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International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 30.04.2021

Tune in today with President and Founder of ICPL, Dr. Russ Moyer on ‘The Prophetic Edge.’ Don’t miss this time of incredible mentoring from a father in the prophetic. 11am CT / 12pm ET Russ and Mave Moyer See you there, in the GLORY. #EWWM #prophetic #ICPL #mentoring #PropheticEdge

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 22.04.2021

"PRESS INTO ME!" - Released from Dr. Russ Moyer, President and Founder of ICPL. April 4th Press in says the Lord. Know that this is a week of great tradition says the Lord. Know that this is a time and a season saith God that is much more than just tradition and much more than just symbolic. This is a time now to press into Me. ... Know that I am going to provide you with the Passover protection saith the Lord. Press into Me for passion and compassion. Press into Me and walk with Me, talk with Me, step with Me. Go through the process with Me in this season says the Lord and know out the other side: something new, something different, something special shall come. Know that resurrection power shall come in to your life in this hour and season says the Lord. Let’s press into a fresh Pentecost as we go forward. Know that this is the season, not just today, not just an experience, not just some thing that’s a holiday. This is a time for me and you to press in together says the Lord. Now is the time to press into my heart and watch what I do. Transformation power is being released even now says the Lord. www.icpleaders.com #ICPL #prophetic #PressIn #Pentecost #TransformationPower

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 01.04.2021

I will choose to lay aside the weights and worries, the sins and shame, the pettiness and procrastinations, the fears and the fake friends, the habits and the hang ups that have entangled and distracted me in the past. Right now, I press forward keeping my eyes and heart focused on Jesus, the Author, the Perfecter, and the Finisher of my faith. Join us in prayer! Please Like, Share and type Amen.... #ICPL #prophetic #choose #pressforward See more

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 14.03.2021

Join President and Founder of ICPL, Dr. Russ on the ‘Prophetic Edge.’ #ICPL #prophetic #mentoring

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 22.01.2021

You don't want to miss tonight on 'From the Eagles Nest' with President and Founder of EWWM, Dr. Russ Moyer and special guest Ashley Almas (the administrator for the International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders). See you tonight here online at Russ and Mave Moyer 6pm CT / 7pm ET. #EWWM #Elishaproject #training #RussMoyer #eaglesnest #ICPL

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 03.01.2021

UPDATE: Our ICPL Gathering on January 30th in Pensacola Florida is now CANCELLED due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. Stay tuned for more online events happening shortly.

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 22.12.2020

"Rise & Shine...It's Coffee Time." Have a cup of coffee with Pastor Mave Moyer every Tuesday and Thursday morning 9am CT / 10am ET. #coffeetime #MaveMoyer #ICPL #pondering

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 16.12.2020

‘TESTING - Your platform to promotion.’ Join Dr. Russ Moyer this morning for part 1 of his new series. #Testing #Promotion #ICPL

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 11.12.2020

Dr. Russ shares a prophetic word for the Church! You don't want to miss this NOW Word for the Body of Christ.

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 01.12.2020

"This is a season of giving, and generosity, and increase." Released from Pastor Mave Moyer at Eagle Worldwide Ministries. ================== I hear the Lord say, "I am moving. I am moving in you and through you.' And the Lord says, "I will move on you to move in the lives of others." For the Lord says, "This is a season of overflow. This is a season of giving, and generosity, and increase." And the Lord said, "As you pour out I will pour in." And the Lord says, "As yo...u give without reservation, I will give abundantly to you. This is a season of celebration," the Lord says. "We are entering into a time of giving like never before." And the Lord says, "I am turning things around, I am closing the door on the old things and I am opening a new way and a new way." And the Lord says, "Step in and step up and step over those things that have held you back in the past, for the season of increase is upon you. And as you are generous and you pour out I will pour in, for he who is generous and waters others will himself be watered," says the Lord. "So don't be afraid to water others in this season," says the Lord. "Because I am going to move in you and through you to touch others too," says the Lord. www.icpleaders.com #ICPL #RussandMaveMoyer #prophetic

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 28.11.2020

12.15.20 "The dawn is about to break forth." - From Katie Barker, EWWM administrator. =================================... I hear the Lord say, the dawn is about to break forth. Set your face toward the horizon. Lift your weary head saint, for that which you have labored for in the midnight hour is about to come forth with the first light of dawn. For those things which have been hidden, those secret things, concealed in the dark, will be made plain with the dawn of this new day. But know that judgement is first coming to my house. Those things that have been revealed are but the tip of the ice burg. For many have turned from their wicked ways in these days, yet many have hardened their hearts during this hour. But the night is about to break forth in a glorious dawn and all that the light touches will be revealed. There is not a man nor nation that will be kept from this coming light. I will have a holy people. Even now the sheep and the goats are being divided. The wheat and the tares separated. But know that I alone judge the hearts of men. I alone am God Almighty searching the thoughts, the actions, the motives, the minds of man. Repent now. Wash your hands. Clean your hearts. For a time is coming and is now on the horizon with the dawning of the sun, that what is not confessed will be revealed before all men. Again I say repent for I will have a Holy people. Righteousness will be your banner. For I am coming for a spotless bride. Hurry saints. Without reservation bow not just your knee for men to see but bow your heart before me. The time of games and the postponement to tomorrow is no more. The hour is short and tomorrow is not promised you. Again I say repent for I will have a holy people. There is much to be done as the day begins to dawn. The light that is being shown and the things revealed will send the world into chaos. Cataclysmic events will send the lost in droves to my Church. People will search for answers, their desperation will drive even the hardest of hearts to my altars. When these things happen do not be afraid and do not fear. For I command the nations and the kingdoms of this world. I know every hair on your head and my name is faithful. So do not fear. Live in peace. And love all that I send. For they will not yet have the peace you abide in, but they will. Again I say do not fear. Meditate on my word. Pray in the spirit. Dwell not on the circumstances around you but keep your eyes fixed on me, your hearts pure and your mind on my promises. For I say every word will be fulfilled just as I have said. Thus saith the Lord God Almighty, amen. #ICPL #prophetic #2021WordpftheLord www.icpleaders.com

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 17.11.2020

Reminder to join us tomorrow, Dec. 2nd at 11am CT / 12pm ET for a prophetic exhortation for the Church right here on the Russ and Mave Moyer Facebook page!

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 06.11.2020

Dr. Russ is live now with a special announcement!

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 18.10.2020

Dr. Russ is sharing an important announcement at 6pm CT/ 7pm ET. Make sure to tune into the Russ and Mave Moyer page to be one of the first to hear!

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 09.10.2020

To all of our partners and friends of the International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders . Mave and I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving !

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 28.09.2020

Prophetic vision! We need to see it. Believe it. Receive it! #ICPL #prophetic #Vision

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 16.09.2020

The Lord woke Celine Carkner up in the middle of the night and began to share some revelation for this season. Her night was filled with visions and pictures of Canada and the United States. Celine is an ambassador for ICPL and currently resides in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. ... Tune in and receive this prophetic word! #ICPL #prophetic #decree #prophesy #justice

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 07.09.2020

Practical Prophetic Exhortation for NOW !

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 25.08.2020

A word I shared at the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders Annual Global Convocation recently !

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 10.08.2020

This is not an hour to listen on the surface, but listen in the depths.' - Dr. Russ Moyer, President and Founder of ICPL. ===================================== Fear not and fret not, says The Lord. Know that I am on the throne and I am going to finish what I have begun, says The Lord. Know that this hour is not as though it appears, saith God. Look deep and deeper into the Spirit, look deep in yourself, says The Lord. Know that a great victory is about to happe...n. Indeed there will be a falling away in this hour, says the Lord, according to my Word. But know a great home coming is on the way, saith God. Know the prodigals are coming back, know your covenant place and position. Listen closely to the words that are spoken because they will reveal the hearts of many, saith the Lord. This is not an hour to listen on the surface, but listen in the depths, says The Lord. Be in the covenant place and position, stay in alignment, for I am about to do something great and wonderful in this hour and season, says the Lord. Know that I am on the throne and I am going to finish what I have begun, says The Lord. www.icpleaders.com #ICPL #RussMoyer #prophetic #listen #WordOfGod

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 25.07.2020

Hello! #FIRE #Worship #Hunger

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 20.07.2020

"Awakening in Canada." Live Ready! From the President and Founder of EWWM and ICPL, Dr. Russ Moyer. ======================= The deep roots of Canada are roots of faith...a yearning for a better and more just life and a celebration of every person. ... These are virtues that seem to be missing today in the public square...in the political arena and in the ways we treat each other. Wisdom is crying out to be recognized as the way to live...with love and faith and care for the wellbeing of all people. At its heart, Canada was born in the message of the gospel...founded on the principles of God’s truth, not man’s. I believe that God will have the last word and nothing can separate us from His love. God is determined to love us. His will...shall be done and His Kingdom will come!!! Rejoice Canada...He has NOT forgotten you...you are the apple of His eye...He will bring new hope and fresh faith and healing that will be poured out over the Nations. Stand your ground and stand on guard...begin to pray and say what God is speaking and we will see His word come to pass as He watches over it to perform it in our lives!! Know today that God is saying to us...No matter how it looks in the natural...I AM in ALL things and I AM turning ALL things the enemy meant for evil for good for those who love me and are called according to MY purpose!! Get ready get set...No need to worry or fret. We have NOT seen nothing yet!! www.icpleaders.com #Canada #ICPL #RussMoyer #prophetic

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 06.07.2020

Did you miss this episode from the 'Eagles Nest?' What a great interview with Ashley Almas, the administrator of the International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders. What a beautiful anointing as she shares her radical testimony and prophesies about a "second wind coming!"

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 29.06.2020

Matthew 24: 6-14 You shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that you are not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Fo...r nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in many places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many...And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold...But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. I’m sure many can never remember another time in history like the time we’re in right now Violence...anarchy... and chaos is everywhere... Maybe Noah is the only one who could relate to the times we are in right now... The signs of the times are all around us and we must be discerning and attentive to the days we are living... When Jesus comes to get us... let not our lamp be burning low... let’s be attentive and ready... let’s be prepared to go... Matthew 24: 36-39 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so shall the coming of the Son of Man be As we head into the final chapters of 2020 and continue to navigate the storm that’s been brewing....let’s remember that it was God himself that shut Noah and his family in the Ark... We can trust Him to keep us safe... no matter what! There’s nothing that we can do to keep ourselves safe in this season. We are in a season of ever increasing faith and total trust. God is in charge and we must constantly endeavour to lean on Him knowing that He is the true commander and chief and there is nothing that can stop His plan... He has the whole world in His hands... Regardless of the outcome of the next week..there will be unrest and upset in the Country... God knows the end from the beginning and He will empower us to navigate through the rest of the storm...He is working behind every curtain that’s hiding perilous political performances and He will bring about the ending that suits the furtherance of His plan and His timing... NO THING...NO MAN..NO PLOT...EVIL ASSIGNMENT OR POLITICAL PLOY...will STOP God’s hand from being played out.. We are headed into a winter of God’s wonder...The BEST is yet to come!

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 12.06.2020

I decree that today I operate according to God's time table and calendar. I decree that God's agenda is my agenda. #ICPL #GodsTiming #prayer

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 30.05.2020

This morning the President and Founder of ICPL, addressed Apostolic leaders from around the globe at the International Coalition of Apostolic leaders virtual conference. Checkout Dr.Russ Moyer's message below. https://www.icaleaders.com ==================== We are in the most exciting season we have ever been in. Every day, end time prophecy is unfolding before our eyes. We are walking in the deepest, greatest and most exciting season in the history of the church. We are step...ping into a season of great harvest and great battle. We are in the midst of the greatest reset, prophetic strategic church reset in all of history. I don’t know about you, but I am happy to be alive in the Lord in this time and season. I want you to know, prophetically it is not the way it seems. It is not the way it appears. It is not the way it looks. We need to perceive it by the work and heart of the Spirit. We need to have eyes that see and ears that hear what God is speaking to His church today. Lift your heart up before the Lord. Ask Him to help you open and open wide as you listen to this prophetic message. #ICPL #ICAL #RussMoyer #prophetic #NowIsTheTime

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 20.05.2020

Lord, You are all I need! Join us in prayer. Please LIKE, SHARE and type "AMEN." #EaglesWings #prayer #ICPL #propheticallysoaring

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 12.05.2020

What an incredible week coming up. Dr.Russ has the honor and privilege to be one of the opening speakers at the world's largest virtual Apostolic conference. Starting tomorrow, Dr. Russ will join Apostle John Kelly and the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders virtual conference. 'As One, for such a time as this!' Oct 27-29. If you are interested in attending, please check on the link below:... https://www.icaleaders.com/2020-ical-conference Please keep Dr.Russ and Pastor Mave in prayer. Believing for impact. Believing for God to move. The best is yet to come! #Prophetic #ICPL #RussMoyer #Godisgood

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 04.05.2020

Let's start declaring over 2021. Join us in prayer. Please LIKE, SHARE and type 'AMEN.' #ICPL #prophetic #prayer #VictoriousLiving

International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders 16.04.2020

Deuteronomy 32:35-36. Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is NEAR ...And the impending thin...gs are hastening upon them...For the Lord WILL vindicate His people.. and will have compassion on His servants; When He sees that their strength is gone, And there is none remaining, bond or free.... As I was praying and sensing the fatigue that’s upon all those who are pressing into the strength of the Lord to remain free as they fight the good fight of faith in this very strategic time...I saw a huge boomerang in the spirit... it was carrying a plan of action devised by the enemy against us but it was being returned to the originator...with some very negative consequences. I heard the wind pick up and quickly shift...and as the boomerang moved it had a jet stream behind it and the word vindication was written in the sky... The boomerang moved in an accelerated momentum..and I knew we were going to see an unprecedented demonstration of the turnaround power of God and the vindication of the Lord...in the days ahead... No matter what it looks like...or how it seems...God is aligning all things to fulfill His purpose and plan in this season... We will see God vindicate...what is right and true...and we will see Him incriminate and judge those operating against me and you... Be of good cheer in this season and stand in faith and courage for the Lord is "righting all the wrongs" Angels have been dispatched and assigned and they are moving at the command of the Lord to bring forth supernatural change...while revealing and uncovering the dark places that are intrenched in corruption and deception... SUDDENLY things will boomerang and the vindication of the Lord will be seen. Right now...HE is calling to His bride and His remnant!!! He is re-activating and increasing our faith. No matter the adversity and injustice we are facing...God is with us. If we struggle because of our profession...or a badge we carry...the colour of our skin...an illness we are battling...a financial strain or the gospel we carry...we can know and be assured that God hears our prayers and knows our struggles and our sorrows...and He is always working on our behalf...He is turning everything the devil meant for evil for our good!! Our ultimate vindication is guaranteed because of the price He already paid and His continual faithfulness in our lives!!