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Graven 12.02.2021

How are ya now? And how is it Thursday? Or as they say in the Valley: Terzdee. Sloan got a sweet mail gift. ... Dog/cat tats via pal @drzubcic. A lovely 416er graventowner. She was pretty jazzed indeed. Thank you Steph! Have enjoyed this weeks flow. Got some special fer Friday. And doing some booking for: REAL. LIVE. SHOWS. Y’ALL. But more on that later. Keep staying safe where U R. Graventown happens tomorra. 9 PM EST on Insta Live Jive. Keep looking up/breathing. One step closer to spring. #graventown See more

Graven 23.01.2021

Friends: all yer notes are gold. I feel the love of this dope crew. And I’m thankful for each of ya. You’re all aces in my book. Today I went for a woods walk. ... On my usual scenic route. But forgot about the snowfall. Part way in, I noticed the depth. And a totally unplowed path. My footwear was not optimal. But something in me said go. It was a point of no return. I’ve done the trail before. And pushed it much more. So I did - and I am sore. Stabilizer muscles galore. Super unsteady slippy footing. Couple of semi-soakers. An hour route took 1.5. But warm dry and safe now. And dang I feel better for it. And the sun filled my tank. The path was relatively empty. Making for stark winter views. May you find your sunny path. And push it when you need to. Friday is a-comin’. #graventown See more

Graven 19.01.2021

I hate cynicism. For the record, it is my least favourite quality. No one in this life gets exactly what they thought they were gonna get - but if you work really hard and you’re kind to people, good things will happen. I’m telling you - it’s just true. - Conan O’Brien After my Friday that was filled with anxiety, I felt like a release was needed. And as a man, I often feel pressure to withdraw from talking about my emotions and to be tough - but I’ve grown into being s...omeone who has seen the healthy benefits of talking about this stuff. This was my post-show face on Friday night. As I saw and felt the support in such a tangible way - and realized I had sold all but 4 t shirts in less than three days - and saw all your messages about my anxiety and even got a bit emotional during the show - I felt thankful. And almost unworthy. But that released. And I realized the beauty of this wacky blind crew. And all of this has taught me much about the person I have been and the person I’m becoming. I can’t tell you how much, in this life, I have done the thing that other people told me I should do. Trying to be walk with humility, I’ve always succumbed to pressure. Take this job. Be this persons friend. Connect with this person. Listen to this dudes job advice. ETC. But none of that ever brought fulfillment; and it only made my void more empty. Doing my own thing and playing these little shows into a cellular telephone and stepping fully into it has altered the DNA of who I am forever. I’m not in it for anyone else - I’m in it for me. And I’m floored and wowed by the byproduct of the community spirit of it. And the safety and acceptance of it. We get a finite amount of breaths in this strange life. I hope you find the thing that makes you tick. For now, Graventown is it. I love you. May you find your release. Don’t forget to breathe. And look up. Happy Tuesday. #graventown See more

Graven 16.01.2021

Boy did I sleep like garbage. But Friday waits for no one. Get the matches, friends. Let’s start a beach bonfire This tiny show makes my week.... It powers me onward. And yes - this is my job now. But please don’t feel $ stress. That’s the last thing I want. We all have enough stresses. Give what ya can if ya can. Graventown is stress-LESS. Got a fine tuned set tonight. Can’t wait to see yer faces. 9 PM EST on the Instagrams. #graventown See more

Graven 04.01.2021

My only motivation was the fear of losing my job - by ya know, Bob - that’ll only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired. - Peter Gibbons / Office Space I think this night was the beginning of a job-journey for me. A switch flipped. This was three years ago. A January Wednesday night rock show at the glorious Rainbow in the market in 2018. A timeless venue and a beautiful stage. I remember not wanting to do it and sort of downplaying the midweek slot in my mind.... Not many folks were able to come. But something happened that night and we just gave it our all, regardless. Me, Landon, Jamie and Gideon. We got lost in it. A sound New Band configuration that happened a few times. But above it all, I love this shot of Gideon from the side stage. I think without knowing it, through many road miles logged together, he has inspired me to give it my all in music. Because he always does and has - and his face shows it - every time he has stood on any kind of stage at a venue or a festival or even a house show or small room beside me. It’s one of the reasons I sought him out - his passion was pervasive. Graventown has been fun but man I miss playing for real live people. And I miss Gideon. And all the New Banders. Until we hit a real stage again - I’ll be here on fridays at 9 PM EST - giving it my all. And I gotta tell ya - for once, it feels great to not worry about being fired. #Graventown by @majorredbeard See more

Graven 22.12.2020

Graventown is the people. This is an old skool citizen. @danielmarshallgear is gold. Always a positive power force. And a damn solid musician. ... We met in my old music store. In the nook of Embrun Ontario. He entered, yelling ‘Graven?!’ Talked about our mutual pals. That was probably 2017ish. We’ve been fast friends since. Got to see his face today. Had a distance porch coffee. We always have great convos. He happily nabbed his shirt. I love this guy. I love this town. Find your people. #Graventown #DanMarshallGear See more