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Health & Wellness Dimensions 02.05.2021

Tip-Off Tuesday #89: DID YOU KNOW... I believe we need our Father and our Mother in order to exist. We need our Heavenly Father (God, Nature, Source, Spirit, etc. - whatever name you would like to use), and our Mother Nature/Mother Earth to live, fully. Without our Heavenly Father, we lose the light we were born with, the one that guides our way here on this Earth - the one that helps us find our purpose. ... Our Heavenly Father also is the source of our emotional well-being. If we believe in someone/something larger than ourselves, we will always have someone we can call upon to help us out or just simply to connect with. Mother Nature supplies us with all of the necessities for healing our body. She gives us food to nourish, air to breathe, water to hydrate, space to move. She grounds us to help us heal through sleep, meditation, and the list goes on and on. Some people are struggling because they have lost their way - their connection to Father and Mother. If we slow down and really dial in to the Blessings we have been given, we can connect again. This will fuel our soul and breathe life back into us. How do we do this, you might ask. Start with becoming aware of all that Father and Mother can provide. Awareness is the first step. After that, be grateful for all they offer to us. Give thanks each day for anything and everything you notice that is a Blessing. Have a conversation with our Father and Mother. They would love to hear from you. Collectively, this brings our vibrations here on this Earth to a brighter/higher level and improves our experience while we are here. If you would like to learn more about how to connect and heal yourself - body, mind, and spirit - sign up for your 1 hour free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 12.12.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #87: DID YOU KNOW... With every exhale, we detoxify our bodies from CO2, molds, toxins, bad bacteria, etc. Therefore, you may wish to consider the length of time you wear a mask or if you choose to wear one at all. Our bodily systems are designed to release waste in order to keep ourselves healthy. We detoxify by moving toxins out through our poop, our pee, our skin through sweating, and our lungs by exhaling. ... If these pathways are restricted - example, constipation, not moving enough to sweat, dehydrated and not peeing well, or restricting our exhalation pathways, we are holding toxins in and this creates illness/disease. Now more than ever, we need to keep our bodies healthy. It is also important to manage the bacteria (both good and bad) that live on our skin, inside of our bodies and mouths/noses, and be cautious with killing all bacteria. When we kill the bad, we kill the good. The good bacteria are there to keep a balance so the bad bacteria don't over run our systems. Again, you may wish to consider whether or not to use harsh chemicals (toxins) to remove all bacteria from your hands, etc. We were designed with a perfect system - one that balances in all ways. Only if we get in the way of this, do things go array. If you would like to learn more about what to do to balance your systems, sign up for your 1 hour free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 09.12.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #88: DID YOU KNOW... When the medical communities work together, any healing is possible. In my opinion, an integrated approach between the Western World (which is brilliant for putting Humpty Dumpty back together again - structural surgeries), and the Eastern World (which is brilliant for addressing the root cause of chronic disease and healing it) would be the perfect Medicine. So why is it that we struggle in the Western World with healing chronic disease (...diseases like - autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, unexplained infertility, skin issues, depression/anxiety, hormonal imbalance, weight management, etc.)? It isn't the fault of the doctors - they want to heal you, but they are victims of the medical education system which may be influenced by the Pharmaceutical industry. In the meantime, Functional Medicine doctors (usually physicians trained in the Western model, but have struggled personally with their own health - and through frustration with the system, have taken it upon themselves to educate further) are helping very challenging cases to completely heal. They are the best of both Worlds. If you struggle with chronic health issues and are frustrated with not being able to get to the root cause, you can start with me (a Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coach), and learn how the body heals. Most often whole body health starts in the gut. Heal the gut, and the rest of the body follows suit. I can help you heal through food, movement, sleep, stress and toxicity management, and more. If you are currently on medications, once we are well on the path to natural healing, you may find that those medications can be lowered or even come off of them completely, BUT... you MUST work with your DOCTOR to alter your medications in any way, as I am not qualified for this part. Together, we can work to heal you. Sign up for your 1 hour free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca to see if this resonates with you. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 02.12.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #87: DID YOU KNOW... With every exhale, we detoxify our bodies from CO2, molds, toxins, bad bacteria, etc. Therefore, you may wish to consider the length of time you wear a mask or if you choose to wear one at all. Our bodily systems are designed to release waste in order to keep ourselves healthy. We detoxify by moving toxins out through our poop, our pee, our skin through sweating, and our lungs by exhaling. ... If these pathways are restricted - example, constipation, not moving enough to sweat, dehydrated and not peeing well, or restricting our exhalation pathways, we are holding toxins in and this creates illness/disease. Now more than ever, we need to keep our bodies healthy. It is also important to manage the bacteria (both good and bad) that live on our skin, inside of our bodies and mouths/noses, and be cautious with killing all bacteria. When we kill the bad, we kill the good. The good bacteria are there to keep a balance so the bad bacteria don't over run our systems. Again, you may wish to consider whether or not to use harsh chemicals (toxins) to remove all bacteria from your hands, etc. We were designed with a perfect system - one that balances in all ways. Only if we get in the way of this, do things go array. If you would like to learn more about what to do to balance your systems, sign up for your 1 hour free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 01.12.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #86: DID YOU KNOW... We eat our surroundings. We are constantly digesting everything around us - what we see, what we hear, what we smell, what we touch, what we taste, and what we feel. If we have addictions, we are probably trying to numb out our surroundings or escape them. Do you suffer with addictions like - food, sex, alcohol, shopping, work, smoking, gaming, etc. What are you hungry for?... Are you living a life that lines up with your true gifts and purpose here on this earth? If you are not, it is never too late to change paths and find the one you were born to be on. If you are being mindful of your journey and truthful about where you are on that journey, you are probably living a peaceful, spiritual, meaningful, life - serving yourself and others - filling your cup daily with Grace. However, if you are struggling, please feel free to sign up for 1 free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 25.11.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #85: DID YOU KNOW... Heavy Metals are all around us. Heavy metals come to us by way of our food, water, air, personal care products, vaccines, amalgam tooth fillings, etc. This sounds pretty dismal, doesn't it. However, we do have the ability to remove them from our bodies. ... The first thing to do is recognize the sources from which they come. The second thing is to avoid re-exposure (if possible). The third thing we can do is work with someone to learn how to eliminate these toxins from our bodies. That is where I can help. First we work on healing the body and providing it with the ability to absorb crucial nutrients. Then we work on opening the pathways to expel the toxins. Finally, we start on a healing detoxification program. If you are experiencing headaches, fatigue, brain fog, tummy issues, had recent vaccines, constipation, etc., you may be in need of a detox. Sign up for your 1 hour free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca to see how you can get started. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 23.11.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #86: DID YOU KNOW... We eat our surroundings. We are constantly digesting everything around us - what we see, what we hear, what we smell, what we touch, what we taste, and what we feel. If we have addictions, we are probably trying to numb out our surroundings or escape them. Do you suffer with addictions like - food, sex, alcohol, shopping, work, smoking, gaming, etc. What are you hungry for?... Are you living a life that lines up with your true gifts and purpose here on this earth? If you are not, it is never too late to change paths and find the one you were born to be on. If you are being mindful of your journey and truthful about where you are on that journey, you are probably living a peaceful, spiritual, meaningful, life - serving yourself and others - filling your cup daily with Grace. However, if you are struggling, please feel free to sign up for 1 free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 18.11.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #84: DID YOU KNOW... Community is so important to overall health. In general, loneliness can be a risk factor for chronic disease all by itself. Especially in Covid times, it is more important than ever to find ways to remain social. Weighing the risk factors (risk vs. benefit) is necessary to make decisions about whether or not to hang with family/friends. ... Of course common sense says you want to remain respectful to keep everyone comfortable with distancing, etc., but the other factors that must be weighed, are - is your loved one suffering more from not seeing you - or you from them. In addition to eating healthy foods, moving, sleeping well, managing your stress levels and intake of toxins, it is critical that you include socializing (in whatever form you feel comfortable with). Being social can improve your immune system, giving you happy endorphins and filling your cup of happiness. My point being, keep in mind that people are social beings needing to be touched and loved. We all need to feel connected and like we matter to others. Some may not feel comfortable with this and if that is you, then it may cause you more risk (stress) than benefit, so.. do whatever feels right in your gut. Sign up for 1 free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca to see what dimensions are involved in creating great health. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 04.11.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #83: DID YOU KNOW... A diagnosis is not necessary. If we are experiencing symptoms, we go from doctor to doctor trying to find out what is going on - to find a label or a name (diagnosis) for our symptoms. Somehow we feel better knowing what is "wrong" with us. Sometimes, the search doesn't end with a diagnosis and this can make us feel like we might be crazy (not really experiencing the symptoms after all - all in our head). Don't we think that experienci...ng the symptoms is enough? Why do we have to put a label on it. We as the patient are our best doctors - trust - that we know if we have pain, or fatigue, or depression, etc., that we are not making this up - it is real! This is all that is needed to move forward. Do you have symptoms? If yes, then let's get to the root cause and heal them. Your body knows how to heal if you provide it with what it is asking for - but how do you know what that is? I am here to help you figure this out. Together, we will research your body to see what the answers are. What are you waiting for? We can do this together - either in person or by video chat. Go ahead and sign up for your 1 hour free session to see what this might look like for you at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 03.11.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #85: DID YOU KNOW... Heavy Metals are all around us. Heavy metals come to us by way of our food, water, air, personal care products, vaccines, amalgam tooth fillings, etc. This sounds pretty dismal, doesn't it. However, we do have the ability to remove them from our bodies. ... The first thing to do is recognize the sources from which they come. The second thing is to avoid re-exposure (if possible). The third thing we can do is work with someone to learn how to eliminate these toxins from our bodies. That is where I can help. First we work on healing the body and providing it with the ability to absorb crucial nutrients. Then we work on opening the pathways to expel the toxins. Finally, we start on a healing detoxification program. If you are experiencing headaches, fatigue, brain fog, tummy issues, had recent vaccines, constipation, etc., you may be in need of a detox. Sign up for your 1 hour free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca to see how you can get started. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 20.10.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #84: DID YOU KNOW... Community is so important to overall health. In general, loneliness can be a risk factor for chronic disease all by itself. Especially in Covid times, it is more important than ever to find ways to remain social. Weighing the risk factors (risk vs. benefit) is necessary to make decisions about whether or not to hang with family/friends. ... Of course common sense says you want to remain respectful to keep everyone comfortable with distancing, etc., but the other factors that must be weighed, are - is your loved one suffering more from not seeing you - or you from them. In addition to eating healthy foods, moving, sleeping well, managing your stress levels and intake of toxins, it is critical that you include socializing (in whatever form you feel comfortable with). Being social can improve your immune system, giving you happy endorphins and filling your cup of happiness. My point being, keep in mind that people are social beings needing to be touched and loved. We all need to feel connected and like we matter to others. Some may not feel comfortable with this and if that is you, then it may cause you more risk (stress) than benefit, so.. do whatever feels right in your gut. Sign up for 1 free session with me at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca to see what dimensions are involved in creating great health. See more

Health & Wellness Dimensions 17.10.2020

Tip-Off Tuesday #83: DID YOU KNOW... A diagnosis is not necessary. If we are experiencing symptoms, we go from doctor to doctor trying to find out what is going on - to find a label or a name (diagnosis) for our symptoms. Somehow we feel better knowing what is "wrong" with us. Sometimes, the search doesn't end with a diagnosis and this can make us feel like we might be crazy (not really experiencing the symptoms after all - all in our head). Don't we think that experienci...ng the symptoms is enough? Why do we have to put a label on it. We as the patient are our best doctors - trust - that we know if we have pain, or fatigue, or depression, etc., that we are not making this up - it is real! This is all that is needed to move forward. Do you have symptoms? If yes, then let's get to the root cause and heal them. Your body knows how to heal if you provide it with what it is asking for - but how do you know what that is? I am here to help you figure this out. Together, we will research your body to see what the answers are. What are you waiting for? We can do this together - either in person or by video chat. Go ahead and sign up for your 1 hour free session to see what this might look like for you at healthandwellnessdimensions.ca. See more