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Holistic Harmony 05.05.2021

Say What!? Want to look younger? Only $39 CAD!!! Until Nov. 15th!!! Seriously, you will never know unless you try it. I am trying it!

Holistic Harmony 03.05.2021

Beautiful piece to read. Food for thought? Have a wonderful day When Einstein gave lectures at U.S. universities, the recurring question that students asked him most was: - Do you believe in God? And he always answered:...Continue reading

Holistic Harmony 16.01.2021

Oct 8th BUSY-acknowledged what you’ve already achieved - under pressure When I look at the card I see happiness, smile, lightness and flitting about. Now let’s see what it means. ... The Bee urges you to make your life as productive as you can and this doesn’t mean being as busy as you can be that you are run off your feet, it is reminding you enjoy the sweetness that comes from the efforts you are putting in. Where are you being busy for the sake of being busy? Life is not just about work. It is as we hear all the time ‘work and life balance’. How do we do this? It is about remembering to play and extracting as mischief sweetness and enjoyment from it as you can. Don’t forget YOU matter! Do you allow yourself to give YOU a pat on the back for achievement no matter how small it may be? If not, why not? Take the time to reflect what makes you smile. If there are moments that haven’t worked out, that is ok. What did you learn from it? Therefore, pat on the back. Hey, we all have those moments, believe me I have had heaps lol. I would not be who I am today if I didn’t. Stand proud YOU matter. HEMATITE-Grounding I smiled when I pulled the Hematite card as I had seen it in my mind when I woke and felt the need to be grounded. Voila, if this card is not the co formation for me. So I ask you, do you feel a little wonky, titchy, ugh? Take a deep breath, zone out looking at the trees, flowers, listen to some music, walk in bare feet, enjoy your morning cuppa. Ooh how does that make you feel? Can you feel the sense of peace coming upon you? Aah the feeling of being grounded. These simple little tricks can bring your life into balance, fulfilling and success. Oh by the way the crystal within the pic is a Lapis Lazuli and felt it was needed with them. Have a wonderful day

Holistic Harmony 14.01.2021

Oct 7th ESCAPE- Breathe, give yourself a break. The Mountain Cat is a beautiful majestic, proud animal. It is coming into your life to tell you that you are about to step into your power. Our greatest power comes from us being calm and gentle. Take a break and be kind to YOU!! When you come back, you are renewed energy, perspective, vitality and even clarity to help you see the issue properly. (Have you ever misread a letter? Took a break and then reread it later proper...ly?). Take time for yourself and rejuvenate. The Mountain Cat brings you courage, vitality, wisdom, agility, balance and assertiveness to carve out and follow your own path. Believe in Yourself!! LOL I chuckle as 2 crystal cards jumped out while I was shuffling them. Cacoxenite goes beautifully with The Mountain Cat because of the opportunity for New Beginnings. This crystal card is showing that life moves in cycles, and the one you are currently entering is one of exciting new opportunities. The light of a new dawn and the medicine of Cacoxenite is shining down upon you. You are being urged to embrace this opportunity fully and allow the first light of the day to shine upon you. The Sunstone is for empowerment. Breathe in this powerful energy filling every cell of your being. The medicine of this crystal is all about encouraging you to step fully into your power in all aspects of life. It draws the energy of the Sun, a powerful dynamic energy source of transformation, and assists you to align deeply to your own self-empowerment.

Holistic Harmony 03.01.2021

Oct 6th Today we have FIND YOURSELF: Awesome beautiful Angel wings with a diamond nestled in between. These wings are protecting you so this card is a reminder of that. Nice feeling isn’t it? Archangel Michael is the Angel who helps us to have the courage to move forward and beyond anything that has held us stuck. We know that we have had these moments and not sure as to what to do...know that Michael is here giving us the nudge to move forward and leave behind what does ...not benefit us for our higher good. Have you been contemplating doing something new, ending a chapter of your life, new job, let Michael help you as he gives you a nudge to step outside your boundaries and let your authentic self come forward. This message correlated with yesterday’s in speaking your truth, living your truth and to have the courage to express all that you are. It is ok and if others do not like it, well, tough luck for them SOUL CONNECTION CRYSTAL: Lovers: This is a master teacher crystal, it’s beauty holds the sacred medicine of divine connection and blessed union and shares with you that everything within the Universe is connected at the core. Today is a reflection that a deeper love is flowing into your life. Maybe an expansion of your current relationship or possibly yourself. Never discount yourself, are you looking within and expanding your self love, self care, learning to love yourself within? This card is confirming that you are currently attracting a soul mate connection into your life. This card can also indicate that a friendship, child, or animal present in your life is a deep soul companion here to share love, healing, and growth. Also remember it may not be just one, it can also mean more that we can have a deep connection with

Holistic Harmony 16.12.2020

Wisdom and Beauty Oracle Deck by a Natalia Colman 18 & 24 The Healing Oracle Crystal Reading Cards... Aquamarine 18: BEAUTIFUL Bringing a message of self-love, honour, grace and integrity. If you are facing a few challenges in life, you are being asked to step towards them with courage and confidence. The peacock is a power animal, who shows you can possess a firm connection between the past and present and how to recognize its effect on your future life. A message about balance and a strong foundation. The peacock is bringing the message that you have so much to offer. There is so much colour and beauty in the world that surrounds you. Be proud of who you are and becoming, let that shine through you to show the world. 24: PURE AND SIMPLE To me the lotus means growth. The lotus flower has the most wonderful story: it is a beautiful flower that begins its life rooted in mud and surrounded by water. Somehow it finds its way to bloom and grow. The message is you are a survivor, you do not give up, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, it maybe small and dim however gets to grow and become brighter just as the lotus pushes through the murky water to bloom beautifully! Be true to yourself, it is time to speak your truth. Yes it can be daunting however it is amazing the energy that comes as courage and empowerment. You owe this to yourself to bloom and grow. AQUAMARINE - COMMUNICATION Have you noticed that the two cards above are about speaking your truth, love, balance and healing. They are the Heart and Throat Chakras which the Aquamarine is communication. Isn’t it cool how all three cards relate and intertwine with their messages? The soft green/blue hues of Aquamarine shine the wisdom of the feminine and incite you to surrender and relax into the flow of life and dance in the energy of peace and serenity. It assists by connecting the deeper feelings of the heart. As it gently invites an opening of the throat chakra and allows you to master the expression of the clear and positive communication with ease and grace. Overall message: Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to speak your truth. There is so much love and light surrounding you, enjoy the feeling and energy of peacefulness and bliss. Much love to you all

Holistic Harmony 13.12.2020

We go through moments that we feel why is this happening to me or what am I meant to be learning from this? Is it that we have rose coloured glasses on or finally starting to see the truth? Or even realizing the WE as a person are just as important as others? YOU are YOU and as important as anyone out there. Love you all and be YOU