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Imperfectly Me Coaching 03.02.2021

Happy Valentine’s Day! The day to show your love to not only your partner, but to everyone you love, and please include yourself in that statement! Really though, why do we need a day to make our partner feel special? It does not matter if you have been together for 1 year or 40 years, you should be putting in the same effort. When you stop dating and flirting with your partner, the flame will begin to die out. When was the last time you acted like the giddy teenagers who ha...ve been together for a short time? You know which ones I am talking about, the ones who always have to be touching each other, they steal a kiss or cop a feel any chance they get, they look at each with puppy love, and have deep conversations learning about each other. I hear you say that during covid you can't go on dates, yet you know that just isn't true. You still need that time for just you and your partner, there are many different ideas out there for you to do at home, even after the kids are in bed. How important is it to spend time with just the 2 of you? Well, remember once your children become teenagers and then eventually leave home, you will need to have a strong relationship once there is only the 2 of you left at home. You need to be comfortable spending time alone together. What can we do at home for a date night then? Look up dance lessons on youtube and learn together or just dance to your favorite songs, do an at home paint night, cook something new together, do a movie night and snuggle like you did in the beginning, have a tickle fight, a nerf gun fight, spend time having conversations where you share your vulnerability with each other, play games together, help them with something that you think takes up too much time like doing dishes together or helping change the oil in the car, honestly anything can become a date when want to spend the time with them. Share with me what you do to keep the spark alive in your relationship! See more

Imperfectly Me Coaching 01.02.2021

Being vulnerable... being 100% ourself, being comfortable with who we are and honest about what we want. Showing every part of ourself to another person. That seems like a huge task sometimes.And yet we have that handful of people in our life that we can do that with. Funny how the people that we are vulnerable around, are the ones that we share the greatest connection with. These are the ones that we refer to as our best friends. They are the ones that know everything about ...us and we are able to open up about anything. These people can be our parents, our children, our friends, or our significant other. So many want this kind of connection with their partner, yet they hold back from allowing their partner to know them authentically because they fear being rejected. This sharing of information is the reason we feel such a bond with other people in the beginning of any relationship, and when we start to hold back from them, that is when the connection begins to wither. If you are wanting to create a better bond with a loved one, you need to be vulnerable. Take the time to share what your dreams are, what scares you, what you emotions are, what worries you, your likes and dislikes, what excites you. Sure it's scary as hell that someone might know who you are under the masks but isn't that what you are asking from them? #coaching #coachinglife #lifecoaching #lifecoach #relationships #vulnerability #vulnerabilityisstrength #connection #connections #beingvulnerable #creatingconnections #authenticself #therealyou #bestfriends #imperfectlymecoaching See more

Imperfectly Me Coaching 16.01.2021

Appreciation is one the easiest and hardest things you can do in any relationship. Simply saying thank you for doing that, whether the other person was asked or not, will get you more of what you want to see. The last time someone told you what they appreciate, shared their gratitude of you, how did it make you feel? Of course it made you feel good, whether it was a spouse, a child, a parent, a friend, or even a coworker, the simple words can create a huge impact on that rel...ationship. When we begin to look at the things we appreciate about someone, it takes our focus away from what they are not doing, and you begin to see the 90% of the good instead of the 10% bad. When we are really trying to make any relationship work, this is a must. There is no way you can like a person if the only thing you focus on is everything they do wrong. I challenge you today, to find 3 things about the people you have in your life, and tell them how you feel. #coaching #coachinglife #lifecoaching #lifecoach #relationships #focusonthepositive #focusonthegood #whereyourfocusgoesyourenergyflows #loverelationship #gratitudeattitude #appreciation #appreciatethelittlethings #littlethingsinlife #tellthemyoulovethem #relationshipgoals #imperfectlymecoaching See more

Imperfectly Me Coaching 02.01.2021

It's February, the month that contains Valentine's day, or as my youngest daughter always calls it Love's day.(which I like better because then it has to do with everyone you love, not just a partner) For the month I am going to post things that can help with the relationships (not just romantic ones) that you have in your life. One of the most important things in a relationship of any kind is communication, without it, the relationship will not grow. Which is why most people... lose there relationship with their teenage children, you know the ones who only come out of their room to eat, or the spouse they have had for many years who "never listen anyway". You say I talk to them all the time, and you do, but are you talking and LISTENING in a way that you understand each other? When a friend, child or spouse starts complaining about something, are they talking to vent, or are they talking to get advice? And how do you know which it is? When you try to explain yourself, do you say things in multiple angles and directions or do you keep repeating the same thing in a louder voice hoping to be heard? When someone does this to you, do you repeat back what you think they are trying to say to gain clarification, or do you just interpret it your own way and go from there? How about when you are feeling something emotional, whether its anger, sadness, or even joy, how are you communicating what you need to deal with it? When you need a hug, do you ask for it, or just expect the person with you to know? When you need time to cool off when you are angry, do you let those around you know that you need a moment or do you just yell when they keep getting to close? Communicating is hard! Sometimes the words get stuck in your throat. You know what you want to say but they just don't come out and if they do, it's all wrong, and sometimes you just don't feel like you matter enough to speak up. I will say this, word by word it gets a little easier, with the right people you get braver, and with time you can be talking from your heart with everyone. See more

Imperfectly Me Coaching 23.12.2020

I don't have time for me. There is always someone needing something from me. I do not feel worthy of the money, time or effort. I just want someone to make me do it for myself. These are all things that I have said to myself in the past when it came to doing self care, or rather doing anything for myself, anything that I enjoyed doing. Are you like me? Do you use these excuses too? They are excuses, because self care is necessary. It's not a "If i get around to it" or a "mayb...e one day" thing. If you put off filling your own tank, you are going to run out of gas, and be stuck. So often we say to others "you are so lucky", who take the time to refuel. This is not a luxury, but rather a much needed thing. I repeat, very needed. YOU ARE WORTH IT! I posted in January ways to reduce stress, and something that I kept hearing was " I don't have the time to do things that help me relax". Either you make time for you, or the stress will make it for you, however you are going to be using it to fix a much larger problem, and the little things will still be pushed to the side. What steps could you take today to create just 10 mins of uninterrupted ME time? #lifecoaching #lifecoach #coaching #coachinglife #metime #taketimeforyou #selfcare #selfcaretips #metime #doitforyourself #doitforyourhealth #selfworth #necessary #youareworthy #imperfectlymecoaching See more

Imperfectly Me Coaching 21.12.2020

How are you talking to yourself? What stops you from saying all the wonderful things that you say to others, to yourself? Your self talk is one of the biggest things you can do to show yourself love. If you met someone who was exactly like you in every single aspect of life, would you say all the same things you say to yourself every single day? Make the change, in something so simple as how you view yourself, you can love like that, I have seen it in how you love others. Giv...e yourself a bit of the same love you so willingly give to those around you everyday, and watch the magic begin. #imperfectlymecoaching #lifecoaching #lifecoach #coaching #coachinglife #selfworth #selftalk #selfworthjourney #selflove #selflovejourney #whatyousay #youarelistening #listentoyourheart #loveyourself #loveyourselfmore #talktoyourself #letstalk #loveyourselffirst #EmotionalWellnessCoach