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Holistic Be 06.05.2021

Mindfulness (Part 2) Practicing Mindfulness Be with our food: Most of us forgotten how to simply be with the food. Enjoying the food without distraction, feel the flavors, the temperature, textures and the taste. Experiencing the food. One day a week practicing mindful of each of your 5 senses: For example, on Monday you could pay attention to sound, on Tuesday; touch, on Wednesday; sight, on Thursday; smell, on Friday; taste- and put it on repeat. Spend more time in nature...: try to go more often to outdoor, maybe a park close by, some walking and feel the fresh air of the night, or look the moon light and the starts. Do a walking mediation: to practice walking meditation, allow your focus to rest in the movement of your feet. Feel your feet and experience what they are experience. Gratitude payers: saying a prayer of thanks for what you have every day is one of the most transformative mindfulness practices. Gratitude prayer thank God/Life/Spirit for all that I have in this eternal present moment. I am so grateful and blessed. Sources: Lonerwolf.com Minerva Meza #holisticbe #minervaholistic #mindfulness #meditationpractice #mindsetiseverything #relaxation

Holistic Be 16.04.2021

MINDFULNESS Part 1 In this time that we are living, where our mind and emotions have been affected for external circumstances beyond our control. It is very important to look for a moment that bring us that calm to our body and mind.... Mindfulness is a type of meditation that you are focus on being intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Mindfulness has been proved to both spiritually and scientifically calm the mind ground the body a, and bring overall well-being and good health. It is possible to do mindfulness practicing in our hectic lifestyle. Mindfulness will only be beneficial if it is taken seriously. Here 8 daily tips for practicing mindfulness. Do everything slowly: try some times consciously slow down. Walk slow, drink slow, sit slow, breath slow, especially if you have the tendency to rush everything. Control your breath: When you feel stress, the best way to help your body and mind is control your breath. The best way to control your breath is paid attention how you are breath, the very act if witnessing the breath and it allowing calm you down. Feel your inner body: To feel your inner body, draw attention to one area of your body, such as your hand, foot, chest or head. Allow yourself to feel the life force energy in one particular area. Source: Lonerwolf.com, Minerva Meza #holisticbe #minervaholistic #healthholistic #nindfulness #mindfulnesspractice

Holistic Be 27.03.2021

THE FAMOUS PAPAYA I grow up eating this delicious fruit. It is soft, sweet and delightful. Christophe Columbus said papayas were the fruit of angels. This tropical fruit is high in nutrients and you can find it all year around. One small papaya (152 gram) contain.... Calories: 59 Carbohydrates: 15gm Fiber: 3 grams Protein: 1 gram Vitamin: C, A, B9 (folate). Potassium. Here some health benefits of papayas: Eye health: Papaya is rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A protects the corneas whereas the antioxidants reducing the degeneration of the retina. Aid digestion: Papayas seeds contain an enzyme call papain; which help to break down protein easily. It is recommend to take some seeds when you eating the fruit, it can aid in healthy digestion. Also, you can eat seeds separate half hour before meals to help the digestion process. Papaya can improve constipation and other symptoms of IBS. Also, the seeds have been used to treat ulcers. Anti-again: Papaya is rich in vitamin C, E and A which are great antioxidant dose, and it make the skin look bright and tighter. Kidney Health: This fruit contain potassium; which help to support kidney health. It helps to clean out the toxins deposited in the kidneys and reduced the accumulation of urine acid it he bloods. Heart Health: Because papaya is high in vitamin C and lycopene content that can improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease. Sources: Healthline.com, Minerva Meza. #holisticbe #minervaholistic #healthholistic #papayahealthbenefits #papayaseedsbenefits #papayajuice #papayasalad #papayafruit

Holistic Be 17.03.2021

ANTI INFLAMMATORY HERBS PART 2 1. Clove: Cloves contains eugenol, it is a compound that control enzymes that are responsible for causing inflammation. The clove oil has been very effective to reduce inflammation. It is very potent that just a little as a single drop it will work.... 2. Sage: Sage have some active ingredient that fight to eliminate superoxide from the body. Superoxide is a free radial that is known to cause inflammation in the body. 3. Rosemary: Rosemary has similar compounds that sage; but it also contains apigenin and diosmin which are element that fight against inflammation. Fresh rosemary leaf can be used at doses between 4 and 6 grams daily to help treat symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. 4. Black Pepper: This herb has a particular compound calls piperine, which make the black pepper hot, it is known to help with symptoms of arthritis and chronic pain. 5. Green Tea: Green tea is well known for a lot of health benefits, because it has anti-oxidants, it helps to reduce inflammation in the body. You can try a couple of green tea during the day but not close to be time; remember green teat has caffeine. Anti- Inflammatory diet: it is recommended eliminate that food that contribute to inflammation such as: Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup Refined carbohydrates Vegetables and seed oils Trans fast Excessive alcohol Sources: naturalstacks.com, Minerva Meza #holisticbe #minervaholistc #healherbs #herbsmedicine #healthherbs #herbsforhealth

Holistic Be 14.03.2021

ANTI INFLAMMATORY HERBS Part 1 Here we are again talking about inflammation. Inflammation is the root of many diseases that are destroying our body and making us sick, Inflammation contribute to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, an Alzheimer. We can help our body reduce inflammation with the food that we eating, exercises, and reduce stress, but also, we should consider the use some herbs that are well known for their ability to help the body reduce inflammation.... Here some the most popular herbs that help to reduce inflammation. 1.Curcumin (turmeric): curcumin is that compound found in the yellow coloured root turmeric. It is well known for its anti-inflammatory effect on arthritis and osteoarthritis. 2. Ginger: the compounds gingerol and zingerone found in the ginger are responsible for fight inflammation. Ginger can reduce many forms of inflammation like colitis, kidney damages, diabetes and cancer. 3. Spirulina: It a blue green alga with a potent anti-oxidant and powerful ant-inflammation. It helps increase iron, detox metal from your body and reduce inflammation in general. 4.Cayenne Pepper: capsaicin is the compound found in the chilli peppers (hot). It helps to reduce pain and increase blood flow to the areas such muscles and join and this blood flow help to reduce pain. 5. Cinnamon: this herb contains a lot of anti-oxidants and flavanols that contribute reduce inflammation in your body. Also, it can reduce blood clotting which linking to other inflammation conditions. Sources: naturalstacks.com Minerva Meza #Holisticbe #minervaholistic #healthholistc #herbsforhealth #herbsheal #healthherbs #herbsandspices

Holistic Be 31.01.2021

WHY SELENIUM? Selenium is very important mineral because it supports the function of several body systems. These include the endocrine system, immune system and the cardio vascular system. This mineral the body only needs it in small amounts, but play important role in the body, special in the thyroid function which is part of the endocrine system.... Here some healthy benefits of selenium 1. It is powerful antioxidant: The selenium act as antioxidant that prevent cell damages cause by free radicals, for example some free radical can be smoking, alcohol and stress. 2. May protect against heart disease: selenium may keep your heart in a good health. It may reduce inflammation in your body; one of the main risk factor of heart disease. 3. Help to prevent mental decline: several studies have show that patients with Alzheimer’s disease have lower blood level of selenium. A rich diet in selenium may help to prevent metal diseases. 4. Thyroid Health: selenium is very important for thyroid gland function. Thyroid tissue contains a higher amount of selenium than any other organ in the body. This mineral help to protect the thyroid against oxidant damages and it is important for the production of thyroid hormones. 5. Helps the immune system: selenium contributes to the good function of the immune system. It may help to reduce inflammation and enhances immunity. We are lucky that many healthy foods are high in selenium. Here some food rich in selenium. - Oysters - Brazil nuts - Halibut - Yellowfin tuna - Eggs - Sardines - Sunflower seeds - Chicken breast - Shiitake mushrooms Source: healthline.com, Minerva Meza #holisticbe #holisticminerva #healthholistic #seleniumbenefits #healthydiet #healthytoronto #healthyeating #healthylifestyle

Holistic Be 28.01.2021

ESSENTIAL OILS Essential oils benefit has been known for decades. Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, as a form of alternative medicine and support health and well-being. Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavor of their sources.... Usually. essential oils applied on the skin or be inhaled stimulate your sense of smell or have medicine effects when absorbed. Interestingly, when inhaling the aroma from essential oils; it can stimulate your limbic system, which is a part of your brain that plays a role in emotions, behaviour, sense of smell and long-term memory. Also, limbic system is connected to other function of the body like breathing, heart rate and blood pressure; that is why some people claim that essential oils can produce some kind of effect in your body. I personally use essential oils to alleviate my headache. I do not like to take any pills, so essential oil is the perfect alternative way to treat my pain. It a miracle how it works, but it works very well for me. Here is a list of 10 essential oils and the health claim associate with them: Peppermint: boots energy and aid digestion. Lavender: relieve stress. Bergamot: reduce stress, and improve skin condition like eczema. Rose: reduce anxiety. Chamomile: relaxation Ylang-Ylang: treat headaches, nausea. Tea Tree: fight infection and boot immunity. Jasmine: depression and libido. Lemon: aid digestion, headaches. Sources: healthline.com and Minerva Meza. #holisticbe #minervaholistic #healthholistic #myesenciallab #eseentialoils #essentialoilsbenefits #essentialoilblends

Holistic Be 12.01.2021

CHRISTMAS TREATS This is the time of the year, that we get some Christmas treats and sweets. The temptation to get piece of chocolate or something sweet is everywhere. For those that want to keep healthy style of life or what to enjoy the holiday season without compromise the good health or weight. Here my favorite easy to cook sweet treat. ... Chocolate Avocado Pudding: 2 soft ready avocados Organic cocoa powder (to your taste) Honey (to your taste) Walnuts Preparation: Put the avocados, honey and chocolate powder together and blend until you get soft consistence. You can add chocolate powder or honey depend how sweet or strong do you want the pudding. Pour the pudding in small containers, use some of the walnuts on top of the pudding for decoration Put the pudding container in the refrigerator and leave those overnight Coconut flour cookies 3 table spoon of coconut flour 3 table spoon of coconut oil 1- table spoon of honey or maple tsp baking powder Pinch of salt 2 table of spoon of chocolate chips or nuts Preparation: Preheat the oven to 350. Use a food processor or blender to mix coconut flour, coconut oil, honey and salt. Add chocolate chips or nuts are evenly distributed in the cookie dough. Use a round tablespoon measuring spoon to scoop out each cookie. Place cookies on the parchment line cookie sheet Bake cookies 8-10 minutes or until they are golden brown. Let cookies cool down before removing. Sources: Minerva Meza, coconutmama.com #holisticbe #minervaholistic #healthholistic #healthytreats #healthychristmas #nosugartreats #healthychristmastreats

Holistic Be 25.12.2020

SOURSOP Very often we see this fruit in the supermarket, and probably we asked our self; what kind of fruit is that? Soursop is a fruit with distinctive flavor; sweet with a cream texture. furthermore, soursop contains vitamins and minerals that required to supporting our immune system. It has vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 vitamin C, folate, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc and copper... Healthy Benefits of Soursop: Fight against cancerous cells: has been study that soursop has the potential for preventing cancer cells, specially with extracts from the barks, roots and leave of the fruit. Improve Digestion: It is a great support of digestive system due to its high content of fiber, also can help to clean gastrointestinal tract. Fight Bacteria: some properties of soursop fight harmful bacteria in the body such as gingivitis, gum disease, tooth decay, yeast infection and cholera. Soursop is ready to be eat; when the fruit is soft and its skin start to turn a little be brown. It can be eaten by itself , add to the smoothies. or drink as a juice. My favorite way to use soursop is in a shake. Here my receipt. Coconut Milk Soursop Shake: 2 cups of soursop pulp. 2 cups of coconut milk. Honey to your taste. Pinch of cinnamon. Ice cube for service. Mix everting and enjoy it Source: Webmd.com, Minerva Meza #holisticbe #minervaholistic #healthholistic #soursop #soursopjuice #soursopleaves #soursophealthbenefits #healhtylifestyle