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Locality: Duncan, British Columbia

Address: 166 Station Street Duncan, BC, Canada

Website: www.healerdreamerastrology.ca/

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The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 04.09.2020

Pisces ful Moon last night Spetembre 1st a day late and a dollar short I have missed a post in the last 3 years but got way laid by the intensity of the times I got lots on my plate these days... in one way or another were all feeling it any way her is the video a new way of presenting the info let me know what you think? be well and look after yourself Mother Nature runs this ship stay connected Peace and love mc See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 23.08.2020

We mixed things up a little today..... heres the Leo New Moon Forecast - hope you enjoy! https://youtu.be/RlzPfnsuM-4

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 07.08.2020

Leo New Moon on August 18 at 7.42 pm on the west coast. We have just passed Lammas the Celtic holiday that marks the beginning of Fall. The days are shortening fast and the harvest needs to be cared for. All our hard work is paying off as we set our sights on preserving what we have accomplished and getting ready for the darker seasons. The Sun in Leo shines bright with energy and commitment to purpose and contribution. With the Moon joining the Sun ; the sacred ...Continue reading

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 18.07.2020

Incase you missed the link in my previous post - heres the latest video on Todays Full Moon in Aquarius.... https://youtu.be/LuNHnUnSfSg

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 02.07.2020

Aquarius Full Moon Monday 8.58 am in the west. Blessings of abundance and joy on this long weekend in August traditionally the biggest celebration of Summer. Were craving nature and connection while the chaos intensifies. Uranus in T-square to the full Moon encourages release of the tension in revolutionary and enlightened ways. Mercury Mars Jupiter T-square makes for intense communication that some times can to anger and inflation.... These are incendiary times and we all feel that something is up. But what "it" is, is really hard to tell still. With Mars playing such an important role in the next six months were about to be called to energetic action one way or the other. Mars makes squares to Jupiter (6th and 7th ), Pluto (15th and 16th) and Saturn ( 24th and 24th). Because of its retrograde cycle that begins in September Mars will make three exact squares to these three planets three times in the course of fall. You can look back at what was going on in your life in March of this year when Mars made three conjunction in succession to the same three planets. Our lives both personal and collective are changing so fast its hard to keep track of the moving goal post. And yet things are manifesting on the creative level even if our times are slowing down the delivery of that creativity. These are fascinating times and we can effect deep changes if we are willing to show up for our self and our communities. Follow the link for more of a discussion of these complex astrological alignments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuNHnUnSfSg Peace and Love, Martin Comtois mc starman The healer and the dreamer astrology See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 27.06.2020

CANCER NEW MOON VIDEO...... WISHING YOU AND YOUR THE VERY BEST....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9E4W0y71co&t=1145s

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 25.06.2020

In times of crisis dreams take on so much more meaning as they seek to guide us towards the wholeness that our hearts desires. This 4th quote in our series on Jung and Dreams explore the purpose of crisis in human fate and the function of dreams in guiding us through difficult times. Enjoy this full Moon offering, subscribe and share...... here is the quote...... The structure and dynamic of the psyche. On the nature of dreamsP292- 293 All these moments in the individuals li...fe, when the universal laws of human fate break upon the purposes, expectations, and opinions of the personal consciousness, are stations along the road of the individuation process. This process is in effect the realization of the whole man. The ego conscious personality is only a part of the whole man, and its life doe snot yet represent his total life. The more he is merely I, there he splits himself off from the collective man, of whom he is a part, and may even find himself in opposition to him. But since everything living strives for wholeness, the inevitable one-sidedness of our conscious life is continually being corrected and compensated by the universal human being in us, whose goal is the ultimate integration of conscious and unconscious, or better, the assimilation of the ego to a wider personality. Such reflections are unavoidable if one wants to understand the meaning of big dreams. They employ numerous mythological motifs that characterize the life of the hero, of that greater man who is semi-divine in nature. Here we find the dangerous adventure and orders such as occur in initiations. We meet the dragons, the helpful animals, and demons: also the wise Old Man, the animal-man, the wishing tree, the hidden treasure, the well, the cave, the walled garden, the transformative processes and substances of alchemy, and so forth - all the things which in no way touch the banalities of everyday. The reason for this is that they have to do with the realization of a part of the personality which has not yet come into existence but is in the process of becoming. See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 18.06.2020

and the video........

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 08.06.2020

That Capricorn Lunar Eclipse full Moon is sure bringing a lot of tension as it builds towards its culmination Saturday July 4th at 9.44 pm. Mercury has just made its conjunction with the Sun in Cancer late Tuesday and that is always a challenging time that brings insight through what is called combustion, a kind of burning up that occurs when Mercury r passes between the earth and the Sun . Jupiter and Pluto also have just passed their second exact conjunction c...Continue reading

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 03.06.2020

Our 3rd video on Jung and Dreams......check it out......

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 24.05.2020

Venus turns direct, Mars enters Aries and spends the next six months in its fiery home, Jupiter Pluto conjunction, so much going on as we courageously redefine our selves.......

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 05.05.2020

Solstice blessings and gratitudes. So much happening in our personal lives and in the collective. Mercury turns retrograde today June 18th. For a week both inner planets move backwards until Venus turns direct on the 25th. Saturday the 20th at 2.44 pm on the west coast comes the Summer Solstice which brings a shift in energy and marks the beginning of Summer. Later on Saturday at 11.41 pm comes the Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse. ... On June 29th Mars enters Aries and will spend six months there. Aires is the home of Mars and will spend this unusual amount of time there because of the retrograde phase coming at the end of Summer. The Capricorn Full moon comes on July 4th and will be a Lunar Eclipse. While all this is going on we have the Mars Neptune conjunction that is just ending and most importantly Jupiter and Pluto will be in conjunction within one degree for the next two weeks. Much will unfold in these times both personally and collectively so keep your self grounded and safe. Focus your attention and intention on making the best of these troubled times and extend to community and those in need. Were in this together and so much depends on how we can all react positively in these troubled times. Here is a little video we made with more details. Keep your heart open and your mind free. Sending you peace and love. Martin Comtois The Healer and the Dreamer Astrology See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 22.04.2020

our second video in the "Jung and Dreams" series. Subscribe for more. Reaching out if you would like some help in working with your dreams. "For the practical work of dream-analysis we need a special knack and intuitive understanding on the one hand, and a considerable knowledge of the history of symbols on the other. As with all practical work with psychology, mere intellect is not enough; one also needs feeling, because otherwise the exceedingly important feeling-values of ...the dreams are neglected. Without these, dream analysis is impossible. As the dream is dreamt by a whole man, it follows that anyone who tries to interpret dreams must be engaged as a whole man too.. understanding and knowledge there must be, but they should not set themselves up above the heart, which in turn must not give way to sentiment. All in all, dream interpretation is an art, difficult, but capable of being learned by those whose gift and destiny it is." C.G. Jung The Development of Personality C.W. #17 P106,107 See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 02.04.2020

Sagittarius Full Moon video and write up together on The Healer and the Dreamer website. Full Moon Blessings and Gratitudes.

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 19.03.2020

Sagittarius Full Moon rising on a world in crisis. One is reminded of the CCR song bad Moon rising. Not that this Full Moon is any worst or any better than many of the astral events we have seen so far this year. But the focus is shifting from a purely medical crisis to a socio-economic and political crisis reverberating through out the world. These developments are mirrored but the astrological dynamics at work and much insight can be gained as to its unfolding. The S...Continue reading

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 03.03.2020

Im starting a new series of video on Jung and dreams. You can follow them on YouTube. Sweet dreams.

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 12.02.2020

Here is the link for tonight. My first virtual workshop. working on some new material for you guys. see you this evening. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7041302626

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 07.02.2020

Very much looking forward to this Saturday evening Zoom gathering and workshop. We will discuss the Sagittarius Full Moon. An alchemical perspective on Mercury and Venus and their retrograde phases. We will also also look at the current outer planetary alignment and their significance is our personal and collective lives. We will take a look back in history for past Jupiter Pluto conjunction, the meaning of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction at the end of the year and well also take a brief look at 2021 to gather clues as to how we can make the best of the current crisis. There will be a question and answer period at the end of the presentation. This is open to anyone interested. See you Saturday.

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 30.01.2020

Gemini New Moon Blessings and Gratitudes. Friday 10.38 am on the west coast of the Americas. Energy is low as the Moon finishes Her cycle. She reaches out again for her union with the Sun. And prepares for a new cycle.... So much uncertainty; were tired of the fear. Tired of the edge between surrender and not knowing. Our hearts long for the community of love. Our minds race between impossibilities. Our emotions are raw. Our intuitions dark. The need for nurturing love and healthy exchanges is encouraged by the Sun Moon conjunction and the Mercury Venus conjunction all in engaging Gemini. Humans are social and tribal animals. The individual is nurtured by his community. Community serves the individual. We are in this together. We miss hugs and human contact. As restrictions are lifted we dread the new normal and long for the simple connections to nature and friends. So much depends on how we react to the times ahead. So much depends on self care and inner work, on creativity and spiritual practice. Included in the comments is an in depth MC Starman Youtube Video of the overall astrological picture. Please check it out and share it, subscribe to the channel if you like and to stay connected. Take the time at this new moon to reflect on what you are letting go off in your life and what is being invited. This is a time of intension and prayer as we all invite a better world for our selves and our community. Peace and love, Martin Comtois MC Starman The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 27.01.2020

Important energetic shifts in our lives and in the collective this week as Venus , Jupiter and Saturn all turn retrograde. Today on May 11th Saturn begins its retrograde phase until the end of September. On the 13th Venus begins her backwards movement until June 24th and on the 14th Jupiter will begin his until September. All three of them have been visible to us recently around sunset and sunrise. This morning as the Sun was preparing to rise you could see the...Continue reading

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 07.01.2020

Here is a couple of my favourite Jung quotes as a Mothers day offering. We all came from the womb of a Mother and we all rest in the womb of the Great Mother. In these difficult times it is so important to honour source and to show up to our highest good....... Bollingen, 20 August 1945. Dear Frau Frobe, . . . There can be no resolution, only patient endurance of the opposites which ultimately spring from your own nature. You yourself are a conflict that rages in itself an...d against itself, in order to melt its incompatible substances, the male and the female, in the fire of suffering, and thus create that fixed and unalterable form which is the goal of life. Everyone goes through this mill, consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or forcibly. We are crucified between the opposites and delivered up to the torture until the reconciling third takes shape. Do not doubt the rightness of the two sides within you, and let whatever may happen, happen. The apparently unendurable conflict is proof of the rightness of your life. A life without inner contradiction is either only half a life or else a life in the Beyond, which is destined only for angels. But God loves human beings more than the angels. With kindest regards, Yours sincerely, C. G. Jung P453 vol 10 Jung The undiscovered self A mood of universal destruction and renewal... Has set its mark on our age. This mood makes itself felt everywhere, politically, socially, and philosophically. We are living in what the greeks called the kairos - the right moment - for a metamorphosis of the gods, of the fundamental principles and symbols. This peculiarity of our time, which is certainly not of our conscious choosing, is the expression of the unconscious human within us who is changing. Coming generations will have to take account of this momentous transformation if humanity is not to destroy itself through the might of its own technology and science.... So much is at stake and so much depend on the psychological constitution of the modern human. See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 31.12.2019

Scorpio Full Moon Musings Polarizing times indeed and in deeds Fear is one of Scorpios greatest gifts it breeds inner tension to be released into transformation... The Sun in Taurus seeks to anchor life into the earth The Moon in Scorpio seeks to release it into death in a t-square to Mars in Aquarius the confrontation of polar opposites trigger passion and anger on whatever side of the conflict that rages in our times you stand to get caught up in the hysteria of it all it is natures way that the old must die to give birth to the new this is symbolized by the ouroboros the snake that eats itself and gives birth to itself in the eternal cycle of samsara the wheel of time the Zodiac much good is coming from these times as we face the shadow and rage that is exposed we stand naked and vulnerable we can project this inner tension and buy into the madness or we can own up to this tension in our selves and we make energetic and courageous progress in the good the choice is ours even if it is so easy to let others decide our fate for us Jung said that the only way you can resolve a collective psychosis it to resolve it within yourself the more of us that do that the more we will see the change that reflects our willingness to face our own shadow in this lies the great opportunity of our times as Jung pointed out in his alchemical studies darkness is the mother of the light and in these dark times we are all giving birth to a new day in any conflict the truth lies in the middle this truth is the uniting third that gives way to the unity of the fourth thus the axiom of Maria again sheds light into our times Beltane blessings abound individuated individuals are rising forming caring and sustainable communities rise up friend this your time to shine Martin Comtois The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 19.12.2019

Taurus New Moon 4/22/2020 7.26 pm west coast time What an adventure it all is!!!!! Thanks Jules for letting me share your art of the sea dragon new moon. New Moons are not easy. Like all natural cycles rebirth is always preceeded by death. One Lunar cycle is ending and a new one begins. We mourn who we were and give birth to our new self seeking the union of the opposites in a reconciliation of the masculine and feminine in our own nature. This sacred marriage is symboli...zed by the new Moon and is the subject of Jungs "Mysterium Coniunctionis", the mystery of the union of Sol and Luna. In nurturing and fertile Taurus we move into Beltane and the longest days of the year, for the Celts Beltane was the beginning of Summer and was celebrated by the elected King and Queen of the costumed festival making love in the new garden beds. Life is returning, Persephone is back, in a festival of flowers and fresh new leaves. Of course I now live on Vancouver Island and so were a bit ahead of most in our northern climes. This new Moon conjoins revolutionary and evolutionary Uranus , the light bringer. Foundations have been shaken for some times now and and we feel our ground being unstable as we face the collective crisis. The shadow of Uranus is a feeling of being trapped into a reality that does not serve us and its quest is to free us to a higher octave of expression of our God given gifts and talents. That never comes easily and as this new Moon lands almost exactly on Uranus we feel this tension of being trapped, not just in isolation, but also in a mode of living that just no longer serves us. Adding to this tension, this Uranian new Moon squares (90 marked by the thick red line) the Jupiter , Saturn , Pluto triple conjunction of which we have been speaking of for quite sometime and which mirrors this formidable collective and personal crisis we are slowly moving through. This breakdown of the collective psyche is exposing the fallacy of our society which is so disconnected from natural processes that it is no longer sustainable and as we witness by the crumbling of so many structures. The outcome is still very much uncertain but as this new Moon arrives we feel a sense of restlessness. We are called to take action in addressing the realizations we have been integrating through the introversion time we have been blessed with. As the astrology of our times unfolds we will be given signs of what needs to be done for us to create a new life for ourselves that is closer to our nature and our dreams. Powerful times indeed. Ill expand on these themes through writing and video in the next few days as we celebrate together the rebirth and the possibilities. Sending you peace and love on your sacred journey. Martin Comtois The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology MC Starman on you tube https://healerdreamerastrology.ca See more

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 30.11.2019

You can head to my website where you can read my latest update on the Libra Full Moon and also watch my youtube video! All in one place! Please feel free to share this post! Thank you. https://healerdreamerastrology.ca/full-moon-in-libra-and-p/

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 13.11.2019

Full Moon MC Starman is in da House.......

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 02.11.2019

Libra Full Moon Blessings Plan a ritual and get your self and your crystals out in the Moon light. The Moon is full as it rises tonight (7th of April) on the pacific coast at 7.35 pm. So much tension is being released and clarity is returning as the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto ends and the Moon shines at Her brightest. The Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra symbolize the great tension of opposites between the journey of the hero (Sun in Aries...Continue reading

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 29.10.2019

Wow! Thank you! Weve just hit 300 followers on this page! We really appreciate the support!Wow! Thank you! Weve just hit 300 followers on this page! We really appreciate the support!

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 22.10.2019

Blog - Full Moon in Libra April 2020 https://healerdreamerastrology.ca/full-moon-in-libra-april/

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 19.10.2019

THESE ARE THE DEFINING DAYS OF OUR TIMES. As we seek positive responses to the crisis its is easy to project our fear and anguish into the collective and to empower outer circumstances and feel powerless and discouraged. If that is our response then we are caught into the frenzy of the collective psychosis and we become part of this mass of confusion being sucked into the vortex of fear and panic. With this Full Moon coming on the 7th the tension is bound to rise as the confl...Continue reading

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 13.10.2019

In this live broadcast, I will discuss the coming Libra Full Moon and the Jupiter Pluto conjunction. First Full Moon of Spring and the beginning of new social movements.

The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology 24.09.2019

Do you guys think we can graduate to a culture of consent and social responsibility, or a practice of safe socializing, between consenting adults who have done their duty to make sure they are healthy. Could there be an end in sight?Join me tomorrow Monday March 30 at 8.22 pm pst on my Facebook page The Healer & the Dreamer Astrology as I discuss the coming Libra Full Moon and the Jupiter Pluto conjunction. First Full Moon of Spring and the beginning of new social movements. ...Times they are a changin" as Bobby D said during a previous Jupiter Pluto conjunction. Then I will do a longer presentation of the same material on my YouTube channel of the same name on Tuesday March 31st at 8.22 pm. I will get into the history of the Jupiter Pluto conjunction and will cover the Jupiter Saturn conjunction of late 2020 and the Jupiter Uranus square and the Saturn Uranus square of early 2021. Join me for an in-depth look at these rare and powerful alignments. This information will equip you with a long view and an objective perspective of the changing times. We got some work to do and that begins with our own path to thriving in the chaos. share and tune in. See you tomorrow. See more