 3rdconjunction of 2020’s years of Jupiter (social planet) and Pluto (transpersonal planet) where the conjunction falls on November 12th exceedingly rare, as we will not experience another until February 4/2033. The other conjunctions were April 4/5 and June 30 of 2020 wherein Jupiter intensified/ expanded the already powerful Pluto. Rewards are there for those who have personally done hard work just needed to be aware, accountable, and responsible for self during these disruptive transformative times. Getting ready and prepared for the big Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius December 20/21. Authenticity, transparency, and emotional honesty with Self as you cannot fool the world and it is about facing self - Sovereignty, Mastery and Empowerment. Many Blessings and Much Love a great time to have a private session/reading. Thank you for taking your time and I would appreciate it if you would like, comment, share and subscribe to the You Tube Channel- gamechangergameon Relationships. The book Game Changer is a great gift idea! Hopefully, you have your personal copy of Game Changer and are doing/or have completed the 1st Chapter on Self Discovery interactive exercises - 8 areas of your life. Our 1strelationships in life is - To Know Thyself and then understand as we evolve and mature, we change and need to take time to reflect on who we are and what our needs are NOW- change is inevitable. Once a month I draw a name for a mini reading (do it via Zoom). Every time you make a comment your name goes into the draw Drawing for October of 2020 and will contact the winner. October 25 /2020 Scorpio Season October 22 November 21 Truth Revealed - SHOW UP #Gamechangerbook #Emotionalhonesty #Scorpioseason #Pluto #MarsRetrograde #MercuryRetrograde #Transformation #Authenticity #Consciousness #gamechangergameon # #SelfDiscovery #Introspection #Selfmastery #Consultant #Coach #Intuition #Choices #GameChanger See more

Game Changer Game On 06.10.2020

Wow enjoy the BEAUTY - Have a wonderful weekend Much Love and Many Blessings

Game Changer Game On 24.09.2020

https://youtu.be/ioUSQ4s-xyg October 23/2020 Explosive Truth Married and Meeting your Twin Flame I would appreciate comments on the You Tube and then you are entered for the prize, however, also understand any questions that are very personal you may FB message Peter Naumovski and he can address the process or answer any questions #PeterNaumovski #Emotionalhonesty #Consciousness #gamechangergameon #Divinelove #Twinflames #SelfDiscovery #SoulMates #Introspection #Marriage #Selfmastery #Relationships #Consultant #Coach #Intuition #Choices #GameChanger #Transformation #Authenticity

Game Changer Game On 13.09.2020

Happy Thursday get ready for the weekend - Many Blessings and Much Love

Game Changer Game On 29.08.2020

New Moon Wishes New Moons are all about starting over and bringing everything back to zero. This is a great time for creation, manifestation and/or new beginnin...gs. It is easier to have enlightened perspective because the confusion that can occur during a Full Moon is absent. A time that starts a new cycle for the month; new beginnings, initiation, birth, bring forth, a time to start projects. A time to start relationships, plant gardens, renew. There is a great feeling of energy, impulsivity, and spontaneous planning- with fresh possibilities. It is excellent to set your intentions to attract, recognize and begin spending time with those who are on a similar spiritual path on a New Moon. You can use the power of the New Moon to initiate schedule changes that will allow you more quiet time for rest and contemplation. The most potent time is the first 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon; within the first 48 hours will still work. The potency continues to exist for another twelve hours but is weaker. A look at the two week period after the new moon as a time to sow seeds that can be later reaped for favorable results. The metaphors some use are those of birth or newness, fresh start, or even simply increased focus on the sign and house where the new moon falls. Each New Moon I will make specific suggestions and you can check your personal natal chart house placement. I would encourage you to smudge. If you smudge- cleanse your space (smudge yourself) or burn some incense. 1. Light one or more candles. 2. Centre yourself and take some deep breaths. 3. Open your New Moon notebook and start writing (in pencil) Accept these things into my life now or something better for my highest good and for the good of all concerned. Write it on a clean sheet of paper. 4. If you only write statements like, "I want to win the lottery" in your notebook then you are limiting yourself by not allowing abundance to flow to you from a multitude of avenues. I DecreeI Desire I Invoke .. 5. Among other things, New Moons stimulate/energize you with the ability to more successfully navigate your life by releasing any tendencies to feel helpless or like the victim. New Moons offer you an opportunity to go deep within Self. You are to connect with your Inner Being. It encourages your creativity and spiritual growth. It is time to dream big. Keep looking up! See more

Game Changer Game On 09.08.2020

Sandra Alexcae Moren and I just recorded a YT together to support Twin Flames and the twin flame journey. We talk about how the twin flame journey is blowin...g up around the world for thousands of people right now and its intrinsic relationship to the 2020 #greatawakening event. Also the deeper perspective that the world is going through a collective dark night of the soul right now and the entire thing is about RELATIONSHIPS. As Sandra puts it so perfectly, the only way through this is for people to understand their true nature and the integration of this. This includes the integration of Politics, Science, Medicine, Health, Duality and polarisation. It’s not all fragmented, it’s all deeply connected. The reason meeting your twin forces you into ascension is because you have met your soul in the physical form. Your soul IS unconditional love, anything that is not that has a lighthouse shone in it because that’s what the soul is. Your twin is your ULTIMATE teacher, mirror, catalyst, unlike anything you’ll ever experience. This is YOUR polarisation in your face. You’re forced into looking at your deepest traumas and insecurities, anything that is not a vibrational match to unconditional love which is what your soul is, a tiny piece of source WILL inevitably be burnt away. Have you ever watched a fire burn wood? Yeah... that. I coach Twin Flames, if you need support DM. Part 2

Game Changer Game On 04.08.2020

https://youtu.be/wmsWnzPacKk Explosive Sophie O’Shea Liverpool -Ego Death Wow powerful - New Moon - Twin Flames - Relationships ... #gamechangergameon #TwinFlame #Truespiritualjourney #Selfmastery #Lettinggo #Egodeath #Alignment #Newearth #Trust #Consultant #Coach #Intuition #Choices #GameChanger #SelfDiscovery #Transformation #Authenticity #Rebirth

Game Changer Game On 28.07.2020

Wow - you can prepare for the shift - there will also be a video available - Planetary Shifts and Mercury Retrograde October 14/2020 We have made it so far 20...20 a Game Changer year a New Decade. We have lots happening within the final months of 2020 as we are winding down preparing for 2021. Wow; so we experienced a beautiful Full Harvest Moon at 9 degrees Aires on October 1 revelations. Then on Oct. 2/2020 until October 27/2020 Venus moved into Virgo SO - discernment in relationships - analyzing details that are important to you and the relationships itself. Looking at and contemplating practical ways that all your relationships benefit both parties involved. (ROI) what is the return on your investment, your time, your energy, $$$$, etc. It will be about negotiating rather than compromising. So, we also deal with Mars Retrograde aggressiveness - some anger- frustration; as Mars went Retrograde at 28 Degrees of Aires on September 9 and goes Direct on November 14 at 15 Degrees or Aires. Quite the dance and shifts for such powerful energies. So, now on October 14/2020 Mercury goes Retrograde in Scorpio at 11 degrees and then on October 29 it moves into 28 degrees Libra Retrograde. Then on November 3 it goes Direct at 25 degrees of Libra (the American election); and THEN it swings back into 0 degrees Scorpio on November 11 until December 2 when Mercury finally moves into Sagittarius at 0 degrees. We will experience a long stay of Mercury in Scorpio- normally 14 to 30 days in a sign. Mercury deals with communication and Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio is a lot of intense energy to deal with it is very introspective, reflective and goes within and ponders life. So, you will have some profound questions on your personal conditions/existence of your life and reflect on what YOU really want. Expect to go really deep as Scorpio is detective - like energy and wants to find things out TRUTH. Introspection Self -Reflection - Self Discovery; so, you could be stressed; confused, have some anxiety, lots of uncertainties as you are re-evaluating when Mercury goes Direct in Libra - a more balanced, peaceful and diplomatic energy. However, then it goes back into Scorpio only this time Direct and you may have some answers and be taking some action on certain matters. You are getting clear on what matters in your life and seeing the true colors of people in your life; with the realization of the facts you will make appropriate shifts in your reality. As you are becoming more conscious and aware you have a better understanding and some things have been made very clear to you. So, you may have figured out and are resolving what patterns you have and what keeps coming up in your life that you are not sure if the ROI investment is good for you. Mercury in Scorpio tests whether the intimacy in question is emotional, sexual or financial. Authenticity, transparency and truth-telling listen to your intuition. The truth can set you free this transit reveals information previously hidden from you which brings clarity so if your relationship ends, at least you are can now move on. Time for honest conversations with your partner (either spouse or business partner) about shared finances. In these particular areas relationships, health, money, career, work, habits- eating, drinking, shopping, etc. This marks the last of Mercury Retrograde energies for 2020. So, once Mercury turns direct on November 3rd picking up speed, we will experience the giant pause that we have been under all year will finally begin to ease. Then on October 16/2020 we will have a New Moon at 26 degrees Libra - very intense Cardinal energy all about setting intentions planting new seeds as you sourced out and then sorted out all your frustrations you will start aligning with your truest desires and figure out what to change. With facing the challenges - you are being urged to find some balance and harmony. Birthday time for Scorpios! The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22/2020 until November 21/2020. Finally ending the month on October 31/2020 Halloween with a Full Hunters Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. Have you figured out your Halloween costumes yet!! Many Blessings and Much Love a great time to have a private session/reading. Thank you for taking your time and I would appreciate it if you would like, comment, share and subscribe to the You Tube Channel- gamechangergameon Relationships. Hopefully, you have your personal copy of Game Changer and are doing/or have completed the 1stChapter on Self Discovery interactive exercises - 8 areas of your life. Our 1strelationships in life is - To Know Thyself and then understand as we evolve and mature, we change and need to take time to reflect on who we are and what our needs are NOW- change is inevitable. Once a month I draw a name for a mini reading via Zoom. Every time you make a comment your name goes into the draw. Drawing for October of 2020 and I will contact the winner. October 14/2020 Intense - Mercury goes Retrograde in Scorpio #gamechangergameon #Reassessing #Introspection #Money #Selfmastery #MercuryRetrograde #Relationships #Commonsense #PersonalValue Worth #Consultant #Coach #Intuition #Choices #GameChanger #SelfDiscovery #Transformation #Authenticity See more

Game Changer Game On 17.07.2020

https://youtu.be/WB0OsIHzIbM #gamechangergameon #Reassessing #Introspection #NewMoon #Selfmastery #Intentions #Relationships #Frustration #PersonalValueWorth #Consultant #Coach #Intuition #Choices #GameChanger #SelfDiscovery #Transformation #Authenticity