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WISE TALES by Geoffrey L.J. Nault 27.05.2021

WISE THOUGHT # 5: WHAT ARE YOUR BIG FIVE? Many of times we chase our own tail trying to find meaning amongst chaos; or trying to find righteous values in a society embedded in deceitful tendencies. Pandemics aside, when the world operates somewhat in equilibrium (yeah, right) our mindfulness often shifts to improvement with the selfperhaps for the betterment of others. The self-help juggernaut that took people by storm in the 80’s (and beyond) was a shift in paradigm that ca...Continue reading

WISE TALES by Geoffrey L.J. Nault 25.05.2021

WISE THOUGHT # 4: ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD Time often comes up as the subject of efficiency output. How do we maximize time? How do we bend and manipulate time so it serves us, and not the other way around? How do we gain more of it and use it wisely to accomplish all that we are capable of? The subject of time often appears in self-help books in forms such as: TIME How do we ORGANIZE it, PRIORITIZE it, REVEL in its mystery, SORT out its madness, and FREE ourselves from it...Continue reading

WISE TALES by Geoffrey L.J. Nault 13.05.2021

Wise Thought # 3: Cornerstones of Life Are you an aimless soul that drifts ever so subtly in life; whispering your way along in what could be described as a free-bird mentality. Some prefer this notion which releases any obligation upon the self to fulfil any sort of destiny. A destiny could be a trap, however, that pigeon-holes you into some self-prophesized idealization. We are often sold the concept of a dream life, or a utopia of ever-lasting joy and happiness if I were t...Continue reading

WISE TALES by Geoffrey L.J. Nault 30.04.2021

Wise Thought # 1: The Dome We Live Under Think of your life, for a minute, at the base root of thought. If one were at the lowest level of the hierarchy of needs, what perceptions would be necessary? Beyond the ideals of food and shelter, and perhaps danger from other scavenging humans, everything else may not serve a purpose in your life. We would classify these individuals as GROUND LEVEL under the dome of perception. The many layers of ‘lenses’ above you would cloud any ...thought to what exists beyond your scope of reality. Now, what causes people to ‘level up’ and break through certain layers so as to view a different perception at a greater level? How about our internalized understanding of the illusion to the reality we perceive? This human progression, as Maslow famously depicted in his pyramid format, progresses from this base level (survival needs), towards achieving one’s full potential, or, self-actualization. But is this enough to shatter through the perceptive layers of dome that shield us? Society itself functions under numerous, inter-tangled layers of sophistication. It’s not as simple as leveling-up in a linear fashion. One must not only gain wisdom along their chosen path, but they must also become enlightened to what matters in their perception of things. The rest, you can say, is merely a distraction to a life so chosen. But let’s entertain this notion if but for a fleeting moment: What if you were to reach the very top layer of the dome? What if you were to bust through all the layers that most of us remain trapped under which clouds our perception of things, what would you see? Would life become easier because you understand everything for the good or bad that it is? Or would you inherit a burden of knowledge, and yet, be powerless to do anything to stop the corruption that besieges you. We often hear the saying: ignorance is bliss, but the meaning behind such words may in fact, release you of such burdens for having to obtain such knowledge in the first place. Decide what layer satisfies you. Decide what level of perception makes sense; and decide if seeking more knowledge would enhance your life experience, or burden you with a truth you wish you would have never heard or seen. This, my friends, is the wisdom one should seek. See more

WISE TALES by Geoffrey L.J. Nault 29.01.2021

WISE TALES presents a new article. CHANGE: For the Better (10 TIPS) Enjoy!... Ah, so we arrive at the ultimate cliché once again. New Year. New hope. New sense of drive, or motivation, or is that just the Ritalin you’re taking? Those new goals we scribble down on a discoloured note pad that contains a decade of entries from prior years on how life should’ve changed by now. We flash through the past and see: 1) Lose forty pounds. 2) Find a potential spouse (or pet if it suits your fetish better). 3) Begin exercising like a mother-F’er on crack (or on protein smoothies and salads instead). 4) Quit my disaster of a job and find a new (disastrous) one. 5) Quit listening to Karen’s bad advice (don’t ask me why ‘Karen,’ it’s just some silly Facebook thing now?). 6) Communicate with the kids better (put that f#@!ing phone down already and pay attention!). 7) Go back to school and improve my (non-existent) skill-set. 8) Visit Mom and Dad moreon purpose. 9) Get out of debt (f#@! it, just pile it on already). 10) Be more generous with both my time and money.........(7 minutes pass by)..........28) Get myself a new snow blower, because my old one is...OKAY. STOP THE INSANITY! Many of us, I’m sure, have heard advice, or read books, or written down countless memes on ‘change for the better.’ Heck, some may even have worked for the short term, which is usually the amount of ‘fuel’ that self-motivation lasts for. But then, like always, we sputter back to our old habits, and to the La-Z-Boy recliner with that bag of chips and chocolate stained hands telling ourselves this is our ‘cheat-day,’ god-damn-it. So back off! You feel good in the moment of comfort, and bliss, and the assured, and the...what the f#@!. I must have dozed off there for a while. How is it 11pm! My recliner is positioned in full drool-mode, and I need to go to bed (again) so I can get up and go to that same (just shoot me now) job tomorrow. It’s now March. What has changed since the start of the year? Well, not much. You’ve pretty much gone back to the same old habits that you supposedly changed ten years ago. Wait a second, what is that word that keeps ringing in my ears over (over), and over (over), and over (over), and...? Oh, yeah...habits. Guess what? I’m going to share a little story for you that might, just might, encourage some change in your life. For the better, of courseso you can get the hell out of that office, and Mom and Dad’s house (sigh). Take a sip of that hot, soothing beverage, and let’s begin... ...(to continue reading, click on link)...https://wisetales.ca/site/index.php

WISE TALES by Geoffrey L.J. Nault 20.01.2021

Wise Tales presents a new article... Insistence: A Story of Moral Dilemma - Part II Swirls of paranoia now blanket the globe in mass confusion. How are the tribal mice to discern the secretive arm of the Global Reset project and thus, discern the truth of things? ... As the tribes would come to form the societal blueprint through marvels of agriculture and domestication as propagated through the alpha-male elitewe’ll ignore the bestiality part with farm animals, the cause of Revolt would, in time, lose its meaning upon the tribal mice. Consciousness would once again be lost amongst the swells of gifts bestowed upon the common tribes to tame the anarchy. The Moral Dilemma was the only weapon the tribal mice had, remember. It was the paradigm for the better. For a life enjoyed, and not stripped to its survival necessitieswhich is what the tribal mice had long since left behind to further their species along the chosen path. The tribal mice would, once again, come to love a life granted to them by the alpha-male eliteby force, not choice. Shiny new, modern marvelsno, we’re not talking about flushing toilets, reader, geezwould relax the commoners into a lull of dazed, infatuation. A life of meaning would flush down into the sludge of a digitized stimulation the tribal mice were unaccustomed to, but they would unwillingly adapt. They would succumb. And they would be lobotomized forever. And as life meaning vanished, so did the credos of ages past. The colours of declarations would fade to greys, and TIME would become the new enemy and paradox to the Moral Dilemmawhich the tribal mice yearned for. The strange paradox being a hastened life to fill the dull drums of boredom, and yet, a fear of racing to the end of time on the Material-Realm. Mortality. A realization that the tribal mice’s time is limited in its physicality. The pure essence, or nature of form, is in fact, this realization. That life is a gift to behold. And not a debt to pay. The Moral Dilemma reminded the tribal mice of this. But would it be forgotten?...(to continue reading, click on link)...https://wisetales.ca/site/index.php See more

WISE TALES by Geoffrey L.J. Nault 02.01.2021

Wise Tales presents a new article... Insistence: A Story of Moral Dilemma At one time, the tribe looked fondly upon its leader for guidance and wisdom that was believed to shroud such a chosen being like a godly-gift. Or as a reflection to the fate bestowed upon the survival of all. Or perhaps, the people feared the one deemed the dominant alpha-male whose teeth bore a sinister growl. Or just maybe, it was the fact the heokay, I’m being sexist nowwore the orb of magnificent... power around his stocky neck granting him the right to embellish a reign of superiority and first choice of women. Fuck, it was just a regular crystal quartz rock with a bloody hole in it and strung through with dried genital veins from a Saber Tooth Tiger. But what did they know, the tribe? Idiots. Anyway, that rock still glistened with authority as the words from Bungor’s lipsthe tribal leader, dumb asswas believed to transmit through the gods and onto him about all that is well and abundant and tasty and shiny...(to continue reading click on link)...https://wisetales.ca/site/index.php?page=articles See more

WISE TALES by Geoffrey L.J. Nault 19.12.2020

Book 1 in a Wise Tales series - A Wise Lumberjack's Tale: 10 LIFE LESSONS for HAPPINESS. FREE E-BOOK DOWNLOAD!