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Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 13.05.2021

My intention in posting this is not to offend, put down or cast judgment on anyone, or to tell anyone what to do. I'm posting this because I see these findings as positive and hopeful. This proves that we have way more power and control over this all than we've been told. We have control over the factors that were common amongst 78% of people who were hospitalized, needed a ventilator, or died from Covid-19. ... This is amazing news! If you truly care about your health, now is the time to make changes friends! Now is the time to take control of your health! If you want to protect yourselves, why not do all you can? And why not take some of that power and responsibility? I realize that this post may upset or trigger people. If it does, I urge you to ask yourself why? It can be difficult to find out that what you've been told isn't entirely true. It can be difficult to find out that the onus is on you. It can be difficult to do the work, rather than rely on external factors. Start with small changes, be patient with yourself and love yourself through the journey. You don't have to rely on anyone or anything outside of you for protection. Obviously you still can, but you don't have to. Our bodies were designed to thrive, heal, adapt and protect. Every system in the body is designed this way. Your body is already perfect as is (as long as it's getting what it needs and not too much of what it doesn't need). Isn't this amazing? Doesn't it feel good to know that our bodies are that powerful and adaptive? The more research I've done into cancer, it's purpose, and the causes, the more I've realized how much control we actually have over it all. This has made me feel empowered, and much less fearful. I wish the same for you regarding cancer, covid, anything and everything. You are in control of your health. Taking control may not be the easiest thing you'll ever do....you do have to be open to change, to learning new things, and be willing to do some work. It all starts with you. It has to start with you. We can't rely on anyone or anything else to make us healthy. Start today, with this.... drink more water move your body eat whole food That's it.

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 01.05.2021

Why choose organic produce? This year, the USDA’s tests found residues of potentially harmful chemical pesticides on nearly 70% of the non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. Before testing fruits and vegetables, the USDA washes, scrubs and peels them, as consumers would. . .... Pesticides are toxic by design. They are created expressly to kill living organisms insects, plants and fungi that are considered pests. Many pesticides also pose health dangers to people, including hormone disruption, brain and nervous system toxicity, and cancer. These hazards have been confirmed by independent scientists and physicians, U.S. and international government agencies. . . Eating organic food reduces pesticide exposure and is linked to a variety of health benefits. . . Studies have linked higher consumption of organic foods to lower urinary pesticide levels, improved fertility and birth outcomes, reduced incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and lower BMI and reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes. . . In four separate clinical trials, people who switched from conventional to organic foods saw a rapid and dramatic reduction in their urinary pesticide concentrations, a marker of pesticide exposure. . . Babies and children are particularly vulnerable to many of the health effects associated with many pesticides. . . An all-organic diet is not affordable or accessible for everyone. This is why I recommend EWG's (Environmental Working Group) Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which ranks the pesticide contamination of 46 popular fruits and vegetables. . . Released every year since 2004, the Shopper’s Guide is designed to help consumers make the healthiest choices for their families, given budgetary and other constraints. EWG recommends that whenever possible, consumers purchase organic versions of produce on the Dirty Dozen list. When organic versions are unavailable or not affordable, EWG advises consumers to continue eating fresh produce, even if conventionally grown. #environmentalworkinggroup #dirtydozen #clean15 #chooseorganicwhenyoucan #holisticnutrition #cancerprevention #takecontrolofyourhealth #holisticandintentionalliving

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 12.04.2021

I'm making (and obsessed with) bone broth! The benefits are endless.... Let me know if you want some:)

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 10.04.2021

Part .... About one week after getting my mole checked out, I was at the grocery store and received a call from a skin clinic. They were holding a clinic that day and asked if I could be there in an hour. I left the store and headed to the clinic, thinking that I was just going to get it checked out. I told the Doctor my story, she looked at the mole, and said that it looked suspicious and they would remove it. I remember being shocked, and saying "Today? You're going to ...remove it now?". Yep, it was happening right now. Woah...I barely had time to close my mouth, let alone process what she just said. The next thing I knew, the nurse was freezing my foot, and the Doctor was cutting out the mole and a larger area around it. I was supposed to work that night...that wasn't happening. I was instructed not to go in the lake...we live at the beach and were having friends over that weekend for Labour Day. While it was a simple procedure, it didn't seem simple. Things were getting real. I remember getting home from the clinic and thinking, "What the fuck just happened? I just went out for groceries?". I was sent home to heal and wait for the results. At this point, I still wasn't worried. I was so confident it would be nothing. The story continues, but I'll leave it for another day. Enjoy your weekend friends, get out there and live it up #melanomaawareness #melanomajourney #checkyourmoles #informyourself #takecontrolofyourhealth #healingwithintention #holisticandintentionalliving #lakehuronlove

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 30.03.2021

You should sit in nature for 20 minutes a day... unless you're busy, then you should sit for an hour. ~ old zen saying . .... I've truly been enjoying this winter hibernation. I'm becoming very comfortable spending time with myself in silence. I know that this time hasn't been easy for everyone and that many are not experiencing an enjoyable winter. My daily beach walks are peaceful and calming, and a major reason for my positive experience this season. If you think this is something that might help you too, please reach out and join me. I'm here if you need a beach walk, in silence or in conversation #winterhibernation #spendtimewithnature #winterdoesnthavetosuck #beachwalks #naturetherapy #lakehuronlove #lakehuronsunset #bayfieldontario #holisticandintentionalliving

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 27.03.2021

I DON'T need a tropical vacation with fancy accommodations... or even hydro or running water. I DO need unplugged time in nature. The grounding, the peace, the recharge.... Heading North last weekend wasn't the easiest trip, but it was exactly what I needed. After driving 5 hours, and traveling by snowmobile another half hour, in the dark, and in -25 weather we arrived at two freezing cold hunt cabins. It seemed crazy until we stoked the fires, and woke up to the most amazing views, knowing that we were the only people around for miles. Spending Family Day weekend playing outside with my husband, Dad, brother and nephew was yet another reminder that you really don't need much to live life to the fullest. Keep it simple and get outside #exploreontario #getoutsideandplay #groundyourself #unplugandchill #familydayweekend #huntcamp #campswampy #holisticandintentionalliving

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 10.02.2021

Cancer doesn't just show up. It takes time to develop, and there are always root causes. This was not an accident. I developed melanoma for a reason. I trust my body, and this is my body telling me that something needs attention, and something needs to change. This is my wakeup call.... So, instead of looking at this as a war or a battle, I'm looking at this as an opportunity for growth and healing. I'm actually feeling the opposite of what most would expect. The more I learn, and the more resources I discover, the more inspired, and optimistic I become. I'm excited for this journey, not scared. I'm ready to do the work, I'm ready to dig deeper. I'm ready to fully heal. #worldcancerday #melanomajourney #melanomaawareness #rootcausemedicine #digdeeper #trustyourbody #listentoyourbody #healingwithintention #holisticandintentionalliving

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 06.02.2021

Every morning, I start my day by closing my eyes, placing a hand over my heart, taking a few deep breaths, and saying "thank you for this day". I've been practicing and continuing this routine for over a year now, because starting my day this way makes me feel good Waking up feeling grateful fills my body up, so that there's no room for other "not so good" feelings. That's my theory anyways . It also sets the tone for the rest of my day.... Try it in the morning. Cause, why not? #morningroutine #whynot #startwithgratitude #takeabreath #takeamoment #bepresent #itsanewdawn #itsanewday #holisticandintentionalliving #lakehuronlove

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 03.02.2021

Since receiving my diagnosis of stage 3 melanoma, I honestly haven't spent much time worrying about it and I haven't really done any research. In fact, I haven't really looked into it all. This is unusual for me. Maybe because it didn't seem real? Maybe because I intuitively knew that it was all going to be ok? Maybe because I didn't want to know more? Ignorance can be bliss. I mean, does anyone really want to read about the survival rates for the disease that they have been ...diagnosed with? Not so much... After my last surgery, I was referred to an Oncologist at the London Regional Cancer Program at Victoria hospital. I met with him last week. I asked a lot of questions and received a lot of information. I was left with a pretty major decision to make. So, I've been doing my research. I'm reading everything I can find on the topic....textbooks from my Nutrition course at CSNN, research papers, articles and blogs online. I've also been meditating and spending quiet time alone just sitting with it all. I can gather all of the information I want. I can ask for advice from as many people as I can. But noone has all the answers, and noone can make this decision for me. I want to make sure that the decision I make is not only an informed one, but one that feels right in my entire being. And I am the only one who knows what is right for me. One thing I know for sure is that I will trust my body and my inner knowing. I will do my research, and I will take control of my health. We are the only ones in control of our health. It is not up to anyone (or anything) else. But just to be clear, I am grateful for the medical care I have received, and for the wonderful team that I have worked with. I'm also grateful for meeting with an Oncologist last week that ended our consult with, "You will make the right decision for you. And we will support you in whatever decision you make". During this journey, I've realized that I didn't know much about skin cancers before this, and absolutely nothing about melanoma. I now understand how important it is to know what to look out for. I'm happy to share some of this info if anyone is interested in learning more with me?

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 06.01.2021

Rocky always loved the harmonica. This appreciation started as a puppy when @reiser would play guitar and harmonica around him. Eventually, he started singing along and would try to match the notes. His faves were @xavierruddofficial , and Hayden, but anything including the harmonica worked. He loved music as much as we do. The night after Rocky passed, we had tickets to see Jamie's favourite band, @jonandroy... We spent the day grieving, and the concert was certainly not a priority. But as the day went on, we both knew that we needed to go to the show. Rocky would definitely not want us to miss it, and in some way, it felt like a tribute to him. We went, and were so happy we did. The harmonica brought tears to my eyes that night, and still does to this day. I can still hear his beautiful howl when his songs come on. Music makes you feel. Music heals. That concert, on March 12th, 2020 was also the last live show we saw. Holding hope that it won't be long before we get to feel the energy of live music again #rockyboy #rockythesingingrotti #followthesun #xavierrudd #musichealsmysoul #missingconcerts #missingrocky

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 20.12.2020

Sunshine + feeling fine This is your friendly reminder to get your daily dose of vitamin D! Virtually 100% of all Canadians are vitamin D deficient during some part of the year when sunlight exposure is scarce.... Individuals in long term care facilities are especially susceptible to vitamin D deficiency. I now supplement every winter. Prior to supplementing, I would experience the winter blues from January until spring. I can honestly say that I truly enjoy winter now. Regularly taking Vitamin D has made a massive difference for me! Winter blues and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are real things and affect many of us, and for good reason! Low serotonin (the happiness hormone) levels are linked to low energy, low mood, low sex drive, and anxiety and depression. One of the biggest contributors to healthy serotonin levels is a good dose of Vitamin D Vitamin D has many other important functions: Vitamin D regulates calcium metabolism and bone formation. If D is low, blood levels of calcium and phosphorus decrease, and the body pulls these minerals from the bones. This function is especially important in menopausal women, the elderly, and growing children as it creates demineralized, weak bones and teeth. Vitamin D is helpful in maintaining the nervous system, heart function, and for normal blood clotting. Sources: 1/2 hour of sunshine each day ~ Vitamin D is manufactured in the human skin when in contact with the UV light in the sun's rays. Food - Cod liver oil, egg yolks, butter, liver, and oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring). Supplements - choose high quality, Vitamin D3. Get outside and soak up the sunshine when you can, supplement when you can't. Winter comes every year, might as well enjoy it! #winterbeachwalks #vitamind3 #sunshinevitamin #serotoninbooster #happyhormone #getoutside #imgonnasoakupthesun #gonnatelleveryonetolightenup #takayaprine #walkingbuddy #lakehuronlove

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 28.11.2020

Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse #lightitup #geminifullmoon #lunareclipse #releasetheold #makespacefornew #embracechange #trustandsurrender

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 24.11.2020

We ALWAYS have a choice. We can't control life, but we can control how we respond to it. This was me a week ago at St. Joseph's hospital in London.... I had a suspicious looking mole removed from my foot in September. Days later, I found out that the growth was melanoma, but the surrounding cells were clear. Last week, I had a wide excision and a sentinel lymph node biopsy for further testing and to make sure that nothing had spread. In the moments and days following the diagnosis, I have had many choices.... I've made a choice to not fear or worry about the unknown. Worrying about what could happen will get me nowhere and will only make the present so much worse. Instead of immediately reacting to the news with fear, worry, and anger, I chose to pause, take a deep breath, and step back to look at the bigger picture. This allowed me to have power over the situation, and to choose love, acceptance, and peace instead. Rather than worrying about the future, I'm focusing on the now. What is this here to teach me? Well, so far it's taught me that I'm far stronger than I thought, that mindset is everything, that accepting what comes to me will bring peace, and to always get weird moles checked out! Another choice I had? How I spent my time before the surgery. While waiting in pre op, I focused on deep breathing and mantras.... I am safe. I am healthy. I am loved. I am protected. I am supported. I am healed. I love every inch of my body. As a result, I was relaxed and at ease when I was wheeled into the operating room. Mindset is everything. What you focus on, you attract. Focus on what you want to happen, rather than what you don't. Your thoughts have a powerful influence on your life. To change the external, you must change the internal. Since the beginning of this journey, I have felt so very confident that the melanoma was removed with the original growth. These are the thoughts I'm focusing on and the positive outlook I'm choosing. I choose to live in the now. Shoutout to all of the amazing staff @stjosephslondon that took such great care of me! #youchoose #chooselovenotfear #mindsetmatters #thoughtsbecomethings #getyourmoleschecked

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 20.11.2020

Bayfield is lit up once again #magicalplace #lovewhereyoulive #lakehuronlove... #bayfieldontario #christmasinbayfield #clangregorsquare #bayfieldchamberofcommerce See more

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 31.10.2020

Self love - this is my focus. I deserve it and you deserve it too

Cara Reis, RHN & BIE 06.10.2020

So very grateful and thankful for our freedom. May we never forget the deep sacrifices made or take peace for granted. #IRemember #lestweforget2020... #remembranceday See more