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Holistic Magdalena 08.05.2021

I used to tell myself that I'm ugly, something I heard since I was little. It was a shock, to be instantly hated when I first started school in Canada. Kids bullying other kids was something I'd never imagined and here I was, living a nightmare I wouldn't wish on anyone. Their cruel words imprinted on me, leaving a deep impression of self doubt and self loathing that led to self harm and depression. I tried to hide it all behind a smile, inappropriate clothing, layers of mak...eup and a false bravado, which was exhausting so I inevitably crashed in an emotional spiral. Eventually, I burned out, unable to sustain the fragile illusion of happiness, so I decided to be bold and take off all of my masks, to stop pretending and let myself be seen, just as I am. Ultimately, I needed to see who I'd become, get to that person and decide if I like myself. Because it really doesn't matter how much others think of you if you think little of yourself, & no one can fill the space for love as completely as you can. It's my connection to God thay has helped me to understand who I truly am and now, I can say I am beautiful, unimaginably and perfectly imperfect (that's still a little uncomfortable to claim but I know that it is truth.) #holisticmagdalena #holistic #selfdoubt #ugly #beautiful #connection #depression #bullying #truth #childhoodtrauma #transformation #wellness #lifestyle #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #selfcompassion #womenempowermentcoach #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #connection #holisticlifestylecoach See more

Holistic Magdalena 20.04.2021

Why do we look at the past with such reverence? I've heard too many times, people saying 'these are crazy times we live in,' shit, I've echoes them and yet I know in my soul that we are lucky to be here and now. We won the timeline lottery! It wasn't long ago that you could cut your hand making dinner and literally die of sepsis only a few weeks later. We have running water and indoor plumbing that we mostly take for granted but it's a huge advance that's allowed us to eradi...cate the most common causes of disease and ultimately, death. If you live in a first world country, you have unprecedented access to information and knowledge (& if you stop using Google you'll even get various points of view ) granting us greater understanding of the world we live in, damn! If these aren't the best times to live in then you're doing it wrong. It's time to get rid of the nostalgia of all that's familiar, embrace change and raise your head up high with faith in your heart, knowing that everything that you are seeing is what generations have prayed for. The world is on the brink of massive transformation, and the truth may not be what we want to hear, but once it's out in the light we will be stronger and wiser for it. So, breathe... Do it again... Remember, something good is already on it's way, and we're here living for it. #holisticmagdalena #holistic #wellness #herenow #present #timeline #transformation #onthebrink #truth #embracechange #healing #life #lifestyle #change #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #selflove #selfcompassion #womenempowermentcoach #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #connection #holisticlifestylecoach See more

Holistic Magdalena 16.04.2021

How you experience, respond to and resolve your personal challenges resonates throughout the Universe and impacts all life. It's true and yet we deny it, because that would mean that we are all special, that you have a gift that only you can contribute and that you are far more important than you could ever imagine. That's huge. So huge that once I learned this the little voice inside me said "Who do you think you are? You're not that important."... Years of others' imprints from the past play that old tune on repeat when it's time for an upgrade, making you believe that it's easier to be small, unburdened by responsibility or consequence. That's horseshit! It's exactly when you must claim your gifts and acknowledge all your awesomeness. What's your unique gift? Don't deny it or downplay it, claim it with pride and watch as the world unfolds. #holisticmagdalena #holistic #wellness #special #youarespecial #youareunique #gifted #truth #contribution #universe #awesomeness #life #lifestyle #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #selfcompassion #womenempowermentcoach #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #connection #holisticlifestylecoach See more

Holistic Magdalena 27.03.2021

Some days it's the difference between madness and sanity. I've learned that in order to ascend I must be open, and that means the barriers, guarding and protecting has to go as I 'let go and let God' with the trust that I am always safe, protected and held in grace. This for me has been a trepidatious dance between facing my fears and faith, with epic fails and triumphs along the way. Being open is not what most people do when they're stumbling around trying to figure their s...hit out, they use white bubbles and protect their energy field, unknowingly projecting fear into the manifestation realm. It's a bit of a dichotomy, because we're taught that openness is vulnerable, and truthfully it can be, when you're open without God. Since we all waver at times, it's important to practice cleansing, and I've found water to have a power like little else to ease the mind, body and Spirit. It always surprises me how taking a bath can affect my mind and transform my day. #holisticmagdalena #holistic #wellness #water #cleansing #safety #protecting #ascending #madness #sanity #healing #life #lifestyle #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #selfcompassion #womenempowermentcoach #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #connection #holisticlifestylecoach See more

Holistic Magdalena 18.03.2021

"In a world full of people only some want to fly, isn't that crazy?" When I first heard these lyrics, I thought to myself 'Thats impossible! Who wouldn't want to fly?' In time, I realized that most people were like me, afraid to fly. We're taught to be sceptical rather than to dream big, so we stay safe allowing thoughts, beliefs and manifestations to be small and limited by the narrow perspective of what we can see. Most of us are unaware of the invisible barriers we create... in our lives, but it can sneak up on you, with little things like eating food that's comforting rather than enriching or staying at a soul siphoning job or even keeping friends who are familiar but no longer in alignment. I've chosen to live by these limitations for far too long, led by fear of the unknown, I developed habits that squashed my ability to dream, desire and aspire beyond what I know. That might not seem like a big deal but for me it means a life that's placid and unfulfilled, unrewarding, boring, small... (I shudder at the thought.) Playing it safe, removing risk from your life is one of the most dangerous things to your mind, creativity and growth. Taking risks, a leap of faith, can be liberating, allowing you to soar once again. You can stay safe, choosing to stay in your pretty little cage or... You can be brave and fly the choice is your. #holisticmagdalena #holistic #wellness #safe #barriers #cage #brave #risk #reward #limitingbeliefs #crazy #healing #life #lifestyle #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #womenempowermentcoach #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #connection #holisticlifestylecoach

Holistic Magdalena 13.03.2021

Saying 'NO' seems simple but for many of us it isn't. Being an empath, for me meant that I hard a hard time sperating my feelings from others (unknowingly,) and I'd quickly say yes! excited to be included. Later started to burn out, while working a demanding job & managing a toxic relationship, it was then that I began to say 'maybe' or agreed to things only to bail at the last minute. This went against who I was, causing me social anxiety and a fear of not only letting peop...le down but constantly being judged. I didn't want to lose friends or damage valuable relationships by appearing to be uncaring or unreliable. For years I struggled with people pleasing, exhaustion and resentment, constantly trying to figure out what I actually wanted and how to say know without fear or guilt. Eventually, I did burn out, and prioritizing became critical, beyond simply what I wanted to do but what I was capable of doing without harming myself. In time, my needs came first, I had to say no. Then when I was getting better things got complicated again because I now had to figure out how to say 'yes' in a way that made me a priority. Here's what I learned, most things aren't black or white with a simple yes or no, I could say yes! and also say that I only could help for an hour and needed lunch & transportation to be arranged for me. By knowing what I wanted, being flexible and clearly communicating I could start helping people again while making myself a priority. This to me is where Loving Boundaries begin. #holisticmagdalena #holistic #wellness #creatingboundaries #boundaries #sayingno #brave #healthyrelationships #burnout #judgement #healing #life #lifestyle #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #selfcompassion #womenempowermentcoach #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #connection #holisticlifestylecoach

Holistic Magdalena 27.01.2021

Trust your gut they say... I thought I was prepared for all the changes that came with motherhood, I wasn't, shocker! My complete ignorance to pretty much everything made life pretty challenging. I knew nearly nothing about taking care of a baby, & had no motherhood tribe to speak of, so I relied on my sister's advice a lot which often ended with 'but trust your gut.' How do you do that? ... Simple, release the past All the work I've done, (& continue to do) to heal, those deep dives, helped release so many fears that blocked my intuition. There are still so many things that I don't know and doubt at times but I can't imagine how hard motherhood would have been for the person I was just 5 years ago, when opening to this profoundly rewarding experience wasn't even an option. I'm so grateful for all my guides and teachers that came along my path toward who I am today. Thank you God See more

Holistic Magdalena 09.01.2021

I've struggled with weight and body image since I was 10. I'm talking serial dieting, yoyoing, inadequate exercise regiments & an uphill battle as you watch the scale climb if you even think of dessert. For over two decades, a near obsession that lead to a career in the fitness industry, where I leaned into decoding impacts lifestyle, metabolic typing, physiological responses to your outer and inner environment. Anything! To know why nothing was working for me.... Although my journey for greater understanding led me to this path of serving clients far beyond what my wildest dreams, my biggest challenge was always around my weight. Eventually, I gave up trying, it was exhausting to constantly fight against the heaviness of it all. Looking back, I see that I spent most of my life hating my body, punishing it for it's betrayal, 'how is it that I could help so many people but not myself?' It's taken far more courage, humility and forgiveness than I could have imagined to embrace a radical commitment to restoring the delicate balance to my body. I had to start with stopping. Stopping the self sabotaging behaviour, the constant criticism & brutal self berating. That was the biggest hurdle, the strongest habit, the deepest wound that I didn't feel deserving of healing. I now know what self love is, I recognize it for the first time in my life. Thank you God #holisticmagdalena #holistic #wellness #stopping #bodyimage #workinprogress #bodyshaming #criticism #wellnessjourney #divine #life #lifestyle #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #selfcompassion #womenempowermentcoach #loveyourself #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #connection #holisticlifestylecoach

Holistic Magdalena 07.01.2021

No more crash diets, it's time to address the root issue of obesity.

Holistic Magdalena 01.01.2021

I'm stepping back from my business largely because I used to try to conform to what I thought a woman should be, a martyr, self sacrificing & too soft to be outwardly powerful. Now that my masculine and feminine energies are finally coming into harmony with one another, it's time to reassess. What kind of woman/mother/leader do I want to be? As I give my masculine side the room to function while allowing the feminine to softly rise to a new level of power I fall, I fail, I ...cry, I learn, I adapt, I release, I trust & transform. . And better and better and better, Thank you God. #holisticmagdalena #holistic #wellness #harmony #feminine #masculine #divine #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #life #lifestyle #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #selfcompassion #compassion #womenempowermentcoach #loveyourself #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #connection #holisticlifestylecoach See more

Holistic Magdalena 29.12.2020

Belonging is a fundamental need for a human being. It's why we value friendships and connect through common experience, it's this Connection that keeps us thriving. And yet, I still find myself hiding when I'm in the middle of a crisis or a challenge. Instead of asking for help, I shy away from showing the fault lines, the mess that happens when I get so overwhelmed I simply can't act. I get caught up in my mind & (unconsciously) start to pull away. Fully entangled in the ch...aos of the present conflict I loose perspective & feel like I have to figure it out on my own, with no one to turn to. This isn't true, but I only know that when I'm not spinning out, for God knows how long, an hour? a day? a month? With practice, I've learned to get grounded even when things suck & I admit to myself, & another human being, that I'm tapped out. This type of vulnerability is difficult for me and often comes with the price of humility & the prize of belonging (precipitated thru understanding.) #holisticmagdalena #holistic #alone #health #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #connection #meaning #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #belonging #worthy #womenempowermentcoach #loveyourself #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #healthcoaching #empowermentcoach

Holistic Magdalena 19.12.2020

When you want to see a change, you've gotta be willing to do the work. It doesn't have to be hard, it just has to be done, one step at a time.

Holistic Magdalena 16.12.2020

Vision Boards done differently, most powerful, within 1 hour

Holistic Magdalena 24.11.2020

Are you ready to step out of the darkness & into the light? This ride ain't for the faint of heart The dark pulls you in and the gravity can often feel like it can consuming you, but don't let it fool you. All it takes is commitment, courage and a wild leap of faith, that's all hahaha AND... It's so incredibly worth it!... When you look back on the dark nights that filled you heart with grief and sorrow, you'll smile, knowing that although the work is never done, all that had held you bound and broken is no longer a burden. That's when you'll truly be free, uplifted by the light as if floating. This work is so greatly fulfilling that when you stumble upon yet another piece of the puzzle, you embrace it with gratitude. Eventually you learn to love the journey, as you reclaim your power & regain your sovereignty. That's when the magic truly begins... #holisticmagdalena #holistic #sovereignty #health #holistichealth #holisticcoach #healing #mindset #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #holistichealthcoach #wordsmatter #meaning #mindbodyandsoul #lifecoachforwomen #mindfulliving #selflove #healthylifestylecoach #worthy #womenempowermentcoach #loveyourself #holisticcoaching #mindsetcoach #healthcoaching #empowermentcoach See more