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YVHA 06.05.2021

Hello everyone! We are excited to announce our release of the La Ville podcast! This is a 9 series podcast about the housing crisis currently being experienced in the City of Toronto, with concentration on the Village at York University. ... Our mission is to educate and inform fellow residents and students on their housing rights, and to establish a narrative on the precarious living standards that are experienced across the GTA. We have a new podcast every week with new guests that help us establish this narrative on the housing crisis and how we may go about addressing these precarious problems. Below are the links to our podcast, Be sure to check it out! Spotify: Apple Music: Youtube:

YVHA 22.04.2021

Hey Folks, A great chance to hop in and learn about the work YVHA is doing and/or has done in the Village at York University. We’ll be speaking about some of the challenges we faced in doing research in collaboration with StudentDwellTO to get a better understanding on the issues in the Village, so be sure to tune-in if you can! This series tackles a whole host of issues and Nathi Zamisa will be joined by a two amazing speakers in a discussion about their work and their strug...gles with COVID. Details here:

YVHA 09.04.2021

EUCSA is proud to present the Change for Change Stay-at-Home Guide! A collection of EUCSA’s go-to tips and tricks for staying making the best of your time at! Access the guide here: A special thanks to our donors for making this project possible and for helping SURPASS our goal, contributing $690 to Black Creek Community Farms, Black Lives Matter Toronto, and the HomelessHub! We will be e-mailing out a copy of the Stay-at-Home Guide to each of you with a special thanks! The funds will be split evenly three-ways to help these community groups in their tires efforts to make our space a better place. Donations will occur on April 1st, 2021 (think about it as EUCSA’s way of pranking COVID-19 for April Fools)! We’ll be sure to keep you posted. And THANK YOU again to our beloved donors; you support for our community is tremendous, and we really do appreciate your help! In Kindness and Sincerity, - EUCSA Executive Council

YVHA 12.02.2021

Deadline is fast approaching and I need names! If you’re a student at York and would be interested in something like this, hit me up! No prior knowledge/research necessary. Just open-mindedness and ideally, curiosity

YVHA 24.01.2021

Begin your semester with the EUCSA Podcast! Hosted by Vice President Nathi Zamisa, this #podcast explores various topics relevant to being a student, in part...icular, an EUC student. So far, we've discussed topics including how to survive your undergrad years, the experience of graduate students, how to learn, what to fear in your 1st and 2nd years and a few episodes introducing you to EUCSA. Coming up More exciting episodes to guide you through your life as an EUC student and beyond! #euc #eucsa #podcast #environmentalstudies Streaming on: Anchor: Breaker: Google Apple Overcast Pocket Casts Radio-Public Spotify

YVHA 12.01.2021

Hi Everyone! I hope you're all well and enjoying some warmth as we begin winter this year. I wanted to share some great news I've learned about recently. There's been an Action Item adopted by the Planning and Housing Committee in the City of Toronto on December 8, 2020 regarding Affordable Student Housing! I really encourage you all to take a read (2-3 mins).... In sum, the action led by Councillor John Filion that was adopted directed the Committee and the City to find ways to "co-operatively to ensure an adequate supply of safe and legal housing for students, and to report back to the Planning and Housing Committee on the outcome of those discussions." For more information, be sure to check-out this link: For background details regarding the meeting, click here: This is huge in conjunction with the City's push towards Municipal Licensing for Rooming Houses in the City of Toronto. Not only will the city be adopting a more interventionist stance on Rooming Houses, but it's making sure that we as tenants are able to hold both the City of Toronto and our Landlords to account! I'll be sure to update y'all on any progress! In cooperation and solidarity, Nathi Zamisa.

YVHA 09.01.2021

EUCSA'S DESTRESS WEEK STARTS TOMORROW, the 2nd December! We will join you in destressing throughout this week with these awesome events: Dec 2- Games Night Link...: Dec 3- Environmental Movie Night Link: Dec 4- Mental Health Workshop Link: Dont forget to keep sending us your pet pictures and videos- your pets will be featured on our storied and on a lil video which we'll be posting to our socials! SEE YOU TOMORROW- LET'S DESTRESS TOGETHER!

YVHA 05.01.2021

Hello lovelies!! Today is EUCSA'S Halloween costume contest day plus the last day we're hosting Halloween events, and so, we thought of sharing with you this qu...ick and awesome Halloween costume tutorial. Watch Trish turn into the cutest ladybug in just a little more than a minute! Ps. Don't forget to grab some tips for your entries for the costume contest! Happy Halloween!

YVHA 03.01.2021

Halloween- baking anybody? Try out @jollyamy 's recipe for some delicious Halloween- themed Apple Cinnamon cupcakes! The recipe's simple and easy, and be warned..., these cupcakes are the most spook-a-licious delight you'll taste this Halloween! Bon appétit !