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Golden Healings 08.06.2021

During #Autismawarenessmonth and every month we continue to be a voice for our children and the advocate for autism awareness. Here are 5 ways to continue to advocate for our children with Autism and ADHD, every day: Be well informed about your child’s needs ... Practice and understand the 5 main triggers that impact your child's health and well-being Remember your child's behaviour is their way of communicating how they are feeling Be proactive and responsive, not reactive Remember as their parent, you are the best person to guide your child to success And of course, inclusion! Always include your child in activities and if needed, modify the activity to their needs so they can continue to participate. Join my Freedom to thrive Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/153892266033229 , where you will have the opportunity to seek advice, engage with other parents and share your story.

Golden Healings 29.05.2021

Today is Earth Day, and we are celebrating Mother Earth and all that she provides our families and earthlings with. Today get your kids out in nature, celebrate Mother Earth, teach your children how to care for Mother Earth and spend the day with her! This years theme for Earth Day is Restore our Earth. It's about redoing our environmental footprint and fixing damage that’s already been done. ... This will show our children gratitude, for this beautiful planet we live on. Here’s how to celebrate Mother Earth today with your children. Scavenger hunts (three kinds of leaves, a smooth rock, a flower, a seed) Building a bird house and seed together Planting a tree in the yard together Recycle - learn how to recycle! These activities are great ways to spend the day with your children in nature, learning about how to Restore our Earth. If you have any additional ideas on how to spend Earth Day, please share in the comments below. Remember, we are all here to support each other.

Golden Healings 10.05.2021

Goal Setting for Your Child Here’s an example of how one amazing mom set goals for her child that she couldn’t yet see in her reality, but she saw in her mind. Meet Becky! Combine this type of mindset with the powerful energy healings provided through our program, Freedom for Life, and miracles start to happen. ... Her daughter went from being non-verbal to now having 30 words and sounds in her vocabulary, and we are both positive she will continue to surpass and thrive in her speech and her life!

Golden Healings 03.05.2021

Keep spring activities fun for all kids with these tips for a sensory friendly Easter egg hunt! Easter is here, and the holiday can still be exciting and celebrated by your children with an Easter egg hunt - and not halt the progress you have made this far. The changes in routine and activities that are fun for most can lead to meltdowns or withdrawal for kids who experience sensory overload. ... If your holiday plans include hunting for brightly coloured eggs filled with sugary treats, find below tips for ensuring a sensory friendly egg hunt that all children can enjoy! 1. Use a schedule 2. Have an egg hunt trial run with your child 3. Be prepared to meet your child's sensory needs 4. Plan for alternative treats if needed. 5. Allow your child to opt out. I would love to hear any of your suggestions in the comments below! We are all here to support each other.

Golden Healings 20.04.2021

Making reading a fun activity can help your child's learning and social skills. You'll also find sharing books together can be a good way to connect with your son or daughter. Today is National Book Day! Here are 6 books I recommend to read with your child. These stories are engaging, meaningful, and not entirely didactic.... A Friend for Henry, by Jenn Bailey and illustrated by Mika Song: Nope. Never. Not for Me!, by Samantha Cotterill Why Johnny Doesn’t Flap, by Clay Morton & Gail Morton and illustrated by Alex Merry Benji, the Bad Day and Me, by Sally J. Pla and illustrated by Ken Min Be a Friend, by Salina Yoon A Friend like Simon, by Kate Gaynor and illustrated by Caitriona Sweeny Do you have any books you recommend? IF so please share in the comments below. If you are on this journey with your child, or just beginning this journey, I invite you to join my Freedom to thrive Facebook group. In this group you will have the opportunity to seek advice, engage with other parents and share your story. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/153892266033229 #autismawareness

Golden Healings 13.04.2021

Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others. by Dr. David Hawkins. What is your level of awareness with yourself? How do you show up for yourself and your children?... If you've ever thought of these questions yourself, then you are probably quite aware of the answers. And if you haven't considered them before, they are great questions to think about. I encourage you to take the time to reflect on the answers, because with them come knowledge, and knowledge is power! The more you are aware of your love as a way of being in this world, the better equipped you are to make a positive impact in your life and your families life. Enjoy the journey! https://goldenhealings.com/

Golden Healings 29.03.2021

Becky is having an extraordinary time with her child on the spectrum. Her and her child are experiencing healings and teachings from our Freedom for Life Program. Among other symptoms, her child has gone from non-verbal, to now speaking 10 words in a fairly short time period. Her speech therapist is surprised at how quickly she is progressing, and Becky is truly amazing! She sets goals for her child too. And together, they work towards achieving those goals. Becky's daughter even surprises her! She voluntarily begins to learn new words on her own, is enjoying the process, and is now communicating what she wants to her mom. This is a huge win for both mom and daughter. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your journey, Becky! Congratulations on the wonderful progress. I know there is so much more to come.

Golden Healings 11.03.2021

Wednesday is about celebrating you and your child’s wins from this past week! Choose your win below , or share a more personal one in the comments section. As you begin to reduce the physical, emotional and energetic overwhelm for your child, you begin to see so many gains. 1. More eye contact... 2. Greater emotional connection 3. Speaking more words or sentences 4. Improved moods 4. Gained continence Remember, I am always here to support you! Sharing even the smallest win is still a celebration for us as parents!

Golden Healings 28.01.2021

Happy Friday, everyone! As we take on the first month of the New Year, what is your vision for you and your child? What goals do you have for yourself and your family, and what are you committed to working towards? I know for me and my children, I am committed to our health and well-being, our experience of light and love, and our attitude of giving to others for no reason at all (especially in these strange times). ... I am also committed to experiencing my word for 2021 in as many interactions as possible . It's a beautiful time of year to turn inwards, and with this brings an opportunity to release those things that don't serve you, and to focus on what does! Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year! May 2021 be filled with love, joy, ease, and an abundance of whatever word you choose. Mine is Vibrancy! To learn how you can help your child with autism or ADHD thrive, watch https://discover.goldenhealingseducation.com. And I'm excited to share that I have a new workshop coming out in the coming months. Stay tuned. #Autismawareness #healings

Golden Healings 26.01.2021

May Blessings of light continue to shine upon you this holiday season. Where does this light come from? From within! When you look deep into your heart, there is where you find stillness. There is where you find Source. There is where you find light. Be still and know that I AM.... Keep looking inwards and enjoy the blessings of this holiday season.

Golden Healings 12.01.2021

I loved this quote when I saw it, "There are two things we should give to our children. One is roots and the other is wings." How beautiful is that? This made me think of how to balance providing a safe space for my child and yet invite her to explore whatever she is interested in. ... What will you do today to help your child soar with their wings, and be grounded with roots?

Golden Healings 09.01.2021

There is still time to join and be uplifted as a parent! Learn about how you can improve your own Health, Wealth & Wisdom. It all starts tomorrow! I'm doing a talk on "Why Energy Matters to Your Health & Wealth".... Click here for your FREE Registration - http://ow.ly/kTdW50Cwva5 If you're not able to join live, don't worry, a recording will be sent to your email to enjoy.

Golden Healings 13.12.2020

I'm super excited to have been asked to be one of the expert presenters for the Health, Wealth, & Wisdom: Parents’ Edition LIVE ONLINE web-summit! Join us LIVE on Dec 1st & 2nd, 2020 Register For Free Now ... http://ow.ly/kTdW50Cwva5 The world needs parents like you to step up and stabilize this uncertain world by building family units that pave the way for the future generation of Role Models. We are bringing you the best expert leaders & speakers from across the globe to give you useful & solid tools, tips, resources and a heavy dose of inspiration to step into your best Role Model self and create the best life for yourself and your family yet! The best part is - you don’t even have to leave home for this one! You can watch and join the conversation LIVE from any computer with internet service! And best of all, it is FREE to register! http://ow.ly/q4Jc50Cwva4 My friend, Dr. L, The Parent Whisperer, has teamed up with Health, Wealth, & Wisdom Summit Organizers! Their mission is to bring together icons, leaders, and experts of the parenting world to give you the best of what they have to move your life, dreams, and family in the direction you want and love. I have been selected as one of the experts for this summit, and I'm going to be sharing on the topic of Why Energy Matters for Your Health & Wealth. Other Experts will share secrets like these.... Proper Education & Schooling Post Covid Effective & Positive Parenting Healthy Meal Creation that the Whole Family Enjoys Financial Stability During Changing Times Role Modeling How to Lead A Full Life Parents, it’s time we band together to take our family’s quality of life to the next level! Let’s Do THIS! Oh! And make sure you tune in to see me! Why Energy Matters, Dec 1st at 2pm EST You’ll be blown away by how impactful and life-changing this two-day event will be! See you there!

Golden Healings 24.11.2020

My daughters and I sat at the dinner table last night, and I asked them what has been good about 2020 so far. And here's what they said.... The Earth has been healing (nature) We got to go back to school We got to see our friends again... And we almost went away in March (we had driven to Florida, but then turned back 4 days later when COVD began) I love how they can see good everywhere. Even though this year has been different for all of us, I’m very grateful to have their point of view in our family. What has been good about 2020 for you and your family? Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving today!

Golden Healings 14.11.2020

Your vision for your child matters! Did you know that what you think in your mind can make a significant difference to how your child with autism or ADHD functions in this world? I encourage you this Thanksgiving week to take time to think of what you are grateful for - including all the things you love about your child. Grow this vision in your mind and focus on the feeling of expanding your love for your child even more than you already have in your heart. The more you can... practice this, the more you and your child will feel an energetic vibration that will help to create peace and harmony for them. They will feel your belief in them, without the energy of us trying to "fix" them or their symptoms. This week let's love our child exponentially and help them feel this immense gratitude that we have for them being in our lives. Yes, we will help them decrease their symptoms from autism or ADHD. But they are not their symptoms or their behaviour. If you have never tried creating a magnificent vision for your child, I encourage you to spend time doing this. Read it every day and feel the expanse of your heart. Then watch how your child responds to you.

Golden Healings 06.11.2020

I remember a time when I used to feel overwhelmed. I'd sit on the bathroom floor and cry because I didn't know how to handle my daughter's mood and behaviour issues. Who can relate? Fast forward 5 years, and after understanding and practicing the 5 main triggers that influence how she feels, we are all thriving.... You see, after I researched and studied, and gave her specific energy healings as a shamanic practitioner, she thrives today. I know your child can thrive too, and I have countless parents that are experiencing similar results for their child. To learn more, join our private FB group where you can hear all about the 5 main triggers that influence how our children with autism and ADHD feel, and how you can begin to decrease their overwhelm physically, emotionally AND energetically. It's a holistic and natural approach to caring for your child. And it is powerful! http://ow.ly/hwFj50CmZ9S

Golden Healings 28.10.2020

I'm celebrating a win from one of the mom's in our Freedom For Life Program. We are about 1/3rd of the way through the program and energy healings with her, and here is what her mom wrote to me in a text message - her daughter was non-verbal & incontinent at 5 years old when we started the program. "My daughter says 'mom' all the time now and no longer gestures or signs for me any more. In school, she said 'truck' for the first time ever. I've never heard her say anything c...lose to that before. She also has started saying 'no' at home with me. Her all time new favorite is trying to say 'bake'. This weekend was the first time I've ever seen her vocally engage. It makes me emotional just talking about it. She is doing great in school. Drop offs are no big deal any more. It seems like she enjoys it now. Her teacher tells me how awesome she is doing every day, adjusting to the routine, and that she's very smart and picks things up fast. She started to show interest in wanting to play with her cousins that we live with. We haven't seen other family members in years, and every one was amazed to see how much she was interacting. Typically, she would be clinged to me the whole time. Instead though, she was making her rounds over and over trying to get everyone to pick her up and be silly with her. It was so awesome to see this new side of her. She's also improving in using the potty. We're up to 75% of the time!" Can you feel the joy and relief this mom is experiencing? I know for me, it comes through her words when I read them. What is possible for your child? Learn more by booking a free call with me - http://ow.ly/VDh250CjKLN