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Phone: +1 514-824-5940

Website: www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

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Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 08.01.2021

As a Marketing coordinator your responsibilities is promoting the services of Mortgages online. Salary is negotiable depending on experience.

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 01.01.2021

Marketing online the services of mortgages. Promoting business on all social medias and on company website. This position can be done remotely out of your home. Bilingual is an asset. Salary is according to experience.

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 26.11.2020

Does your bank really have your best interest at heart? Traditional banks want you to lock into a 5 year fixed term on your mortgage because they know that if you need to break it earlier, you will pay a hefty penalty, usually in the area of 4% of the balance you owe. On the average, Canadians break their mortgage at 38 months. Mortgage brokers have access to lenders that are well established where if you need to break your mortgage, you pay only 3 months of interest. These v...irtual lenders specialize only in financing mortgages. They offer better conditions such as having the flexibility of transferring your mortgage, always offering the best the rates in the market and better prepayments conditions. Thus allowing you to pay off your mortgage a lot sooner. If you need a mortgage, for a new purchase, need to refinance your mortgage, or renewing your mortgage, please call me and let me help you with the most important investment of your life. www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com Call Today! (514) 824-5940

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 17.11.2020

Gilbert Checoury - Licensed Mortgage Broker in Quebec Please share this video with your family and friends. www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 16.11.2020

Interesting article on how the amount of non-permanent residents with working visas have an impact on the housing market. www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 04.11.2020

Global interest rates have plummeted worldwide amid a coronavirus-triggered economic growth freeze. And when we say plummeted, we mean it. Canadian bond market rates haven't moved this far, this fast, in yearsa sign that economic fear may be turning into economic panic. The Bank of Canada (BoC) wasted no time in reacting Wednesday by slashing its key interest rate to support the economy. It chopped it by half a percentage point, a rare-sized move....Continue reading

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 03.11.2020

Using a mortgage broker is the way to go in today's real estate market. I can help you through the mortgage process and get you approved! 'It's on fire': Montreal home sales growth soars past Toronto, Vancouver for the first time in 20 years. #mortgagebroker www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 26.10.2020

Imagine buying a home without getting it inspected by a professional....

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 22.10.2020

Homebuyers - Canada's stress test rate is changing in April for insured mortgages News release February 18, 2020 - Ottawa, Ontario - Department of Finance Canada...Continue reading

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 13.10.2020

when looking to buy a home, you should always get pre-approved. Let me help you see how much of a mortgage you qualify for... www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 12.10.2020

For self employed entrepreneurs, it can be challenging to apply for a mortgage at a traditional bank especially when they don't have 6 months worth of income statements. Mortgage brokers have access to lenders that will accept verbal stated income. WWW.MORTGAGEEXPRESSMONTREAL.COM

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 09.10.2020

To get Pre-Approved Mortgage visit www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 26.09.2020

COMMENT NÉGOCIER UNE HYPOTHÈQUE ? Comment négocier une hypothèque pour obtenir le meilleur produit ? Que faut-il savoir avant de signer une hypothèque avec une institution financière ? Voici quelques pistes. Vous pouvez avoir recours aux services d’un courtier hypothécaire pour vous aider dans vos démarches et trouver le prêteur qui vous offrira les meilleures conditions et le meilleur taux d’intérêt. SACHEZ QUE : Les courtiers hypothécaires transigent avec plusieurs prêteurs...Continue reading

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 07.09.2020

If you're looking to buy a home, watch this video that will help you decide what is the best mortgage rates and terms.... For more info. visit www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 19.08.2020

What is the BestMortgage Rate? Six in 10 mortgage consumers choose brokers, in large part because they think brokers will get them the best rate. All too many of those people associate the best rate with the lowest rate. Mortgage professionals know that’s not generally true, but convincing clients of this isn’t always easy....Continue reading

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 09.08.2020

Hi, if you want a quick, simple and easy way to get your mortgage with all the best options, I'm here to help you. You can reach me at (514) 824-5940. www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 06.08.2020

With all the new mortgage regulations imposed on Canadians, they need a mortgage broker now more than ever to have options in order find the right lender that will approve them. Here's why..... www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 04.08.2020

Louer sa maison en attendant de la vendre peut être très payant... Pour plus d'infos visitez mon site: WWW.GILBERTCHECOURY.COM

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 29.07.2020

During a recent trip to our nation’s Capital, an Ottawa insider made an interesting comment: We don’t care about consumer debt, because we don’t guarantee it. This comment was made in an effort to justify recent increased restrictions placed on borrowers taking out insured mortgages (i.e. backed by CMHC, Genworth, or Canada Guaranty effectively the federal government) due to increasing concerns in Ottawa around the optics of taxpayer backed mortgages. This use of such h...ot button language would be laughable if taxpayers understood a few key things about CMHC in particular: 1. It is incredibly profitable and has generated tens of billions of general revenue for the Federal Government over the years. (This is arguably one of the most profitable Crown Corporations ever created). 2. The actual numbers as to just what CMHC (taxpayers) are on the hook for. (see chart below). 3. The incontrovertible fact that the government will, should the need arise, bail out the privately-owned banks should they ever truly misstep and get into trouble meaning all debt in Canada is truly government guaranteed when you get right down to it. Source: CMHC What hit me as most stunning about such a laissez faire attitude towards consumer debt, setting aside the question of protecting consumers from themselves (got a pulse? No job? No established credit? No problem, here is a 14% car loan and a $20,000 credit card) was that the very people managing these taxpayer guaranteed mortgages cannot see the problem with a system in which the major banks approve the mortgage itself under strict guidelines and then the moment it is approved offer the newly leveraged client an additional $5,000 - $80,000 in unsecured credit just in case the new homeowners need new furniture, a new car, a vacation, etc. How is that not a significantly relevant factor in the stability and security of the guaranteed mortgage product? The real irony in this? The Fed backs these mortgages through two sorts of lenders, and has arguably been creating policy to heavily restrict the competitive ability of one of the two channels. www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 21.07.2020


Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 09.07.2020

Le marché immobilier canadien connait de grands écarts de prix d'un océan à l'autre. Comparez les prix des propriétés partout au Canada! www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 24.06.2020

Pourquoi autant de propriétés sont à vendre à Montréal? Apprenez sur les raisons de cette hausse de mise en vente dans la métropole! www.MortgageExpressMontreal.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 09.06.2020

Il y a plusieurs façons de réduire ses frais d'hypothèque. Voici 10 trucs qui vous feront économiser gros! www.gilbertchecoury.com

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 23.05.2020

Est-ce encore possible de faire une bonne affaire en achetant un immeuble à revenu? Faites le tour de la question grâce aux réponses éclairées de Denis Doucet! WWW.GILBERTCHECOURY.COM

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 03.05.2020

Savez-vous réellement ce que signifie la cote de crédit? Écoutez nos conseils pour protéger cette cote. Comme courtier hypothécaire, je saurai vous aider à démystifier toutes vos questions! WWW.GILBERTCHECOURY.COM

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 27.04.2020

Les dettes et les paiements étouffants sont un sujet de plus en plus abordés. Voyez la situation d'un couple d'ici et comment il est possible de régler la situation. WWW.GILBERTCHECOURY.COM

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 19.04.2020

Que faire lorsqu'on adore une propriété, mais que son prix est trop élevé? Voici 4 astuces pour faire baisser le prix de vente d'une maison! WWW.GILBERTCHECOURY.COM

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 11.04.2020

Les prévisions immobilières pour 2017 sont sorties. Voyez ce que la FCIQ prévoit pour la nouvelle année!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 07.04.2020

Les marques québécoises n'ont aujourd'hui rien à envier aux concurrents. Découvrez les produits québécois Smartika qui laissent maintenant leur marque sur le marché des luminaires connectés!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 26.03.2020

Le refinancement hypothécaire a ses avantages, mais aussi ses inconvénients. Voici dans cet article les pièges à éviter!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 15.03.2020

Une forte hausse de ventes de condos neufs à Montréal. Voyez pour quelles raisons le marché immobilier enregistre une telle hausse!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 29.02.2020

Looking for a calculator that helps you evaluate whether you should rent or buy a home? We've got it! Check out our online calculator!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 16.02.2020

Pour 2017, le gouvernement canadien a modifié l'exemption pour résidence principale. Prendre connaissance de ces récents changements, c'est important. Ce pourrait être avantageux pour vous!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 04.02.2020

À Québec, la cote des propriétés de luxe continue de grimper. Pour quelles raisons? Voyez dans cet article les explications à ces chiffres impressionnants.

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 25.01.2020

Pour plusieurs, l'année 2017 est celle des grands changements. Au palmarès de ces résolutions figurent nos finances. Et vous, avez-vous pris une résolution financière cette année?

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 07.01.2020

Deux dépenses souvent obligées seront plus dispendieuses cette année : l'essence et les paiements hypothécaires. Connaissez les raisons derrière ces hausses de prix!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 19.12.2019

L'immobilier de luxe a connu une forte croissance cette année. Qui sont ces acheteurs? Où ces maisons sont-elles vendues? Vous saurez tout dans cet article!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 08.12.2019

Les travailleurs autonomes semblent parfois être un casse-tête pour les banques. Voilà quelques conseils pour tirer son épingle du jeu!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 28.11.2019

Getting a mortgage can be challenging for self-employed workers. Find out how you can boost your chances for your next home!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 18.11.2019

À tous les nouveaux arrivants qui souhaitent acquérir leur demeure, voici des conseils qui vous seront forts utiles pour réaliser votre rêve. Un texte à partager sans modération!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 05.11.2019

Are you a newcomer to Canada and looking to buy your first home? Here are some handy tips to achieve your dream! Share with your family members, friends and community!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 05.10.2019

Rien de mieux qu'un bon Martini à l'érable en ce temps des Fêtes. L'équipe de Multi-Prêts souhaitait que vous puissiez aussi profiter de cet excellent cocktail!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 19.09.2019

Mais qu'est-ce que le hygge? Pour un temps des Fêtes réussi, apprenez-en plus sur cet art de vivre toujours plus populaire!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 06.09.2019

What is hygge? For a successful holiday season, learn more about this increasingly popular way of life!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 19.08.2019

Cette fameuse cote de crédit, sur quoi est-elle basée? Voyez d'astucieux conseils pour comprendre et redresser votre cote de crédit!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 02.08.2019

Your credit score: what is it really based on? Learn more about what it is and how you can improve it!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 18.07.2019

L'inspection d'une maison après son offre d'achat est primordial. Apprenez-en plus sur les étapes à suivre après l'inspection de votre future demeure!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 13.07.2019

Les partys du temps des Fêtes ont commencé et vous êtes déjà à court d'idées-cadeaux d'hôtesses? Voilà quelques suggestions qui plairont certainement!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 05.07.2019

Have your parties for the holidays already started and you're already at a loss of what to give your hosts? Here are some great suggestions for gifts they'll love!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 16.06.2019

Savez-vous comment installer vos lumières et vos décorations de façon sécuritaire? Lisez nos conseils pour en savoir plus!

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 29.05.2019

Un temps des Fêtes sans se ruiner? Mission : possible! Voici quelques trucs parfaits pour passer un beau Noël sans trop dépenser.

Gilbert Checoury Mortgage Broker 18.05.2019

Looking to spend the Holidays without breaking the bank? Mission: Possible! Here are some ways you can have a great Christmas without over-spending.