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Indigo Soul Cat 28.04.2021

What’s your morning ritual? For me it’s a little different these days as I’ve given up caffeine. A friend shared with me recently, and I’m so grateful for this, that less stimulus means easier connection with everything around me. Who knows maybe one day I will hear those trees when they talk. #starseed #starseedoracle #yourheartisaportal #cardreadings #intuitiveguidance #intuitivereading #indigosoulcat #indigocrystalthirdeye #loveandlight

Indigo Soul Cat 14.04.2021

My how time flies when you’re having fun! It’s amazing to think a year has gone by and we are awakening to another spring. I’m looking back at this beautiful piece of sacred jewelry I was so blessed to be able to make and I’m thankful. Ever grateful It’s not lost on me the timing of making these Mala beads, a sacred object for meditation, I also made a rosary as well. ... Spring, it’s all about the birth of new around us, and in us. A time to look within, see what’s serving us for our good and cast aside that crap that’s weighing us down, holding us back. It can mean times of upheaval, the ground beneath us shifts as we rise up to bloom. We can be unsteady, it feels uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean you need to turn away or say ‘it’s too difficult’. All around we hear words and phrases like ‘these challenging times’ ‘this difficult time’ ‘hardships we face’ etc. Please please please don’t let this seep into your psyche! Choose a positive narrative. Be mindful of your thoughts as these too are a frequency being sent into the world, your world! Low vibrations have a negative affect on us. Tell me, do you honestly feel better after a bitch fest with people or watching the news? No judgment here, just a reminder to reset! Raise your vibration! This is a time of renewal, a time when we hold sovereign our selves, cleanse and honour our temple for a rebirth of a new self, and leave behind that husk that no longer serves us. We’re not perfect, allow yourself to learn from failings and congratulate yourself for moving forward! Be gentle with yourselves, go softly into your soul and lift yourself into the Light. Peace to you all! Please reach out if you need any help navigating tips or healing, I can work remotely for you. #yourheartisaportal #loveandlight #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #indigosoulcat #soundreikihealing

Indigo Soul Cat 10.04.2021

Happy full moon lovelies. It’s definitely a time to mind your thoughts and words! These frequencies are what manifest into reality. Says the woman who is struggling to do just that!Wow did I ever need to hear these very words today! Time to release! And so I ask myself: what is not serving my higher good? Sometimes we can’t figure it out right? So if you can’t put your finger on it, can’t find the words, or if you’re too afraid to admit aloudyour heart knows, your higher... self knows, so why not trust and hold faith that when you start resonating to words and thoughts that come from your heart and not your hurt, your most benevolent life unfolds FOR you. As I love to say your vibe attracts your tribe Interesting thing happened last year; my sacred space attracted two unique souls that needed to find each other and it was incredible to witness this miracle. That morning I was called to do some SoundReiki for the space. As I watched the magic happening between these two, at one point she looked at me with this incredible look of wonder on her face and said oh! I know what you are! And she smiled. I felt so open to receiving at that moment and so when she asked me if I wanted to know, of course I said yes, and when she told me I didn’t get all weird about it like I would have years ago. This time I was able to really own it, because so many times I had manifested many things for my life that I had asked for specifically! She looked at me and with wide eyes she said you are a supreme manifestor She knows who she is, I’m so happy we crossed paths Sharing this post photo from @soundreikiinstitute much love to @heatherhannan11 & @soulchildwithin so grateful for these two who have been instrumental in my ascension. This full moon, I thought I’d make some moon water, I love the idea of creating some art with it and of course with my crystals too! Much Love and Light to you all! May this full moon brings many blessings! I’m here for you if needed, reach out. #yourheartisaportal #starseed #soundreikihealing #remotehealing #fullmoonritual #loveyourwaythere See more

Indigo Soul Cat 02.04.2021

It’s International Day of Forests A great day to hug a treeand even if you can’t be near one, you can send your gratitude and love thru intention

Indigo Soul Cat 14.03.2021

Your Light is meant to shine I find it fascinating that with today’s technology we can actually measure the lumens that emanate from our bodies! The higher your vibration the more light you emit!!! These vibrations then in turn attract like vibrations, and so you manifest what you put out there. Dude, careful of words and thoughts; they are vibrations heard! Literally your vibe attracts your tribe. The vibes I work with when I practice SoundReiki are Divine Light codes, a ...healing modality that I can do in person and remotely-which is so awesome these days! I can raise, align, balance and tune up chakras from wherever I am because I’m working with your higher self. (Insert stoner joke here) Never dim your Light my shiny magical unicorns! You’re not here to explain yourself, so if someone doesn’t ‘get you’ don’t feel that you need to lower your vibration to their level to get along. Rise. Shine bright and be the magical unicorn you are. If it means letting go of people that have been in your life a long time, ask yourself thisdo they drain me? Do they bring me down? Is it exhausting to hang with them? Letting go of them doesn’t mean that it’s forever, or maybe it is, either way, everyone’s on their own Soul Journey, each path different. These negative people, vampires, soul suckers or whatever you call them, can attach negative cords to you, suck energy, & impede you. This Starseed deck is just one of the decks I use. I have always resonated to this kind of knowledge, ancient, Starseed...even before I was a Lightworker. Growing up I kept my Light to myself and I’m pretty sure my higher self kept me protected until I was ready to do the work I do now. Animal Spirits, Archangels, always there for me. It’s something you can’t walk away from when it’s a calling. All I can say is that the universe can be very dramatic when it’s guiding you to your path. If you say no be ready for a batch slap k, just sayin’. Love and Light to you, shine on! #indigocrystalthirdeye #indigosoulcat #lightworker #shineyourlight #starseedoracle #archangeloracle #animalspiritoracle #gaurdianangelmessages #divineloveandlight #soundreikihealing #soundreikipractitioner

Indigo Soul Cat 06.03.2021

Happy International Women’s Day And to this woman, my mom, who managed to raise me and live to tell the tale. I love to here all the colourful stories her upbringing, her challenges and her victories, as she’d say ‘the good the bad and the ugly’! It really is a wonder how she survived it all the way she tells it she struggled with a lot of health issues most people wouldn’t survive. She’ll be 90 this year! And she’s a trooper, making it thru harsh times only to brush it o...ff with a comment like ‘you just did what you had to do, and if you could help others, everyone pulled together’ One of her first jobs, at 15 years of age was as a nanny, looking after something like 5-6 kids I couldn’t even! I also love that my mom is a mom, or as they all call her ‘Aunty Mary’ to so many people. I’d be amiss if I didn’t mention another ‘mom’ in my life, gosh how I miss her, Gladys H, she and her husband settled in Canada from Ireland as well and we all lived on the same street. When my parents didn’t understand me, I think they did and always encouraged me to pursue art and never give up. How did I get so lucky to have such incredibly inspirational women in my life. To this day these woman’s words resonate in my heart and continue to push me forward and empower me. We as women have three phases of our lives, The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone. Honour each sacred cycle. Honour your sistars past and your sistars that surround you now. Love to all my Soul Sistars today on this day of recognitionLove and Light to you all. #internationalwomensday #thedevinefeminine #triplegoodess #lovetoallwomen #soulsistars #youknowwhoyouare #youknowiloveyou #gratitudeattitude #loveandlight See more

Indigo Soul Cat 25.01.2021

I love the way this cup feels so smooth to the touch, inside and out. (It’s one of the pottery pieces I make and sell, I wish I could keep them all! -but not a reality, so this one’s up for grabs) Gotta say I love carving pottery and getting into the sacred space for creating, especially carving Ravens, probably has something to do with totem animal. Ya think? The last painting I did had a Raven in it! Curious! What’s your totem animal? I’m always up for a new idea for c...arving or painting. I’d love to create an intentional piece for you, DM me for anything. (Pottery/Art Painting/Encaustic/Watercolour etc) Hope y’all are keeping well. #positivevibes I am available for any of your Lightwork needs. Reach out from wherever you are, as I do this energy work remotely. Peace my lovelies #loveyourfeedback #lightworkercreations #totemanimal #raven #raventotem #handcarvedpottery #stonewarepottery #pottery handmade #handmadewithintention #loveandlight #soundreikipractitioner #healingwithsound #remotehealing

Indigo Soul Cat 15.01.2021

"Cancer cells cannot maintain their structure when specific sound wave frequencies attack the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes. When the vibratory rate increas...es, the cells cannot adapt or stabilize themselves and die by disintegrating and exploding. This was written by composer Fabien Maman in "The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century", after his research in the 1980's with Biologist Helene Grimal. They partnered to study the effects of sounds on cancer cells. They exposed cancer cells to the human voice, as well as several musical instruments such as gongs, guitars, and xylophones. Ultimately they observed that all the instrumentsespecially the tones of the human voicewere effective at destroying the structural composition of these cells. See more

Indigo Soul Cat 11.01.2021

Hello shiny peeps, how are you treating yourself? Very well I hope. I kinda over worked myself from October to December so I took a wee break after Christmas. One of the things I did was make something for myself! And being the crystal hoarder I am I made a necklace to hold whatever crystal I’d choose for the day. Ya know, I make and create all day for everyone else that I rarely take much time for creating for myself. I think about it tho, design ideas swirl in my head all... the time. I’m quite happy with the way it turned out. This is a Calcite about the size of a walnut. I can’t wait to make one for a larger piece of Lepidolite that’s about three times the size of this Calcite. Since last October things have been crazy busy with long 17 hour days and even though I was exhausted I still struggled with whether or not I’d even take the usual time off after Christmas. It’s hard to unplug, hard to just stop making, hard to set those boundaries, especially with a small business and especially during a pandemic. A huge part of achieving this goal was to set those intentions, set those boundaries, and don’t give thought to things that I didn’t want. With this new moon in Capricorn is super charged, it’s key energies are Hard working, Solid, Realistic, and Explosive. Now you know why I’m making a necklace for my Lepidolite, because when the shit hits the fan that’s the crystal you want to get you through it all. I feel like a lot is going to be coming in and we may even feel some push back, but stay the course, keep making plans, don’t give up. Do the work. Manifest your dreams. When setting intentions remember to state in the present tense ‘My life is transforming and I am reinventing myself’ Oh, and if you’re needing any energy work, just holla! I’m mostly working remotely these days so you can enjoy energy healing from the comfort of your own couch. Peace my lovelies #newmoonincapricorn #moonmanifesting #crystalhealing #soundreikipractitioner #remotehealing

Indigo Soul Cat 28.12.2020

Before the new moon I’m gonna write out on a piece of paper what I wish to leave behind and burn that mother! Carry into the new year only that which serves your most benevolent life!

Indigo Soul Cat 25.12.2020

I gave this day all to myself! Self care included a SoundReiki alignment to the new vibration of the Age of Aquarius, gratitude to my friends Heather & Catherine of the @soundreikiinstitute for doing a zoom call for this! So thankful for you both Then a Starseed card reading and snuggle time with Dragon, rest and much love. Wishing a blessed solstice to all, may your days be merry and bright. Shine your Light. Peace and harmony in this age of Aquarius #hangin...withthedragon #dragonthebluegrey #motherofdragon #ageofaquarius #peaceandharmony #loveandlight #yourheartisaportal #timetowakeupsleepwalkers #shineyourlight #lightworker @indigo_soul_cat #intuitiveguidance #starseed #oraclecardreading #intuitiveartist

Indigo Soul Cat 21.12.2020

Two cards of an eight card reading I had on Friday, thought I’d show and share what’s been up and down in my world lately. Right away all eight cards resonated deep with me. My day wasn’t going so well, neither was the week, I was primed for a meltdown. I was over extending myself. Gratitude was high, chamber in place and there was more Divine synchronicities happening that I could ever imagine, so why was I so stressed? Probably just tired and frustrated that I wasn’t being... heard, and others weren’t respectful of my boundaries. Note to self, set stronger boundaries. In walk two friends and the love vibe went through the roof. I literally cried with joy! And then the reading! All of my questions and wonderings and all these synchronicities all converged on Friday with this visit and this one reading. Things were coming together. I was letting go of that which doesn’t serve me. I was seeing before my very eyes all the pieces fitting together. All those questions floating in my head were getting answered. I love this deck! I know absolutely nothing about it, but as soon as I saw the cards I could see clearly this was the moment it all comes together. This is the Moonology deck, a particular deck I wanted to get multiples of when I was placing an order a few weeks ago, but they were all sold out. I did manage to get three Moonology Diaries though, totally stoked about that! I am absolutely moving towards expanding our shop to carry more energy wellness for people, and I feel so good about that. Scott actually pointed out that he’s seeing much more people coming in for crystals, grid plates, smudges and all that, and my Lightworker services more than ever before. It feels good to be coming into the age of Aquarius. I am grateful to the soul sistars (and brother!) that came into my life. I am thankful for who and what I am, and I live every day knowing they are one in the same. Thank you for reading through all my rambling, if anything you take from this is that trust and faith that forces are at work and even though you cannot see it, it is there working for your most benevolent life. Love and Light, a blessed solstice to all! #ageofaquarius #gratitude #peace