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BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 26.04.2021

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day! That old saying somewhat applies when considering a little phenomena that happens to us every year around this time...the start of motorcycle season! We pride ourselves on providing great service to our clients and prospective clients but we also take great care to ensure that all the i's are dotted and t's crossed. Ultimately this may mean that although you decided to go buy a motorcycle one afternoon so you can go for a ride, you can't reasonably... expect to get it insured in an hour, at least not with BlueCircle. We'll do our best to be efficient but we also want to make sure we have all your correct information, and do the proper insurance and driving history checks to ensure you qualify and are placed with the correct insurer, with the correct coverage. As eager as you are to ride, please be mindful that insurance is a legal contract and we're here to do a professional service on your behalf, so it all won't happen instantly. We also deal with our clients first and foremost and new prospects are placed in a queue, to be dealt with on a first come first served basis. If you do want a quote, we encourage you to help start the process by going to our website and filling out the motorcycle quote form, which will give us all the information necessary to quote you accurately. For more info on this topic check out https://gobluecircle.com/motorcycle-insurance/ See more

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 24.04.2021

Creative minds make for masterful bridges. These bridges are a cool cross between functionality and form. They're all very unique and intriguing but we have a favourite or two. What's yours?

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 21.04.2021

So Lil Blue was the Calgary entry for the PYIB SnowBroker contest and Edmonton wanted to get in on the action too, so here’s their contribution, aptly titled Frosty The Snow Mac. Haha Mac is the fur baby of one of our awesome brokers in the Edmonton office and though he’s happy enough to oblige the costume, he probably wonders when he’ll be getting his treats? Just don’t eat the carrot Mac!! The Professional Young Insurance Brokers, an arm of the Insurance Brokers Association of Alberta, who work together in helping young members find their way around the industry.

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 03.04.2021

No Snow...No Problem! The Professional Young Brokers Association is a subcommittee of the Insurance Brokers Association Of Alberta and was created by young members to help new brokers find their way around the industry, provide fun networking opportunities, accelerate their careers, and really make a difference in the community, as well as the broker profession at large. Part of that fun was to create a team building exercise by holding a contest to create a snow person, sinc...e the warmer weather made for excellent snow molding. Of course, the weather got so warm and lasted so long that much of the snow disappeared before the deadline. However, the creative minds at BlueCircle were undaunted and came up with a novel idea that makes for a nice crossover between snowy days and motorcycle riding season! Lil' Blue says snow at this time of year is definitely over rated and they're all set to get some much needed wind therapy, preferably before someone gets the munchies and starts a campfire!! LOL. See more

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 29.03.2021

With motorcycle season just around the corner we thought we'd get you in the mood and give you a smile with this amazing video of a guy loading a motorcycle onto a bus. It will sure make you thankful that the worst you may ever have to deal with is loading onto a trailer or the back of a pick up truck!!

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 09.01.2021

Wednesday January 13th. Did you know that there's actually a phobia called "triskaidekaphobia". Yes, the fear of the number 13! There are also phobias relating to numbers in general, like "arithmophobia" or "numerophobia" but the fear of the number 13 is quite specific and we all know some consider it unlucky and some the opposite. No matter which way it affects you, at least you'll be all the more knowledgeable and know that it can be described with a term.

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 04.01.2021

So, How Are You Settling In? Though some folks have been back to the work routine for over a week now, quite a few only returned to work from holidays yesterday, likely due to the extra time off that kids got from school. No matter which situation applies to you, returning to a work routine can take time and require a mental adjustment. The good news is that your work can be seen from a different perspective and problems can be seen with a fresh set of eyes and a re-energised attitude! Positive vibes is the way to go!!

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 15.12.2020

The SMART Plan Finalised! Summarize your SMART plan to reflect all of the previously discussed elements so that you have a clear and concise "mission statement". It could be something like...."Because of my family history I want to reduce my risk of having a heart attack and will lose 4 pounds a month for the next 12 months, weighing myself once a week and writing the results in a journal to track my progress". or Maybe you might try ....."In the next 3 years I will sign up f...or and pass all the educational courses necessary to build my resume so that I am fully qualified to apply for a management position within my company". To stay on track, focus on one thing at a time, concentrate on your number one priority and don’t set yourself up for frustration and failure with too many resolutions. . Take small steps to keep you on track and focused but also help with a sense of accomplishment when they are completed. Reward yourself for small success, because you deserve a pat on the back and should celebrate your accomplishments with each step gained. Be kind to yourself, because after all, life happens and you’re only human, so no need to get hung up on set backs. Create a support system, as it’s easier to achieve a goal when you have support, though you still need to remember that you and you alone are still responsible for success. Be SMART and go get 'em!! See more

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 26.11.2020

The Two Most Powerful Warriors Are Patience And Time! After all the other letters of the acronym SMART have been spelled out, the last thing to be considered is TIME! You need to give yourself adequate time to achieve your goal. And every goal needs a deadline to focus upon and work toward so you can prevent every day tasks from taking priority over the long term plans. Consider the following when looking at your time line... When?... What is a short term goal that can be accomplished in 6 weeks? What is the longer term goal that can be accomplished in 6 months? And perhaps most importantly, what can be done today? Combine the other elements of SMART which you've established and put a timeline on it, then get to work!! See more

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 23.11.2020

Does It Really Matter? In the SMART approach to goals one thing you need to consider is the R factor and if what you want to accomplish is RELEVANT. Not just to establish that your goal is relevant to you but is also in line with your other goals. Consider the following when defining relevance.... Is it worthwhile?... Is it the right time? Is it in line with your other needs and efforts? Are you the right person to reach this goal? Is the environment right for this moment? Remember, you are responsible for achieving your own goal(s) and, although support and assistance are great, you are the one that needs to be in control. See more

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 19.11.2020

Covid Concerns! We're all concerned about the current Covid situation and we do need to ensure we keep our guard up, but there are other factors to be considered along with the health issues. As mentioned in previous posts, there are always going to be a few despicable types who attempt to take advantage of a situation and exploit vulnerable people. These scammers use e-mails and texts to lure you into providing personal and financial information. We've talked about phishing ...and want to point out that when it comes to Covid, the bait isn't always health related. The double whammy of Covid AND a struggling economy means fraudsters are contacting individuals looking for employment and tricking them into divulging personal data. Be wary, follow up with research , and be safe. See more

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 16.11.2020

Okay, it's not quite as fancy schmancy as Telus Sky but we love it!

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 28.10.2020

***Registration Reminder*** For all you folks out there whose name begins with K and P, your license plate renewal needs to be completed by the end of November! And remember, that's K but not Ke, and P but not Po! But you know who you are and that you have 2 weeks to go online and fill out the forms so there's time for https://www.alberta.ca/licence-plates.aspx to process the "paperwork" and mail you the new registration and stickers.

BlueCircle Insurance Brokers 22.10.2020

You get an e-mail that states "you've tested positive so please click on the link to get more information". Sound legit or is it a scam? Phishing is a type of cyber crime that generally comes in the form of an e-mail, attempting to get you to provide personal and financial information that a scammer can use fraudulently. In regard to our current preoccupation with Covid, these criminals prey on people’s concerns and insecurities because so many of us are looking for health up...dates, reports of vaccines, and other such information. All of us must be ever-vigilent when it comes to electronic communications and it's best to err on the side of caution and take steps to ensure an e-mail or text is legitimate. To learn how to minimize your risk when it comes to this topic, visit our main webpage and go to the "Insurance Blog" to read more about phishing and other forms of cyber crime. gobluecircle.com #phishing #phishingscams #covidscams #cybercrime #cybersecurity #cybersecurityawareness #cyberinsurance #cyberinsurancespecialists #dontbeavictim #protectionfromcybercrime See more