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Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 28.04.2021

Amen Amen . Thank you Jesus. We love you Jesus

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 11.04.2021

Sunday service with Dr. Randall, April 11, 2021

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 27.03.2021

After consultation with church council, it was decided to subscribe to Starlink internet provider & our install package is being shipped. Once this is installed, we hope we can provide a more reliable means to host our remote Pastors & post live to Facebook. Sasktel has agreed to a partial refund on our Fusion subscription & application is submitted for a full refund.... We thank you for your patience & ask that you bear with us as we go through another change in the attempt to provide the best online services possible.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 07.10.2020

Prayer provided by Pastor Ed Father God, we give you thanks for this day and all its possibilities. You invite us to hold the needs of our sisters and brothers as dear to us as our own needs. Loving our neighbors as ourselves, we offer our thanksgivings and our petitions on behalf of the church and the world. We pray that you grant relief from grief and sorrow and restore the lives of those in the western United States whose lives have been ravaged by fires. We pray the sam...Continue reading

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 20.09.2020

On the evening of September 30, Pastor Chris Dean announced that he is resigning as Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran church and will be retiring from full time ministry. Although this comes as a surprise for all of us, Pastor Chris cites his two year struggle to return to full time ministry as the inherent reason for his resignation. After over 20 years as our Pastor, he feels that his call to Immanuel is over. A new opportunity in an unrelated field has opened up for him a...nd as of Oct.14 he will be pursuing that direction. God bless you Chris, thank you for your services and your contributions to Immanuel Lutheran. Confirmation program is almost complete and the second year students will be confirmed in November. Pastor Chris will return for that day. Where does that leave us as a congregation? Many aspects of that question cannot be answered right away. It depends on many factors. Do we pursue another full time minister? Could we afford a full time minister? Presently we do not have the attendance nor the revenue to support full time ministry! It depends mostly on you, the people that make up Immanuel Lutheran. Your interest, opinions, cares and prayers are imperative at this time in deciding what future we may have as a church! I might suggest that we are at a critical turning point in the history of this congregation. A very small group of dedicated members have worked diligently through the last two years, to both support Pastor Chris through his crisis, as well as maintain regular church services for the balance of the congregation. Unless a renewed commitment and interest from others in the congregation becomes apparent, we may be faced with very limited part time ministry. Sunday services led by lay people, preaching from CALC speakers via internet, occasional pulpit supply on communion Sundays and for critical events such as a member passing & the need for funeral services. Please give this message your most careful consideration. Share your thoughts, suggestions & support with myself or any other council person. Yours in Faith, Hope & Thanksgiving Chuck La Brash

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 20.09.2020

PRAYER FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 21st Heavenly Father, We come to you today with so many emotions rolling round inside of us. It is so wonderful to know that You are right there with us in all the frustration and confusion. However, we ask you to help us remember, that we dont look all around, but upwards to You. Then we can be courageous and press on! Our trust in Your many promises, will help us overcome fear with faith. Conquer impossible circumstances through Christ,... and stand for the truth amidst opposition. Also to combat temptation and anger and discontentment. We know you are in charge Lord, BUT, sometimes we wonder Was I born for such a time as this? We know the answer! You brought us into Your Kingdom for a purpose, to serve You at this critical time. Also Lord, we come to You giving thanks for being by the side of those in leadership. We are especially thankful that our Premier, Scott Moe, was brought up in the faith, and has the knowledge that You are there guiding his decisions. So Lord, as we go forward into another week we ask for Your encouragement to light our path. We humbly ask for a renewal of hope so that together, we can shine the hope of Christ in these uncertain days. In Your Name, AMEN and AMEN!! See more

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 07.09.2020

Apologies to our Facebook followers, there was no video today. We had our first in house service today, (socially distanced of course) with communion & people attending. Unfortunately, with everything going on, the video didn't happen!... Although we intend to continue open services, we plan to be posting all services live. It may take a couple weeks for this to happen. Meanwhile the weekly prayers will continue, so check back regularly.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 31.08.2020

Weekly prayer, October 1st. Gracious and ever loving God, we come before you in awe of your majesty and splendour. You are the creator and sustainer of everything we see. Thank you for all you have created Lord. We pray for Your wisdom and guidance as this world is becoming more and more focused on things that would tear us away from fellowship with you. Help us to direct our focus on you and your leading and guiding us through the obstacles that try to drag us down. May you... Lord be our one and only God. Lord forgive us for the times where the gods of this world try to take first place in our lives. Strengthen us with your words of encouragement and truth as we seek you by spending time in your word and in communion with you as we worship and pray. Lord we lift up our province and we pray for good political guidance as we go into this election. May honour, justice and truth be lifted up. We also lift up to you all who are grieving and those who are ill that your presence would surround them and give them your peace and healing Strengthen our church that your Goodnews will continue to be shared in this community and bring hope to those in need. We ask all of this in your precious and holy name. The name of Jesus. Amen.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 25.08.2020

Sept 15 weekly prayer Loving Father, compassionate Son and empowering Holy Spirit, we are reminded again and again in your most holy Word, that you never leave us or forsake us, and that you have a plan for us and for all who would turn to you for salvation and forgiveness. Your love and forgiveness make it possibly for us to have hope and purpose, both now and forever, as we put our trust in your promise of eternal life, through your son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.... In this busy autumn season of returning to school, harvest, bringing in gardens, all during unprecedented changes, help us to be thankful in your Son Jesus Christ and the peace and hope that knowing him brings. Help us to meet sadness and uncertainty with the joy that comes from knowing you. Help us to meet anger and frustration with your word of compassion and promise. Help us to meet anxiety, depression and despair with the peace and certainty that our forgiveness, our future and our ability to love and care for others, does not depend on our strength but rests soley in you,our rock and redeemer, our sustainer and the one whom we praise and thank with all our breath for ever and ever. Give guidance to all in authority and to those called to lead others, especially we lift up our Church council, our Pastor, the premier of our province and our prime minister. In the midst of everything that is happening help us to experience your joy and abundance. In Jesus name we pray: Amen

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 17.08.2020

Sept 8 weekly prayer Almighty, Gracious and everlasting God, you alone belong in our hearts as our number one priority, as our number one life line in times of distress and turmoil. You alone are the answer to the deep questions we are afraid to ask, the ones that keep us up at night and terrify our conscience and imaginations. You alone are the true source of joy, happiness and contentment that we truly find with our family, friends work and play. Without you and only y...ou at the center of what we pursue life turns toxic and dangerous. And what should be good and special become dangerous and untrustworthy. But only you would know us so well that before we can even ask, before we can even search, before we can even cry out, you have moved heaven and earth, you have altered the time space continuem, you have broken physical and earthly rules and laws just to put in place a true and solid answer to our heart felt longing. Only you In your Living Word as Paul moved by your Spirit taught us about our Saviour Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, you assured us with these Words, 1 Corinthians 10:13, NIV: "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." . Let our heats proclaim only you Lord Let our hearts cling to only you Lord Lord ease our minds and help us to turn to only You Lord As we discover the true mystery of faith which begins with only you but leads us to the people, places, help we need, relationships we need, miracles that we need, jobs, entertainments fun and laughter and meaning that truly do have their source in only You Only you Lord could make it possible for us to be your answer to other peoples prayers and calls for help, give us the strength and confidence to trust you as we open our hearts to them. Only you can make this possible. Lord God protect and guide our leaders and any in authority as only you can. Be with our premier Scott Moe and with all leaders holding each to accountability and moving and inspiring people to true leadership and service as only you can. As we pray the prayer your Son Taught us to pray Our Father Who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us And lead us not into temptation, Deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory, for ever and ever amen. Only you Lord, Amen.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 12.08.2020

September 1 weekly Prayer Lord Jesus, as fall ripens around us and our thoughts turn to harvest, canola has already been swathed and combines are being made ready, we remember your words in the gospel of Matthew in this account: 35 Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because... they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Help us to hear your call Oh Lord! In the midst of pandemic and world turmoil, political upheaval as well as personal loss, illness and grief, help us to hear your gospel, your great news with hope and anticipation. Amen Amen come Lord Jesus! In the midst of our harvest, help us to open our hearts to you and to pray for your harvest, which truly brings hope, healing and new life. In Psalm 85 verse 12 we hear Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest. Help us to remember that we are not alone, that you are with us, and that through us, as we cling to your Word, we bring your harvest of blessings for others. So we close in prayer with the words of a harvest blessing from the canadian food grains bank. Lord of the harvest, we rejoice in the bounty of your world; we thank you for the rich harvests it produces. As we do so, we remember those who do not have enough, the thousands who are daily dying of hunger. We pray for those who have more than they require, for ourselves and our churches. Show us what needs to be done, and how to share the worlds harvest more fairly. Teach us to value people more than things. Above all, help us to set our hearts on your kingdom of love and justice, and to seek to do your will here on earth, as servants of Jesus Christ our Lord. ... Lord God, draw us together in your love, support us with your grace and forgiveness. Be with our premier Scott Moe and all leaders, that your justice and righteousness would abound as we cling to our faith in you as Lord and Savour. In Christs name we pray, Amen

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 01.08.2020

Prayer for August 27 Heavenly Father you know our thoughts even before we speak them, yet it delights you to hear us pray. You incline your ear towards us and urge us to open up our hearts before you. ... In troubled times you promise that when we are at the end of our strength and dont even know what to pray, your Holy Spirit who knows us inside and out, is interceding for us, praying the prayers we cant, and connecting our Spirit with yours. Lord we pray for the children who are having to learn new ways of schooling, as well as new ways of playing and everything else. Keep them safe and help us to use the extra time we have with them, whether that is in person or on the phone or on a video call, to see a bigger picture where faith in Jesus calms fears and strengthens us with courage and compassion. Be with our leaders, with our premier Scott Moe and with leaders everywhere that justice, good order, fairness for all is not lost in all this upheaval. Heavenly Father strengthen our congregation, set our hearts in fire, fan the embers of our worship. May we see you in each other and in our neighbor around us and not tire of reaching out to others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In your precious and Holy name Father Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 19.07.2020

Weekly Prayer August 18 Almighty and everlasting God, creator of all that exists and the only one who can bring about true grace in our lives. We thank you for your Son Jesus and our faith in him as our saviour which is made possible by your Holy Spirit who moves in our heart as you call us into deeper and deeper relationship with you.... Forgiven Saved justified and sanctified through our Faith in Jesus Christ we rejoice with each other because in Jesus we are all part of one body, his body the church. For many weeks even though physically seperated we have prayed together the same prayer each week and rejoiced in the unity that belief in your Son brings. All over our community you have brought us together in Spirit and the prayers we have prayed together have literally travelled around the world as others have shared their faith in you with family and friends. In the midst of fear, judgment, confusion and temptation there are so many miraculous ways that you bring your children together. We rejoice and give thanks, we humble ourselves in your presense for there is no one else like you. In your Sons name we discover forgiveness and new life. We sincerely thank you for this faith that we share with each other. Through these prayers in the midst of a pandemic you have taught us the true nature of Christian unity. Our unity is found through our common faith in your Son and for that great gift we truly give you thanks. We continue to lift up to you our premier Scott Moe and our prime minister Justin Trudeau and all other leaders, teachers and those with authority that they would discover the grace and providence that you willingly offer so that their leadership is just and being about your will for all people. Comfort those mourning, give hope to us all and draw close and have compassion to those whom death draws near to. As we pray the prayer that your son taught us to pray, Our Father who art in heaven ........ Amen

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 09.07.2020

We are living in these times. Are you ready? Yep...Call me nuts, but I have been hearing about the events unfolding since I was a kid. The "Mark of the Beast", microchips, no cash/just plastic, Marshall Law, TOTAL Government dependency/control. When we are raising a family, working long hours, some two jobs, lots of things go unnoticed or just get ignored. No one can comprehend how bad it will be till it is. We have NEVER been told to stay home, quit work and rely on the Gov...ernment. WE are seeing a lot of "firsts" since January. Can our minds and bodies handle what's coming? Not without Jesus! I pray I'm worthy of the Kingdom. I don't want to be left behind. I wonder what "expert" they will have on the news explaining the final days ... While the devil is preparing people for the Anti Christ, God is preparing people for the fulfillment of the scriptures as well. I dont know when the end will take place but I do believe it could be soon. I also believe this is a time that God is giving us a chance to choose what side we will be on. We need to get the Gospel message out!!! Until the Good Lord calls me away from this world to go home, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the True Lord and Savior. Despite the fact that I am human, and I fail A LOT, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God!!! I believe that He died as a sacrifice for our sins and that He rose from the dead on the third day. He loves us all dearly (far more than we deserve) and forgives our sins when we repent. His Word says John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son (JESUS), that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. The Bible also says Matthew 10:33 "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which art in heaven. If the Holy Spirit moves you, feel free to copy and paste as your status update. (I copied and changed a little from a friends status) See more

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 22.06.2020

Prayer for Thursday Aug 13 Gracious and loving God. We come before you asking you to forgive us. We have sinned and are in need of your forgiveness. Renew our hearts and change our direction to following and desiring what you want for us. We pray for joy as only you can give in these troublesome times. Help us to rejoice in you, knowing that you will never take us where you cant lead and protect us. Help us to trust with all our hearts. Take away any doubt that Satan throws ...at us and bring us forth into your peace as we joyfully proclaim your holy name. Lord we lift up the teachers as they prepare for the upcoming year of school. Give them wisdom on how to bring the children back in so they are safe and feel secure with all the fears that arise with COVID-19. Be with the students and parents. Give the children protection as they go to school and the parents peace as they leave their children, knowing that you are present in their midst. We pray for your protection over all the schools, that they will be a place to learn and to have fun. We continue to pray for our leaders and pray that God will guide them to the right people and recources as they continue to deal with the results of Covid 19. We also lift up those who have lost loved ones. We pray that your arms of love will surround them and comfort them. We also lift up those who are sick and pray for your healing in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord that you hear our prayers and always answer them in the best way, according to what you see that we cannot.., because you see the whole picture and we see through a mirror dimly. May we rest in you in peace and safety. In Jesus name. Amen.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 04.06.2020

Weekly prayer: August 3rd Mighty and Gracious God, source of all love and forgiveness, creator of this world and all its resources. During this summer season as many are busy with lake, camping and holiday plans, and while others are engaged in farming activities and other work activities, help each of us, whether busy or at ease, to remember your goodness and your promise to us through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Savior. Help us to lift your name up in praise and acknowle...dge that summer, ourselves and our daily activities are all rightfully yours. May we give thanks for this and with your help act honorably in all we do, whether we are at work or play. Guide our leaders and inspire them to justice and right action over self serving action. Whether they acknowledge it or not, they have their positions only by your will. We lift them up to you and pray that you would use their leading to bring hope and justice for all. We pray for our Premier Scott Moe and his family. We pray for our church leaders and pastors and all those who seek to support the mission of Immanuel Lutheran church, that wherever they may be, your Sons name would be heard and praised and that our Love for you would be evident to all. As we approach fall and all that comes with it, especially in light of ongoing pandemic restrictions, help us not to be afraid but to rely wholey on you and your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; as we pray this in your holy and precious name, Amen.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 22.05.2020

Week 19 Prayer: Almighty God and ever present God we thank you for the blessings that we discover all around us as we put our trust in you. Your Son Jesus proclaimed that he had come that we might have life, and life abundantly. With our trust in you we know that we do not need to be afraid. Even in dark and troublesome times just like the disciples you are there in our boat, undisturbed by the storm. Help us to hear you with ears of faith when you say, peace be still!!! Kn...it us together as the body of Christ, your church that together we may be your expression of love and hope during these days. Help us to truly care for one another. To look past ourselves and see what our sisters and brothers are going through. Joined together through our faith in Jesus we have a strength and hope that is like nothing else. Through the words of Paul your Spirit assured us with these words: There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. Thank you Lord for the sisters and brothers you surround us with that together we can share the gifts that you have given to each of us with one another. Help us to be aware of how your Holy Spirit wants to use us as we all hear your call to be united in faith and love knowing that you will not leave or forsake us and that you are already working in our midst. We hold in our hearts people who are dear to us people in our community and church and an awareness of a need for your peace in so many areas around our world. Please be with each person we are holding up to you and be with those in positions of authority and leadership and help them to lead justly and fairly. We lift up our premier Scott Moe and his family and pray that you would protect them and guide them as they seek to help so many through their calling and dedication. We also lift up to you our provinces health care workers and everybody else who are helping in some way to alleviate the distress of others during this health crisis. In Christ's name we pray, Amen

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 05.05.2020

The plan was to shut down the churches. The lukewarm churches allowed them to do just that.The plan was to shut down the churches. The lukewarm churches allowed them to do just that.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 18.04.2020

Sunday July 26th Service

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 01.04.2020

Week 18 Prayer: Almighty and Gracious God, Creator of the universe and all that is in it, we rejoice in your love as you draw us close-to-yourself through the life and death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord. At his name every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. He is our Shepherd. He is the great physician, and he is our big brother who makes our adoption as your children and joint heirs with him possible through h...is sacrifice and victory on the cross. Through the power of your Holy Spirit we live in faith and forgiveness and we have the confidence that you hear our prayers and take joy in our turning to you. Heavenly Father we turn to you in this time of crisis and upheaval as the covid-19 virus affects our lives and the lives around us in so many ways. People's health and even their lives are being threatened. Lively hoods and family security are being affected all around us. And we hear of pain and suffering all around us and all around our world. Heavenly God bring your healing to those who are sick, your compassion to those who are mourning, your hope and strength to those who are fearful and your compassion, guidance and wisdom to all believers that we might be your hands and heart during these times. Help us to share your love in all the ways that your spirit within us makes possible. Take our hands Lord and lead and guide us. We lift up to you and pray for all those in leadership here and around the world that they would care for your creation and for your people with compassion, wisdom and justice. We especially pray for and lift up to you our premier Scott Moe and all those around us who are trying to keep us safe and lead us through these troubling times. In a time when physical closeness is hard, draw your children together in heart and mind and spirit. We praise you Lord Jesus. We thank you Lord God for all that you bless us with, please help us to join in prayer with one another and to be of one mind one spirit and one hope as we bear one another's burdens and trust in the name of Jesus. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 19.03.2020

Week 17 prayer: Let us pray, The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want....Continue reading

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 16.03.2020

Sunday July 12th Service Part 2

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 27.02.2020

Sunday July 12th Service Part 1

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 16.02.2020

Matthew 10:28 "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. "

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 30.01.2020

Week 16 prayer: Let us pray Lord we come before you today with thanksgiving and praise that even in these days of stress and confusion you are here guiding and strengthening us and showing us that you are leading us through the valley of shadows. Thank you for your love and care and we look to you for guidance and direction in these days. Lord we lift up to you all those in nursing homes and prisons that you would be with the residents , keep them healthy and safe. May they w...itness your Spirit bringing peace and a sense of your leading and guiding for them. We pray for our Hospitals For the medical staff as they deal with covid19 give them wisdom in dealing with this virus. Lord keep all the staff safe as they bring comfort and care to those patients in need. Be with their families as they support these workers give them your peace to entrust them into your care. We also pray for all those in hospital for other circumstances and concerns and pray that you would protect and comfort all people facing poor health. Lord we lift up to you our leaders and pray for wisdom in how to bring this virus under control so there are fewer sick. We especially lift up to you Scott Moe and pray for all his staff as they seek the best route for Saskatchewan to take. We lift up our prime minister Mr. Trudeau and pray that in consultations with other leaders of the world that they might be able to find solutions that will help the whole world. God we pray that you would draw your people together as we lift people up in prayer, help us to find strength and unity in your Son Jesus Christ our Lord and help us to find ways to minister to people despite not being able to physically be together. Give us creative ways to reach those who desperately need to hear your words of encouragement and truth. In Christs name we pray. Amen.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Parkside 15.01.2020

Week 15 prayer: Almighty and Everlasting God, Creator, Redeemer and the one who lives in our hearts and who works through our hands, our feet, our mouths and our will, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise you and lift high your name. We thank you for your forgiveness and love, we praise you for the wonder of your creation and for opportunities you have given us to be partners with you in its stewardship. Loving God teach us to be faithful stewards of all the gifts that yo...u have given us. Help us to be generous and to be concerned where others are victimized and deprived of their daily bread. Give us your heart for the vulnerable and teach us compassion in our daily lives and not just our prayers. Heavenly Father each day we live is an opportunity to rejoice in your love, to be thankful for the forgiveness and everlasting life your Son Jesus won on the cross for us and to dance in step with the Holy Spirit living out the faith you have given us, courageously and boldly. We lift up to you those who are hurting or in need in any way and pray that you would inspire and lead us to be apart of the solution and not the problem. To choose love, compassion justice and redemption not only for those close to us, but to all whom you give us opportunity. Guide and protect our premier Scott Moe and be a guiding force for all in positions of authority that their privilidge would be used for others and not only themselves. Gracious God in these times of uncertainty and upheaval draw close to us and help us to cling to your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Help us to be together in our faith however you make possible as we praise your holy name, Father Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.