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Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 30.04.2021

Kto nespieva, tak nech zane ;) ! Spev vám preliei celé telo/dušu. A k tomu si aj trochu zatancujte a hne budete ma de veselší :D . Ako spev ovplyvuje ...zdravie? 1. Spev nalauje telo na správne vibrácie, ktoré zvyšujú našu vitalitu 2. Poas spevu sa v mozgu loveka vytvárajú špeciálne chemikálie, ktoré nám pomáhajú precíti pokoj a rados 3. Krvný obeh sa zlepšuje, o prospešne ovplyvuje hlasivky, mandle a lymfatické uzliny, ím výrazne posiuje lokálnu imunitu (jednoducho povedané, sme menej asto nachladnutí) 4. Lepšie zásobovanie krvi poas spevu vedie k zvýšeniu mozgovej aktivity: zaína pracova intenzívnejšie, zlepšuje pamä, ahšie vníma akékovek informácie 5. Zlepšenie krvného zásobovania hlavy omladzuje telo, zlepšuje stav kože 6. Spev je vemi užitoný pri ochoreniach púc, pretože nielen nahrádza dychové cvienia, ale prispieva aj k rozvoju správneho dýchania, ktoré napr. výrazne znižuje exacerbáciu (zhoršenie) astmy 7. Pri pravidelných cvieniach spevu v zboroch sa v tele zvyšuje hladina imunoglobulínu-A a hydrokortizónu, ktoré sú príznakmi dobrej imunity 8. V súasnej dobe sú vyvinuté techniky na liebu koktavosti prostredníctvom spevu a pomáhajú zlepši dikciu rei 9. Spev sa využíva aj pri riešní nadváhy: pri nutkavom pocite hladu u obéznych udí, sa doporuuje zaspieva si aspo dve-tri piesne Aj toto sú dôvody, preo špecialisti odporúajú každému spieva aspo 5 minút denne. zdroj:samopoznanie.ru/articles/kak_penie_vliyaet_na_zdorove/ #Slovienka

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 19.04.2021

Health Relationships

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 07.04.2021

This is so inspirational on so many levels and IT MAKES ME DANCE

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 29.03.2021

WHEN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM REJOICES The most beautiful quality of all in a human being, in my humble opinion? The ability to listen deeply.... To listen from Presence. From stillness. To listen without trying to fix someone, or change them, or ‘save’ them. The ability to allow another to be exactly as they are. Not giving unsolicited advice and premature answers. Not lecturing them about the latest psychological research or the ‘most true’ spiritual teaching. Not trying to mould them, manipulate them into matching a second-hand concept of who they ‘should’ be, or how they ‘should’ feel. Not projecting your own trauma or traumatic answers and life advice - all over them. Just listening. Listening with an open mind and an open heart and a receptive nervous system. Allowing them to breathe, to express, to weep, to question, to doubt, to be completely unique, to expand into the space, to discover their own truth, to walk their own messy path, to make their own unique mistakes. I have met world experts in intimacy and relationships who are unable to do this. I have met spiritual gurus, so-called enlightened masters, expert psychologists and life coaches who are unable to do this. I have met popular teachers and authors on ‘listening from the heart’, ‘holding space’, ‘pure awareness’ and ‘embodied spirituality’ who are utterly unable to do this. It is a rare gift the ability to allow others to be exactly as they are. Broken. Whole. Sad. Angry. Afraid. Lost. Awake or asleep. Whatever. To listen to them with every fibre of your being. To receive them through the senses, to listen like the wild animals of the forest. To swaddle them in undistracted, fascinated attention. To envelop them in a silent, warm Presence. To make them feel in those precious moments that you are together like they are the most beloved One in the whole Universe. When you sense this kind of sacred listening from someone, it’s unmistakable. It cannot be manufactured. It cannot be faked. It is utterly rare and holy. It is nothing less than unconditional love. Your nervous system senses it and rejoices. - Jeff Foster

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 24.03.2021

There is a sacredness in tears...

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 10.03.2021

My grandmother once gave me a tip: In difficult times, you move forward in small steps. Do what you have to do, but little by little. Don't think about the futu...re, or what may happen tomorrow. Wash the dishes. Remove the dust. Write a letter. Make a soup. You see? You are advancing step by step. Take a step and stop. Rest a little. Praise yourself. Take another step. Then another. You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more. And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying. - Elena Mikhalkova (Image of Tasha Tudor, American Illustrator 1915-2008)

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 22.12.2020

So True! Emotions are a big part of our guidance system.

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 03.12.2020

Very wise practices...<3

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 09.09.2020

YOU ARE SAFE, ALWAYS, MY LOVE You are safe, always, my love. Your thoughts will not hurt you. Ever. Thoughts themselves are safe. Even the darkest of thoughts, ...the most violent, vicious, hateful, ‘unspiritual’ thoughts, they are just pictures, images, flashes and impressions of light and colour and sound playing out on the movie mind-screen of Awareness, and Awareness cannot be damaged by any image, any sound, any memory, any fantasy, however vivid, however convincing. And so you can offer permission to your mind to go wild today, to do its worst, to be as dark and as loud and as scary as it can be, to try to convince you of how the movie ends (it doesn't know and it cannot know), and YOU can rest as Awareness, the calm in the midst of the storm, the ultimate safety and solace and security, as thoughts dance their strange, sacred, silly and unpredictable dance. Your bodily sensations will not hurt you, my love. Ever. Sensations themselves are safe. It is the thoughts we have about sensations, and our attempts to escape the body and its wild intensity, that create that terrible internal war that feels so unsafe. But sensations themselves are safe. Even the most acute and intense sensations - that piercing grief in the belly, the fire of anger in the heart, the terrible contraction and constriction of fear are natural, and harmless, and totally safe to experience fully and courageously today. This is all very hard to trust, sometimes, of course, as we have not been taught to meet the body, which is why we need to go slowly, and remember that we are only ever called to digest a SINGLE moment of intensity at any one time. We are spared from having to heal all at once. Even that unsafe sensation, that crushing dread in the pit of your stomach, those butterflies and jitters and dark and terrible longings they are utterly safe to feel. Healing doesn’t mean that you’ll be free from these sensations, it means that you’ll know HOW to meet them, that you’ll be free and clear and sane IN THE MIDST of them, that you’ll offer them freedom to arise and fall away in their own time. You’ll learn to trust them, you will, you’ll make room for them in your day or night, you’ll grant them safe passage as they move through you, and you’ll no longer be ashamed to feel them, no longer be ashamed of your vulnerability and your sensitivity and your wide open heart. Yes, my love, you’ll learn to celebrate your thoughts, feelings and intense sensations as they pass through your body and your Awareness. Your old spirituality will shatter, of course, but it will be replaced by something bigger and more true: A deep respect for all of life, the pleasure and the pain of it, the contraction and the expansion of it, those moments of joy and the ones of terror. All will be your children, finally, as they were in the beginning; all will be waves in your vast oceanic heart. You will be humbled and brought to your knees and you will laugh, lovingly, at your old self. You will be vast like a galaxy, strong like obsidian, as soft as fontanelle, and as trusting as God herself on the first day. Yes, you are safe, always, my love. You are safe. And I love you, more than I could ever say. - Jeff Foster

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 01.09.2020

Powerful words from Jeff Foster

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 19.08.2020

Like many of you, I’m feeling weary this week. Some days I feel on top of my anxiety and some days it crashes over me. Some days I jump out of bed and think, I... got this! It’s going to be OK. Other days I just want to hide under the covers until the world gets easier and I have a pandemic end-date, a funded universal commitment to social justice, and a back-to-school plan that keeps students, teachers, and staff safe. I finished reading The Gifts audio book this afternoon. It’s the first time I’ve read it aloud, and when I came across this amazing quote - reading it made me feel better. When I first discovered this quote, I thought about the not-so-pretty details from my pre-sober, pre-breakdown-spiritual-awakening life. I thought about all of the proving, perfecting, and pleasing. I never thought about how to apply this learning to the here and now. Today, this quote shook me by the shoulders in a different way. Not only is it impossible for me to go back and make the old details pretty, I can’t make the new details pretty today. Uncertainty and anxiety drive me to hyper-focus on the details, but all that does is ramp up my fear and exhaustion. I think I’m going to try to move forward - in the wobbliest of ways - and refocus on the beautiful whole: Love, rest, justice, walking, water, connection, self-care, sleep, and joy. I'll keep you posted. Stay awkward, brave, and kind, BB

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 05.08.2020

via @sumbu.official

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 24.07.2020

Powerful and real...perhaps we could be asking ourselves - What can I take off of my plate?

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 30.06.2020

For all who need it today (and me) just a reminder from an old journal...

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 29.05.2020

A master of spirituality and emotion, a brilliant author...

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 05.05.2020

I love the offerings of this! Thanks for being you James! <3

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 12.04.2020

As an Intuitive I know the truth in this interview...I am moved to tears. <3 This is not conspiracy...please watch <3

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 31.03.2020

A great conversation about Change and Transformation

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 15.03.2020

Such a powerful message right now! <3 I love The wisdom and creativity Elizabeth Gilbert has shared with the world!

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 25.02.2020

I love this and singing! <3

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 08.02.2020

Thank you to Dr. Justine Psychology for sharing this image! Right now many humans are stuck in either Hyper arousal (Sympathetic charge) or hypo arousal - (dor...sal vagal response ) due to the current events in the world. Take a moment and check in on your current internal state. Close your eyes and feel into your body, emotions and mental energy. Am I grounded, safe and present? am I irritated, resistant and tense? Am I spacey, blah, depressed and numb? There are many ways too to come back to flow state - ventral vagal. I’m going to start sharing more on this over the next while and give you some tools to help. Grounding, breath work , movement practices and connecting to your body and life force. Fear makes us tense and blocks our flow and energy! Try not to feed the fear response, This only feeds more tension into the body and create disease. Take it easy on yourself and notice your thoughts and body sensations. Find space to breathe, meditate and calm down. Connect to Earth Love You.

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 21.01.2020

A grounded sharing and I'd like to add - act responsibly to flatten the curve for the good of all. <3

Intuitive Compassionate Awareness for Rejuvenation-Expression with Soleila 13.01.2020

I am so on board with this!