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Hippo Mama Canada 20.09.2020

Are you familiar with why we wait for the white when clamping or cutting your babys umbilical cord? Its known as delayed cord clamping. If you take a look a...t the first couple photos youll see what your babys cord may look like at birth. At that time theres still about a 1/3 of your babys blood pumping through the cord and placenta. The latter photos show what the cord looks like after waiting a while. Physiologic cord camping allows for optimal transfusion of this blood which is necessary for your babys health. DCC results in a boost of your babys blood supply & higher iron levels, which is vital for healthy brain development and increased oxygenation for your baby. Midwives have always practiced delayed clamping and cutting while many providers clamp as soon as the baby is placed on moms chest. Policys are being updated as hospitals become more mom & baby friendly & providers are catching up on the evidence. Dont hesitate to state your desires to delay clamping the cord if you birth in a space where this isnt the norm. The time delayed varies by many providers, but a rule of thumb would be to wait until the cord is no longer pulsating. If you view many out of hospital birth photos & see the baby still attached to the placenta, this is why. Did you delay clamping and cutting your babys cord? Why or why not? #delayedcordclamping #waitforthewhite #homebirth #mymidwifetia #naturalbirth #midwife #childbirtheducation #birthprep #pregnancy : tagged in original post on Instagram. breedowners_doula_photography

Hippo Mama Canada 16.09.2020

There were so many beautiful moments about this mamas birth. She trusted her body, knew what felt most comfortable and had lots of support from her family, doul...a & 2 midwives. She birthed her second baby girl at home where big sis was ready to meet her! Im always in awe. #hijadelsolbirths #marihartphoto #bornathome #homebirth #waterbirth #midwife #palmbeach #southflorida

Hippo Mama Canada 28.08.2020

When birth looks like a summer day, your daughter rubbing your shoulders, your body floating in warm water...and then your baby floating gently into your arms. ...I documented Nicole's second birth (at the hospital) and this birth, her third birth (at home). When COVID happened...and our world changed seemingly overnight...Nicole decided she didn't want to be at the hospital again. A homebirth had long been a dream of theirs, but COVID is what pushed that dream into reality. This is one of those birth films that is full of beautiful details, tender emotion, strength, and SO MUCH LOVE. Grab your tissues.

Hippo Mama Canada 26.08.2020

UPRIGHT positions during labour and birth helps both the mother and the baby. Although there is strong evidence to back this up, its actually not hard to unde...rstand - space and gravity are the clues - Sometimes women want to lie down, and they should of course be supported to do whatever they feel most comfortable. But if the bed continues to be the central focus of the birth room, and women feel that this is what is expected of them (and we are socialised to believing this too) - then they may not know the benefits of being upright and mobile, or that it is an option What do you see in practice? What do you do when caring for women in labour? #midwifery #childbirth #uprightbirth #midwives #mothers #doula #doulalife #doula #obstetricians #repost #doulaviewllc #thelamazedoula #itsyourbirth #itsyourbirthdoula #blackbirthworker #prego #pregobelly #Atlanta #georgia #atlantadoula

Hippo Mama Canada 10.08.2020

Are you watching the clock or watching your baby? #repost @themilkmeg https://themilkmeg.com/are-you-watching-the-clock-or-watch/

Hippo Mama Canada 30.07.2020

IG: momsdoitbetter

Hippo Mama Canada 24.07.2020

My third homebirth!

Hippo Mama Canada 09.07.2020

The plan was for her midwife to be present. But when things progressed very quickly, no one impeded on the birth. ... No one told her to stop pushing. No one told her to go against her bodys work until her provider got to her. No one told her to stop birthing her baby. She did what her body asked her to do. She caught her baby. She birthed. VideoCred: Erin Beth Birth Photography , you can watch the full video at https://youtu.be/xNMABCWnbY8 Doula: Right Hand Doula services

Hippo Mama Canada 23.06.2020


Hippo Mama Canada 04.06.2020

Jai accouché toute seule, et cest totalement féministe. Enfin, quand je dis toute seule, mon conjoint, le père du bébé, était présent et a réceptionné notre ...enfant. Il a été la première personne à poser les mains sur notre enfant, et même si cela me provoque encore de douces émotions dy repenser, là nest pas la question aujourdhui. Reprenons depuis le début. Jai accouché de mon second enfant chez moi, cest à dire à mon domicile, et toute seule, car avant larrivée de la sage-femme qui nous accompagnait. Déjà pour mon premier enfant, je souhaitais accoucher à mon domicile pour plusieurs raisons. Premièrement, la grossesse et laccouchement ne sont pas des pathologies, ce sont des événements de la vie qui surviennent intentionnellement ou non, avec une aide médicale ou non, mais qui en eux-mêmes ne sont pas une maladie. Va-t-on à lhôpital quand on est en bonne santé, sans aucune raison, pour un acte du quotidien ? Non, évidemment. La mortalité des mères qui accouchent ? Oui, parlons-en. Cest une menace que lon brandit à toutes les femmes qui souhaitent accoucher librement. Ces inconscientes ne savent donc pas quelles peuvent mourir ? Voilà qui clôt simplement le débat, nest-ce pas ? Tu ne veux pas mourir ? Alors, tais toi et obéis. Ainsi, tel un épouvantail terrifiant, cette fameuse peur, celle des personnels médicaux souvent, qui ne sont formés quà la pathologie, vient nous faire accepter tout et nimporte quoi. Certains gestes médicaux, dans certains cas, permettent en effet dempêcher un décès évitable. Par contre, vraiment, que quelquun.e mexplique en quoi accoucher sur le dos et entouré dune dizaine dinconnu.es sauve des vies ! La chaleur, lintimité, la pénombre, la sécurité... Ruth Ehrhardt a bien mieux que moi théorisé les besoins essentiels dune femme qui accouche, son livre est simple, précis et devrait être lu par toutes personnes qui accompagnent un accouchement. Pour en revenir à ce fameux danger terrible. Accoucher serait mortel ? Mais oui, en effet, la vie se termine par la mort. Cest le propre de lhumanité. En ce qui concerne précisément lenfantement, est-ce la médicalisation qui a permis de réduire la mortalité post accouchement ? Se laver les mains régulièrement, par exemple entre une autopsie et une césarienne pour la caricature, et savoir faire baisser la fièvre puerpérale ont principalement permis aux femmes de survivre à leurs enfantements. Certaines grossesses rencontrent des complications, cest très loin dêtre la majorité, et elles sont souvent abordées avec un peu trop dempressement. Par contre, au risque de me répéter, lobligation daccoucher dans une position sur le dos et les pieds en lair - la position dite gynécologique parce quelle rend service aux gynécologues -, lexpression abdominale, lépisiotomie - je viens de découvrir que mon correcteur orthographique ne connaît même pas le mot, quel tabou ! - ou encore linterdiction de boire et de manger nont JAMAIS permis un meilleur accouchement. Oui, je suis péremptoire, mais arrive un moment donné où il nest plus possible de se nuancer. Et là je ne vous parle pas dun accouchement à la maison, dans leau et avec des bougies. Juste de respect de lhumanité de la femme qui accouche et de logique de base. Déjà, la gravité. Voilà, quest-ce que je peux dire de plus ? Comment fonctionne la gravité quand on est allongée sur le dos ? Bah, elle ne fonctionne pas. Mais, je digresse et je saute des étapes. Jen étais à mon deuxièmement. Les violences obstétricales ou gynécologiques. Nen déplaise aux grands pontes de la médecine et de la gynécologie, elles existent. Et elles me terrifiaient. Considérant ces deux points, sachant que javais déjà prévu daccoucher sans péridurale, et ayant une grossesse sans complication, pourquoi ne pas accoucher chez moi, tout simplement ? Ainsi, enceinte de mon premier enfant, jai expliqué à ma sage femme que je souhaitais accoucher chez moi. Bon, elle a rigolé, et ma dit cest impossible . Jai rongé mon frein, calmé ma hargne et fait taire mes angoisses du mieux que je pouvais. Jai écris un projet de naissance poli et gentillet. Sans surprise, mon accouchement en milieu hospitalier ne sest pas super bien passé. Mais, ce nest pas de cela que je souhaite parler aujourdhui. Au fur et à mesure, mon féminisme et mon anarchisme se sont développés, documentés, et jen étais si imprégnée que lorsque jai été enceinte une seconde fois, il ny avait plus de questions. Je nirais pas à lhôpital. Je ne comprenais même plus le sens du mot impossible. Une fois ce fait établi, deux solutions soffraient à moi. Un accouchement accompagné à domicile avec une sage-femme - mais, encore faut-il en trouver une -, ou un accouchement non-assisté, all by myself. Peut mimportait du moment que je nallais pas à lhôpital, bien que javais une grande préférence pour le je me débrouillerai toute seule . Mon conjoint préférait quune autre personne soit présente. En lui répétant que quoiquil en soit je nirais pas à lhôpital, je me suis tout de même mise en recherche dune sage-femme. Je souhaitais moi aussi avoir la présence dun autre personne pour les suites, particulièrement pour vérifier le placenta, quon ne nous montre souvent même pas en milieu hospitalier. Après avoir contacté plus dune dizaine de sages femmes dans 4 départements différents, par mail, par téléphone et par hibou (tas la référence ?), une sage-femme a accepté de nous accompagner en entendant très bien mon choix daccoucher seule, en dehors dun système médicalisé et infantilisant. Jai aussi été accompagnée par une doula tout au long de ma grossesse, et ce serait une autre digression que dentrer dans les détails, mais je ne peux pas lomettre tant son soutien a été important en amont. Je suis une femme féministe et lune des premières choses que jai appris du féminisme cest mon corps mon choix . Sauf pour laccouchement ? Non, pour laccouchement aussi. Cest mon corps et je décide ce qui est bon pour lui. Il ny a plus de concessions. Parce que, au final, cest mon corps qui vivra les conséquences de cet accouchement. Si un.e infirmier.ère, même bien intentionné.e, pratique une expression abdominale et que jai une descente dorganes, cest bien moi et seulement moi qui souffrirait, pas la personne coupable de ce geste reconnu comme une violence obstétricale. Bref, que je sache, cest bien moi qui me tape les contractions, les tranchées, les pertes de sang, les fuites de lait, les hémorroïdes, donc cest moi qui décide - oui, alors effectivement, on est dans du très très glamour là. Mon corps mappartient, et je refuse dêtre objectivée, transformée en morceau de chair à la merci du premier venu, de vivre une épisiotomie non consentie, un point du mari ou quoique ce soit dautre. Lors de mon premier accouchement, jai précisé que je voulais être informée de tous les actes médicaux qui seraient pratiqués. La loi Kouchner de 2002 - ça fait donc maintenant 18 ans ! - était pourtant de mon côté. Mais non, il ma été répondu que cétait préférable de ne pas tout me dire. Sinon, les femmes sangoissent trop, vous comprenez, on leur cache des choses pour leur bien. Pardon ? Dans quel autre contexte est ce que lon accepte cette phrase ? Vous accepteriez cela avant une opération à coeur ouvert ? Hum non, cest préférable de ne pas vous expliquer ce quon va faire, juste faites nous confiance. Non, ça ne fonctionne pas comme ça. Une grande partie des gestes pratiquées lors dun accouchement vise à permettre plus de rentabilité, aller plus vite, rentrer dans des protocoles et des cases, et lautre partie a pour but de réparer les problèmes causés par les premiers. Cest dailleurs ce que lon nomme la cascade dinterventions. Une première toute petite intervention en entraîne une seconde, puis une autre, et encore une autre... Et tout ça avec des professionnel.les fatigué.es épuisé.es, mal payé.es et qui, parfois, ne savent même pas quils sont délétères. Leurs études ne les préparent souvent pas à lidée quun accouchement est un acte normal, certes intense, majoritairement douloureux, mais ce nest pas une opération chirurgicale - sauf exceptions, évidemment, dans le cas dun placenta praevia par exemple. Accoucher par soi-même cest reprendre possession de son corps et de sa puissance, cest avoir confiance en soi, cest se soustraire aux jugements, aux regards, et être totalement soi-même. Tu peux être non épilée, manger des fruits ou du chocolat, péter, déféquer, crier, chanter, être debout, à quatre pattes, animale, ou devant ta télévision avec un film drôle, sur un ballon ou dans ta baignoire. Là où tu te sens le mieux et faire ce qui est bon pour toi et pour ton corps, avec la ou les personne(s) que tu as choisi et avec lesquels tu te sens en confiance. Bien sûr, tu peux aussi être à lhôpital si tu le souhaites. Si tous les goûts sont dans la nature, tous les accouchements y sont également. Pour mon premier accouchement en milieu hospitalier, une auxiliaire qui passait par là ma demandé darrêter de crier parce que je faisais trop de bruit pour les autres. Eh bien, ne lui en déplaise, pour ma seconde, jai hurlé pour accompagner sa sortie, hurlé pour me donner de la force et du courage, et personne ne ma dit de me taire. Parce que, je suis comme toutes les féministes, je refuse quon me dise de me taire et de me calmer. Je crois que nous, les femmes, nous avons assez gardé le silence. Virginie Despentes a dit on se lève et on se casse , je dis on se lève et on crie . Accoucher chez soi, par soi-même en refusant de se soumettre aux diktats de la société patriarcale qui na finalement pas tant évolué dans linfantilisation quelle exerce auprès des femmes, est malheureusement souvent mal vu. De mon côté, jestime avoir eu beaucoup de chance et de soutien, très peu de jugements. Mais, je suis presque une exception. Certaines familles vivent des enquêtes sociales suite à des Informations Préoccupantes de la part de personnels médicaux inquiets à lidée quune femme puisse accoucher librement. Étant travailleuse sociale, je mesure pleinement limportance de la protection de lenfance face aux situations de maltraitance, toutefois, je lécris aujourdhui : jamais je ne saisirai la justice ou effectuerai un signalement sur la simple base dun accouchement à domicile, avec ou sans sage femme. Il y a largement assez de familles délétères, défaillantes ou tout simplement violentes à accompagner et denfants à aider. Un accouchement hors dune structure hospitalière nest pas, à lui seul, un argument suffisant pour un signalement à la protection de lenfance. Des mouvements historiques du féminisme ont mené au self help, à lauto exploration du corps, et la parution de livre comme Notre corps, nous-même , dabord édité aux USA en 1971 par le Collectif de Boston pour la santé des femmes sous le titre Our Bodies, Ourselves et récemment ré édité et adapté pour la France. Des ateliers collectifs permettaient aux femmes dapprendre à explorer leurs corps et leurs sexes. Aujourdhui, jai envie que lon aille plus loin. Le féminisme sest battu pour lavortement, pour la contraception, contre les violences conjugales, pour la libre détermination des femmes à choisir leurs vies tout simplement... Aujourdhui, dans cette même lignée, jai envie de me battre pour les droits de chacune à vivre son accouchement comme elle le souhaite. Tous les accouchements sont légitimes, du moment quils sont choisis en pleine et entière connaissance de causes. Toutes les options sont valables, de laccouchement non assisté, toute seule dans sa salle de bain, à la césarienne programmée, en passant par laccouchement en maison de naissance, en plateau technique, à domicile avec une sage femme, en maternité, avec ou sans péridurale. Nous avons le droit de choisir la façon dont nous accouchons. De vraiment choisir. Et nous avons le droit dêtre protégée contre les violences obstétricales. Nos projets de naissance ne doivent plus être soumis à discussion par les équipes soignantes, décidant ce qui leur semble faisable ou non. Ils sont imposés, ce sont NOS choix, NOS décisions. Laccouchement à domicile ne doit plus faire lobjet dune chasse aux sorcières digne du Malleus Maleficarum, sacrifiant sur lautel de légo des gynécologues des carrières de sage-femmes et des familles heureuses. Nimporte quelle personne enceinte doit pouvoir recevoir des informations claires sur ses possibilités daccouchement, sans encenser lune ou lautre, et sans lui faire croire quune péridurale est obligatoire parce que hypothétiquement son bébé ferait peut être tel poids ou tel taille. Je suis convaincue que lon ne fait pas de bébé que lon ne peut pas sortir. De même quun déclenchement le vendredi parce que le gynécologue part en vacances le samedi ne devrait jamais être imposé. Vous savez ce que jai pensé, au moment où la tête de mon bébé passait de mon corps à son nouvel univers, ce moment où nous partons ? Des milliers, que dis-je, des milliards de personnes, lont fait avant moi. Et le ferons après moi. Et nous pouvons le faire. Je peux le faire. Jamais les cours de préparation à laccouchement classique ne vous disent cela, mais si vous êtes enceinte, que votre terme approche et que vous avez peur, sachez que cest normal. Rien de ce que vous vivez nest étrange. Vous pouvez le faire. 25/08/20

Hippo Mama Canada 31.05.2020

Jeem Baby Birth Story - Baby Newborn

Hippo Mama Canada 11.05.2020

Great advice to ALL new mums... "22cm or 8.6 inches. That is the exact diameter of a paper plate, AKA the fine china in our house. It is also the average diamet...er of a placenta. "After a baby is born, mothers are told to take it easy for at least 4-6 weeks. There are good reasons for that! One of those reasons is that after the baby is born, mothers are left with a wound on the inside of their uterus where the placenta was attached. That wound will take at least 4-6 weeks to completely heal. During that time they are still susceptible to infection and hemorrhaging. Even if they have a complication-free vaginal delivery and feel okay, they will still need to take care of themselves and not overdo it for those first several weeks postpartum. To those mothers, rest! To their husbands, partners, parents, in-laws, friends - let them rest! Help out as much as you can and dont let them overdo it! As the saying goes "one week in bed, one week around the bed, and 2 weeks around the house." Edited to add: I am not a medical professional. This is only meant to be common sense advice to take it easy. I do not mean for women to lay around for 4 weeks not moving at all. Listen to your body and take care of yourself! Talk to your doctor or midwife if you have any questions" - via Labor of Love - Lancaster, PA Watch tons of videos on labour & birth here: www.channelmum.com/parenting/pregnancy/labour-and-birth/

Hippo Mama Canada 03.05.2020

Original post, Lorena TheDoula A Natural Minded Mama

Hippo Mama Canada 24.04.2020

"My healthy and responsive body grows my healthy child."

Hippo Mama Canada 16.04.2020

No one poking/prodding Mom. No one touching/prodding baby. No chaos or individuals rushing around the room. No one rushing the birth of the placenta. No r...ush to clamp and cut the cord. No hassle in refusing harmful newborn pharmaceuticals. Just you and your newborn skin to skin, surrounded by love from your birth team. Sounds dreamy, doesnt it? Im here to let you know that dreams do come true, girlfriend!You deserve to experience all of the above. Let me help you obtain it!

Hippo Mama Canada 30.03.2020

Oh, there you are.

Hippo Mama Canada 14.03.2020


Hippo Mama Canada 08.03.2020

They told you about the contractions, but did they tell you about the expansion? Did they tell you how your body would open to make way for the whole universe ...to pass through? Did they tell you how your heart would explode with a love bigger than anything youve ever known as you pulled your baby to your chest? They told you about the ring of fire but did they tell you about the crown of stars? Did they mention that theres a moment when your baby enters the world and you leave your body and touch the heavens and become the light of a million galaxies? Did they tell you how the pain of stretching to receive your child would be more exquisite than any sensation you've felt? They told you would scream but did they tell you about how would you roar? Did they tell you about the power that would rise up from your belly as you called your baby forth with your mighty voice? Did they tell you how you would embody the wild woman within you as breathe fire with your song? They told you would bleed, but did they tell you how that sacred blood wouldn't scare you? How you would feel grateful for that magical liquid of life as it trickled down your leg - how you would honour its flow and how it would help you heal a lifetime of hating your body's bleeding cycle. They told these stories and taught you to fear birth, to fear your power, to fear yourself. But you are stronger and wiser than that mama. You know that birth is your divine dance, your soul's song, your moment with God, and you walk fearlessly into her open arms. Beautiful words and art by: Catie from Spirit Y Sol .

Hippo Mama Canada 03.03.2020

Childbirth #Repost @the_holistic_midwife What a calm and beautiful birth video! I had to reshare and I love the way you can feel the emotion in the room... AMAZING! Thanks for sharing @rochdale_community_midwives . #Repost @rochdale_community_midwives Normality at its finest!!! Give this a watch to empower you as a woman! This amazing lady birthed her baby at home with the support of one of our Rochdale community midwives #homebirth (shared with consent to empower and educate) See more

Hippo Mama Canada 12.02.2020

BOTH of these babies were on the inside of this mama just one hour earlier. -At 38 weeks, she went into spontaneous labor. -She turned down an epidural and wo...rked through her contractions...swaying, squatting, singing, and laughing -And through it all, her amazing team of two midwives and an OB told her repeatedly, "you are healthy, low risk, and we believe you can do this" And sure enough...it only took a few pushes to get each of these sweet babies earthside. Born 5 minutes apart. Caught by a midwife. Placed right on their mama's chest. Simply Amazing.

Hippo Mama Canada 30.01.2020

The concept of a 'due' date is something that is very abstract in many cultures. If, like in Uganda, you count a pregnancy by the moons, you end up having a 'du...e month' and baby comes when she is perfectly ripe without causing mama lots of anxiety. The very talented artist who created this beautiful illustration is Itaiana Battoni - Desenho Artístico.

Hippo Mama Canada 25.01.2020

(UPDATED) Why home birth? Fewer interventions. Thats why! Stats come from Justine Backhaus, C.P.M of Family Midwifery Service. Her sources are in the comments.

Hippo Mama Canada 21.01.2020

Active birthing positions

Hippo Mama Canada 08.01.2020

I LOVE THIS!!!! "Um the dad in this photo is amazing! Babywearing while his toddler sleeps AND delivering his baby SuperDad moment? We think so!" Image: Megan Taylor Photography

Hippo Mama Canada 25.12.2019

Research elimination communication (RE)

Hippo Mama Canada 14.12.2019

Pregnant? Repeat this.

Hippo Mama Canada 30.11.2019

I personally recommend to wait until placenta is naturally delivered, the cord is white and not pulsating.

Hippo Mama Canada 22.11.2019

Ive heard so many people talk about umbilical cords around the neck and how dangerous it is, and in reality it is rarely an issue! #Repost @reframingbirth with... @get_repost ...Nuchal Cord... This image is absolutely outstanding! I know what you are thinking though, that cord around the neck... A high percentage of babies are born with the cord wrapped around their neck, known as a nuchal cord, perhaps as much as 1 in 3. Many people assume that this has a detrimental effect to the baby, but this isn't generally thecase. You see, a baby doesn't breathe like we do, whilst in the womb. They don't rely on air entry through their mouth and into their lungs. All of their oxygen and blood supply comes via the cord. Therefore, if the cord is wrapped around the neck, it doesn't effect gas exchange. The baby cannot really be strangled by the cord. Yes, if the cord is tight around the neck, it can be squeezed during a contractions/surge and this can momentarily occlude oxygen and blood from passing to the baby, but in general this effect is no different than if the cord wasn't around the neck. A potential, rare issue it could create is if the cord is very short and also wrapped around your baby, this could prevent them from being able to move down the birth canal effectively. Sort of like dangling something on a rope, that you just can't reach! Babies are birthed through the cord or it can be slipped over the head once the head is born. Rarely, if the cord was very tight and the baby was unable to be born through it, it may need to be cut before the body is born. Our bodies were made for this and the cord is super clever in the way it provides for your baby. @laurenanddouglas.birth #nuchalcord #yourbodygrewyourbaby #birthpreparation #hypnobirthing #Repost @betterbirthuk

Hippo Mama Canada 08.11.2019

Something to think about doing right after birth is to have them leave the vernix on your baby and not wipe off your babys HANDS!! The scent of your amniotic f...luid in the days leading up to birth takes on the scent/taste of your areola, babies then lick their hands to find their way to your breast during the golden hour/breast crawl. Its a magical process that needs no intervention. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO CLEAN YOUR BABY IMMEDIATELY AFTER BIRTH. Words by lactation specialist @morgan.hedley @belle_verdiglione #breastfeeding #lactation #laboranddelivery #vernix #birth #breastcrawl #breastfeedingmom #doula #coolfacts #babystuff #childbirtheducation #pregnancyjourney #mindfulmomtobe #birthplan #Repost @lbreggy

Hippo Mama Canada 28.10.2019

Look at this fresh little one covered in vernix and check out that cord!! #Repost @meusregistrosdeluz A fotografia e uma memoria palpavel, que te fara g...uardar eternamente as emocoes que voce viveu, os pensamentos que teve, o que voce sentiu... A fotografia de parto esta cheia de detalhes... de um momento unico. E existe momento mais importante na vida do que o nascimento de um filho? A fotografia de parto e um estado de presenca. E empatia e respeito. A fotografia de parto e registro de emocoes e fabrica de memorias. A foto do parto tem valores inestimaveis . See more

Hippo Mama Canada 19.10.2019

Vernix caseosa . This gorgeous boy born at home had a generous coating of this amazing substance! Vernix is the waxy or cheese-like white substance found coa...ting the skin of newborn babies. In Latin, vernix means varnish and caseosa means cheesy. Vernix has amazing antibacterial, moisturising & cleansing properties - so dont wash it off! Rub it in! See more

Hippo Mama Canada 15.10.2019

, , Midwife: Shes ok, Im the midwife, shes here to have a baby. Officer: Do I help you?... Midwife: Nope, nope, shes here to have a baby. She just didnt make it inside. #Repost @badassmotherbirther . VideoCred: @naturalbirthworks

Hippo Mama Canada 07.10.2019

How amazing is the human body? We must not forget that our bodies are AMAZINGLY smart. Each and every one of us has innate intelligence that courses through ou...r nervous system, creating life and allowing life to flourish; all it needs is no interference. #Repost @douladianne Her first necklace! Did you know that 30-40% of babies are born with a nuchal cord around the neck? In the majority of cases, it's usually not something to worry about. A healthy umbilical cord is protected from being compressed by a soft, gel-like substance called Wharton's jelly. This keeps it from being pulled too tightly and also protects when a true knot is formed in the cord. What a Divine design! . . #Repost @drkimberliforbessmith . #umbilicalcord #nuchalcord #homebirth #homebirthbaby #whynothome #thisisbirth #birthdetails #birthisbeautiful #birthphotography #birthphotos #birthphotographer #birthstories #birthstoryphotographer #newborndetails #newbornbaby #birthstory #birthphotogs #bumptobaby #thisisbirth #thebump #laborandbirth #thebirthhour #birthwithoutfear #thebirthfemmes #babycenter #birthbecomesher #douladianne #azbirthphotographer #phoenixbirthphotographer See more

Hippo Mama Canada 20.09.2019

Macrosomia This babe is perfect! Did you know that in the absence of gestational diabetes, only 1.3% of birthing people have a baby over 9lbs 15 oz? (@ebbirth...) The number one concern of having a big baby is shoulder dystocia at birth (the shoulders getting stuck). Only 7-15% of big babies have trouble with their shoulders, but most are handled by the care provider; 1 out of 175 babies have permanent nerve damage. Big baby is often cited as reason for induction, but not always necessary. (Ultrasounds can be off by up to 2 lbs!) Make sure you ask your provider about all the risks and benefits to yourself and your baby before agreeing to an induction, and also ask how they manage shoulder dystocia if the small chance becomes a reality. and caption @first_glance_photography 10lb11oz of pure baby chunk birthed at home in the water straight into her daddies hands !! This mama worked with her body and she gently eased her baby out which resulted in absolutely no tearing ! Its incredible what a womens body can do, if you know this mama then you know she is a very petite beautiful women and it goes to show we are absolutely capable and when left to do what our body naturally knows how to do WOMEN CAN BIRTH BIG BABIES !!! . #Repost @doulaheathertaylor #birthbecomesher #newborn #babygirl #motherhood #beautiful #brisbanemum #birthwithoutfear #badassmotherbirther #empoweredbirthproject #postpartum #ig_motherhood #pregnancy #breastfeeding #thebump #becomingamum #love #photographyislife #thebirthhour #doula #baby #birthdoula #birthphotographer #brisbanebirthphotographer #birth #birthstories #babyboy #birthphotographerbrisbane #soulfulstorytellers

Hippo Mama Canada 15.09.2019

This is the exhilarated face of a woman that just gave birth to twins at home #Repost @inamaygaskin After giving birth to twins at home. Captured by @devynnleannephotography with support by @withgraceandstrength

Hippo Mama Canada 08.09.2019

A newborns stomach is the size of a cherry .Your colostrum that you have at birth IS milk (waiting for milk to come in is a myth. Youre waiting for mature mil...k to come in) and it IS the perfect amount baby needs until mature milk comes in. Growth spurts happen at 2-3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3mo and & 6mo etc.. you may feel like you cant keep up but your body and baby are doing just what they were designed to, demand more milk. Topping off because you think your baby isnt getting enough, can ruin a breastfeeding relationship quickly. Anytime a baby has a feeding from anywhere but the breast and the mom doesnt pump, it affects their supply and will diminish it over time. Dont fall for the top up trap! It happens so easy. Best advice isnt cookies, supplements or drinks... or formula. It is skin to skin and get baby at the breast as much as possible. Your body makes milk based off the demand. Supply and demand! So the more baby is there and demands, the more milk is made. Supplements can help when youre doing the other practices. Pump output does not equal the amount of milk your body is producing. A baby is much more efficient and some birthing people simply do not respond to a pump well or at all. The more milk that is taken out of the breast, the more milk will be produced by the breast. Immediately after birth the brickwork is laid down when your hormones shift and start milk production into high gear, but to continue that process your body needs baby to feed early, frequently, and on demand. Whether that be every hour or every 4 hours. Your baby doesnt know what time it is, s/he is only listening to what her body tells her. Truly low supply or not being able to produce milk is pretty uncommon but can happen when there has been prior damage to breast tissue or issues with hormone production or balance. Depending on how birth and postpartum went. But most often, correcting latch and emptying the breast more frequently can optimize supply! Cues baby is getting enough Baby is nursing frequently, 8-12 times per 24 hour period. Baby seems content and happy after a feed, releasing the breast on their own. Their hands may be in fists before feeding, they will then often relax and open. Weight gain is as expected, about 155-240 grams or 5.5-8.5 ounces per week until four months of age. Baby has periods of obvious gulping of milk during sessions. This is where baby is getting larger mouthfuls of milk because mom is having a letdown. Babys rapid sucking encouraging the letdown slows during these periods to one suck per second as larger volumes of milk fill their mouths before they swallow, and watching their throats will show the rise and fall that occurs with swallowing. Babys stools transition to yellow with a loose and seedy texture by day five. Baby should have 3-4 stools every day by four days of age. Baby may not pass much urine at first but this increases each day. By day two look for two wet diapers (nappies) over 24 hours, days three and four look for three or more wet diapers each 24 hours. By the time your baby is five days old, wet diapers should be more frequent, usually six or more over 24 hours. It can be tricky to tell if disposable diapers are wet after five full days, when copious milk comes in, they should be heavy. Many disposable diapers have a faint line down the middle which changes color when wet. Baby is alert and active when awake, and meeting their developmental milestones (info from LaLeche League) This post applies to women who do not have health reasons that restrict their bodys ability to produce adequate volume for their baby. This isnt to say some cases do not truly call for supplementation. But that should be determined by a trained lactation consultant who has specific infant nutrition education- where the infants ability to suck, latch and move their tongue (oral ties) can be evaluated (because medical doctors do not have specific training on breastfeeding nutrition or lactation). What you supplement with and how is also very important. Best practice is supplementing with breastmilk (donor or what you have pumped) and using tools like a SNS (supplemental nursing system), cup feeding and or finger/syringe feeding rather than an artificial nipple. And when a feeding happens with those, the birthing person needs to pump. This post does not apply to women who choose not to breastfeed or those who physically cannot. This post in no way shames any mother for their feeding choice, rather is being shared in hopes that those who do have an adequate breastmilk volume (the vast majority of women will if they feed on demand and keep their baby close) do not second guess themselves or fall victim to this. Breastfeeding is vitally important to some and it is our job to help them become successful with it, if it is what they want. Sacred Sage Birth Services supports all feeding practices a family may choose. Many factors play a role when knowing if a baby is getting enough when breastfeeding or if supplementation is truly needed; weight loss/gain, diaper output, feel/look of fontanel, if the lips, mouth and eyes are dry, temper and age (their gestational age at birth) along with factors like IV fluids during labor. On day 1 their stomach only holds 1-1.5tsp, see how these drops of colostrum are perfect? By day 3, usually around .75-1oz By 1 week, 1.5-2oz And by 2 weeks 2.5-5oz (These are estimates) Hard Facts Sometimes breastfeeding is hard. It is so important to reach out to someone trained in the area if youre struggling or unsure if your baby is getting enough. Sometimes you have to reach out to multiple resources to get the help you need! Post words, information and credit Cari Samuelson, Sacred Sage Births Creator of image Andrea Steele Crafton Andrea Crafton, Holistic Pregnancy & Postpartum Coach