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Geek to the Rescue 09.09.2020

Apple haters might not want to hear this...

Geek to the Rescue 02.09.2020

The European Union just made an ad about its Internet Censorship Bill, and its surprisingly honest and informative Tell your MEPs to stop Article 13: https...://www.saveyourinternet.eu Ways you can support us to keep making videos: Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia Tip us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/thejuicemedia Tip us in Bitcoin: https://thejuicemedia.com/support Produced by Patrons of the Juice Media!

Geek to the Rescue 22.08.2020

The Australien Government made an ad about its new anti-encryption laws and its surprisingly honest and informative! Defend encryption in Australia: ht...tps://thejuicemedia.com//DefendEncryption Produced by Patrons of the Juice Media Ways you can support us to keep making videos: Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/thejuicemedia Tip us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/thejuicemedia Tip us in Bitcoin: https://thejuicemedia.com/support

Geek to the Rescue 22.08.2020

The FCC just released an ad about its plan to kill net neutrality (and the Internet as we know it), and it's surprisingly honest and informative. https://www....battleforthenet.com Ways you can support us to keep making videos: Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/thejuicemedia Tip us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/thejuicemedia Special shout-outs to our Patreon Producers: Waeress, Richelle R, Nicholas B, Anna Hathis, Sam G, Tom Mettam, & Anon H And TYSM to everyone else supporting us on Patreon!

Geek to the Rescue 18.08.2020

The European Union just made an ad about its Internet Censorship Bill, and it's surprisingly honest and informative Tell your MEPs to stop Article 13: https...://www.saveyourinternet.eu Ways you can support us to keep making videos: Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia Tip us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/thejuicemedia Tip us in Bitcoin: https://thejuicemedia.com/support Produced by Patrons of the Juice Media!

Geek to the Rescue 14.08.2020

Groups representing online advertisers went ape, claiming that Apples move would "sabotage the economic model for the Internet" ...

Geek to the Rescue 29.07.2020

The Australien Government made an ad about its new anti-encryption laws and it's surprisingly honest and informative! Defend encryption in Australia: ht...tps://thejuicemedia.com//DefendEncryption Produced by Patrons of the Juice Media Ways you can support us to keep making videos: Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/thejuicemedia Tip us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/thejuicemedia Tip us in Bitcoin: https://thejuicemedia.com/support

Geek to the Rescue 10.07.2020

Windows 10 Sucks!

Geek to the Rescue 04.07.2020

Groups representing online advertisers went ape, claiming that Apple's move would "sabotage the economic model for the Internet" ...

Geek to the Rescue 28.06.2020

Unlike competitors such as Google, who operate on the principle that large scale data collection bestows an advantage in areas such as machine learning and transport planning, Apple has repeatedly argued that it has a responsibility to minimize data collection...

Geek to the Rescue 19.06.2020

Spectre and Meltdown are the names given to a trio of variations on a vulnerability that affects nearly every computer chip manufactured in the last 20 years.

Geek to the Rescue 08.06.2020


Geek to the Rescue 05.06.2020


Geek to the Rescue 18.05.2020


Geek to the Rescue 11.05.2020

The worlds first privacy-protecting search engine that filters out corporate propaganda and government disinformation...

Geek to the Rescue 07.05.2020


Geek to the Rescue 05.05.2020

The "nothing-to-hide" argument stems from a faulty premise that privacy is about hiding a wrong. It brainwashes people into viewing privacy as a form of secrecy...

Geek to the Rescue 15.04.2020

Those who care most about privacy will be most impacted by these rule changes. Under the proposalwhich goes into effect automatically on December 1almost any district judge in the country could authorize law enforcement to remotely search or hack into the computers of people using privacy protective technology like Tor or a VPN.

Geek to the Rescue 07.04.2020

The world's first privacy-protecting search engine that filters out corporate propaganda and government disinformation...

Geek to the Rescue 04.04.2020

Many people feel that privacy invasions are fine because they dont have anything to hide. But if that were true, they would be enthusiastic about the notion of joining a nudist colony! Privacy is a fundamental component of any functioning society. Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world, (Eric Hughes). There are multiple ways to improve your privacy online and be safe from domestic spying, identity theft, hackers, data miners & special interest gro...ups. Some of the ways to protect yourself are: 1) Using a VPN service 2) Using browser add-ons like "Ghostery", "Disconnect" & "No Script" 3) Using "TOR" browser 4) Using "Spybot Anti-Beacon" or "GWX Control Panel" 5) Using an alias when filling out forms online 6) Using CCleaner to remove cookies & browser history 7) Using Duck Duck Go for online searches instead of Google 8) Using encrypted email services like "Protonmail" 9) Using encrypted chat/SMS services like "Telegram"

Geek to the Rescue 31.03.2020

Perhaps invigorated by the ongoing debates around government surveillance and in response to growing public attention around these issues, more and more companies are voluntarily speaking out about government data requests and giving users tools to fight back.

Geek to the Rescue 16.03.2020

Microsoft should come clean with its user community. The company needs to acknowledge its missteps and offer real, meaningful opt-outs to the users who want them, preferably in a single unified screen. It also needs to be straightforward in separating security updates from operating system upgrades going forward, and not try to bypass user choice and privacy expectations.

Geek to the Rescue 15.03.2020

When the subject of online privacy comes up, some people respond: "so what if they track me? Im not that important/I have nothing to hide! Sadly, this is short-sighted and a bit naive...

Geek to the Rescue 10.03.2020

Are pissed at Microsoft (like me) for upgrading your computer to Windows 10 without your consent? Please sign this petition to draw the EFF's attention and ask them to investigate Microsoft for unethical business practices...

Geek to the Rescue 05.03.2020

When the subject of online privacy comes up, some people respond: "so what if they track me? I'm not that important/I have nothing to hide! Sadly, this is short-sighted and a bit naive...

Geek to the Rescue 18.02.2020

The average user is living in blind ignorance of what is going on in the background. The problem here is not that Microsoft is gathering data, but the lack of transparency surrounding it.

Geek to the Rescue 29.01.2020

Many people like me & this guy are angry about Windows 10...

Geek to the Rescue 10.01.2020

Alexa is the name of Amazons Echo, a voice-controlled personal assistant. Unlike rivals such as Apples Siri, Microsofts Cortana and Google Now, it is a physical presence: a 20cm-tall black cylinder, about the size of two Coke cans, which contains Wi-Fi, two speakers, seven microphones and connects to the cloud. Priced $179.99, it sits in your home, plugged into the wall, awaiting commands.

Geek to the Rescue 02.01.2020

FBI paid professional hackers one-time fee to crack San Bernardino iPhone....

Geek to the Rescue 28.12.2019

Make no mistake: the War on Crypto is not primarily about "terrorism" or "fighting crime" or "public safety" at all. Rather, these emotional hot-buttons are merely a cover to justify expansions in government power...

Geek to the Rescue 10.12.2019

Fighting for or against cryptography is a battle known as the Crypto Wars

Geek to the Rescue 23.11.2019

The "Snoopers Charter" would require details of our every email, website visit and social media log to be recorded. In 2012, a YouGov poll showed that only 6 per cent of the public thought that the Government had made a clear and compelling argument for the Bill. Seventy-one per cent also said they didnt trust that the data collected would be kept secure.

Geek to the Rescue 22.11.2019

Myth: By disabling all privacy compromising and telemetry features on Windows 10 will stop Microsoft to track your activities. Fact: Even after all telemetry features disabled, Windows 10 is phoning home more than you could ever think of.

Geek to the Rescue 15.11.2019

The point of contention is that Facebook is collecting the data of its users, selling this to advertisers, and not sharing a cent of their massive profits with the users who generate that data. This is, arguably, unfair.

Geek to the Rescue 06.11.2019

"Strong encryption has its costs," Oliver said, "from protecting terrorists to drug dealers to child pornographers. But I happen to feel that the risks of weakening encryption, even a little bit, even just for the government, are potentially much worse."

Geek to the Rescue 17.10.2019

The "Snoopers' Charter" would require details of our every email, website visit and social media log to be recorded. In 2012, a YouGov poll showed that only 6 per cent of the public thought that the Government had made a clear and compelling argument for the Bill. Seventy-one per cent also said they didn't trust that the data collected would be kept secure.

Geek to the Rescue 12.10.2019

Its unlikely that Gates did not have an intimate understanding of exactly what the FBI is asking of Apple and what the broader implications of that are.

Geek to the Rescue 06.10.2019

Goodbye privacy in California!

Geek to the Rescue 18.09.2019

Windows 10 has a lot of Privacy concerns!

Geek to the Rescue 29.08.2019

Apple is far from alone in recognizing the value of encryption in protecting security, privacy, and by extension, freedom of expression for people whose speech might otherwise be chilled.

Geek to the Rescue 17.08.2019

It's unlikely that Gates did not have an intimate understanding of exactly what the FBI is asking of Apple and what the broader implications of that are.

Geek to the Rescue 11.08.2019

We have great respect for the professionals at the FBI, and we believe their intentions are good. Up to this point, we have done everything that is both within our power and within the law to help them. But now the U.S. government has asked us for something we simply do not have, and something we consider too dangerous to create. They have asked us to build a backdoor to the iPhone.

Geek to the Rescue 05.08.2019

Windows 10 is spying on you and its super creepy...

Geek to the Rescue 22.07.2019

NSA chief defends the use of encryption software without backdoor for govt. snoops...