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Hands of Fire 07.11.2020

Space Clearing Today’s space clearing involved #reikihealing , #palosantospirit , and #movementmedicine . Combined, with intention, these are a powerful mixture. In my practice, it is incredibly important to show humility, thanks, and honour to the medicines I have the privilege of accessing and inviting in to work with me.... Palo santo (Bursera graveolens) is a tree that's native to Peru, Ecuador, and other South American countries. It’s name translates to ‘holy wood’ and holds a beloved presence of healing, abundance, and pure light. It’s fragrance is uplifting, cleansing, and sparks a creativity of the soul. Unfortunately, Palo Santo like many other sacred herbs, has become a commodity for the western world and has thus, experienced misuse and abuse in both cultivation and informed use. I encourage you, if you work with this wood or are interested in it, to educate yourself on where you buy these sacred items from. Do they people you purchase this from practice ceremony, do they know where they received their holy wood from, do they offer pamphlets of education, has this wood been ethically sourced, what are the values of the company in which you are purchasing this wood from? All of these questions will tell you if this is something in alignment with your integrity and values, and most importantly with the sacredness of Pachamama and the People’s in which have shared their sacred practices and items with us. @animamundiherbals is where I access my ethically sourced Palo Santo, as they are a business committed to bridging remedies from Native People within Central & South America to modern day needs and imbalances. They believe in sustainable growth, from the inception of the plants they use, to their business practice. Adriana Ayales, the founder, is a Costa Rican herbalist and her mission is to preserve indigenous medicine. Check them out and continue to learn and be curious about your practices; honour where your practices come from, give gratitude to the Teachers, Healers, Countries, Land, and Cultures that have privileged you with this knowledge, practice, and sacred items. And, allow your choices and actions to be in alignment with Great Spirit

Hands of Fire 21.10.2020

Creating Sacred Space When we create sacred space we are able to incubate our conscious intentions. And when we set our intentions, they are woven deeper and received louder by the forces around us. For tens of thousands of years, ceremonies have been used - universally - to aid communities of people in times of change, hope, transition, fear, celebration, and prayer. ... Ritual and ceremony create a bridge between the physical world we live in and the world of the unseen: the divine, the spiritual, and the universe. There are so many different ways to create ritual or facilitate a ceremony. Have you ever explored the lineages of your matrilineal and patrilineal lines? I wonder what rituals, ceremonies, traditions and celebrations they practiced? Do any of these call to your spirit? Allow yourself to approach such learning with an open mind and heart. I will never forget the day I witnessed a Mi’kmaq Tobacco Carrier. We were at a ceremony together and when she walked past me with her ceremonial regalia and I heard the sound of her bells, by entire body began to vibrate, my heart felt like it would burst, and my eyes streamed with loving tears. I am French Acadian with Mi’kmaq lineage approximately 6 generations down my matrilineal line. There was no question in my body and mind, that this woman and this ceremony was calling forwards something within my DNA, my lineage, my Ancient Self. I have goosebumps writing this now. This is a connection that I wish for all individuals to feel. Ceremony transports us back home. Ritual is the path we walk and sacred space is the container we create to quantum leap our healing, our prayers, and our intentions. It my greatest dream to instil the sacred back into the mundane. In fact, there truly is no mundane, only the un-sacred. Everything is sacred and all of us are channels for Great Spirit. This is our greatest gift: using our life as a way to channel healing and prayer from the universe beyond, to the beings here on Earth. Ritual and ceremony can be grand and elaborate and they can also be humble and simple. Each picture above embodies ritual and ceremony. Get exploring and researching! And have fun

Hands of Fire 04.10.2020

Feeling like you need some movement accountability once the cold has us inside more? Want to move with a community? Come join me and US over at QSY for 30 days! I’m excited to see if I can do it!! It helps that I can do it all from my home and on my own schedule.

Hands of Fire 27.09.2020

I am the Oracle Tonight, after my partner David and I finished playing crib, he was like, you know, it’s too bad we don’t have an oracle deck here and I was thinking, yeah, I feel the same way, as I was shuffling our card deck. And then in dawned on me...why don’t I just use this deck? So, I shuffled with intention, giving them time and space to shift from being playing cards to oracle cards - acting as a portal between myself and Spirit (both my spirit and that of the u...niverse). I spread them across the table, like I would an oracle deck, and closed my eyes. I connected to the cards and my channel and asked that these cards be used as an oracle, speaking truths and messages through symbolism of the cards, and shared that I may look up card meanings online as well. Satisfied with my request, I put out my psychic hands, moving and feeling the subtle heat and pulls, and selected one card. My partner selected another. We took turns intuitively assessing our cards and then shared with each other, offering our own perspectives of the patterns, symbols, and meanings in one another’s cards. I’m pulled the 9 of diamonds, intuitively I received & perceived: Connection Union Bridge Crossroads 2 parallel lines moving at the same time, symbolizing the many lives running parallel to one another - quantum leaping parallel lives - this is how healings and miracles occur diamonds: purifying, higher consciousness, crown awakening/opening, levelling up numerology: 9 relates to wisdom and responsibility. The ultimate goal of 9 is to serve humanity. This vibration has come to serve the world and make it a better place for all to live in. 9 represents human’s ‘earthly lesson’, which is forgiveness. Number 9 learns selflessness and compassion. Woah. This was an absolutely heart expanding reading and I received so much healing from these words and themes. These moments of connection are some of the most beautiful things about being a channel and healer on this Earth. So, what’s the lesson? You are the oracle. You can receive messages from anywhere and with anything. All you have to do is pick up the phone and dial, someone will pick up.

Hands of Fire 16.09.2020

May you be open to receive! . .... Thank you Fia for your sacred melodies and words. See more

Hands of Fire 07.09.2020

Blessing of the Earth Element From Steven Farmer’s book, Sacred Ceremony, here is a portion of a Blessing for the Sacred Elements From the solid Earth upon which we stand,... Let us praise the qualities of the Earth: May its Great Plains give you patience May its rocky peaks give you longing May its deep forests give you wisdom May its cool valleys give you peace Trust the Earth

Hands of Fire 02.09.2020

As I sat outside in my oasis this morning, with the neighbourhood murder of crows having a very large territory argument, #holyfirereiki spoke clearly into my ear, and asked that I record a guided meditation blessing for those who want to receive today. . So here it is, 10 minutes long, and you can do it anywhere, sitting, laying down, walking, as a passenger in a car. . Allow yourself to lean in and join me, ya, in the circle.... . If youd like to join us, Ill invite you to journal and write down on a page (or more, if you feel so inspired) what came forwards for you. . Once your reflection time is complete, please close down sacred space that we opened together on this video, and offer gratitude to your guides, ancestors, and high beings, that joined with us in space. Im doing this, release then, allowing those who want to flow and humbly bowing to those who wish to remain. . We are powerful sovereign beings and we are never truly alone. . . May you open to receive. See more

Hands of Fire 18.08.2020

But, what is my thing? Have you ever come across a practitioner’s social page or website, and they list off all of their certifications or different titles and you end up feeling like you’ve just looked in your grocery cart and there are so many things in it, and you have no idea what to make? I get it! I used to list off different things I do; I’m a Reiki Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Sound Healer, Yoga & Movement Teacher, Artist, the list could go on...But, what is it rea...lly that I do with *waves hands erratically* all that?! So, what’s my THING?! With great respect and gratitude, I send thanks and love to all my Teachers, Mentors, Sages, Priestesses, Shamans, and Ascended Masters who have privileged me with knowledge and practices to heal myself and share these pieces with others. I am Natasha Magdalena. I am an Oracle of the Earth and I dedicate my life to bringing immense healing to this Earth through channeling high divine frequencies. I am an Initiator and Way-shower. And, through vulnerability and grace, I become a hollow bone for miracles. I guess that’s my thing. Yeah, that’s it. Questions?

Hands of Fire 14.08.2020

2020s last Reiki L-1 . My loves! I cannot believe I am writing these words...where has 2020 gone? Nevermind, we know where its gone...and what else could be more timely and needed than a healing attunement that will be within you for the rest of your life?! Yeah, thats a rhetorical question. . Come and join us in community, with like minded and hearted folx, that care about healing themselves, their community, and the world!... . Details in the slides and more information on my website and Facebook page. Links up in my bio! . Spaces are limited and going quickly! If this aligns, reach out, and say yes to YOU! . See more

Hands of Fire 04.08.2020

Testimonials . Are you Intuitive Reiki-Curious? This is a recent testimonial that came through on Google Review from a client that I began working with late last year. . It is an honour and a blessing to offer this work and to call being in sacred space with others work.... . Read what Arianna has to share below: . Natasha has a gift for connecting and seeing her clients so clearly. She approaches her healing work with intention, beauty and depth - creating a safe space where vulnerable topics and emotional release can be explored. During our distance sessions, Ive felt so incredibly connected, held, seen and energetically replenished. She is thoughtful in her approach, open to exploring the lessons on a deep level. Natashas work is a gift! . There are a lot of shifts that are happening behind the scenes of Hands of Fire and I am excited to share a relaunch of my program and website on the New Moon of 2021! . How I share my gifts and what services I offer will be simplifying while also expanding. I am clarifying as a Healer and calling in the Souls that are ready and willing to do the work of divine aligning! . I cant wait to share more with you...all in divine timing, I know and trust See more

Hands of Fire 21.07.2020

Magic is Everywhere . So, on my walk around town today, I came across this beautiful tree. The sun was shinning and something a out this tree called me over. . I dont ask questions anymore (okay, well sometimes I do - but not today!), I aim to L I S T E N. So, I walk under its canopy and immediately feel a warmth and lightness. I look up and witness theses M A G I C A L L I G H T C O D E S beaming through the leaves.... . I sat and stood there and simply opened myself up and received. As I received I heard a voice speak into my mind, as if it was an old friend talking through a phone. They shared with me that there is always magic around us...magic is everywhere...Mother Earth I S magic and so am I. Not only do I create magic, but I experience it, too. . Magic is everywhere, they told me and I felt this as T R U T H moving through my being, its just whether or not Im open to receiving this magic. . So, number one message: what kind of energy or mindset do you need to be in to remain open to receiving? How do you feel about receiving? What may be in the way of you receiving in your life? And, second message is: just because someone else doesnt feel, see, or believe in the magic you do, doesnt mean it isnt potent and real and H E A L I N G for you, it just means they arent in a space to receive what you are. . I am so humbly grateful for this being, this beloved old friend, that answered my subconscious phone call and talked to me about magic. And, I feel at peace knowing this message is making it out to others who may be dialing the same phone number and frequency. . Sending you sprinkles of magic See more

Hands of Fire 03.07.2020

Gifts from Mother Earth . . cedar, a white peacock feather, and a flower Im still trying to research.... . I have been studying with a Plant Medicine Teacher for 6 months, on and off, and since working with her, the plants have been calling to me loudly. Sometimes I dont know what they are, but theres something about them - their fragrance, the way they move in the wind, the energy surrounding them, their voice in my mind - that captures my energy and attention. Sometimes they are just saying hello, witness me, be in my space, learn from me. Other times they ask me to take them home with me. When I get home, I ask Spirit and my Team to guide me to the information I need to know and research them online or in books. . Every time a message is received. And, its often quite potent and touching on palpable things in my life. . Today, My research leads me to cedar, a protector and a medicine of/for grief, yes thank you Spirit, I will continue to process the resonance of grief being experienced in my mind and body. Next, the peacock feather; did you know that peacocks eat poisonous plants and are able to thrive in the face of suffering? How interesting that one of the biggest things I am processing right now is what kind of treatment and integrative medicine I want to practice in healing my body. Right now allopathic medicine has me consuming medicine that is a poison and makes my body suffer in order to live. Yes, indeed, I am learning to thrive and release suffering. And lastly, my beautiful flower, which I have yet to name. I have a feeling someone on here will know the name and I will be complete. She looks like rose of Sharon, but does not share the same colouring around her petals on the inside. Intuitively, however, she feels like an overall heart warmer and feeling her presence makes me feel loved and connected to my inner fae. . All medicine originates from the Earth. I know in Her, I will find ease and grace. . Thanks for following along on my intuitive earth medicine tour . May you, too, witness her beauty. See more

Hands of Fire 17.06.2020

This is one form of therapy and process for me. This artist, Fia, moves me so deeply. Its almost like shes written songs inside of my Heart that I havent written yet. I love her and the connection I feel my my body and soul when experiencing her music. . So, welcome, I took you along with me today on one of my processes. This song is how I feel about my journey in healing and curing myself of Cancer. I have had a taste of truth and I cant forget it. . Our allopathic medic...ine system is not going to save me, its me. People can have their judgments and share their opinions, but it doesnt matter because Ive had a taste of my truth. . My body knows how to heal itself. And so, I return back to the basics of supporting my body in its essential needs: nutritional value, water, love, and rest. I will heal myself, of this I am certain! . Its already happening - its allllll happening. . May you feel this Golden Age upon us, and May you feel the magick in the air...of this, miracles are born. . See more

Hands of Fire 05.06.2020

Mmmm, meeting your here, in my momentary temple, romancing myself, and filling my vessel before I do anything else. . Lately, Ive been trying to nourish myself before I even head downstairs in the morning. Some days that adorning myself with my sacred items, other days its doing a sadhana/practice, or a self love session. . This morning it involves having a hot bath, creating a lair of magick, and reading from the #sophiacodes . This particular reading comes from the Isis K...eyCodes. . May you find the divine within yourself and others. May you find your sovereignty within. And, may you remember that you are a bridge between the mundane and the holy. . See more

Hands of Fire 21.05.2020

The Element of Water . I call on the sacred energy of Water . ... . Thank you Lake Huron for your many gifts . May your waters be pure and life giving! . May all of our waters be cleaned and purified, may all being living in the fresh lakes and seas be replenished and honoured in all that they are and do for our ecosystem. . See more

Hands of Fire 10.05.2020

Today, she called to me again, as I sat outside and asked myself how to heal the roots of a painful patterning. . I listened, walking down to her roots and sitting across from her. I opened my channel and flowed reiki and quantum Healing to her, listening to her leaves sing me a lullaby. . She offered me visions and teachings, like how I can use her energy field as a surrogate for offering myself reiki and quantum Healing. And so, I began giving her/myself reiki to our roots...... . Suddenly a vision and words were gifted to me about a holding pattern that has been handed down to me from my matrilineal line and then affirmed again and again by my shadows and hurts. The tree shared with me how she lives in unity and also community with the other trees in her system. She shared how she maintains her health while also sharing her excess with other trees in need. Wow. The revelations are still making their ways through my system, shifting and clearing, and untangling mixed up parts of myself, removing what was never mine to begin with and come back home to myself, just myself, my perfect golden hearted Self. . What a gift this tree medicine is to me at this time in my life. . I feel called to thank @asiasuler as well, as she sparked the fire to a calling I have felt and heard echoing inside of me for years, to come back to deeper grace and relationship with the Earth. . In this, I am complete. . See more

Hands of Fire 30.04.2020

Thank you, sacred plant spirit of Sage, for your purifying properties. When I. Run you I feel the presence of high vibrational beings, of my ancestors, and sacred messengers who hold me in non ordinary space. . Your smoke allows me to once again see things clearly. Your potent smell, cleanses my airways and my grief and fears surrender. . Your transformational wisdom gifts me with death, freedom, and new life, once again.... . Thank you, I love you, and deeply honour you. . Thank you to the Earth, Great Pachamama, for offering this Land so many healing spirits and allies . Thank you to the Earth Stewards and Way-Showers, for your teachings on these medicines. . I bow to you all in deep respect & love See more

Hands of Fire 16.04.2020

You have to see it to believe it . How many of you can recall someone saying this to you? Do you know anyone who lives their life from this paradigm? . How many of us as children were told that our imaginary friend isnt real, that theres no monster under our bed, or that we are overreacting or being silly about not liking Dads one friend.... . We are animals; we are civilized animals who like to wear suits and play tea. However, at the end of the day, we cannot deny that we receive and exert information through modes other than our speech and body language....our instincts are still deep within us. . WHAT EXACTLY ARE INSTINCTS - WHAT INFORMATION DO THEY GIVE US? . Have you ever had a bad feeling about something or felt like you couldnt trust someone or were told to listen to your gut? . These are examples of energetic or intuition based feedback, i.e., inner sight, feeling, and knowing. . We are comprised of body-mind-spirit, and together, our breath and imagination can lead us to the center of ourselves, to where these three components meet in communication. . If you havent heard this enough lately, trust your gut feelings. And, this can be practiced in many settings, its helpful - in the beginning - to start with small hunches and feelings and build a system of understanding how your gut and intuition communicate with you...then you can use it for the bigger decisions, like leaving your job, taking that road exit, or going on a date with this person. . Not to mention we do soemd@eep Healing and reclamation, especially ya Womxn, when we honour and trust our own inner voice. See more

Hands of Fire 05.04.2020

Today I made a little altar space for my Inner Child. As I sit at my desk or pass by it in my room, I send healing towards Her, offer a smile, and am reminded of our connection. . These affirmations and mantras that I offer her today come from Louise Hays book, Heal Your Body. Each Illness or area of dis-ease/disruption is aligned with a spiritual and emotional consideration, matched by an affirmation. . These are some that I am working with. It was interesting to run throug...h these words a bunch of times and to see where my voice wanted to change, what words and phrases called forward a deep breath, some I even had to say while laughing to disarm myself or in some cases to avoid authentic connection. This was my final recording where I felt present with each word and expression. . Do you have a picture of you as a child kicking around? I invite you to put a picture up or place it somewhere safe and private and put some items around it, charge it with crystals, leave a love note to yourself, light a candle. . See more

Hands of Fire 31.03.2020

Heres a sneak peak look into a water ceremony and crystal grid creation with my crystal masters, as I prepare them for being re-homed. . I let them rinse in Reiki infused water, rinsed them gently, and then placed them one by one with my Reiki flowing fingers and super-charged them into a powerful crystal grid. . As I placed each stone, I wove the intentions of healing, reclamation, and mastership. I also infused them with sacred reiki symbols evoking mental and emotional h...ealing as well as a focus for healing and joy. . These crystals will be on sale until the end of next week, from September 7-14th. . Large crystals - $8 Medium crystals - $5 Small crystals - $3 . If you want to purchase many or build a kit with a theme, for example: . chakra kit anxiety kit third eye & intuition kit sacred feminine kit . Lets talk and I can make some recommendations. . Feel free to screen shot pictures of which crystals you want or dm me for pictures and more detailed pricing. . May these find the humans they need to complete their work and resonance on Earth . See more

Hands of Fire 27.03.2020

I come to you today, as an Oracle of the Earth, holding space for you to ground in to yourSelf, your YoUniverse, and feel/see/know/hear what is in there. . Claim what you want Release what no longer serves What is left will fall into space... And, the rest will go back to no-thing . In my cauldron are pieces of wild sage cut from the Okanagan Valleys of British Columbia, grown on the land of the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the xmkym (Musqueam) First Nation. . I honour the Plant Spirit of Sage for its healing powers of cleansing, purity, and deep Earth transmutation medicine. I honour and acknowledge my many Indigenous Teachers and Ancestors who have taught me about sacred herbs and plant allyship. In this video, I offer this herb in a burn ceremony, creating sacred space for healing, reclamation, and release. May we be blessed and held by the Spirits of this sacred plant, the teachers of this medicine, and the divine guides that are with us always. May these teachings and lineages be respected, honoured, and safe. And remain so for all eternity. See more

Hands of Fire 13.03.2020

I have been working closely with the #sacredelements for 3 months now. Everywhere I go, everyday I awake, the elements are whispering to me, lighting me up, grounding me down, holding me. . Heres a transparent share on some of the clarity and transmutation that Air has been offering me. . Lessons Im learning: how to speak my truth, how to transmute what I dont want into what I do want, releasing fear patterns around being seen and heard in the times when Im angry, frustra...ted, and dissatisfied, setting boundaries with others AND myself, feeling steady and good about taking breaks from relationships that are not serving my growth or my prosperity, and delving deep into spiritual psychotherapy, re writing my lifes story to release trauma and pain and reclaim strength and wisdom! . Mmm. It took me about 5 songs to be able to move freely and in sync with feelings, rather than thoughts. I miss dancing in community so much. And, I also value how much self healing has happened in these past 6 months. . I have so much I am grateful for: the Earth, being alive, having a beautiful relationship, being able to move my body, having the means to express myself here on IG, the people in my life who hold space for me to process and be witnessed in my authenticity, the sacred elements and my connection to Spirit, and all the teachers and mentors who have offered me their wisdom along my path. . I bow to you . With deep love and care, N See more

Hands of Fire 11.03.2020

Daily Self Practice . Ive been working on moving my body and practicing reiki and meditation everyday. The goal is every day; it doesnt matter for how long, when, or what, just get into my body, move, be, release, and realize. Thats it. . Todays practice was gentle. I wanted to stretch and hold, breathe and flow Reiki, and my mind wanted to process and reflect, so I let myself be led to the places and paces it wanted.... . This kind of self centered care is so impactful. Its been a gift to have the space and time to offer myself this space everyday. Everyday I hold space for myself (a minimum of 20 minutes) to connect in, be by myself, and go inwards or up! . So far it feels amazing to set this time for me. I used to find it hard to set this time aside and now I find it easier to say, can we plan after 11am or 12pm?, so that I can keep my mornings for myself to connect and sculpt the tone of my energy. . Its a start!!! . If you had a morning practice, what would you want to do in that time to connect to yourself and set your energy up for success in your day? Give me three things youd wanna do! See more

Hands of Fire 23.02.2020

When You Heal Trauma . When we heal trauma, it involves the whole body and surrounding systems to come together. . Physiological shifts, emotional resilience, new neural pathways, and new boundaries!... . Healing trauma takes work and time, but it is possible. . Im curious if youre on a journey with a pattern? Tell me where youre at in this process...nervous system, emotions, energy, behaviour.. . May we all hear the stories held in our bodies, may we feel held by our support systems, and may we all feel safe to heal. . See more

Hands of Fire 14.02.2020

I am Air . My thoughts on air today... . May you feel Her against yourself skin today... . See more

Hands of Fire 30.01.2020

A sound blessing for the Earth! . Sing along if you know it! . ... . Poetry by Peia, Blessed we are See more

Hands of Fire 23.01.2020

A Developing Reiki Practice . People come to you with many different problems, difficulties and illnesses, sometimes as a last resort, and you watch them leave relaxed, often radiant with joy and new hope. It is a blessing to witness clients improve over time, watching them grow, gain confidence, and become more trusting of life. It is inspiring to see someone make major changes and life adjustments and occasionally to witness miracles, feeling the wonder of Gods love pas...s through you and into another. It is an honour to sense the presence of spiritual beings, feeling their touch, and knowing that they work with me, being raised into ever greater levels of joy and peace by simply placing my hands n Reiki flow. I have watched my life grow and develop as my continual immersion in Reiki has transformed my attitudes, values and beliefs. Because of my commitment to helping others, being of light focus their love and healing on and through me, carefully guiding me on my spiritual path. All of this, is the promise of a developing reiki practice . I will be opening registration up for my last #reikileveli course of 2020! There are 10 spots and only 7 spots are available! . For more information stay tuned or send me a dm . See more

Hands of Fire 15.01.2020

I woke up this morning with so much happiness and lightness in my heart. I am up at a cottage in Parry Sound, Ontario and the land feels incredible. . Parry Sound resides within the Anishnabek Nation, which stretches across much of Ontario, east across the Praries and around the northern shores of all the Great Lakes. The Anishnabek Nation is comprised of Algonquin, Saulteaux, Anishnabe, Odewa, Chippewa, and several other groups. . I love this Land so much. And, I can feel He...r love for me as well What a gift it is to feelthis love, energy, and Spirit. . For the first time in a long time, this tune found my feet. I am grateful to awake with a light heart and excitement in my throat and toes! I want to dance and frolic and sing and dance. I want to feel free - I already am. Now, I want to practice feeling free, perhaps even, freeing myself to feel free - to BE free...to BE. . Oh, life. So rich, so raw. So, perfect. . Mmmm. May you feel my lightness and play and receive what you need in your day See more

Hands of Fire 11.01.2020

Current Altar Vibes . Oh my goodness, there is just so much beauty and richness flowing through this altar space. The #divinefeminine is so satiated and full . Weve got Davids sacred Elk Spirit Drum alongside my Black Bear Spirit Drum, my Sacred Woman Ceremonial Figure, my Prayer Box with my healing items and quantum Healing crystals, a baby Deer Spirit named wonDEER, alongside a candle and my newest piece of art, made by the beautiful woman Izabela from Tangible Transf...ormations. . This art piece was actually modeled by me, as Izabela was working with the vision and created it from my form, and once I saw it formed into fruition, it felt like a healing piece for me and my Crone and Mother archetypes. . For now it will charge on my altar until I find the perfect place for it to reside. . Based on what you see here, do you have any questions about altar work or any sacred items you may spot in this photo? . Dont be shy! Ask away! And if youre here, leave a heart or a comment! Id love to hear from you See more

Hands of Fire 05.01.2020

Root Cause Mindset . Mastin Kipp has some pretty amazing things to say and share about healing and how to shift out trauma patterns and mindsets. . Getting to the root cause of our patterns and loops is integral for rewiring our neural pathways and reconditioning our nervous system response. Solely tending to the symptoms is like putting the bandaid on after a fall, and then doing the same thing again that causes you to fall. Yes, let us cleanse the wound and put on the b...andaid, and then let us also look at the route and action that led to the fall. . I know, from personal experience, its not always clear what causes the fall. And, yet, somewhere deep inside of us is the answer. We hold both the shadow and the light. In fact, the shadow is the same medicine of the light....it just requires transmutation and transformation, alas, turning that fall into wisdom and finding new routes and ways of being. . Sometimes this work is too challenging to do on our own, and it is no slight or weakness to need a space holder or guide. We are built as pack animals and thrive in community and safe(r) space. . Who do you have in your life that can hold this space? Im here to whisper gently in your ear that therapy and healing work is not for the broken, its for the courageous folk that want to be the cycle breakers. We all have our stuff, whether its lived in our life or given to us through lineage, we are story carriers. . Today, as I reflect on my own stories, I send you blessings of healing. May we all remember that we are the story keepers of our life, and we can change the tone and storyline anytime we want. . We are not stuck in the 3 dimensional world, within us is a channel to the 5 dimensions and we can go back in time and shift energy and impact. We can rewrite our stories, we can rewire our neuro pathways, and we can break free of cycles. This is our greatest gift as soon one beings, remembering our bodies are a temple. . So come on in and visit your temple today. Offer your gifts and say your prayers, and humbly ask for guidance. You may be surprised who answers you there. . With love, N See more

Hands of Fire 17.12.2019

Meet my newest altar piece, thanks to the divinely gifted woman, Izabela, behind Tangible Transformations (tangibletransformations.com). This goddess piece spoke to me so strongly and I knew I needed her for my ceremonial work. She has space in her head to hold a plant, but instead I will use this space for ceremonial sacred herb offerings, prayers, and blessings. Wow. Words cannot truly express this beauty. . For now, I will share a part of my initiation that I offered for t...his piece, bringing her in to my sacred space and merging our spirits in communion. Black Bear Spirit wanted to great her and so I allowed her Spirit to speak through me. What evolved was a journey with the #sacredelements and prayers of love and life giving forces here on #motherearth . You are worthy of all of the love, forgive yourself and let go, for you are worthy of it all. . It is both an honour and a gift to be this channel and to feel these transmissions move through me. May you feel Her blessings, may you feel Her presence, and may you knowthat you are truly held. See more

Hands of Fire 03.12.2019

We are not Separate . We, humanity, are addicted to suffering, because of the misunderstanding that we are separate from our original Mother, Mother Earth. . We must go into Nature and not take, but appreciate. Here, we will remember who we are, and learn to appreciate our aliveness.... . We must come back to our roots of growing our own food or buying from local sources - go to a local farm, witness where your nourishment comes from, get to know the caretakers of your health. . We must not pretend that we are separate from our actions. The idea that what goes in the garbage is out of sight out of mind is playing the small game. Let us reconnect to our integrity and begin living alongside the Earth. When we are careless with our actions and behaviours, it is a mirror of disconnection within. . I love you, she whispers. She never stops providing for us. She never stops loving us. . What do you need, child?, I hear her ask as I sit here writing this to you. Mmm, I need time, I need to slow down, I need to be more intentional, I need to feel like I can choose health over survival. . And now, I feel called to ask, what do YOU need? What do you need in order to live more mindfully, to let go of suffering, to truly LIVE? Let me tell you, life is so precious, do not wait for disease to take that time off. Do not wait for your 60s to take up that hobby. Do not give your life away to a pay check. There are so many possibilities, there are so many ways, what you seek is seeking you. So, I will ask you again, what do you need to truly live? . I love you . May this be todays prayer See more

Hands of Fire 18.11.2019

Quantum Solutions with the Elements . Opening up sacred space is such an honour. It requires connection to all of the elements. Today, as I offered distance Reiki, I imagined the air, the wind, bringing my intentions to the heavens, and carrying the river flows of reiki from my hands to my sisters body and field. . There is so much that is possible. So much. We just need to remember and BElieve. Quantum solutions are here, beyond our knowing or science and left brained p...roblem solving. Is there a part of you (or a lot of you) that wants to lean in further, that wants to believe? . Mmm. Life and death, what a sacred circle. I feel a desire to thank the Earth for her sacred plants and the many cultures and practices that have informed me on how to connect to my Spirit and even more, to Great Spirit. Sacred smoke cleansed my space and my body, today, reminding me of what comes after fire, after the burn, after death. After death comes life. . With new life, a new cycle, comes clarity. I am grateful for the teachings of air, for this life force i breathe. I am grateful for fire, the bringer of death, regeneration and new life possible. Together fire and air continue to weave their wisdom rich within my being. Thank you air, thank you fire, you are a gift, this life is a gift, I am a gift. . See more

Hands of Fire 31.10.2019

What does it mean to die? . And, why are we so afraid of it? . I was talking to some friends last night about gardening and how its so common for us to take out and rip up what plants have died and are decaying, and I understand how this can help the plants more efficiently send energy and nourishment, however I also have a sneaking suspicion that this, too, is related to our demonization of death, of how we see it as ugly, and uncomfortable.... . But, what if it wasnt? . What if I chose to see death as natural, organic, beautyFULL. . What if I saw death as a gateway? As an opportunity to release what is no longer me. An ego death. A death of self. . How would this change my life? How could this change me? . And the world? . Just some things I think about over morning tea, you know, the usssuuuuaallllll. . See more

Hands of Fire 15.10.2019

Just another day of Self Love, waking up at 5:30am to witness the beauty of Mother Earth and to care for my Earth, my body. . Some notes and reflections from my meditation with #isis and the #sophiacodes . grace is where miracles blossom... grace is the space your soul was birthed in grace allows you to forgive what feels unforgivable there are quantum solutions for everything healing comes through all human beings reclaiming their sovereignty I am an Initiator and Way Shower - this is my path celebrate life as the ceremony of ascension life is a living workshop . . In case no one has said this to you lately, I love you. And, in case your ego shows up and says, how can you love me if you dont know me, the answer is simple: I do not need to know you to love you. You are my kin, and for that, I love you, just as I love the Earth, my child, myself. I love you. You are a gift. See more

Hands of Fire 29.09.2019

Imagine that Mother Earth appeared to you in your shadow. . What would she remind you? . What would she teach you?... . Here is a transmission through my channel. . See more

Hands of Fire 10.09.2019

I Choose . Mmmm. I met myself today and spent time with Her. We moved, and shared breath together, shook some stuff up, and let other things go. . Time is really all She wants. I want that too. I want to be with myself more, to listen to Her more, to be there for Me, radically.... . I am understanding more and more each day that I do this, each day I show up with and for mySelf. And, I love the little gifts along the way. Yes, photographers can explain to me how the sunlight affects cameras and produces these little bubbles of colour....and I also know these colours are different all the time. Purple, Indigo, and Blue are higher frequency colours of the Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Throat Chakra. These are all spaces I am journeying with, clarifying, strengthening, and intentionally opening. . And so, when I saw this beautiful beacon of dancing light glistening upon my throat, my inner faerie child began to sing and dance around, as if kissed by Mother Earth, herself! . I choose to create my own reality. I choose to play along and sing my own melody. I choose connection and communication completely. I choose to listen and lead with integrity. I choose to be alive and honour this life. I choose to be here now and invite... . Amen See more

Hands of Fire 02.09.2019

For you, Love is a song that was woven in divine presence, whispered between two Hearts, inspired by the blessings of Water. Thank you for co creating such beauty with me @draegerhachborne

Hands of Fire 26.08.2019

I honour you, Mother & Grandmother . Give me your presence, give me your wisdom, and I will honour you . Teach me, show me, be with me grandmother, and show me I am yours... . May this song reach the heavens, may this song reach my ancestors . May my Spirit feel free, may I remember where I came from . . A song Channelled from my Spirit to the Earth See more

Hands of Fire 19.08.2019

Mmmm, my morning practice was D I V I N E L Y A L I G N E D. I committed, connected, opened up, went deep within, cried, and reclaimed. I asked for forgiveness and set new visions to manifest. . Life is incredible. And, you know what else is incredible? Waking up at 5 am and having so much peace and space for myself and my needs. . Here is some major wisdom from the #futharkvikingrunes , specifically... . T H U R I S A Z . also knows as the . G A T E W A Y . Welcome to the magick, take as much as you need See more

Hands of Fire 01.08.2019

This is a shortened version of a song I downloaded - it was given to me from Spirit - from pen to paper in my healing space, after a full day of sessions and a full week of proceedings life. . I remember moving it through me and thinking...phewwww. . Then I found the chords for it in minutes and when i pieces it together it healed a part of me.... . And now, every time I sing it, or parts of it, I can feel a part of me coming back home to ME. . I can be the light in me I can fill these holes left empty I can water the roots if theyre thirsty I can love the shades too dark to see And I can be the light in ME . Enjoy See more

Hands of Fire 15.07.2019

Mmmm. This is one of my favourite songs ever. I love receiving from it again and again and again. . Sometimes I dance to it, sometimes I move to it, sometimes I breath to it, sometimes I meditate with it, sometimes I flow #reikihealing alongside it. . Today I added in #treehealingpower with this beautiful songs transmission. And, when I say transmission, I am referring to the energetic offering, healing, impact, power that this experience offers, in both receiving it and wi...tnessing it. . If youd like to explore the healing from this song it is called Breath it In, by Beautiful Chorus . Breathe it in, let it out Breathe it in, let it go .