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HCG Canada Metamorphosis 11.05.2021

"In my book The Doctor's Heart Cure, I dedicated an entire chapter to the misinformation surrounding cholesterol and statin drugs. You know how strongly I feel ...about the myth that cholesterol causes heart disease and that Big Pharma’s drugs are the only way to rid your body of dangerous cholesterol. Both are false beliefs that have taken us in the wrong direction as we watch heart disease continue to skyrocket in this country. As a matter of fact, cholesterol-lowering drugs interfere with vital processes necessary for maintaining health, including energy production in your heart and your capacity to calm oxidative stress in your heart and arteries. The side effects are well documented and create additional problems. So when the Imperial College of London released a recent study claiming up to 90% of statin side effects are all in your head I was shocked. These researchers concluded that most side effects were imagined, not real. I completely disagree and in a moment I’ll show how you can greatly improve your odds of enjoying a strong, robust heart your whole life. But first, as one of the early voices sounding the alarm on statins, let me explain why I’m so concerned about this particular study. Statin Dangers are Documented and Proven... Not Imagined Statin side effects are well documented -- brain fog, fatigue, depression, muscle-tissue death, kidney and liver failure, and more. Just take a look at the FDA warnings. The FDA, one of the most pro-statin agencies in the world, has issued consumer advisories warning of an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, memory loss, diabetes, and liver damage due to statins, to name just a few.1 One of statins’ most serious side effects is the depletion of up to 40% of the vital CoQ10 used by every cell in your body.2 That’s alarming because heart muscle mitochondria MUST have CoQ10 to function. Indeed, statin users and heart-failure patients share something in common they’re both deficient in CoQ10.3 Between 1997 and 2004, the FDA reported at least 81 people died from statin-drug complications.4 The actual number is probably much higher. In fact, I tell my patients to toss their statins in the trash. That’s how harmful they are. Cholesterol isn’t the underlying cause of heart disease anyway. As I point out in my book The Doctor’s Heart Cure, about 75% of heart attack victims have normal cholesterol levels.5 And in one study, seniors taking statins had an 18% higher risk of all-cause mortality.6 That’s why I insist doctors and patients need to pay more attention to statin symptoms, not less. Did Researchers ‘Imagine’ Their Results? In the study, participants received a modest 20 mg dose of Atorvastatin half the time and a placebo the other half. Many patients were taking placebos, not statins, when they complained of side effects.7,8 The study’s big problem is its design. It’s an N-of-1 study rather than a group-study design, meaning it just focuses on individuals. Without getting too far in the weeds, N-of-1 studies are not applicable to the population at large. So it’s quite misleading to cite this study as evidence that most statin side effects are imagined. But what really caught my eye was the list of patients NOT allowed to participate. Researchers excluded: Any statin user who’d experienced sharply higher creatine kinase enzymes indicating serious muscle-tissue damage. Patients on statins who’d experienced rhabdomyolysis. This occurs when smooth-muscle cells burst open and spill into your bloodstream, endangering your liver and kidneys. Subjects who’d experienced severe anaphylactic allergic reactions from statins. And finally, patients suffering statin-related liver problems. So let me get this straight: A study dismissing the side effects of statins issued a litany of side effects so serious anyone who’d had them would be barred from the study. I think that tells you all you need to know about the very real dangers of statins. Four Proven Ways to Boost Your HDL Statins reduce both bad LDL cholesterol and good HDL cholesterol. Yet high HDL is one of your best defenses against heart disease. In fact, if you can increase your HDL to 85, studies show your heart attack risk is virtually nil. Here’s how you can boost your HDL: Eat purple. My regular readers already know colorful vegetables and fruits eggplant, red cabbage, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries are packed with beneficial antioxidants. But you probably didn’t realize they simultaneously raise HDL and lower LDL by about 14% apiece.9 Banish carbs from your kitchen. Over time, the insulin spikes triggered by eating cheap carbohydrates suppress HDL. Even worse, you’ll find them combined with transfats in cookies, cakes, frozen pizza, and even some non-dairy creamers and transfats increase LDL and reduce good HDL. Get more DHA omega-3 fatty acids. Researchers who tracked 55 Greenlanders in 2018 reported the omega-3 DHA increased HDL by over 7%. Equally important, it decreased the prevalence of the small LDL particles considered most dangerous.10 I recommend supplements offering at least 500 mg of DHA, preferably from krill and calamari harvested near the cleaner polar regions of the oceans. Supplement with vitamin B3. Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, can increase HDL by over 30%.11 Good food sources include grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, and free-range poultry. But to maximize your HDL, I suggest you also supplement. Start with 250 mg of niacin and ramp up gradually to 750 to 1,000 mg daily. If you experience the warm, prickly sensation called niacin flush, you can split your dose and take it twice daily. But avoid no-flush niacin... I’ve found it’s ineffective at raising HDL. Try black elderberry. There’s growing evidence the same black elderberry that eases cold and flu symptoms is also a powerful HDL booster. In one animal study black elderberry increased HDL by 26%, possibly due to its sky-high anthocyanin content.12 It’s available in a variety of forms the liquid extract, frozen berries, and a powder you can add to your tea or smoothies. The extract offers the strongest concentration. To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD, CNS

HCG Canada Metamorphosis 03.05.2021

"I’ve been telling my patients for years that the single most important thing you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s is to control inflammation. Now, the latest rese...arch is proving me right. It’s been obvious to me that the continual focus on amyloid plaques, tau tangles and genetics has been way off target. As I’ve suspected, and a slew of recent research now proves, these rogue proteins which clump together and gum up your brain, causing cell destruction, brain tissue loss, memory loss, confusion and, ultimately, death are a consequence of Alzheimer’s, not the cause. And we now know these proteins don’t appear because of your genes. They are your brain’s immune system reaction to the huge excess of processed carbohydrates in our modern diet. Regular readers will already know about the dangers of Syndrome Zero, the underlying condition of sky-high insulin levels that drives almost every chronic condition that plagues us today including heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Eliminate These Inflammatory Foods Now, research from the University of Florida has revealed the true dangers of high-carb diets, and especially the consumption of high fructose corn syrup a common ingredient found in most sugary drinks and processed foods in America. They disrupt the brain’s insulin signaling and alert your immune system to trigger a neuro-inflammatory response laying the groundwork for Alzheimer’s to begin its destruction.1 You see, normally, immune cells will destroy these amyloids and tau proteins. But everything becomes sluggish in an aging and inflamed brain. A number of studies have now identified a direct link between Alzheimer’s and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a signaling molecule that triggers inflammation.2,3,4 It turns out that a lifetime of carb excess triggers high levels of TNF, which in turn kills neurons and brain tissue with inflammation. The good news is that there are many ways to knock out brain inflammation. The first thing to do is cut all processed and carb-based foods from your diet like bread, cakes, buns and especially anything containing high fructose corn syrup. I recommend limiting carbs to no more than 20% to 30% of your diet. Your body should get most of its calories from fat and protein, which won’t spike insulin or trigger inflammation. Cool Neuroinflammation Two Ways I help my patients by recommending a number of nutrients with the specific purpose of cooling neuroinflammation. Here are two of the most effective. Take B Vitamins: Literally hundreds of studies have confirmed the definitive link between vitamin B deficiencies and neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s. But vitamins B12, B6, B1, B2, niacin (B3) and folate (B9) have all been shown to protect against the disease by reducing inflammation in the brain and other neuroprotective qualities.5 I recommend taking a good quality B-complex vitamin supplement. But make sure the active form of folic acid and B12 are used. Use Turmeric: This Indian spice has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory qualities thanks to curcumin, it’s main active ingredient. Studies show that curcumin clears amyloid plaques and its anti-inflammatory properties prevent the destruction of nerve cells and brain tissue. You can take curcumin by cooking with turmeric. But the easiest way is with a supplement. Make sure you choose one with at least 90% curcuminoids and that it contains piperine. Take between 500-1,000 mg each day. To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD, CNS

HCG Canada Metamorphosis 14.04.2021

https://www.msn.com//surprising-side-effects-/ss-BB1eCgx1 and sugar free is even worse for you.....

HCG Canada Metamorphosis 10.04.2021


HCG Canada Metamorphosis 21.03.2021


HCG Canada Metamorphosis 12.11.2020

when it's all said and done....give us a call - we'll help you peel the extra pounds off in a quick hurry. Happy Thanksgiving & Thanks to all who are part of this page.

HCG Canada Metamorphosis 08.11.2020

We've been waiting for the border to open to restock - it's not looking good. For now, we have some supply - if you are planning on losing weight this fall - best get your order in while we have stock. :)

HCG Canada Metamorphosis 12.10.2020

I want her doctor.

HCG Canada Metamorphosis 30.09.2020

low glycemic load fruit - good for maintenance & lifestyle https://www.readersdigest.ca//healthy-food/cantaloupe-he/