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Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 27.05.2021

Saturday, May 8, 2021 PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5.11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Saturday, May 8, 2021... Later tonight at 8.01 pm MST Venus moves into Gemini. Let us look at the planets now: Sun is in Taurus, Moon is in Aries, Mercury is in Gemini, as stated above Venus will move into Gemini tonight, Jupiter is in Aquarius [but only till the 13th] Saturn is in Aquarius [but will go retrograde on 23rd] Uranus is in Taurus, Neptune is in Pisces, Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn till the first week of October. A ton of creative flowing juices here so look towards writing, decorating the home or garden, or both. Look towards the mental attributes that all of us are blessed with. Feed the brain with nutritious foods and the brain, when fed properly, works on a much higher level of accomplishment. This is an excellent day for volunteering if you wish to get out and about. For My Magic Workers: Use the grounding energy of the Sun today to activate any type of ‘seeding’ that you know can grow and germinate. It is earthly energy and also material activation. Choose a nice material like spell/shift/ etc. to place into the Cosmos. Positive Thoughts To You Always, VcToria Gray-Cobb daughter of Geof Gray-Cobb. Visit my web store for interesting items. alternativeuniverse.ca

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 15.05.2021

Friday, May 7, 2021 PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5. 11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Friday, May 7, 2021... As mentioned yesterday the Moon went void of course while you slept so I hope that this fine Friday morning you awakened slowly and thought back to any messages you may have received in regards to issues you went to bed thinking about. At 5.52 am MST she moved into vibrant Aires. With a Taurus Sun and an Aries Moon, we are VERY prone to undertake any house areas that need to be started/completed or otherwise done. Use the offerings of the Universal energies to complete things that you will be happy you attended to. Other than this, and I might add it can keep you busy all day, take breaks, and DO NOT forget your daily meditation practice that should come with gratitude. Gratitude makes the Universe smile upon you and wants to create more for your journey. I always say ‘thank you’ to the Universe when completing my meditations or readings. For My Magic Workers: if you are thinking of moving or setting up your altar today would be great. We have creative Mercury energies and tons of home-based project-type energies. With the influence of Mars being Cancer, we can also look towards setting our inner core balancing. Ask and you will receive. Positive Thoughts To You Always, VcToria Gray-Cobb daughter of Geof Gray-Cobb. Visit my web store for interesting items. alternativeuniverse.ca

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 07.05.2021

Thursday, May 6, 2021 PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5. 11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Thursday, May 6, 2021... Last GROUP MEDITATION today at 3.17 pm MST. In this quiet time let your sensitive inner self come to the surface. See how the Universe is helping you use these emotions for growth. Ask for signs. TONIGHT: As you bed down keep the dream journal close or recorder. Why? At 1.36 am MST [Friday morning] till 5.52am MST [roughly 4 hours later] while you sleep the Moon goes void of course so pay attention to your Friday morning dream cycle. Under the V/C you get real messages. Last day that I feel the planetary powers offer true healing or great psychic reads. Not that other days are not great as well but under the Pisces Moon, we get more inner core areas surfacing. Enjoy the intuitive and emotional day. Understanding your emotions and how you allow them to rule your life shows you how to grow and enlighten yourself. For My Magic Workers: get your working tools beside you at 3.17 pm MST and allow me to send white light to increase the energies so that we can attract all that we deserve. It is the last Group Meditation; white light send out of the month. NOTE: The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo for the Neophyte is now in the hands of the person who will create it to upload to a DRM. Am about to start to type and edit [slightly] the Novice and then work on the online school opening. This will allow you to buy Geoff Gray-Cobbs earlier workings. PLUS, I will certify and allow his name to be used for teachings. More to come Positive Thoughts To You Always, VcToria Gray-Cobb daughter of Geof Gray-Cobb. Visit my web store for interesting items. alternativeuniverse.ca NOTE: The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo for the Neophyte is now in the hands of the person who will create it to upload to a DRM. Am about to start to type and edit [slightly] the Novice and then work on the on-line school opening. This will allow you to buy Geoff Gray-Cobbs earlier workings. PLUS, I will certify and allow his name to be used for teachings. More to come

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 03.05.2021

Tuesday, April 13th, 2021 Website: alternativeuniverse.ca PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5. 11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Tuesday, April 13th, 2021 Funny that today is the 13th!! Because all the planets are wreaking havoc on the stress levels. I caution today starting with 7.18 am MST where you may have high hopes for either getting a job interview/answers to something you are waiting for, but it ...is not to be. DO NOT start any plans that need a strong foundation to produce at any time today. As we move onwards with time and arrive at 12.30 pm MST do learn to relax and not take your thoughts so seriously. You may find yourself mulling over what life is trying to say to you. Let today leave and think about this tomorrow. Just focus on house chores, garage clearing, vehicle cleaning, etc., etc. Getting the garden set up for seeding. Take a glass of wine and relax after 5.09 pm MST. This day is to wound up with nervous energies, overthinking and so much more. Many will be glad when it is over. For My Magic Workers: Day 5 of the activation of the money spell. I hope that you remembered yesterday as I post the video then. Keep up the material activation as we now sit under the Taurus Moon. View my webstore for interesting items. VcToria Gray-Cobb owner of The Alternative Universe

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 27.04.2021

Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 Website: www.alternativeuniverse.ca PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5. 11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 More planetary changes today. Venus moves into Taurus at 12.22pm MST. Taurus is ruled by Venus so these two dance away. This is where people will start to look for stability. Where people will want security. Homes will be the big seller during ...this next 3 weeks or so. [Next time she moves is May 10th] Love is the theme under this planetary energy so many will look to marry, move in together, but more than all of the actions I just mentioned, people will be yelling for STABILITY. Luckily, we have Mercury in Aries and this will make people speak up. You can actually see that happening now. At 6.00 pm MST the Moon goes void of course and stays that way till 12.35 am MST [Thursday EARLY morning] Keep your growth journals beside you and re-read and scribble. How far have you come by exploring the TRUE you under Void of course? If you wake early today [8.03 am MST] the intuition is HIGH. Use the few hours to gamble, buy stocks or simply apply your inner artistic talents to your work. Settle in for a nice evening as the Moon and Pluto are trining so after 6.00pm MST we have that nice chill, watch a movie type energy. As long as you have a peaceful inner side and that can only be recognized and acknowledged under the void of course. If you do not have peace within then this evening will be miserable. That is your job to fix your emotions, not anyone else’s. For My Magic Workers: Day six of the material activation. Keep it up; we end on Saturday. Read above for the early morning intuition so you may also set a nice inner core exploration spell/action/healing. View my webstore for interesting items. VcToria Gray-Cobb owner of The Alternative Universe

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 22.04.2021

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 www.alternativeuniverse.ca PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5. 11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Wednesday, May 5, 2021... As we move into 10:07 AM MST we should be feeling the bursts of energy however they can go one of two ways. Why? As I mentioned in one of my videos, Mars moved into Cancer. It will remain there until the end of July 2021. Therefore, the energy is coming from the emotions of the Moon. Because the Moon is trining Mars at this time, we will feel extra pressure on our emotions. Either you will feel like you are going off the deep end if you do not have your emotions in a peaceful manner or, if you have worked to create a peaceful mind, body and soul then laziness comes to mind as the energies will simply say enjoy your inner peace. Group Meditation: I will be holding at 3 PM MST. For the newbies just settle into your meditation place at home and I send you white light, positive energy and anything else to bring forth your true path. An excellent day for any type of healing session or psychic read. As we know we have a lot of Mercury energy surrounding us at this point in time so at 4:57 PM MST an extra splurge is hitting into our lives. Take the offer of that energy if you are working on creative projects. For My Magic Workers: Note the time above for the group meditation and gather up your magic workings, anything of my late fathers and objects I have created to enhance the work and lay them around you. Ask for your path to be shown to you with the power of this Pisces Moon. Positive Thoughts To You Always, VcToria Gray-Cobb daughter of Geof Gray-Cobb. Visit my web store for interesting items. alternativeuniverse.ca

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 07.04.2021

Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 Website: www.alternativeuniverse.ca PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5. 11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 And I am back with the daily astrological planetary interpretations so you may use them to have a smoother day. ... Yesterday Mercury moved into Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury so these two are now dancing together. Anything to do with communication, particularly book writing, editing, etc. really bode well with this type of energy. The Moon is in Aquarius today so the forward-thinking communication will be heard as well. Listen to the news and I would predict that Elon Musk will probably make statements and more than likely the governments, that now have complete control of your lives will also join in with new announcements. However, the Moon also goes void of course at 6.05 MST and moves into fabulous Pisces at 8.09 pm MST. Therefore I will be doing the FIRST of three ‘group meditations’ at 8.09 pm MST. We will welcome in the Pisces energy PLUS use the time to request our inner core energies be made stronger. If you had some strange dreams last night know that it was probably showing you paths of negativity that need to be reassessed shifted and changed. Now onto the day: starting early you may find nervous energy within others. If you feel it yourself just settle into a meditation and know that by noon the energy should have settled. 1:08 PM MST any responsibilities, as in perhaps taking somebody grocery shopping or anything else that is a personal responsibility the energies are pushing you towards completion in those areas. Moving into mid-afternoon at 1.50 p.m. MST learn to relax. It is not a time to force matters so if you are looking at waiting for answers or trying to persuade areas of your life to shift leave it until another day. For My Magic Workers: Communication can be heard very, very, very, clearly as we move into the Mercury energy. With the Aquarius moon today, take advantage of any type of astral traveling, astral projection, or if it is still the alien spaceships you are looking for check out the skies tonight after you have made the request. NOTE: Above the first of three group meditations. Do join in. I strengthen all your books and items that you have bought for your magic work under these times. Just lay them beside you. View my webstore for interesting items. VcToria Gray-Cobb owner of The Alternative Universe

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 26.03.2021

Astrological chitter-chatter ITS MY BIRTHDAY :) and some stock market talk :)

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 25.03.2021

The Alternative Universe May 2021 Newsletter

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 19.03.2021

Monday, April 26, 2021. If you are watching this on Sunday night please know It is referring to Monday only. All times are in Mountain standard. Full moon Monday evening and some other chitchat

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 08.03.2021

Sunday, April 11th, 2021 Website: www.alternativeuniverse.ca PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5. 11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Sunday, April 11th, 2021 NEW Moon in Aries today at 8.31 pm MST. With the power of the Aries energy coming through very strongly now do choose a project to start that needs the determination to finish [as that is what Aries energy offers] or set in motion an action that need...s finishing. Be careful if you find you still have a quick temper as your energy may set that off today so watch early afternoon. [2.46 pm MST and onwards] I would absolutely welcome in this New Moon based on the energy it offers so settle down at 8.31 pm MST to do just that. I always start my meditations about 10 minutes prior to any peak of time that I am choosing so that the benefit is there. Again, keep the judgment to yourself all afternoon and especially late at night although many in the East will be asleep so see if you dream of anyone who is causing you grief OR if you are judging that person too harshly For My Magic Workers: Activate the material spell at 8.31 pm MST once more. If that is too late, do it right before you bed down. This is Day 3 so simply say the words. I wrote them on the front of the envelope and make sure the envelope is in the same room as me during the day and under my pillow at night I hope you take advantage of the New Moon energy today. View my webstore for interesting items. VcToria Gray-Cobb owner of The Alternative Universe

Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak 06.03.2021

Saturday, April 10th, 2021 Website: alternativeuniverse.ca PLS PAY ATTENTION The Daily Help Option will appear at 5. 11 pm MST every evening. THIS POST AS IT GOES UP, IS CREATED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Saturday, April 10th, 2021 As mentioned yesterday the Moon moved in high-powered Aries at 12.11 am early this morning while some slept or some were going to bed. Now we have a Sun in Aries, Moon in Aries, and Mercury in Aries Let us use the power-packed energy to do some phy...sical activity, speak up and yell about what it is that is strongly following the lines of what was passed around on the internet in OCTOBER. And looks to be coming to pass. There goes your property if you own some. WAKE UP!! A GREAT day starting at 9.09 am MST for plans and a GREAT day to judge where you are going and how to set up short or long-term goals. Construction? A super-duper day to get foundations in the ground for new homes, signing contracts and so much more. A POWER-packed day. As we move towards 12.53 pm MST more communication can be heard. A wonderful day to balance areas that need ‘how can we rectify this’ type of issue. We have the New Moon TOMORROW [Sunday] and I will comment on that in tomorrow's post but get your new ideas ready that you planned today or started today and activate this as we move forward. Keep in mind all energies can ‘offered’ and you can if you like, refuse the offerings, but normally if you keep saying ’no’ to life then gradually nothing is truly shown or offered to again as you are not seeing the ‘light’ so to speak Meditation: Any time you deem fit as the day is open to all hours for this action. For My Magic Workers: Did you activate yesterday? If not and you wonder what I am speaking about go to yesterday's post. For those who activated choose any time today and reactivate with the exact same action. Keep the envelope with money with you at all times. I slept with mine under the pillow Kiss it good night. I have $5000 written on the outside. I will meditate and reactivate at 12.53 pm MST. View my webstore for interesting items. VcToria Gray-Cobb owner of The Alternative Universe