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GET FIT with Bonnie 24.05.2021

Slightly excited to finish up my last class of my first year in Applied Human Nutrition today. I celebrated with a workout and a glass of wine later. Then I will continue to prepare for my final exams starting on Monday! Happy Thursday everyone. I cant wait to have time to post some workouts and take on a few clients again!!

GET FIT with Bonnie 22.05.2021

Could my Easter Monday workout be any cuter

GET FIT with Bonnie 19.05.2021

My happy place With my first year of my 4 year degree coming to an end in a month Im looking forward to focusing on other things throughout the spring and summer......hopefully having some time to share my love of fitness with others more again Education has consumed so much of my time on top of balancing my beautiful family, working at the group home and my own fitness goals (although the time spent on exercise is the therapeutic part of my day). You'll be seeing more of me and my support and motivation on here in May!!

GET FIT with Bonnie 26.04.2021

My hubby is away so I couldn't go to box in the club this week. Thank god QRules has on demand They kicked my butt as always... I love that place

GET FIT with Bonnie 11.04.2021

Happy Thursday everyone....getting ready to eat between classes

GET FIT with Bonnie 22.03.2021

Another week of staying on track with my clean eating and my exercise therapy as always

GET FIT with Bonnie 18.03.2021

Not one piece of bread, pasta, rice, dressing, cereal, added sugar, or any form of processed food all week! I needed to tighten up my eating....and it was a success! Feels good when I just eat my protein from meat or eggs and vegetables with fruit as my carbs for energy

GET FIT with Bonnie 28.02.2021

Practicing and working on improving a combo from boxing yesterday School has me so busy as does my family so I don't get to Queensbury Rules as often as I would like but I do my best to go as often as I can and practice what Im learning at home Ive got a long way to go but Im enjoying the journey!

GET FIT with Bonnie 05.10.2020

Yummy food to nourish the body

GET FIT with Bonnie 02.10.2020

Today's pull workout was Bent over Row, Deadlifts, Rear Delt Fly, Push Ups, Cable Pull Down, Hammer Curl, Biceps Curl and Lat Pull Down with Band. 10-12 reps x3 sets of each exercise Happy Hump day

GET FIT with Bonnie 18.09.2020

Happy Tuesday!! Taking some me time to exercise tonight and practice some boxing drills. Exercise is my crutch Im loving learning boxing and as always my own resistance workouts Ive been beyond overwhelmed with starting University after being out of school since I graduated College in 2001!!! I was feeling so discouraged.....I had a really bad day on Saturday.....I cried a lot.....talked to my close friends....took some time to release, relax and refocus and the next day did what I needed to do to get back on track. Feeling a lot better today. We all need that sometimes. Keep going everyone. Sending love and encouragement to all

GET FIT with Bonnie 31.08.2020

Worked last night and had to get up early and get the kiddos off to school. Just finished a workout with a client. Now time for breakfast and schoolwork before boxing. Find a balance and crush your goals

GET FIT with Bonnie 24.08.2020

Simple Healthy food can be delicious

GET FIT with Bonnie 11.08.2020

Something I needed to hear yesterday and wanted to share with others

GET FIT with Bonnie 31.07.2020

Its all about balance Healthy nutrition to fuel our bodies and exercise to keep it strong

GET FIT with Bonnie 22.07.2020

Ill tell ya.....my muscles are sore I did a Leg workout Wednesday, Pull workout Thursday and Push workout Friday. I went to a boxing class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and today!! I noticed significant soreness after working my pull muscles yesterday then going to the boxing class. I woke up this morning with sore chest, shoulders and triceps muscles Loving it!!! And another thing I went into yesterday's class with a positive mindset and I did so much better. Today was my best day yet! Im so proud of myself. We just need to keep trying, have a positive mindset, and stay committed to our goals and we can persevere and see incredible growth inside and out

GET FIT with Bonnie 18.07.2020

HAPPY WEDNESDAY!!! Great workout this morning with a client before starting my first University course and some yummy food too Gotta fuel the body 1. Glute bridge with hip abduction 20 reps with 20 second hold at end (resistance band above knees for both) x3 sets 2. Goblet squat 10 reps followed by Sumo squat 10 reps x3 sets 3. Stiff leg Deadlift 10 reps x3 sets ... 4. Squat Pulses 20 reps followed by 30 second wall sit (band above knees for both) x3 sets 5. Dead bug 10 reps per side x3 sets 6. Russian Twist 10 reps per side x3 sets 7. Elbow to knee crunch 10 reps per side x3 sets See more

GET FIT with Bonnie 03.07.2020

Breakfast after a boxing workout Gotta fuel my body with the right stuff Udis Omega 3, flax and fiber gluten free bread, scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms, cheese and cilantro and bbq beans

GET FIT with Bonnie 02.06.2020

It's not about who you once were. Its about who you are now and who you have the potential to be. Try new things. Step out of your comfort zone. Reflect, be vulnerable, learn, grow, utilize resilience and strength and keep going

GET FIT with Bonnie 23.05.2020

Supper before my boxing class tonight Homemade pasta sauce with zucchini noodles instead of pasta and chicken breast and ceasar salad with homemade gluten free croutons

GET FIT with Bonnie 07.05.2020

Happy Tuesday everyone. I was in need of some exercise therapy this morning to help me cope with some heavy feelings. Lots of changes going on and hormones on top of that . The hormones I find, as I get older seem to make things seem so much heavier. Almost debilitating at times but I will grab on to what I need to cope and push through. Hope everyone has a great day

GET FIT with Bonnie 30.04.2020

Mama was hungry tonight Roasted sweet potatoes, beets, and brussel sprouts, homemade sweet and sour meatballs, corn and I had whipped potatoes instead of the white rice the fam jam ate After fueling my body I did a total body workout and practiced my boxing too.

GET FIT with Bonnie 21.04.2020

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia

GET FIT with Bonnie 08.04.2020

Some yummy food for a busy day. Three zoom workouts before 11am and then went to my first Boxing Class

GET FIT with Bonnie 05.04.2020

Supper prep I made for work tonight baked Tilapia with roasted sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts and spinach & arugula with almonds and apple cider vinegar