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Locality: Ottawa, Ontario

Phone: +1 613-325-9976

Address: 164 Second Avenue Ottawa, ON, Canada

Website: www.lighthouseosteopathy.com/

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Lighthouse Osteopathy 29.04.2021

Our adaptations to stress show up in all aspects of our mind, body and spirit. The goal is not to undo these adaptations, but the heal back into wholeness. The adaptations will work themselves out.

Lighthouse Osteopathy 20.04.2021

Somatic Experiencing bridges the gap between our cognitive experience and our body (somatic) experience. We need both to live, heal and thrive!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 01.04.2021

I'm halfway through my SEP (traumahealing.org) training, and am offering this transformative practice through ZOOM to both present, and past patients. Available from anywhere you have a computer/phone and internet connection!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 25.03.2021

Healing our way back to Wholeness.

Lighthouse Osteopathy 22.03.2021

Just finished my Intermediate lvl 1 course this weekend. Loving the transformation that attending to our wholeness brings!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 20.12.2020

Supporting the "internal agenda" of the body/mind is the essence of Somatic Experiencing. The practice offers the most appropriate and individualized avenue for healing I've encountered in my 20+ years of work.

Lighthouse Osteopathy 11.12.2020

This is Somatic Experiencing and Osteopathy in a nutshell.

Lighthouse Osteopathy 23.11.2020

Conscious postural behaviors reduce strain patterns from developing in our body, and allow our physiology to be unencumbered in its function! One of the key tenets of Osteopathy is the relationship between our structure and function. If one is compromised, so is the other. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ted+ed+posture

Lighthouse Osteopathy 04.09.2020

Greetings! In the spirit of always striving to deliver the best possible patient care, I invite you to submit a review of your treatment experience at Lighthouse Osteopathy. Also, online reviews on Google are important for people when they are looking for an osteopath. One of the best compliments I could receive is a testimonial from you! Thank you, in good health ~ Neil

Lighthouse Osteopathy 31.08.2020

NEJM Study shows Physical Therapy More Effective than Steroid Injections for Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Check out the details of the study: https://www.lighthouseosteopathy.com//physical-therapy-mor

Lighthouse Osteopathy 20.08.2020

New Blog Post: Healing Trauma https://www.lighthouseosteopathy.com//book-recommendations

Lighthouse Osteopathy 05.08.2020

Because its more important than ever to say it loudly and proudly: https://www.lighthouseosteopathy.com/p/this-is-a-safe-space

Lighthouse Osteopathy 20.07.2020

Spreading the word about Lighthouse Osteopathy, thanks #vistaprint

Lighthouse Osteopathy 08.07.2020

Lighthouse Osteopathy swag is in!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 18.06.2020

Happy Canada Day, friends! Join in on the virtual celebrations here: https://ottawatourism.ca//canada-day-2020-virtual-celebrat

Lighthouse Osteopathy 11.06.2020

Im pleased to offer in-person Manual Osteopathic treatments at the beautiful clinic space at 164 Second Avenue, Ottawa (at Glebe Health House) on Thursdays, with Virtual Osteopathic Visits (online sessions) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We are adhering to the most current guidelines with ALL protective & sanitization protocols in place. Rooms are fully cleaned between clients, I wear a medical grade surgical mask for all treatments, clients wear face masks as well. As always..., we practice excellent and frequent hand hygiene, and provide sanitizer so that our clients can do so before and after their treatments. Appointments are staggered, with clients asked to remain outside until just before their session, and all clients are asked to complete a symptom screening survey before their appointment. Plus, we have easy check-out with contactless payment and emailed receipts. Check out our protocols page here: https://www.lighthouseosteopathy.com/covid-19-protocol See more

Lighthouse Osteopathy 08.06.2020

Telehealth and In Person Visits in The Glebe, Ottawa

Lighthouse Osteopathy 19.05.2020

Neil Melanson, DOMP - Osteopath at Lighthouse Osteopathy in The Glebe, Ottawa

Lighthouse Osteopathy 03.05.2020

The simple truth of transformation.

Lighthouse Osteopathy 07.04.2020

Yesterday, I felt despair. Our home business depends on events, all cancelled for the next month or two at least. I didnt sleep well, fretting between 3 and 6:...30 when I finally fell asleep thinking "nothing matters except what you do next", my old stand-by. I woke up remembering this Max Ehrmann piece. During the turbulent 70s, we pinned this poster to our walls. The message was Love and Peace. Now, its Namaste - I honour the spirit within you. Today, we face a different world three times over, but the message still helps. Have a beautiful day everyone. As my mother always said, "this too will pass". Desiderata GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. By Max Ehrmann 1927 Original text

Lighthouse Osteopathy 27.03.2020

Social Distancing Strategy: Free Yoga classes online from Glo.com https://glo.com/fromourhearts

Lighthouse Osteopathy 24.03.2020

This is a great time to pre-hab and re-hab your body!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 12.03.2020

Time to start prepping the stamina of your lungs!!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 29.02.2020

These kids are on to something #stayhome

Lighthouse Osteopathy 09.02.2020

Social distancing is a great opportunity to get some Forest Therapy (its also a wonderful way for my family to shed that cooped-up feeling). #socialdistancing #foresttherapy https://www.glebeosteopathy.com//social-distancing-strateg

Lighthouse Osteopathy 31.01.2020

Our clinic is temporarily closed due to current WHO, Ottawa Public Health and Canadian national recommendations to battle COVID-19 in our community. We are hopeful that by closing now, we will help flatten the curve of this pandemic and will be able to be open and providing Osteopathic treatments much sooner than if we had waited. We will let you know the date of reopening as soon as we know. We will continue to offer free one-time 15-minute consultations (by phone or video) to provide information about how Osteopathy can help you - email us at [email protected] to arrange your phone or video consult. Thank you for your ongoing support through this challenging time.

Lighthouse Osteopathy 17.01.2020

Take this down time to exercise, play games, laugh, meditate, get those photo albums created, and everything else on your "to do" list! See you again when the Sun shines bright!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 09.01.2020

A few words about how Glebe Osteopathys procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic and places you can go for updates in Ottawa. https://www.glebeosteopathy.com/post/covid-19

Lighthouse Osteopathy 06.01.2020

Become the cosmos in the night sky, and be still my beating heart.

Lighthouse Osteopathy 02.01.2020

When we SIT WITH IT, our perspective shifts, our holding patterns change, we soften and can let go into our new selves. Transformation cannot be rushed or packaged into a fast-food model. This is Osteopathy,

Lighthouse Osteopathy 27.12.2019

In addition to these stretches for low back pain, being mindful of your ergonomics throughout the day (not crossing your legs or ankles) and sitting in a chair as if you were riding a horse are great ways to avoid low back pain to begin with! Osteopaths take a global approach to relieving disharmony in the body. Low back pain could have its origins in the cranium or even the feet, and everywhere in between. Reach out if you need some assistance getting BACK to health!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 10.12.2019

I began studying with John F. Barnes 20 years ago, and have taught courses with him in both Canada and the USA. His approach has greatly influenced my treatment style and therapeutic outlook. Myofascial Release blends beautifully with the rest of the Osteopathic approaches I use to help eliminate pain, restore function, and improve the well being of my patients. Presently accepting new patients at www.glebeosteopathy.com!

Lighthouse Osteopathy 04.12.2019

Osteopathy is a practice and a philosophy, a science and an art. It is a way to perceive and experience how Nature works within us. Glebe Osteopathy is excited to be accepting new patients at Anna Belanger & Associates on Bank Street, Ottawa.