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Holistico- Acne Nutritionist 15.05.2021

HORMONES HORMONES HORMONES I honestly think every women should take this test because it is life changing. But this test is especiallyyyy useful for anyone with hormone imbalance symptoms like PMS, painful heavy periods, irregular periods, hair loss, jaw line acne, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, breast tenderness etc. I just wish I knew about it as soon as I got diagnosed with PCOS because my recovery would’ve been a heck of a lot easier lol ... It is a dried urine sample that tests all these hormones... Cortisol Cortisone Estradiol Estrone Estriol Progesterone Testosterone DHEA & DHEA-S Melatonin It also measures your cortisone and cortisol rhythms as well as your estrogen metabolism pathways. This is the coolest part about it because you can actually see how well you metabolize estrogen through your liver. This is so key for my estrogen dominance people! They have recently added markers for glutathione, B12, B6, Folate as well as dopamine and stress hormones: epinephrine + norepinephrine which is very helpful. The question I hear allll the time is why can’t I just get my doctor to order me a full hormone panel via blood work? And what I usually say is go and try that for yourself lol cause they truly will never believe what I say until they do. It’s not only impossible to get medical doctors to test everything you actually need but you would be going off one blood sample at one specific time in the day. The DUTCH test is a full day panel with multiple testing times. I always tell my clients to get as much free testing as you can from your MD but don’t get discouraged if they say no or if everything comes back normal. It just means we need to dig deeper and that’s what this DUTCH test is for Link to my website is in my bio for more info and to order this test + get an analysis/protocol with me tag someone who needs this

Holistico- Acne Nutritionist 26.04.2021

The GI Map test is when it comes to any sort of digestive issues! Have you ever been diagnosed with IBS? The GI Map will actually tell you what is causing your IBS and all your hidden stressors that are making you feel like . This graphic shows some of the common root causes that the GI map directly tests for. It’s not only a complete snapshot of your GI tract, it gives insight into many things like...... hormones, adrenals blood sugar, energy mental health skin issues stomach acid liver health, bile autoimmune conditions My general rule of thumb is to test don’t guess! I wasted thousands of dollars and years of my time with anti-bacterial protocols, probiotics and other supplements that only made my problems worse. I wish I knew about this test right away so I could immediately see what’s wrong and fix the issues I had right then and there. Your GI tract has a very delicate homeostasis that you shouldn’t be blindly messing with. Always work with a functional nutritionist or practitioner who has specific training in these tests so they can properly read, analyze and develop a protocol for you (FDN-P certified ). I see a lot of great success running these tests with my clients. Even with the ones who don’t have digestive symptoms. It’s great insight into your overall health! It is the most comprehensive and accurate stool test out there with its DNA technology. Head to my website for more info! Link in bio. I will be doing an IGTV soon going through a clients test results to show you what its all about. Let me know in the comments if you want to order one & tag someone who needs this

Holistico- Acne Nutritionist 19.04.2021

I get asked a lot what supplements do you take so here is what I’m taking rn (it changes based on my health) I have all these + some of my other favourites featured in my shop (link in bio). If you like saving money, make sure to check it out (so many discount codes) @mitolife Panacea- quality shilajit which brings mineral balance to the body in the most natural way possible which is the key to balancing your body because we run off enzymes which run off minerals. for ex...ample, enzymes convert cholesterol into hormones (that includes vit d). I also use it to help detox heavy metals! @lifebludco Balance- a Canadian based magnesium bicarbonate formula! it’s the most natural & bioavailable form of magnesium which means your body can absorb & utilize it the best! magnesium is essential for everyone to be taking as our soil is highly depleted. @mitolife Pufa Protect- vitamin E to combat years of PUFA damage from all those nuts, seeds, soy & legumes I was eating everyday. also helps decrease the vitamin a and progesterone burn rate which are your hormone essentials. @paleovalley Essential C Complex- vitamin C helps increase progesterone + bioavailable copper and is giving my adrenals life right now from all the stress I’ve been dealing with. notice how this isn’t made from ascorbic acid which only depletes your body of real vitamin c. @ancestralsupplements Beef Liver- natures multivitamin with tons of bioavailable nutrients needed for skin, hair & immune health! also supports liver health cause like heals like which is everything if you have acne, digestive issues or estrogen dominance. notice how NONE of these are synthetic and they are all derived from natural sources now remember, just because I take these doesn’t mean you need to be. supplementation is highly individualized and something I recommend working 1:1 with me for. but these ones are pretty harmless and have some amazing benefits for your body! they definitely have helped further my hormone & gut recovery journey along which is what supplements are designed to do. they shouldn’t replace the foundations. let me know your favourites in the comments

Holistico- Acne Nutritionist 13.04.2021

E BOOK SPOTLIGHT so this one I get a lot of questions about lol I often hear I need to stay on birth control cause I don’t want a baby well... actually you don’t at all! ... it is only biologically possible to get pregnant about one week out of the whole entire month! so what you really gotta do is figure out your fertile days and avoid sex or use extra protection on those days. and let me tell you, an app will not be able to accurately predict that for you and is not a reliable method. it can help you chart & track but you are the only one that can figure out your fertile window and ovulation day each month (yes it changes from month-month). hormonal and non hormonal birth control options come with their fair share of negative effects (either while you are on it or once you come off). the fertility awareness method (FAM) is the o n l y natural birth control method with absolutely no side effects or damage to your body! and it’s the most effective with perfect use :) just takes a little bit of learning and that’s what this e-book is for. there is a lot of confusion and misinformation when it comes to FAM on the internet that you gotta stay clear from if you want it to be effective! i wish I had an easy to follow guide just like this once I came off the pill because the panicky thoughts of I might be pregnant always popped in my mind every month. it doesn’t have to be like that! because of FAM I now know exactly when I am fertile each month, when my period is coming, what it’s telling me, when it’s going to be late/early, what my hormones are up to and how my metabolic health is doing. It’s truly a woman’s superpower I also added some additional ways to track your metabolic health & how to know when something is off in this guide because if you are metabolically healthy you are overall healthy ladies go pick up your guide today, it’s only $10 and it will make your life soooo much easier! link is in my bio! comment your FAM questions

Holistico- Acne Nutritionist 26.03.2021

E BOOK SPOTLIGHT okay so this e-book is a summary of literally everything you need to know when it comes to nutrition & lifestyle! eating and living to support your metabolism is the ONLY way to bring balance back to your body and get rid of your chronic hormone + gut symptoms for good! ... this will teach you ALL the foundations you need to get started which is everythingggg! supplements are a waste of money if you don’t have your nutrition, sleep, stress and exercise in check. there is no diet or meal plans inside because this actually teaches you how to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle that works for you long term. I cant be there telling you exactly what to do and eat for the rest of your life, you gotta learn it yourself this e book contains a lot more than what I post here on insta. it’s the ultimate guide to healing which is why it’s included in all my 1:1 packages as well. it is very to the point, and contains the missing pieces to soooo many people’s health journeys. for instance I see way too many people cutting dairy but still eating meat? that is how meat can cause inflammation and how you mess the calcium-phosphorus blood balance. So vegan is better? Nope, you need animal protein to properly detoxify and obtain specific key nutrients in their most bioavailable form. I also see people consuming mainly unsaturated fats like nuts and seeds and cutting saturated fats? that’s a sure way to become insulin resistant & get gut issues. then I hear but sugar is the devil right??? sugar is the primary fuel source for the cell which is how our bodies run. if these facts are news to you, it’s time to get this e-book and start learning how to actually support your body cause trust me there is too many myths out there. I fell for almost every single one back in the day. if you are stuck in your health journey, it’s time to unlearn what you’ve been told and relearn the e s s e n t i a l s. lucky for you, it’s only $20 which is extremely cheap for the knowledge you will gain! check out the Holistico shop on our Facebook page to purchase! and remember if you have any specific health conditions like SIBO for example, you will need 1:1 help. let me know if you have any questions in the comments