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Healthy Habits Village 02.05.2021

Current pregnancy obsession: Green Apples and Chai Tea. And Long day y’all. Like...these days are a bit crazy lately. It began early, was filled to the brim with noise, work, incessant questions from happy hearted kids, teaching, correcting, nourishing...It’s almost midnight but it isn’t over yet. ... But I’m pacing myself. I’m making those lists. I’m working down the priorities. And I’m not alone. I know you Mamas/Women out there pulling all nighters with newborns, job demands, life things...need rest, to be heard, encouraged and surrounded with community that builds you up instead of tearing you down. I am ridiculously thankful for my little team of women with unworldly strength of soul. I love their fight. I love their sincerity. I love that we come as we are and share where we are at...without judgement. We all need that safe space to lean in and be supported/supportive. We need a place of Welcome, a place of endurance, and a place to feel heard. April is Focus of Fitness month. Fitness encompasses so much more than just physical strength. It’s the mindset change that keeps us showing up for more GOODNESS. A few spots remain to join our team. I’m here for it. Are you in? #fitfocus #aprilshowersbringmayflowers #apriljoy #mindsetshift #mamaofmany

Healthy Habits Village 26.04.2021

What intimidates you? If I had as many people join my team as have said yes, prepared to join, then backed out at the last minute...phew. There’d be a TON of people in our group right now. But I get it. I get it because I have incredible women message me and tell me they really want change or support or are simply wanting desperately to create better habit and calm in a stressful lifestyle. ... And I’m ALL for it. But when actually handed opportunity, as humans all the what if’s run through our minds. What if this is another thing I start and don’t finish? What if this is just another workout app? What if I don’t have time? What if I spend money but my old habits prevent my success? What if this just isn’t for me? I’ve heard it all, and thought it all myself. But you know who actually crushes their goals time and time again in my groups? It’s not just the seasoned fit girls. It’s the ones who are ‘tired of being sick and tired. ‘ It’s the ones who work their a$$ off and need a fast powerful workout they can do from home, with ALL the guess work gone from nutrition. It’s the ones who embrace the challenge and show up that end up breaking free of diet mentality and find their BEST wellness yet. But it takes one tiny step at a time. It isn’t a landslide all at once. It is choosing berries instead of candy and sharing that success in our group. It is pushing play when the LAST thing you wanted to do was workout...then have a team cheering you on. It is working on mindset, first, and learning to love yourself again (or for the first time). Then suddenly you are chasing a FEELING that infuses your day and gets you excited to wake up. And our groups gets loaded with women that honestly inspire me daily. Because they committed to THEMSELVES when they were not sure. They took a leap, and are crushing their goals. Because ultimately...they found they were stronger than they thought. And Bonus...yeah, you usually fit into your goal pants soon too, without the heartache of scale slavery. You can Do this. I truly believe in you. Sometimes when we commit to ourselves for the first time, we begin to believe in ourselves too. #momssupportingmoms #fitlife #joytowakeup #chasethefeeling #womensempowerment

Healthy Habits Village 11.02.2021

Today let’s normalize movement in pregnancy. You are not a delicate flower. You are not a fragile vase. ... You are a miracle maker. You are a force and a strength that most cannot understand. You CAN be a gorgeous blossoming flower. But that should not insinuate a lack of ‘ability’. Don’t believe the lie that you will never have your pre-baby body back. That is really up to you. But I’m here to tell you it can be STRONGER than ever before...even after seven babies. And even MORE so? Don’t believe the lie that you can’t be strong IN your pregnancy. Are you on bed rest? Work on getting a strong MINDSET. Listen to some good old fashioned Personal Development on free Podcasts. Or my personal favourite dig into the Word of God. But don’t sit on your butt, and thumb scroll. Don’t eat garbage and wish your life wasn’t over. Stand up Mama...whether on your feet or in your heart...and GET STRONG. And those dozens of peeps watching my stories everyday . Y’all are personally invited. #pregnantstrong #momsoflargefamilies #largefamiliesusa #largefamiliesuk #largefamiliesonpurpose #largefamiliescanrelate #mamaseverywhere #newmomsclub #pregnantbelly #pregnantlife #pregnantfirsttime #firsttimepregnant #sadmom #happymom #getstrongtogether

Healthy Habits Village 22.01.2021

This cracks me up ! I love a good skit! But it is also crazy true. I used to spend a FORTUNE a month on superfoods to restore and nourish my body. Not anymore! And I’m actually getting double the Superfoods each month than I could afford before, for a fraction of the price! I never felt better. Bye migraines, inflammation, and digestive issues. ... And this month you can try it for 30 days for FREE. https://share.coach.teambeachbody.com/

Healthy Habits Village 07.01.2021

You know I love this girl here. She carried a lot of babes. She fought through a lot of pain in her youth. She conquered goals she only dreamed of as a kid. But in this first pic, she also suffered inflammation, migraines, discomfort, frequently collapsing, and a magnitude of other symptoms the doctors are still figuring out. *Swipe for transformation ... But she decided to be her OWN advocate and fight for her health for the sake of her family, her best friend (husband) ...and for herself. She began slowly making changes...she joined a support group that kept her accountable without any pressure. It became a joy again to show up. She joined another focused nutrition group called The fundamentals of Women’s Wellness and hormones. It changed her health for good. Did she get physical appearance changes? Yep. But those were just a bonus. Her almost daily migraines disappeared. Her inflammation vanished. Her collapsing went from frequent to almost non existent. It didn’t happen in a day. It sure did not always feel comfortable. But looking back I wish I had started ten years ago to be THAT consistent, have that level of understanding over how my hormones had so much control in my life...and I wish I had said YES to daily support when I needed it, but didn’t think I did. And that’s what this journey is. I learning process. I little consistency, knowledge, clean nutrition and support changed everything for me. And that rippled to my family. I now am reaping the benefits of having the best pregnancy of my life (out of nine for those who are new). What are you waiting for? This month gets you access to the same Women’s wellness and Hormones group that changed my life for good. This summer you will wish you had started today. @christine_gillis_ @mindfullyheather @bcleversey @herritt33 #momtransformation #momsgettinghealthy #largefamilymomma #larhefamilyonpurpose #fitmomsclub #homeschoolmamas #homeschoollife #feelgood

Healthy Habits Village 30.12.2020

Do you know what absolutely LIGHTS ME UP?! Mamas message me and say things like, Sign me up for figuring out Women’s Wellness and Hormones. I want to move more and be a good example to my kid. Makes my MONTH so so happy. Because this is why I became a coach. It’s why I show up day after day. It’s my hearts MISSION to tell women they are Worth it. Moms. Single moms. No kids. Whatever. You are WORTH it. ... I want to see Mamas MOVE with their kid and invest in their future health with them! You have a kid? You have 8? Show up for you so they will show up for themselves! This is my GREATEST passion . Reminding Moms they CAN. Reminding them to I still the vision of Can in their kiddos by showing them daily what a little consistency means for their LIFE long health!

Healthy Habits Village 27.12.2020

What you BELIEVE about yourself comes from what you put into practice. At 16 weeks pregnant I would not have believed I would still show up here if it wasn’t for my continual support and encouragement daily. If you read every day you identify as a reader. If you workout every day you BELIEVE it is who you are and the habit becomes second nature. ... Likewise, if you believe you are just NOT an athletic person but you are well intentioned to be healthy, you will not suddenly become an athlete because you join a gym. There is not enough motivation on earth to convince you. Because YOU have to convince you. And you do that by showing up repetitively. You have to CHANGE your identity. You have to show up day after day after day until you don’t have to convince yourself you should. It becomes second nature and you do it without thinking because it becomes WHO you BELIEVE you are. And breaking habits to create better ones takes support. That’s WHY we have such success as coaches seeing our people learn to BELIEVE in their new identity. Because they have the support they need DAILY to change their Identity until it becomes who they are. It is not too late to change who are to become the BEST YOU for your family and yourself.