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Locality: Toronto, Ontario

Phone: +1 647-460-9952

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Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 11.04.2021

Я хочу вам трохи розповсти про оздоровчу Систему Ч Гонг, яка найбльш популярною в Кита, Гон Конгу, Снгапур в багатьох нших кранах свту. Не сну д...окладно стор цього МИСТЕЦТВА- так власне перекладаться назва Ч ГОНГ- "Мистецтво управлння внутршньою енергю, рухлива медитаця". Перш згадки з*явилися в китайських джерелах понад 5 тисяч рокв тому. За часв Жовтого мператора, Хуанг Т, 2700 рокв до н.е. цим мистецтвом займалися на королвському двор. Але й до цього, в китайських хронках згадувалося про "спецальн танц", як вдганяли хвороби. а вже в 6-у столтт до н.е. китайськ вчен почали класифкувати рзн школи Ч Гонгу- вправ дихальних методв (не люблю московський переклад- Цигун). Я займаюся з 2010 року Ч Гонгом школи Тао н, яка датуться 480-222 рр. до н.е. Ц вправи -рухи дихальн методи- розроблялися китайськими флософами. Вони. як стверджують вчен- не лише допомагають лкувати рзн хвороби, але й попереджають х виникнення. На протяз багатьох столть в Кита видатн вчен, флософи займалися. вдосконалювали це мистецтво. В ньому подналися медицина, флософя медитаця. Сьогдн ми називамо це ХОЛСТИЧНИЙ метод, що значить, системний пдхд, де Людина розглядаться не лише як фзичне тло. але як частина Всесвту, як Всесвт- матеральний, духовний, енергетичний, емоцйний т.п. Сьогодн я вам дарую 20-хвилинний РАНКОВИЙ КОМПЛЕКС гмнастики вд мого Вчителя Л Холдена. Займайтеся, друз. цим радсним мистецтвом, БУДЬТЕ ЗДОРОВ ЩАСЛИВ! -

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 18.09.2020

"I hold onto the tree, try to breathe in its scent, feel its presence".

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 05.09.2020

Meet Christopher Harrison, the man who invented AntiGravity Fitness.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 31.08.2020

, , , . ... - - " , ". * 5 . , , 2700 .. . , " ", . 6- .. - ( - ). 2010 , 480-222 . .. - - . . - , . , . . , . , , , . , - , , , .. 20- . , . , ! -

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 11.08.2020


Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 02.08.2020

Did we win the fight against Polio?

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 16.07.2020

When your Chakras are balanced after a Reiki session. You feel more at peace, grounded and content. Every Tuesday one hour Reiki session with crystals only $60.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 27.06.2020

MOST FAMOUS POINT for nausea, an upset stomach, anxiety, nervousness & panic attacks. P6 is the most used point in scientific research. Why? Because it works to... calm & soothe your body. P6 is located 3 finger-widths above the center of your inner wrist crease. Receive a free digestive aid 5-minute Acupressure Video sent directly to your Inbox FREE here: goo.gl/Ei3SaU - Share this post & link. See more

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 20.06.2020

When and how to use Pippali fruit.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 07.06.2020

Welcome to the Acupressure Meridian Webinar with Michael Reed Gach. To hear the sound, click on the video screen. For more info go to: Acupressurecircle.com

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 20.05.2020

Pure Qi we all craving for... Where to find it?

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 03.05.2020

It's really an amazing creature!

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 29.04.2020

Love your life, and it will love you too.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 17.04.2020

, , - , , .

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 31.03.2020

#Sugar is ubiquitous, but so are many other hedonic substances sold to make us "happy." www.robertlustig.com/hacking

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 29.03.2020

From a neuroendocrinological perspective... www.robertlustig.com/hacking

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 11.03.2020

From Japan to the world Are you interested in the Japanese traditional manual therapy? The therapy called Kappo is the origin of Japanese manual therapy. Ea...ch technique is very effective for us. The masterful Kappo techniques for backache You can shorten your treatment with these techniques.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 03.03.2020

Do you exercise your face the same way you exercise your body? https://go.faceyogamethod.com/aging-habits-analysis-tool There are 43 muscles in your face! You... can tone them the same way you tone your body at the gym through body exercises. People incorrectly think it's your skin that sags but... your skin is attached to the muscle, so as your muscles start to sag, it brings your skin down with it. For the last 15 years I've studied the most common signs of facial aging in women, and have been OBSESSED with this question: "What REALLY causes a womans face to age prematurely, making you look older than you feel? You see, millions of women are unknowingly adding 5 to 10 years or MORE to their face, making them feel as if theyre totally losing control of their looks, just by taking ordinary, routine actions. Youre probably doing it right now, without even realizing it! Give me 30 seconds and I will uncover your #1 Aging Habit and show you how to reverse it for FREE Limited time only! https://go.faceyogamethod.com/aging-habits-analysis-tool See more

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 01.03.2020

Amazing book about work and life of a "Miracle Doctor of Herford" Bruno Groening from Germany. file:///C:/Users/Olga-Qi25/Documents/Bruno%20Groening/The%20word%20of%20Bruno%20Groening.pdf

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 11.02.2020

Bruno Groening Circle of friends helping people. Learn how.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 06.02.2020

Amazing story of Bruno Groening's healing... The miracle of divine love.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 01.02.2020

Amazing human beings sent with a message to a humankind....

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 20.01.2020

Beautiful healing music. Stay healthy!

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 18.01.2020

I love this music in the morning.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 03.01.2020

Excellent Self Facelift Massage. Stay young!

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 27.12.2019

How to diagnose and treat common knee pain according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). http://what-when-how.com//knee-pain-treatment-of-pain-wit/

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 25.12.2019

Be healthy! Be strong! Enjoy your life!

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 14.12.2019

Any discomfort today? If so, maybe it's a moment for you to sit with and see what possibilities lie within.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 02.12.2019

Did you make that change on Monday to change how you age? Keep your focus this week, it takes time and awareness to create change.

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 28.11.2019

It's Friday! Nice job in spreading magic all around you! Sit quiet and reflect on if you feel like you made a difference in someone's day this week and how do you feel about it?

Holistic Healing Reflexology Qi Gong Massage Therapy 04.11.2019

One of the best Qi Gong Masters, Teacher Bruce Frantzis kindly shares his knowledge and experience in coping with Neck, Back and Shoulder Pain.