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Locality: Ottawa, Ontario

Phone: +1 613-724-1100

Address: 55 Parkdale Avenue K1Y 1E5 Ottawa, ON, Canada


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KBRI Ottawa 26.01.2021

Indonesia extends its temporary restriction on foreigners entry until 8 February 2021. Indonesia memperpanjang pelarangan masuk sementara orang asing ke Indonesia sampai 8 Februari 2021.

KBRI Ottawa 13.01.2021

Indonesia is the home to the mystical shadow puppets (no, not that Last Shadow Puppets) called Wayang Kulit . Wayang kulit Is made of cowhide that has been dried, cut, drawn and colored according to the characters. They are performed by a puppetmaster called a Dalang and accompanied by Gamelan music. They usually tell stories about divine beings, romance and heroism. #IniDiplomasi #RintisKemajuan #WonderfulIndonesia... #WayangKulit #ShadowPuppets See more

KBRI Ottawa 03.01.2021

Mari bersama kita ringankan beban saudara-saudara kita yang tengah menghadapi musibah. Terima kasih, rekan-rekan KKSS, atas inisiatifnya!

KBRI Ottawa 29.12.2020

Terima kasih atas pesan-pesannya, Ibu Ida dan adik-adik semuanya! :)

KBRI Ottawa 17.12.2020

Pengumuman penting untuk seluruh masyarakat Indonesia di Provinsi Ontario dan Provinsi Quebec. Important notice to all Indonesians in the Province of Ontario and Quebec. #IniDiplomasi... #NegaraMelindungi #StayAtHomeOrder #CurfewQuebec See more

KBRI Ottawa 12.12.2020

[PENGUMUMAN] Mengenai Stay-at-Home Order dan Pembatasan Kegiatan KBRI Ottawa

KBRI Ottawa 14.10.2020

We would like to congratulate our esteemed excellencies, H.E. Ambassador Abdul Kadir Jailani and H. E. Ambassador Teuku Faizasyah, both have served as the Ambassador of Indonesia to Canada, for the inauguration for their new positions as Director General for Asia-Pacific and African Affairs and Director General for Information and Public Diplomacy. The very best of luck and success on your future endeavours, Your Excellencies! #IniDiplomasi #RintisKemajuan #DubesRIKanada #Aspasaf #diplomasipublik

KBRI Ottawa 08.10.2020

[PENGUMUMAN] KBRI Ottawa akan tutup mulai hari Rabu sampai Jumat, 28 - 30 Oktober 2020 untuk memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW. [NOTICE] The Embassy will be closed from Wednesday to Friday, 28-30 October 2020, to observe Mawlid al-Nabi.

KBRI Ottawa 18.09.2020

Mari bersama kita rayakan Bulan Sejarah Islam dengan tema Learn from the History to Prepare our Future Generation bersama Imam Dr. Zijad Delic dari SNMC Mosque Ottawa yang akan dibuka oleh Charges d'Affaires KBRI Ottawa, Ibu Nancy Kusbayanti. Acara tersebut akan dimoderatori oleh Ibu Ida Rafiqah, CEO dan Pendiri IRSHAD Global. #IniDiplomasi #IslamicHistoryMonth #PengajianOttawa

KBRI Ottawa 13.09.2020

Made from fermented soybeans, tempeh (or tempe, in its original Indonesian language) have been one of the world's most famous vegetarian superfood. It has high content of fibre and various additional vitamins and minerals. And have we mentioned that tempeh, however you want to cook it, is utterly delicious? Get your tempeh fix now! #IniDiplomasi #RintisKemajuan #IndonesianTempeh #IndonesianSuperfood #VegetarianDelight #WonderfulIndonesia

KBRI Ottawa 10.09.2020

The 35th Trade Expo Indonesia is coming to your screens! Now held virtually due to pandemic considerations, this event will allow you to grab opportunities with buyers virtually! Register now! #TEI2020 #TEIVirtual #IniDiplomasi #RintisKemajuan

KBRI Ottawa 27.08.2020

Atase Perhubungan RI dan Wakil Tetap Pengganti Republik Indonesia untuk ICAO Afen Sena menuangkan pemikirannya mengenai Integrated Web-based Aeronautical Information System Handling (I-WISH) untuk membantu pendeteksian abu vulkanik bagi dunia penerbangan. #ICAO #Aviasi #IndonesianWay

KBRI Ottawa 25.08.2020

A collaboration between IRSHAD Global, Ottawa Muslim Association and Ottawa-Carleton District School Board to teach and promote Indonesian language to children in Canada!

KBRI Ottawa 20.08.2020

[LIVE 09.00 EDT] Webinar Program Doktor FISIP UNAIR mengenai Situasi Global Pasca Pandemi dengan Dubes Abdul Kadir Jailani. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay sm

KBRI Ottawa 07.08.2020

How do you see Indonesia as someone who lives in Canada or as Canadians? We would like to ask a wee amount of your time to fill this survey which will be invaluable for us to gauge the perception of the world about Indonesia. Again, this won't take much of your time. We thank you for your kind participation. #ViewOfIndonesia #IndeksCitraIndonesia

KBRI Ottawa 03.08.2020

Duta Besar Abdul Kadir Jailani akan berbicara mengenai Kepastian dari Sebuah Ketidakpastian: SItuasi Global Pasca Pandemi dalam webinar program doktoer FISIP UNAIR yang akan dilaksanakan secara online pada Jumat, 16 Oktober 2020, 20.00 WIB. Pastikan teman-teman semua bergabung dalam webinar yang dibuka untuk umum ini! #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #IndonesiaKanada

KBRI Ottawa 28.07.2020

Hi, everyone! Social media platforms have become our most reliable tool in communicating with our followers. We would like to seek a minute (or two) of your time in filling for the betterment of our socmed presence. Thank you, we really appreciate it!

KBRI Ottawa 10.07.2020

Dubes Abdul Kadir Jailani akan turut membuka program pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia untuk anak-anak hasil inisiatif IRSHAD Global dan Ottawa Muslim Association yang didukung secara penuh oleh Ottawa Carleton District School Board. Acara akan disiarkan secara langsung pada 17 Oktober 2020 melalui Zoom dan Facebook Live dengan link yang tertera di poster. Oh iya, jangan lupa untuk mendaftarkan anak-anak saudara dalam program ini melalui kesempatan masih terbuka! #IniDiplomasi #DiplomasiBahasa #IndonesianWay #IndonesiaCanada 3m

KBRI Ottawa 04.07.2020

[PENGUMUMAN] KBRI Ottawa akan tutup pada hari Senin, 12 Oktober 2020, untuk memperingati Hari Thanksgiving.