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Wyn A. Andress 10.05.2021

This is one of my favourite tools! Fast & Easy, it can create a shift in 15 minutes! & upon hearing the news that we are in another STAY HOME order I definitely used this, yesterday, to help me cope with the intense saddness that came up. So, join us on Sunday by clicking the link below, to register. Namaste & Be Blessed

Wyn A. Andress 26.04.2021

CELTIC MESSAGE For the weekend The swan symbolizes the soul, that part in each of us that remains pure, beautiful and radiant no matter what we look like or what happens on the outside. The Swan reminds you to look beyond the surface of any situation to what lies beneath in order to understand the truth of the matter. Don’t be deceived by first impressions. This creature may be the embodiment of serene grace and beauty, and never forget that beneath the water the swan must work hard like any other water bird. It is grounded in reality despite its heavenly appearance.

Wyn A. Andress 10.04.2021

MY PAST LIVES. Do you believe in past lives? I definitely do! I got to experience many of them when I was taking my Karmic Regression Therapy & Hypnosis Certifications. So, why explore Past Lives? ... Often, we hold onto aspects of those Past Lives, known as Cords, which can affect us physically and emotionally in this life. Doing a Past Life Regression session allows us to reconnect with lost aspects of ourselves and to tap into the various lessons and morals that we can bring into this life to empower ourselves. We can also cut the cords of unpleasant energy that keeps us stuck and reliving old patterns. One of my clients got to relive her life as a creature of water, experiencing herself as absolute beauty and pure light; allowing herself to bring that forward into this incarnation. Another client plans to use his experiences of past lives in battle situations to write a book. My Lives.... #1. the castle tower, was married to a man who, in this life was my ex-husband. Angry I gave him no child (this life we came together to fulfil that unmet need and give him 4 sons) .... 2. Suffering with 3 lung infections in a row & respiratory issues about a year.... spontaneous regression of being a very ill 8-10 years old; centuries ago & I was aware of being in a coffin. My parents were burying me, and I was screaming, Mommy! Daddy! Let me out!! & I died thinking they didn’t love me. With modern day understanding, I forgave them. After that I never had another lung infection again and the respiratory issues went away. ...#3.... Indigenous young woman 15-16 years old named TONAKA in 1700s living in log cabin with a man who feels like my current husband. I haemorrhage, giving birth, and pass away. This life helped me realize that I am stronger and more resourceful than I had believed. If this intrigues you & would like to explore past lives, alternate realities and timelines let’s connect... & we can do this virtually. #breathe #letitgo #release #peace #believe #transform #youcandoit #energy #balance #getlifeflowyn #healing #hypnosis #NLP #pastlives #pastliferegression #unconsciousmind #belief #habits https://youtu.be/Cf7OOubCs8o

Wyn A. Andress 30.03.2021

I’m so honoured to be able to offer this powerful healing tool through the Ancestral Voices community! I will also be presenting a simplified version that can work with young children. Imagine empowering a child to work through their emotions before the energy gets lodged in their body! #breathe #meditate #mudras #mantras #letitgo #release #relax #peace #believe #transform #youcandoit #energy #balance #healthisinyourhands #getlifeflowyn

Wyn A. Andress 22.03.2021

Draw in Trust & Unshakable Confidence with Vajrapradama Mudra ...interlace your fingers in front of the chest, Palms facing the heart and thumbs pointing up. Slightly slide fingers apart, & pivot fingers to form a point with the index fingers. Rest the Mudra 5-12 in front of the heart chakra, bathing in the energy. BENEFITS... respiratory, immune & nervous systems; Opens & massages the heart; while instilling trust, security & confidence in our interconnected nature of all... that is. CHAKRA ... Heart HELPS... fears, anxiety & lack of confidence due to trauma & loss CAUTION ... Be prepared to work with the emotions that come up. BREATHE into the Heart & sides of the ribs for 5 to 50 breaths EMOTIONAL EFFECTS... Instills confidence MENTAL EFFECTS... Focussing SPIRITUAL EFFECTS... Connection VISUALIZE/IMAGINE... Safely supported within the web of life MANTRA.... OM DURGAYAY NAMAH... this is for trust & letting go; & translates as, I always intend to be in the flow. #breathe #meditate #mudras #mantras #letitgo #release #relax #peace #believe #transform #youcandoit #energy #balance #healthisinyourhands #getlifeflowyn https://youtu.be/P8iI7HwW55Q

Wyn A. Andress 12.03.2021

I'm so very pleased to offer this transformative workshop on April 11th!!! EFT literally allows you to 'tap' into your own inner healer! When stressed, 70% of the blood drains from the part of brain that deals with cognition, executive function & language causing them to shut down. This frequently causes emotions to become trapped within the body. Without release, this can create an array of physical, emotional & energetic problems. ... Fortunately, your body understands your own touch as safe & can more easily support you to work through issues. Using your own hands, with specific phrases, is why Emotional Freedom Technique (aka EFT or Tapping) is so effective at desensitizing emotional triggers & easing that sense of hopelessness & helplessness we often feel when overwhelmed. Learn how Tapping can help you release an array of issues as you join us, online, April 11, 12-3pm. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/tap-into-freedom-with-emotional

Wyn A. Andress 31.01.2021

Calm fear & anxiety as you connect to the truth of your inner spirit with ANJALI MUDRA Hands together in front of the heart, leaving a small space between the palms. Feel the energy to connection of each finger and at the base of the palms. Aim to align the forearms to be parallel with the earth. BENEFITS... All physical systems, as we invoke the sacredness of our spirit within. The hollow space between the palms represents the duality of fullness & emptiness which is the na...ture of our spirit CHAKRA... Heart, throat & third eye HELPS.... Fear, anxiety, immune imbalance and heart disease. CAUTION ... None BREATHE either heart coherence (breathing in and out through the heart space) or Ujjayi (or ocean breathing in the throat.... described in Interlaced Hasta Mudra #5 PROVIDE LINK EMOTIONAL EFFECTS... Integrating MENTAL EFFECTS... Calming SPIRITUAL EFFECTS... Connecting VISUALIZE/IMAGINE... I bow to my inner teacher MANTRA... GAYATRI MANTRA We contemplate the glory of light illuminating the three worlds: Gross, subtle and casual. I am that vivifying power, love, radiant illumination, and divine grace of universal intelligence. We pray for the divine light to illuminate our minds. #breathe #meditate #mudras #mantras #letitgo #release #relax #peace #believe #transform #youcandoit #energy #balance #healthisinyourhands #getlifeflowyn https://youtu.be/fFHc146uNQc

Wyn A. Andress 21.01.2021

Wishing you a blessed & bright Solstice abounding with love & peace May the light of love fill you up more than ever before and may you share that light

Wyn A. Andress 01.01.2021

My lesson in surrender. If you have been following me you know I’ve been creating, and posting, meditation videos every Monday over the past couple of months. I’ve actually created over a dozen since September, and I have to say, that while I enjoyed recording the video itself, each one has come with a series of technological issues proceeding or following the recording. So much bumping and grinding, frustration and even tears!! This week’s video just didn’t ha...ppen, even though I tried to record it four times. I found myself saying, this shouldn’t be so hard!, If this is in alignment it should flow with more ease. and from somewhere, I heard the word surrender! And so I decided to let it go, for now, with the intention to resume in the new year. I still feel called to create something and share but I need to get the technical angles settled so this offering will come with more ease and grace; allowing for an even greater expansion and opening of theheart. For now, I surrender to the great unknown and ask for guidance. And I ask you, my friends, if there are videos you would like me to focus on? What do you need? How can I be of greater service to you? Feel free to private message me if you wish. Until I return in 2021, I wish you all much joy, peace, love and light during this holiday season! Namaste and be blessed See more

Wyn A. Andress 12.12.2020

People often ask, how long does it take to change a habit? Some will say 21 days. In this short video (link below) I talk about how habits get formed & how long it actually does take to change them. As a meditation teacher people also wonder how long they should meditate for, so I discuss that as well. In either case, it’s all about repetition and time in. ... #breathe #meditate #mudras #mantras #letitgo #release #relax #peace #believe #transform #youcandoit #energy #balance #healthisinyourhands #getlifeflowyn #CelticReiki #treeenergy #healing #hypnosis #NLP #unconsciousmind #belief #habits https://youtu.be/5bDNLXtDshE

Wyn A. Andress 08.12.2020

Instill courage and open your heart with GANESHA MUDRA Interlace all fingers With the back of the left hand turned towards the chest. *NOTE DIFFERENCE* with the breath. While EXHALING gently pull fingers apart with moderate pressure; then release pressure slightly as you inhale BENEFITS... Helps to open the breath into the front, back and sides of the upper torso, while facilitating respiration and circulation CHAKRA... Heart... HELPS.... Strengthens the heart and helps with asthma (outside of crisis) and other breathing problems CAUTION ... begin slowly with all health conditions, especially high blood pressure! BREATHE into the middle and upper lungs, front back and sides EMOTIONAL EFFECTS... Helps to open our emotions and instills courage MENTAL EFFECTS... Clearing and activating SPIRITUAL EFFECTS... Discernment VISUALIZE/IMAGINE... Inner Fire MANTRA... OM #breathe #meditate #mudras #mantras #letitgo #release #relax #peace #believe #transform #youcandoit #energy #balance #healthisinyourhands #getlifeflowyn https://youtu.be/B2pjCEQo6zI

Wyn A. Andress 02.12.2020

The world is shifting consciousness and moving to a 5D way of being. & just what does that mean, exactly? It’s all about living in the heart space and being the love that we inherently are, so I thought I would share a video with 5 techniques I use to help open the heart. (link below) Namaste & Be Blessed https://youtu.be/JeAnKgnKRRE... #openyourheart #heartchakra #youarelove #5D #love #breathe #letitgo #release #relax #peace #believe #transform #youcandoit #energy #balance #getlifeflowyn #healing