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Greg Turner 03.05.2021

A section of Zone 4 (Edmundston region), including Edmundston and the upper Madawaska region will go into lockdown effective at midnight tonight under the province’s mandatory order. Saint-Léonard, Grand Falls, Drummond, New Denmark and Four Falls will remain under the Red level. The Saint-Quentin and Kedgwick regions will remain in the Yellow level. Public Health made the recommendation to the all-party cabinet committee on COVID-19 and to cabinet based on the confirmed pres...Continue reading

Greg Turner 23.04.2021

There will be a COVID-19 update today at 3:30 pm with Minister Shephard and Dr. Russell .There will be a COVID-19 update today at 3:30 pm with Minister Shephard and Dr. Russell .

Greg Turner 20.04.2021

I was pleased to join my fellow Provincial Government members today as we participated in the official announcement of a $98.3 million Canada-New Brunswick housing Benefit . This benefit program is spread over seven years and is equally split between the Provincial and Federal Governments . It will subsidize housing for low-income families across New Brunswick . The benefit will will support 6,700 families with a short-term benefit averaging $300-$475 per month , depending ...on household income , composition and location . The money will go directly to low-income families with children , starting with those on the waiting list for social housing . J'ai eu le plaisir de me joindre à mes collègues membres du gouvernement provincial aujourd'hui alors que nous participions à l'annonce officielle d'une allocation Canada-Nouveau-Brunswick pour le logement de 98,3 millions de dollars. Ce programme de prestations s'étale sur sept ans et est également réparti entre les gouvernements provincial et fédéral. Il subventionnera le logement des familles à faible revenu du Nouveau-Brunswick. La prestation soutiendra 6 700 familles avec une prestation à court terme de 300 $ à 475 $ par mois en moyenne, selon le revenu du ménage, sa composition et son emplacement. L'argent ira directement aux familles à faible revenu avec enfants, en commençant par celles qui sont sur la liste d'attente pour un logement social. See more

Greg Turner 31.03.2021

Public Health confirmed today that an individual between 60 and 69 in Zone 4 (Edmundston region) has died as a result of COVID-19. This brings the total number of COVID-related deaths in the province to 32. Marcia and I were deeply saddened to learn that another person has lost their life as a result of COVID-19, said Premier Blaine Higgs. On behalf of all New Brunswickers, I would like to share my sincere sympathies with this person’s loved ones. My thoughts and prayers...Continue reading

Greg Turner 18.03.2021

Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Budget investment made to help improve food self-sufficiency 08 April 2021 FREDERICTON (GNB) The Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries will invest $1.5 million to improve food self-sufficiency in the province.... Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Margaret Johnson made the announcement today while tabling the department’s budgetary estimates for 2021-22. The situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted gaps and threats within the food supply chain, which could have an impact on food security in New Brunswick, said Johnson. This additional investment will help us work with stakeholders to take advantage of opportunities to increase self-sufficiency in some food products. Work to date has included evaluating the threats, risks and vulnerabilities to the current food value chain that New Brunswick consumers rely on and exploring the best options to address the risks identified. The department has implemented a series of key initiatives that will contribute to strengthening New Brunswick’s food system and improving food self-sufficiency that will focus on fruit and vegetable production, controlled environment farming and indoor farming, expansion of abattoir capacity, distribution and food processing. An additional $660,000 will also be invested to support changes to the AgriStability program that helps farmers manage risk to their income by providing financial assistance when their farm business experiences a large margin decline. The federal, provincial and territorial governments recently agreed to remove the reference margin limit for AgriStability, which is one of the business risk management programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. Costs are shared 60 per cent by the federal government and 40 per cent by provincial and territorial governments.

Greg Turner 22.01.2021

ffice of the Premier COVID-19 26 new cases 18 January 2021 FREDERICTON (GNB) Public Health reported 26 new cases of COVID-19 today....Continue reading

Greg Turner 03.01.2021

Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries New Local Food and Beverages Strategy to benefit the agriculture, agri-food and seafood sectors 18 January 2021 FREDERICTON (GNB) The Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries has released a new Local Food and Beverages Strategy 2021-2025.... The four-year action plan aims to benefit the agriculture, agri-food and seafood sectors across the province and has three core pillars: Grow NB, Buy NB and Feed NB. Performance measures are in place for each pillar with the goal of educating and raising awareness within the sectors and the public. More than ever, New Brunswickers want to know where their food comes from and how it is processed, said Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Margaret Johnson. The continued strengthening of our food system and improving food self-sufficiency is central to the development, growth and sustainability of the local food and beverage sectors. The strategy was created in collaboration with representatives from Indigenous communities, industry stakeholders, and provincial and federal government agencies. It was developed based upon input from three working groups: Industry Development, Food Security and First Nations. Actions identified through this process are either included in the action plan for year one or will be considered by the working group for future years. "Food security challenges in Indigenous communities in New Brunswick are real especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, said Eel Ground First Nation Chief George Ginnish. I am encouraged by the collaborative efforts to create a strategy with specific goals reflective of Indigenous values. This multi-year strategy is a step in the right direction towards creating more opportunities for First Nations in the agriculture and agri-food sector. We are happy with this progress and see great potential and opportunities to extend this type of collaboration to other resource sectors, such as seafood. I look forward to working together to improve on our food security. We still have a long way to go. Anna Belliveau, CEO of the Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick, and Suzanne Fournier, executive director of the National Farmers Union-NB, expressed support for the strategy. Representatives from their organizations participated in the Industry Development working group. Both leaders said they look forward to the programs and to the support it will offer producers and businesses, which will also benefit consumers. The province’s agriculture and seafood industries deliver more than 50 commodities to local and export markets. They also employ more than 17,000 people in primary production and processing and are a significant contributor to Indigenous, rural and coastal communities and their economies.

Greg Turner 27.12.2020

Health COVID-19 Office of the Premier Education and Early Childhood Development Zone 4 going to Red level at midnight / 36 new cases...Continue reading

Greg Turner 24.12.2020

There will be a COVID-19 update today at 2:30 pm with Premier Higgs & Dr. Russell .There will be a COVID-19 update today at 2:30 pm with Premier Higgs & Dr. Russell .

Greg Turner 20.09.2020

First of all , as the MLA for Moncton South , I would like to thank my constituents for granting me the privilege of representing them in the Legislative Assembly. I look forward to working with Premier Higgs in this majority government. New Brunswicker’s voted for stability and I am delighted to be working on our plan to move the province forward. As you know , the Cabinet Swearing-In Ceremony will take place tomorrow, and with the talented and dedicated group of governmen...t MLA’s that we have , Premier Higgs is certain to build a team that New Brunswicker’s Can be proud of . Tout d'abord, en tant que député de Moncton-Sud, je tiens à remercier mes électeurs de m'avoir accordé le privilège de les représenter à l'Assemblée législative. J'ai hâte de travailler avec le premier ministre Higgs dans ce gouvernement majoritaire. Les Néo-Brunswickois ont voté pour la stabilité et je suis ravi de travailler sur notre plan pour faire avancer la province. Comme vous le savez, la cérémonie d'assermentation du Cabinet aura lieu demain, et avec le groupe talentueux et dévoué de députés du gouvernement que nous avons, le premier ministre Higgs est certain de constituer une équipe dont les Néo-Brunswickois peuvent être fiers.

Greg Turner 30.08.2020

Thé Province of New Brunswick invités you to sign this virtual Book of Condolences for the family of the late Senator Brenda Robertson La province du Nouveau-Brunswick vous invite à signer ce livre de condoléances virtuel pour la famille de feu la sénatrice Brenda Robertson.

Greg Turner 18.08.2020

ew Brunswick The late Honourable Brenda Robertson, C.M., O.N.B. - Condolences Brenda Robertson, a trailblazer in New Brunswick politics, died on September 23, 2020, at the age of 91.... Robertson was born on May 23, 1929, in Sussex, NB. The first woman elected to the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick and the first woman to become a Cabinet minister in the province, Robertson broke down barriers and served as a role model to generations of women. She was first elected as a Progressive Conservative MLA for the riding of Albert County in October 1967. The following year, she became president of the NB Women’s Progressive Conservative Association. She was re-elected as the MLA for Albert County in October 1970, serving as Minister of Youth from 1970-1971 and Minister of Youth and Social Services from 1971-1974. Robertson was re-elected in November 1974 in the new riding of Riverview, then again in October 1978 and October 1982. She served as Minister of Health from 1976-1982 and as the Minister Responsible for Social Program Reform from 1982-1984. She was appointed to the Senate in 1984, serving for 20 years before retiring in 2004. She was made a Member of both the Order of New Brunswick (2004) and the Order of Canada (2008) in recognition of her commitment to public service. She was given an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Mount Saint Vincent University (1973) and an Honorary Doctorate of Social Sciences from l’Université de Moncton (1983). She was also awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal (1977). She was married to Wilmot Willie Robertson, is the mother of three, Doug, Leslie and Tracy, and is the grandmother of six, Cameron, Ellen, Mary, Christopher, David and Wil. Please take a moment and send your condolences to Ms. Robertson’s family. Name * Please enter your condolences: *

Greg Turner 09.08.2020

I participated in orientation this week with my fellow Progressive Conservative MLA-Elects in Fredericton . It is a very steep learning curve with lots of information to digest . The Swearing-In Ceremonies are scheduled for Monday afternoon, in groups of 12 . I am scheduled for 3:30 pm . After our hectic week of meetings , I had the pleasure of joining MLA-Elects Ryan Cullins , Jill Green and Richard Ames on a tour of the Legislature . Some of you may recognize Ryan , as he i...s originally from Moncton . In fact , we both attended Queen Elizabeth School ( 9 years ! ) and graduated from Harrison Trimble High School ( 3 years ) . So , we will actually have one more Moncton native sitting in the Legislature this term . Je me suis orienté cette semaine avec mes collègues députés progressistes-conservateurs élus à Fredericton. C'est une courbe d'apprentissage très abrupte avec beaucoup d'informations à digérer. Les cérémonies d'assermentation sont prévues le lundi après-midi, par groupes de 12. Je suis prévu pour 15h30. Après notre semaine de réunions mouvementée, j'ai eu le plaisir de me joindre aux députés élus Ryan Cullins, Jill Green et Richard Ames pour une visite de l'Assemblée législative. Certains d'entre vous reconnaissent peut-être Ryan, car il est originaire de Moncton. En fait, nous avons tous les deux fréquenté l'école Queen Elizabeth (9 ans!) Et diplômé de l'école secondaire Harrison Trimble (3 ans). Donc, nous aurons en fait un autre natif de Moncton siégeant à l'Assemblée législative ce trimestre!

Greg Turner 30.07.2020

Today is a sad day in New Brunswick politics, as we learned of the passing of Brenda Robertson . I have been in Fredericton this week with my fellow Progressive Conservative Candidates , who are all first-time members , as we attend initiation . Chief of Staff , Louis Leger , addressed our group this morning , before we started our sessions , to inform us of the sad news of the passing of former Cabinet Minister Brenda Robertson . He spoke candidly of her contributions to Ne...Continue reading

Greg Turner 14.07.2020

Well , it all became real today , as I began the process of officially becoming the MLA for Moncton South in the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly . I had a number of meetings with the staff from the Office of the Clerk this morning . Then this afternoon , I met with the Chief of Staff , and finally , I had a great , and stimulating , discussion with Premier Higgs . We discussed many topics on a wide range of issues , but most importantly , where we would like to see New B...runswick in five years time . We agreed that perhaps these are challenging times , but that it actually presents us with many opportunities to be able to improve our Province moving forward . Eh bien, tout est devenu réel aujourd'hui, alors que j'ai entamé le processus pour devenir officiellement député de Moncton-Sud à l'Assemblée législative du Nouveau-Brunswick. J'ai eu un certain nombre de réunions avec le personnel du Bureau du greffier ce matin. Puis, cet après-midi, j'ai rencontré le chef de cabinet et, enfin, j'ai eu une discussion formidable et stimulante avec le premier ministre Higgs. Nous avons discuté de nombreux sujets sur un large éventail de questions, mais surtout, où nous aimerions voir le Nouveau-Brunswick dans cinq ans. Nous avons convenu qu'il s'agit peut-être d'une période difficile, mais que cela nous offre en fait de nombreuses occasions de pouvoir améliorer notre province à l'avenir.

Greg Turner 25.06.2020

First , I want to humbly thank the residents of Moncton South for your support and endorsement this evening as you have put your trust in me to represent you for the next four years . I also would like to acknowledge the candidacy of the other candidates in putting their name forward on behalf of their respective Party’s . This was democracy in action . I am very fortunate to have a large group of volunteers and supporters who were instrumental in tonight’s victory . I am ...excited to be joining a Progressive Conservative majority Government , lead by Premier Blaine Higgs . In fact , with Daniel Allain’s victory in Moncton East , Moncton will havé four members in the PC caucus , with the reelection of Sherry Wilson and Ernie Steeves . This will guarantee that Moncton will have a strong voice at the table . These will be exciting times in New Brunswick, as we move forward with our economic recovery , and at the same time , we have so many great opportunities to move Moncton and our Province forward with the lessons we have learned from Covid 19 . I’m really looking forward to getting started to go to work for the citizens of Moncton South and New Brunswick . You have put your trust in me , and I thank-you for your trust . Premièrement, je tiens à remercier humblement les résidents de Moncton-Sud pour votre soutien et votre appui ce soir alors que vous me faites confiance pour vous représenter au cours des quatre prochaines années. Je voudrais également saluer la candidature des autres candidats en présentant leur nom au nom de leur parti respectif. C'était la démocratie en action. Je suis très chanceux d’avoir un grand groupe de bénévoles et de sympathisants qui ont joué un rôle déterminant dans la victoire de ce soir. Je suis ravi de me joindre à un gouvernement majoritaire progressiste-conservateur dirigé par le premier ministre Blaine Higgs. En fait, avec la victoire de Daniel Allain à Moncton-Est, Moncton aura quatre membres dans le caucus PC, avec la réélection de Sherry Wilson et Ernie Steeves. Cela garantira que Moncton aura une voix forte à la table. Ce sera une période passionnante au Nouveau-Brunswick, alors que nous progressons dans notre reprise économique, et en même temps, nous avons tellement d'occasions formidables de faire avancer Moncton et notre province avec les leçons que nous avons tirées de Covid 19. J'ai vraiment hâte de commencer à travailler pour les citoyens de Moncton-Sud et du Nouveau-Brunswick. Vous m'avez fait confiance et je vous remercie de votre confiance .

Greg Turner 20.06.2020

You’ve got to love Election Day !

Greg Turner 07.06.2020

Are you an undecided Voter in Moncton South ? I would love the opportunity to chat with you . Please contact me in one of the following ways ! 1. Private message on my Facebook Page .... 2. Email me at [email protected] . 3.Call me directly at 506-866-2686 See more

Greg Turner 28.05.2020

Political Campaigns are always very interesting, and of course sometimes can be challenging . It was certainly nice to be able to put all that aside this morning , as Premier Blaine Higgs made a very casual appearance in Moncton South . I was especially excited to reintroduce my mother-in-law , Margaret Boudreau , to the Premier . She is in her 92nd year , and wanted to thank him for not only keeping her safe during this pandemic , but also her children , grandchildren and gr...eat grandchildren . Les campagnes politiques sont toujours très intéressantes et, bien sûr, peuvent parfois être difficiles. C'était certainement agréable de pouvoir dire tout cela de côté ce matin, alors que le premier ministre Blaine Higgs a fait une apparition très décontractée à Moncton-Sud. J'étais particulièrement enthousiaste à l'idée de présenter ma belle-mère, Margaret Boudreau, au premier ministre. Elle est en 92e année et tenait à le remercier non seulement de la protéger pendant cette pandémie, mais aussi de ses enfants, petits-enfants et arrière-petits-enfants.

Greg Turner 24.05.2020

As Progressive Conservatives we have a proven Plan to govern New Brunswick. To Recover , to Reinvent and to Renew . We Are Up To The Job . Below are just a few of the highlights from the next Progressive Conservative Government’s Platform. On Monday , September 14 , please vote Greg Turner for Moncton South .

Greg Turner 04.05.2020

This is the ugly side of politics unfortunately. I really sympathize with my volunteers who are doing such a great job repairing and replacing all the damage Signs that we have endured during this Campaign . Some have been defaced , while others simply destroyed . We all are so fortunate to have dedicated volunteers , but it’s so sad that they are continually addressing these issues which are uncalled for . C'est malheureusement le mauvais côté de la politique. Je sympathi...se vraiment avec mes bénévoles qui font un excellent travail en réparant et en remplaçant tous les dommages que nous avons subis au cours de cette campagne. Certains ont été dégradés, tandis que d'autres ont simplement été détruits. Nous avons tous la chance d’avoir des bénévoles dévoués, mais c’est tellement triste qu’ils s’attaquent continuellement à ces problèmes qui ne sont pas demandés. See more

Greg Turner 27.03.2020

This week I took the opportunity to sit down with Finance Minister Ernie Steeves to learn more about the government’s plans to move forward with our COVID recovery . It’s very exciting to hear that economists across Canada are saying we are doing so well that our economy will not just recover , it will actually grow next year . We discussed the real estate market as well , where agents are seeing unprecedented sales in our region . These are truly exciting times in our Provi...nce ! On Monday vote Greg TURNER at the top of the Ballot in Moncton South . Cette semaine, j’en ai profité pour m'asseoir avec le ministre des Finances, Ernie Steeves, pour en savoir plus sur les plans du gouvernement pour aller de l’avant dans la reprise du COVID. C’est très excitant d’entendre que des économistes de partout au Canada disent que nous nous débrouillons si bien que notre économie ne se relèvera pas seulement, elle croîtra l’an prochain. Nous avons également discuté du marché immobilier, où les agents enregistrent des ventes sans précédent dans notre région. Ce sont des moments vraiment passionnants dans notre province! Lundi, votez Greg TURNER en haut du scrutin à Moncton-Sud.