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Locality: Calgary, Alberta

Phone: +1 403-255-2882

Address: 9815 Horton Road SW T2V 2X5 Calgary, AB, Canada

Website: www.hortonautobody.ca/

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Horton Auto Body & Paint 03.05.2021

Here we go putting an end to another week. I think I will go and see just how cold it is on the patio of Tuscana's. Hopefully the weather will start to support these patios. My big question this week is to talk or not to talk about the vaccine....My mother used to say when you get together with people, don't talk politics, religion, or things you no nothing about. I think I will add conversation about Covid 19 to the list. So, if you are out and about with me having a dri...nk and the topic comes up, know that I am not being rude when I walk away, I just don't know enough about the topic to talk about it. I have know opinion about what you do with your body and hopefully you have none about what I do with mine. If you have the chance to get out and enjoy a patio this weekend, have a cold one for me and keep the conversation light and fun. Have a fabulous weekend, thank you for all the support, and keep yourself healthy. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 24.04.2021


Horton Auto Body & Paint 08.04.2021

This time I actually know it’s not Friday. I want everyone to know we will be taking an extra long weekend. Friday and Monday we will be closed. A well deserved break for my staff. We will be back bright eyed and bushy tailed on Tuesday morning. I can’t be a 100% on the bushy tail but for sure ready to go and well rested. Things have slowly picked up at the shop and I think starting to look a little more normal, however, I don’t want to jinx things by saying to much. A...pril 1st, where are the days going? It’s been a year of huge ups and downs and thanks to an incredible staff, I believe they have pulled me through it. And I mean pulled. Every time I started to give up they would pull up there socks and show me that they could make it happen. If there were awards for most amazing staff I no for a fact mine would all be wearing the gold medal. I wish for everyone , staff, family, friends, and customers to have a weekend full of laughs, love, and good health. Happy Easter! Thank you, see you Tuesday. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 04.04.2021

FRIDAY! I just want everyone to have a fantastic weekend. That is all I have to say, oh yes ,and thank-you!FRIDAY! I just want everyone to have a fantastic weekend. That is all I have to say, oh yes ,and thank-you!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 19.03.2021

I need some advice people.....everyday I work very hard on making sure that my staff always does the right thing. No cutting corners, always be 100% honest with an estimate, treat everyone like family. I do this because it is important to me that people know we are a legit business and our word and a hand shake is important. Or a fist pump now a days. I take the reviews that people write on our page seriously and I follow up on all of them, good or bad. Especially the one...s that don’t get a 5star. So I had a 4 star review this week. No name other then LuxLux. I asked the person, what vehicle did you have in the shop, when was it in the shop, who took care of you, where did we fall short of being a 5 star review? Nothing came back, I have searched every customer we have had and there is no LuxLux. So I went further and looked into the person.....this person wrote 18 reviews in one day, on businesses from Calgary, Totonto, Surrey, even some from across the world. So my question is, why? Do they see companies with great reviews and amazing ratings and just get off on ruining the work it has taken to get to this point. Social media, I don’t understand it, what is the point of all the hard work if someone that has never even been to my business can write a review that can damage it in seconds. This is the type of crap that happens that makes me want to find the person and ask them how they benefit from doing it. How does it better there life by trashing others. That person is a sad human being. On a different note, the weekend is going to be fantastic! Brush off the BBQ, put out a lawn chair, crack open a cold one, take a deep breath and enjoy life to the fullest! Have a great weekend Calgarians, and again thank you for making Horton Auto Body & Paint your go to place. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 14.01.2021

One week into 2021 and it does not look like our government has gotten any smarter with this lock down. I am not saying I could do a better job cause God knows I could not, however, I think I would listen just a little closer to the people of this province and get things opened back up and running. I can not see the difference it is making bankrupting businesses. BUT I will not say anymore as my momma always told me don’t talk about what you know nothing of, so I am silent... from this point on. I do know that I will remain open and maybe just get myself a good lawyer if there is a problem with that. Why don’t you think more companies are not doing that....how many fines can they hand out to every business being shut down, how long would the courts be backed up if we all fought the fines? On a better note, business was good this week and I plan on keeping a very positive outlook to make sure that every week gets better. Thank you as always Calgary for your support! Have a great weekend, stay safe and healthy. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 04.01.2021


Horton Auto Body & Paint 31.12.2020

December 31st, 2020 and I am about to lock the front door for the last time this year. I have waited for all the staff to go home so I can have a chat with the walls. I know it may sound like I have finally gone over the edge but I felt is was necessary. It was one of our toughest years as it was with thousands of other companies in this city, however it was also one of my personal bests. I learned so much about myself this year. I realized I am a business woman that sti...ll has a pretty good head on her shoulders. I learned that I am much stronger then I ever thought I was or could be. I definitely learned how to bounce money around to make sure bills got paid. And I learned that my staff is my back bone, and without all of them I am nothing. They have been the glue that has been holding me together. After I walked around the shop tonight and stood in each employees stall I said a prayer that I make it through another year with the same incredible people surrounding me, and the amazing support that Calgarians have given Horton Auto Body & Paint. I am not a big religious person, but I must say I am blessed. I wish you all a Happy New Year and good health and happiness in 2021! See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 23.12.2020

Here we are December 24th, 2020 and there are only a few cars left to go. We will be taking a few days off so that we can bond even more with our family then we already have this year. The shop will be open again at 7:30am on Tuesday morning. I hope Santa is good to all of you and tat you have a beautiful Christmas. I will touch base with you all again next week to let you know if Santa had me on his Naughty or Nice list. I have a feeling it may be in the middle. Thank you again to all our customers and I hope you all stay safe and healthy over the holidays. Merry Christmas!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 04.12.2020

FRIDAY! Well the bandages are off and she is ready for delivery. The boys have been telling me they call it Santa’s New Ride. Beautiful car and I hope that her owner will be as happy with the job as we all are. Great work men!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 19.11.2020

Okay I never had a chance to get these on the wall Friday so here we are on Saturday with our weekly post. It was a quite week for estimates which is understandably with everyone confused again as to whether they should be out and about or locked in their homes. Our plaques showing our certifications with each make of vehicle are now hanging proudly in the office. There are a couple that did not arrive but we should see them soon. Again I have to thank all the staff that worked so hard to make it all happen. Now we just need to get the news into all the Insurance companies heads and that should help with work coming through the door. Enjoy the rest of your weekend Calgarians, and as always, stay safe and healthy.

Horton Auto Body & Paint 12.11.2020

Okay I am not ready for Friday’s post.....stayed tuned until Saturday please and I will post.Okay I am not ready for Friday’s post.....stayed tuned until Saturday please and I will post.

Horton Auto Body & Paint 06.11.2020

Today is this fine gentleman’s 10th year with Horton Auto Body & Paint. Brad has been off and on with the shop for the past 30 years. I can honestly say he has been the one man that has been able to put up with me for that long. I asked him today if he will do another ten with me and he looked a me like I was crazy. Thank you Brad for being like a big brother and always having my back. Life would not be the same without you!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 25.10.2020

The weekend is here....yippeeee. The week was a little quieter then previous weeks. I think it is that everyone is going back into stay home mode. This Covid19 is getting to all of us again. One day up, the next day you watch the news and your back down again. I have decided I will stop watching the news and just go with the flow of the people around me. Hopefully if there is anything major happening my staff will let me know. I guess I will know if they all stay home ...and I am sitting here alone. I have my fingers, toes, legs, arms and eyes crossed for this Covid to come to an end so that life can become normal again. Some of the staff was talking about things we miss, and honestly I would have to say that it is hugs. I miss hugs, but I am a big hugger. I also miss shaking my customers hand. I was raised that when you finish a deal and everyone is happy you shake there hand. I have always asked my appraisers to finish with a hand shake when they are done with a client, however, now it is an elbow touch or a fist punch. Not quite the same. I am looking forward to touching again, so when all this is done and over with be ready Calgarians cause I am going to be that crazy woman on the side of the road with the FREE HUGS sign. Until then, no that I am virtually hugging and shaking hands with all of you behind my mask. Have an incredible weekend, stay safe and healthy. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 20.10.2020


Horton Auto Body & Paint 14.10.2020

Yeh it's Friday! Another incredible week comes to an end. Things are looking better everyday. I have big hopes to be able to bring back another staff member real soon. The whole mask on or mask off was more of an issue this week. It does not take much for people to become relaxed. I would say we had 10% of people walk in without masks this week. My staff will still take care of you with or without a mask. The Insurance companies are getting a little more normal with t...here day to day procedures, which helps us out. However, I still have to say thank you to all the people that are doing personal repairs. It is the reason why my front doors are open. Everyone stay safe this Halloween weekend, don't eat to much chocolate, and remember to watch for kids on the streets. Thank you Calgarians for all the support! See you Monday morning. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 06.10.2020

What an incredible week! We were able to bring back the front receptionist Linda this week. Feels so good to have her back in the front office greeting people. I honestly did not realize how much I missed her until she was back. It takes some of the weight off the appraisers shoulders. One left to go and we are back to full staff. It could never have been done if everyone had not taken a 50% cut in wages. I think as the economy starts moving again it will be know time before we are back to our normal wages. There were no big stories with masks this week, everyone is pretty much talking about something going on in the United States...... Have an amazing weekend Calgarians, stay safe!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 03.10.2020

An amazing week! I just want to remind all of you again.....IT IS YOUR VEHICLE, YOU CHOOSE THE SHOP YOU WANT IT REPAIRED AT! We have had a few calls this week saying that there Insurance Company does not guarantee the repairs at a shop that is not on there list. Your Insurance company most likely has a contract with a shop and so they want you to go to the location for the better rates they receive. Our repairs are 100% guaranteed and we stand behind all our work, even if... your Insurance Company does not. Please don't let them scare you with the "we wont warranty the repairs", it does not matter. If the shop you choose is a quality repair facility they will warranty and guarantee all the repairs they do to your vehicle. Horton Auto Body & Paint guarantees the repairs we do to your vehicle for as long as you own your vehicle. So, if you find yourself in a spot this winter where you are going to need a body shop, come to Horton Auto Body & Paint and then tell your Insurance Company that you will be having the repairs done at our shop and we will handle the rest. Have an incredible weekend, stay safe! And as always, I thank you all very much for the business you have been sending my way, and my incredible staff thanks you too! Without your support we would not be here. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 30.09.2020

My Friday morning was set to be a high as I new I would be closing out September and it was one of our best months yet. We have hit the 50% mark. Covid19 stopped us in our tracks on March 20th, and here we are 6 months later and doing 50% of the sales we had back then. Which in all honesty is good, very good! We are moving forward and not backward, we are not making money yet but that will come. As long as we keep moving forward and Covid19 does not have a second wave. ...A second wave will be the end of my company and I am sure many others. So I am asking everyone that reads this posts to be smart, stay safe, and realize how many compaines will close for good if a second wave hits Calgary. On a personal note, I lost a good friend today that had given me so much business advice over the past 15 years. It was the many business conversations I had with him that taught me that it does not matter if you are a man or a woman in this industry, do your best and be honest with every customer and you will succeed. Advice I have taken to heart. You will be missed Mr. Powdhar. Have a fantastic weekend Calgarians, stay safe! See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 25.09.2020

I know I am not supposed to show excitement about the snow, but I have to...YIPEEEE. This will help us out for sure. I will say drive safe, however, if you find yourself in a situation, please call us. On a good note, we had our best week since covid hit. It feels so good to see things moving forward. I know they are talking about a second wave, but I think Calgarians are to smart to let that happen. I am going to remain positive and keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for good luck. Have a cozy, safe weekend Calgarians and we will talk to you all next Friday.

Horton Auto Body & Paint 12.09.2020

Friday! It was a fantastic week, that is all I have to say. I don’t want to jinks my weekend by saying anything that may be slightly negative. Thank you to all the customers that came through the shop doors this week, we all appreciate you very much. Have an incredible weekend Calgarians and we will be back at it on Monday! Stay safe.Friday! It was a fantastic week, that is all I have to say. I don’t want to jinks my weekend by saying anything that may be slightly negative. Thank you to all the customers that came through the shop doors this week, we all appreciate you very much. Have an incredible weekend Calgarians and we will be back at it on Monday! Stay safe.

Horton Auto Body & Paint 02.09.2020

I am not going to lie, that week was done before I even got started. It was a blur and yet I feel like nothing was accomplished. All the technicians stalls are full again with good men. I know it will take time to get them back to the volume they were doing before Covid , but we will get there. The office staff is still down by two people however,the appraisers have pulled up their socks and have all become very good receptionist as well as parts department men. When we g...et busier those two spots will need to be filled however right now the men are making it work. I am actually liking the fact that from the time a customer walks in the door to the time they are handed back the keys to there repaired vehicle they deal with the same person. I do believe we have received far more person reviews and that it goes much smoother. However, I am realistic and know that this is only working because we are at half volume. I look forward to the day we are too busy and need our amazing receptionist and parts manager back. Soon! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Calgarians and as always, stay safe and take care. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 23.08.2020

I have done my best to respect the diverse opinions regarding COVID-19 over these past few months, however the ER nurse that posted this brilliantly sums up my ...train of thought : Please just take politics out of it and read this with an open mind using common sense. Not everyone’s situation is the same . "Anyone out there who can tell me what our end game is with the covid 19? What is the magic formula that is going to allow us to sound the all clear? Is it zero cases? The only way that will happen is if we just stop testing and stop reporting. Is it a vaccine? It took 25 years for a chicken pox vaccine to be developed. The smallpox inoculation was discovered in 1796 the last known natural case was in 1977. We have a flu vaccine that is only 40 to 60% effective and less than half of the US population choose to get one, and roughly 20,000 Americans will die of the flu or flu complications. Oh, you'll mandate it, like other vaccines are mandated in order to attend school, travel to some foreign countries, etc. We already have a growing number of anti vaxxers refusing proven, tested, well known vaccines that have been administered for decades but aren’t necessarily safe! Do you really think people will flock to get a fast tracked, quickly tested vaccine, whose long term side effects and overall efficacy are anyone's best guess? How long are we going to cancel and postpone and reconsider? You aren't doing in person school until second quarter? What if October's numbers are the same as August's? You moved football to spring? What if next March is worse than this one was? When do we decide quality of life outweighs the risks? I understand Covid can be deadly or very dangerous for SOME people, but so are strawberries and so is shellfish. We take risks multiple times a day without a second thought. We know driving a car can be dangerous, we don't leave it in the garage. Many speed and don't wear seatbelts. We know the dangers of smoking, drinking and eating fried foods, we do it anyway. Is hugging Grandma really more dangerous than rush hour on the freeway? Is going out with friends after work more risky than 4 day old gas station sushi? Or operating a chainsaw? When and how did we so quickly lose our free will? Is there a waiver somewhere I can sign that says, "I understand the risks, but I choose a life with Hugs and Smiles, and the State Fair and go to Church and go hug my Mom in her retirement home. I understand that there is a minuscule possibility I could die, but I will most likely end up feeling like crap for a few days. I understand I could possibly pass it to someone else, if I'm not careful, but I can pass any virus onto someone else. I'm struggling to see where or how this ends. We either get busy living or we get busy dying. When God decides it's your time, you don't get any mulligans, so I guess I would rather spend my time enjoying it and living in the moment and not worrying about what ifs and maybes, and I bet I'm not the only one. (I copied this from someone else. Feel free to do the same.)

Horton Auto Body & Paint 03.08.2020

Fantastic week! If you recall last week I was not to impressed with a staff member I tried to bring back. Well we got incredibly lucky and he was replaced on Tuesday morning with an eager technician that just wanted to be apart of our family. I even told him I could not offer him great hours, but he was all about being a part of what we have created. Family run shop, where you are not just a number. There were some great people come by the shop this week, got to catch up... with some return customers, had a chance to meet some new customers and actually have conversations. If there is one thing I have noticed with people lately is that they want to talk. Covid has made people friendlier when they are out and about. Maybe it was the isolation and now they just need to make up for lost time and will talk to anyone who will listen. I will listen, I love stories, I love to hear how the accident happened. Even after 30 years of stories there is still things that make me go wow, really. I mean there are hundreds, if not thousands of stories about driving through your garage door because you were sure you opened it, or backing into your wives vehicle because she should not have been parked in the driveway, or not closing your door and driving out of the garage. Everyone has done something they are embarrassed by and they actually are fun to hear about. So if you have done something silly and want to come by for an estimate and tell me about it, come on by, will make your babies boo boo better and you can make us all smile. Enjoy this beautiful weather and stay safe Calgarians! See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 16.07.2020

I know its not Friday, however, today I noticed an unusual number of estimates on truck boxsides. So I am letting all you men or maybe woman out there that are attempting to park a trailer and do severe amount of damage to the side of your vehicle because you have gotten angry and are no longer listening to the personal attempting to help you out. Slow down, listen to the person helping you....this is a very expensive repair and it deffinately will be what ruins your holiday. I would also like to point out that there is a You Tube video on how to part a trailer that is very useful. Now if you are one of those people that let your trailer kiss the side of your vehicle, come on by and we will be happy to do a free estimate for you. Happy Driving!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 28.06.2020

BIG NEWS today...I am incredibly proud to let everyone know that today Horton Auto Body & Paint earns official CERTIFICATION by Cerified Collision Care. What does this mean you ask.....well I am going to attaché the certification to this post so you can read it but in short it means what I have been trying to tell you all for years...my technicians are the best and they will do there best to make your vehicle look like a million bucks. I have to say a huge thank you to my Manager Kevin Shangi for all the hours of work he put into making this happen. A thank you to the technicians for doing all the courses needed to qualify us for this achievement. Proud is an understatement for how I am feeling about this goal we accomplished. Thank you to all involved! Enjoy your long weekend Calgarians. Stay safe and healthy.

Horton Auto Body & Paint 13.06.2020


Horton Auto Body & Paint 03.06.2020

Almost the end of August, that came quick. Today was the last attempt to bring back the final technician at the shop. I guess to expect someone to wait four months to return is asking a lot, however to tell them there is a position there to make more then what you are making on CERB and they turn it down is frustrating. So it is not that he is a bodyman somewhere else, he just does not want to return while CERB is still available. Here I have been worried that people need... to get back to work to survive, but there are some out there that are enjoying the summer waiting for the hand out to end. Does it frustrate me....you bet it does but I will find someone that is eager and ready to be back in the work field and my business will be better for it. And that is what I focus on, being better and moving forward. I am doing my best to keep Calgarians employed and that is what matters. On an extremely positive note, I can bring another person in to work because we are just that little bit busier. A second positive for the month of August. I had two employees celebrate another year with the shop. Edgardo, whom makes your vehicle look like a million bucks when you take delivery, has been with the shop for eight years. Then we have Troy, an amazing bodyman and incredible person whom has been with us for six years. It really is amazing how fast time flies. I am so appreciative of all my staff and look forward to many more years with all of them. I refuse to let Covid19 be what takes me out of this game. Till next Friday, thank you to everyone that supported Horton Auto Body & Paint this week, stay safe and Healthy Calgary! See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 20.05.2020

Okay here we are Friday...fantastic week! The masks are on everyone everywhere I went. I think we have it figured out that it really does help, just a few of us stubborn people left, and I will admit I am one. When I am at my desk I don’t like wearing it, however if I have to deal with a client I will put it on. I am actually starting a collection of masks everywhere. The car has a couple, the office has a few, and the house has them everywhere I look. It’s a fear of ru...nning out of masks and not being served. I know that everyone in the auto body industry is looking forward to a few thunder storms this weekend. Again I am going to let you all know...IT IS YOUR VEHICLE, take it to the shop of YOUR choice. Don’t let your insurance company try to confuse you with warranty talk and no coverage if you don’t go where they tell you. Do your home work and choose a shop that warranties all there work. Like Horton Auto Body & Paint! Have a great weekend Calgarians, stay safe and healthy! See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 09.05.2020

I have to be completely honest with you all this week.....I am not a work. I have been taking it pretty easy this week. The shop was much slower this week so it was a good time for me to be gone. I am pretty sure the staff is very okay with me gone. Who doesn’t like it when the boss is away. I was assured however that the next week will be better so I may be needed, isn’t that funny, I may be needed. That’s when you know you have all the right people in all the right places, when as the owner you are not needed. Except payday. I will give you a better update of what is happening next Friday. Until then stay safe and enjoy this beautiful weather!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 22.04.2020

An amazing weather week comes to an end. I hope that was not our whole summer in one week. The shop update....we have all but three people back in the building. Slowly, very slowly we are getting our numbers back up. I can in NO WAY complain as I have heard of so many shops not making it through the covid struggle. I almost think someone should be making up a song for the past five months. Did we not have one when the floods hit? This has to be worthy of a song. I wil...l again and probably again and again be thanking all of the incredible customers we have had the past five months. I also would like to point out that this week had some pretty interesting masks. It is good to see people have humor with the masks. I am pretty sure I saw a horse mouth, pig snout and some cat whiskers this week. Until next Friday I wish you all a fantastic weekend and stay safe and healthy!! See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 17.04.2020

You would think that with me having so little to do each day that I would be on top of making sure our winners are posted. AUGUST WINNER IS MR. GERALD FOX

Horton Auto Body & Paint 08.04.2020

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned in a post that you should invest your money in your older vehicle.....we were not expecting one quite so old, however, honoured to be chosen to make it look new again.

Horton Auto Body & Paint 22.03.2020

To wear or not to wear....seemed to be the only conversation this week with most customers. Everyone has what they believe to be the right answer. Is it going to hurt me to wear the mask? No. Do I want to wear the mask? Not really. However, I am all about making the people around me more comfortable, so, I will put a mask on tomorrow whenever I am out in a public space. However, because I am still pretty much isolating in my home I rarely will need a mask. At work it w...ill be a must. They are telling me I have to post a sign that tells people they have to have a mask on to come into my business. This I am uncomfortable with. I don't like telling people what to do (unless they work for me). So if you come into my business and you don't have a mask, I am not about to make you put one on to get service. However, my staff will all have masks on and I hope that wont make you uncomfortalbe. In the end I just want to keep my business open and if wearing a mask for a couple more months is what it will take I will wear a mask. Stay safe everyone, and keep smiling even if we can't see them. There something to work on for the weekend, how to smile with my eyes. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 08.03.2020

Well that week came and went without me even knowing the days of the week. I just realized it is Saturday and I missed my Friday post. It is finally starting...I am loosing it. Actually it was an incredible week. We saw some hail from the PDR shops in the city and had and amazing amount of estimates for rust repairs. If you are one of those people thinking about investing some money into the body of your older car. Fist step is to make sure it is mechanically sound. There is know point in putting money into the body if the engine is not going to last another five years. So get that purring and then we will make the body look like a million bucks. As always a big THANK YOU to the amazing people of Calgary and all your support! We make it through one more week a little stronger to take on the next. Stay safe!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 05.03.2020

I am sitting looking at the screen of the computer thinking what.....another big company in the neighbourhood closed down for good. Slowly we are loosing businesses that have been around for 20 plus years. I know as a business owner for the past 30 years that things are now the toughest they have ever been. Everyday I look at the numbers and tell myself there is a way we will get by I just have to figure it out. A business move I have never made, something I am not seeing..., a quick fix that will get me through a few more months of this until the snow flies. There has to be something I am not doing correct....is that it, I am doing something wrong. My staff has been amazing, absolutely amazing. They have taken wage cuts and working just as hard if not harder then ever. Some are working for no pay at all, just because they say they would go crazy sitting at home everyday. I am blessed with the staff I have. I think about them more and more everyday when it gets harder to pay the bills. How can I let them down. I can't imagine how the owners of the companies closing are feeling. I know for me laying my staff off in April was one of the toughest things I have ever done, I can't imagine the pain that would be involved in closing my doors forever. Once again I will ask that you support local independent businesses. We need all the help our community can give us, and we are very thankful for that business. Stay safe and have an amazing weekend. See more

Horton Auto Body & Paint 18.02.2020

ANOTHER ONE BACK.....slowly we are coming back together. This week we were able to bring back a detailer that has been missed so much. You know when you have the one employee that can make your day just by smiling at you. The hail that hit the North is slowly trickling to our side of the city. A majority of the people have taken cash settlements and keeping their vehicle, however they are bothered by looking at the hood of the car. when driving. So we are doing just hoods on vehicles. If you are out there with a hail damaged car and you would like just your hood replaced or repaired so it does not remind you of the storm everyday. Give us a call, we will take care of it for you in know time at all. We completely understand! The city is to see a warm one Saturday so kick back and enjoy your weekend. Yahoooo!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 13.02.2020

This week will start with Rob or head painter celebrating 12 years with Horton Auto Body & Paint. They go by so quickly. A big thank you to Rob for being one of the three technicians that stayed and helped us keep the doors open during Covid19. I don’t know if it’s in his plans or not but I know I am looking forward to another 12 years with him. Thank you Rob for being such a great person and employee!

Horton Auto Body & Paint 24.01.2020


Horton Auto Body & Paint 12.01.2020

I am starting a little early today with the weekly update. I know there are lots of people out there wishing they were watching a parade today and getting ready for ten days of celebration. Just one more thing Calgarians will survive. The week was good, we saw an increase in walk in clients for sure. It is about 50/50 right now for who is wearing a mask and who is going on with life as if nothing has happened. The shop will continue to practise safety first however we do not expect everyone to be wearing a mask that walks in the door. That is your choice. As long as we all remain smart about what we do and where we do it life should be back to normal in know time. Until then people enjoy the weekend, stay safe, and thank you for all the support.

Horton Auto Body & Paint 10.01.2020

That was a quick week! I never know if that is a good thing or not. We are VERY happy to say that we will be bringing back another employee! Yeh, discussed it with him today and he is all good for returning to the team. As I have said before it feels so good to make the call to ask an employee to come back to work. We are not putting the big hours through, however we are capable of making sure they can make more money than being on EI. Business is different then it was be...fore Covid, and I don't think we will ever see the volume that we did, however I believe as a team we all just want what is best for the man or woman working beside us. If that means we all take a cut to make it possible to bring someone back, we do it. I again will say, the Horton Auto Body & Paint staff is beyond incredible and I am one extremely luck woman to have them all under one roof with me. Have an incredible weekend and stay safe everyone! See more