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Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 11.05.2021

Pain, loss, fear, anxiety, disappointment, & sadness are all normal parts of life and you’re NORMAL for feeling them. Read that again. What matters though is not that you feel them but how you react to them.... Create habits that support you in cultivating a mindset and resilience within you that lets you know that you CAN deal with life, that you CAN overcome challenges, and that YOU ARE stronger than you give yourself credit for. The power and resilience to handle whatever life throws your way is within you but it is up to YOU to recognize it, cultivate it and use it. Here are some of my favourite tools to get you started: Journal - allow any negative or fearful thoughts to flow onto the paper and then write down the opposite. Give yourself reasons why they’re not true, remind yourself of your ‘why’ to overcome them Meditate - get still and reconnect with yourself. Set an intention for your mind to show you the answers you need and give you guidance on whatever you’re dealing with. Affirmations - use powerful, healing, beneficial words and phrases during your day to pick yourself up and to shift your focus from what’s wrong to what’s possible. Let me know below...What is your favourite way to keep yourself in a positive mindset and remind yourself how resilient you are? #youdeservetothrive #youareresilient

Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 25.04.2021

What if the thing you fear the most has already happened? Most self improvement coaches and gurus suggest that to beat your fears, you have to get uncomfortable and really see for yourself that you CAN get through tough situations. In my practice, I do the opposite.... Here’s why You’ve already been through so much! You’ve experienced pain, trauma, suffering and you survived. And you don’t need to create more to prove to yourself how resilient you are! ...because not only did you survive what you’ve been through, you have the skills to thrive!! And that’s what we build on. We use your strengths, we use your natural ability to cope & to heal to create the life you want. Each of your experiences has brought you here - to the person you are today and that is a gift. Each of your experiences has taught you about yourself, your resilience and your ability to transform what is into what serves you. So if you’re fearing something right now, close your eyes and let the fear come. Just sit with it and allow yourself to stack on top of it everything you’ve already been through...imagining your life and everything you’ve already overcome. Breathe. And feel the fear subside. Feel your strength, remind yourself of the amazing coping skills you have and know that life will go on. You will move through and you will move on. Now set that fear down. Like a heavy backpack, take it off and let it go. You’ve been carrying it for way too long. It’s time to turn your focus to the gifts that are waiting for you to be enjoyed. Think of all the things that are right in your world. Think of who loves you and who you love. Think of all the abundance you have that most of the world goes without. Give thanks for the gifts in your life, start moving through your day from a space of gratitude and knowing you have all the tools you need and feel your reality transform. How we feel comes down to what we focus on. Drop a in the comments if you’ll give shifting your focus a try today. #youdeservetothrive #gifts #shiftyourfocus

Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 06.04.2021

Saturday morning coffee thoughts... FREEDOM: I value freedom above anything else. Freedom to speak... Freedom to love Freedom to just be me I’ve always known my freedom is a privilege denied to many but watching the world unfold in these uncertain times makes me contemplate freedom on a whole new level. It brings up so many fears - the same ones that are still hidden within me as a result of growing up in a communist regime - where personal freedom is non existent. It brings up a whole new level of uncertainty in life. Will things to back to normal? What will the new normal be? What impact will this have on how we live, move around and interact with one another? But all this uncertainty is also bringing up lots of hope and excitement for what’s to come. We are ready for a change & for change to happen...so it’s natural things are crazy and uncertain right now. Shaking things up is necessary to make room for the new. So with all this mess, I keep reminding myself of an important lesson... In the big scheme of things, control is an illusion and it all comes back to personal responsibility. Because what we do and how we show up matters. It brings my attention back to the only things I can control - my own reality, my own state, my own choices, who I support, what I consume, how I behave - to myself & others, and how I show up in the world. I am an optimist to the core and I see a bright future for us. So for now, I’m focusing on being the best version of myself and looking forward to what’s to come. What if we all turned inwards and made some simple shifts in perception and our actions? be kinder to each other not label people as ‘the other’ & just tried to understand (we are all in this together) take care of each other the best we can Freedom is something we cultivate, it’s something we need to protect and it’s something we need to cherish How are you feeling about what’s going on these days? #uncertainty #personalpower #coffeechat

Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 04.04.2021

Your mind can’t hold conflicting beliefs. When you focus on the things that are wrong in your life or focus on what you think you can’t have, you can’t focus on the ones that you can do or can have. What you focus on grows & where you place your attention, energy flows. When you focus on what’s wrong you can’t focus on what’s right. ... Use your energy to serve YOU because you and only you create the life you want. REMEMBER: Your mind’s job is to do exactly what YOU want it to do and it does so by taking the words you tell yourself and the pictures you make in your mind and it goes to work. SO: Your job is to make sure that the words you tell your mind and the pictures you create in your head reflect the reality you want to create. Are you doing that? To start feeding your mind better things, get my FREE hypnotic audio. ***Link in bio #youarethecreator #youdeservetothrive #ilonahawser

Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 28.01.2021

Days off are so important for our wellbeing and creating a balance in our lives. My favourite thing to do is to unplug and go into nature.. it’s summer time here in Australia so I’m at the beach listening to the waves, with sun on my skin. How do you like to spend your days off, what recharges you?

Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 15.01.2021

Walking to the grocery always pausing to enjoy the little things. Beauty is all around us but it’s up to us to see it.

Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 02.01.2021

Thank you for your support. I’m so grateful to do what I do and couldn’t do it without you.

Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 20.12.2020

Happy New Year Let 2021 be a new year all together. Let it be a year in which you choose differently. Let it be a year of new thoughts, new feelings and most of all new actions. You’ve repeated your old patterns enough, so if you want something else this year, it’s time to choose something new.... Be kinder to yourself. Be intentional with your time, your space and your actions. Stop repeating your past and choose to actively create your future now. Start small and take it one day at a time. Instead of working out because you hate your body, move because you love it. Instead of criticizing yourself, look in the mirror and praise yourself for all that you’ve overcome. Instead of punishing yourself for eating treats, nourish your body starting with the next meal. Instead of feeling regret for all that you haven’t done, get excited for all that’s ahead Instead of worrying about what could happen, feel grateful for what is now. Everything you have in your life right now, you once wished for. Everything you have in your life right now, someone else is wishing for. Turn your sadness, anxiety, anger and disapointements into things that serve you. Use them as your guide to know exactly what it is that you no longer want. Say to them, thank you for being here but I’m not going backwards anymore and so you don’t need to remind me any longer of what has been. Say to yourself, I am moving towards my future and I am creating it right now by how I feel, by the choices I make and by the actions I take. Your power is in the now. It’s not in your new year’s resolution, it’s not in your to-do list, it’s not in your goals. Your power is not out there, it is in you and it has been all along. You’ve just forgotten how powerful you truly are. Remember it now. Take back the charge of your life and start creating the future you want by the thoughts you think and the actions you take right now. May you be happy May you be healthy May you be loved May you love May you be seen May you see May you be heard May you hear Happy New Year. Today is a gift. May we remember that each and every day.

Ilona Hawser Hypnotherapy 09.12.2020

I love spending time on the last day of the year with my goals, dreams and plans. Reviewing the year that’s passed and setting goals and intentions for the year ahead is such a powerful way to get myself back in control of my life even when everything else seems out of control. Getting clear on what I want and creating a plan to get there is so powerful for me! ... Do you have an end of the year ritual you do? The only thing we have true control over is our choices - what we choose to think and how we choose to spend our time. What will you choose for yourself and your New Year?