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Consciousness Elations 20.02.2021

Today is a day of Faith!!! What do you see when you look up? I see a Dreamer. What do you see when you look down? I see a Lover. What do you see when you look left? I see an Artisan. What do you see when you look right? I see a Laureate. What do you see when you look around? I see Scholar's. What do you see when you look in? I see Beauty and Strength. What do you see when you look deeply? I see a rising star, a central sun, I see the source of you as assence. #au...Continue reading

Consciousness Elations 09.02.2021

Gratitude and Abundance, Guidance and Support, Dedication and Loyalty, Ceremony and Ritual; a Spirited Approach!!! The deducable inference of instincts intuitive insight is the balance of Will and Spirit' electric magnetic, masculine feminine unified critical thinking and creative imagination, birthing the Soul as a power of One. Dominion not domination, power with not power over!!! This integration is the incubative maturation in time at once that crystallizes the inner and... outer with the upper and lower!!! Lost Will on Earth is a pandemic and it will be at first a very dark night. I recommend dismantling the disbelief indicative of spiritual detachment and clarifying a culturally conditioned conundrum!?! Regulating the blood and brain chemistry within the centrophy of hearts design as a foundational requirement for templating the upper bodies in unity. #aneternalvigilance These are a few more of the things we share so that together we grow strong. #notonethingdenied If this is beyond your brief the metaphysics of esotericas parapsychology as well as the response-ability of accountability will be required. The shift from the sixth to seventh aeon is the end of a kill or be killed and the beginning of a love and be loved mentality!! #anageofLight See more

Consciousness Elations 26.01.2021

The incubative maturation of the Luxor is in time at once... no comparison blame or judgement will indicate the acclimation of its attainment. Before Teachers there was the direct experience of Life. Spirit and Will are required as an integration of critical thinking and creative imagination. Each fractal expanse of consciousness must adhere to Universal Law or Axiomatic contants. From the physical to the etheric astral devic monadic atmic divine essence et cetera. Infin...itely internal and infinitely external as the math suggests!! This crystallization requires the removal of non essential dross within through and around all four aspects as we begin to unify a complex whole!! Physical bondage as embodiment, emotional avoidance as surrender, mental denial as acceptance and spiritual detachment becoming the non attachment of Liberty as the Soul' right to breathe. These things we share are deeply seeded so compassion will be required to say the least. All of our symbols and signs are usurped amidst an irreverent subterfuge. Ego is the 'acting will' or outer personality so alls that will change is You!! #bethechange The Silent Witness is the Intrinsic Buddha of our very own Inner Guru. When we build it they will come. #cazeba Unity Harmony Peace!!! Ase' See more

Consciousness Elations 07.01.2021

Divided and conquered or unified complex and whole!?! How is the Will of your Spirit and how is the Spirit of your Will??? Lifting them up to dust them off and pulling them down to bring them up!!! This is the Will Free'd by Love unconditional, and the Unconditional Love of Free Will!! A balance of One forged amidst the equidistance individual and the foundational, alchemical and cocreative template required to embue the north and south star vector equilibrium and that wh...ich forges the eye of the storm less storm as the energetic 3D cavication formed in unity that engages the genetic magnetisms of highest hearts and universal minds radiant luminosity; activating 'target DNA' deep deep within completely through and all the way around the dormant encodements of our Self Realization's. #manybodies This opens up the etheric banding of our astral lightbody and we can once more dear friends begin to heal our feeling's and feel our healing's!!! Three tears we cry as a symboliic sign of our very own cocreative endeavor's!! One tear of loss for yesterday and all those who were, one tear of joy for today and all those who are, and one tear of hope for tomorrow and all those who will come to be; our Unity Harmony and Peace. The unity cocreates the harmonium that procures this peace and alls we gotta do is replace the politics of war found as belief with the conviction of our faith's resolve!!! Alleviating the tenses of minds self deceits and the automated response of minds loss of feeling in a reality totality that encompasses the heart of all that it is that matters. #notonethingdenied Heart less ness or heartfullness, bondage or embodiment, separation or unity, souls departure or souls expanse, natural order or rank n order, divided and dis associative or unified complex and whole, domination or dominion, duality or oneness, conscious cocreators or unconscious destroyers, ego or soul!?! One builds and one destroys, one expands and one consumes, one will die for what it believes and one will only kill. When the width of our hearts can encompass the heights of our lights and the depths of our depravity, in time and at once, all illusions dripping ever so slowly away as we once more dear friend's fall victim to our Love!!!! !!! !! Then and only then My Friend's; Four goes and One remains!! #soulspeak #noonegetsleftbehind This is the Heart's warm glow and the only dominion Earth will ever house. #manymansions And so it is..... See more

Consciousness Elations 22.12.2020

Jungian Studies "Anytime a person makes a leap in development it means that this individual has included within the scope and field of his/her life a far ...greater range of things than were there before, things of meaning, things that become part of the nexus of conscious life, that vastly, or perhaps just significantly, increase the range of experience of oneself, and inevitably of the world and of others. I'm reminded of some lines of Ortega y Gassett: So many things fail to interest us, simply because they don't find in us enough surfaces on which to live, and what we have to do then is to increase the number of planes in our mind, so that a much larger number of themes can find a place in it at the same time. That whole process is one of increase, enlargement, growing complexity of psychic life. Jung pointed to this process constantly and consistently, and it is, I believe, primarily what he is about. He made it clear that there is a great value to be attached to that kind of integration. Our image of the "line" grows to become one of a psychological space between the opposites and takes into account the notion of "value" of position within the space. To express this value, I will draw the line rising toward the middle. It might take on the shape of the familiar bell curve that you may remember from your courses in statistics. It might look like the roof of a house rising to a peak in the middle. The midpoint is the place of maximum value and integration, the place of maximum realization of the possibilities of a personality. Once again, I don't think it is in the cards for every one of us in fact to reach the peak point. What that point really means is that there has been a psychic development of such a magnitude that life no longer consists to that individual of separated, isolated, contradictory aspects. Life feels like a totality, a wholeness, a unity. My sense is that there are persons in the human story who have actually experienced that. Some (are the familiar pioneers of human experience. I think it is not the exclusive list of those who have "attained," as the Sufis would have it, but that there is attainment everywhere in life, in places and persons one would not imagine. It reminds me of the last paragraph of the great novel Middlemarch by George Eliot in which the author, after the wonderful weaving of stories that unite many lives, says of the heroine Dorothea: Her full nature. . . spent itself in channels which had no great name on the earth. But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive; for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs. This is also true of the panorama of psychological development. It is, to say the least, not entirely administered through institutes and associations and analytical endeavors. The process of development, growth, and realization is an archetypal reality, a pressure in Nature that struggles to happen, and it does happen. What we do with all of our efforts at developing and understanding and practicing psychologies and undertaking the difficult task of analysis, is to help that process along. But it is a profoundly rooted archetypal energy in the soul, and it goes on everywhere and at all times. That is why it is important to hold oneself open in the whole matter of human relationship and encounter. We never know if the person we meet might not have attained a good deal more value than we have. Now we have created a symbol: something that points to the character of the continuum between the opposites in a psychological and developmental point of view. We have added the notion of value to what we can express. We can say with this picture that there is a value to be obtained by moving from the ends of the spectrum toward the center. What are the consequences of not doing so? Jung was very much about this also. What I am describing is nothing less than a revolution in patterns of thought and judgment and a way of being in the world a kind of metanoia, which is a Greek word that combines the notion of "repentance," that is, a feeling of contrition and regret, with that of a "new mindedness," that is, a revised understanding about life. With this as an end to my reflections today, I am reminded of a story, one appropriate to tell here in this Meeting House, from the account in the Book of Luke, Chapter 13 (RSV). (Jesus is talking with a group of followers who are all abuzz with two recent catastrophic events in the area.) There were some present at that very time who told him of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered thus? I tell you, No: but, unless you repent, ye will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and killed them, do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, No: but, unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. In my view of this episode, Jesus was saying that if people remain in an old and incorrect way of thinking about how the world works one in which there is a simple causal relationship between events in which God gives good things to the good and bad things to the bad they are trapped in wrong, simplistic thinking and utterly fail to comprehend that in this world things just happen. They will "perish" in a psychological sense because their vision of the Transcendent is puerile and sterile. This way of understanding is puerile because it conceives of God as a sort of lofty referee apportioning out events in the world according to a naive scheme of causalistic reward and punishment. It is sterile because it fails to comprehend that the Divine actually works in the souls of men and women to transform and deepen their grasp of the psychic reality in the process of individuation, and this failure actually blocks that process. In the short parable that follows the account in Luke, an orchard owner is dissatisfied with a tree that for three years gave no fruit and instructs his gardener to uproot the tree. The gardener asks permission to put manure around the roots and wait another year before giving it up. How striking that tree is as an image of a personality caught in a static, non-fertile and fruitless condition! And, how provocative to think that there might be, even in such a dire and depressed state, a possibility of new energy and new life. In regard to metanoia, Paul wrote to the Corinthians about repentance using the expression: "I rejoice not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed unto repentance." When Paul writes "unto repentance," he uses the word eis metanoian, which means "to the point that you made a change." The psychological wisdom in this story is resonant with the deepest instruction I have found in Jung's psychology: We are all invited to nothing less than a metanoia, a new mindedness. In regard to metanoia, Paul wrote to the Corinthians about repentance using two expressions: "I rejoice not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed unto repentance" (eis metanoian = 'unto repentance', meaning "to the point that you made a change"); in writing, "I do not repent..." he used the word metamelomai, which is equivalent to Latin poenitet me = I am sorry. The two Greek expressions are often translated by exactly the same word, i.e. "repentance" in English. What was true then is true on this Sunday afternoon in Media, Pennsylvania. The psychological wisdom in this story is resonant with the deepest instruction I have found in Jung's psychology: We are all invited to nothing less than a metanoia, a new mindedness." ~ Alden Josey A talk given September 27, 1998 to the Round Table Associates, an organization in the Philadelphia area that has been devoted to the study of Jungian ideas for the past 30 years. https://www.cgjungpage.org//178-what-is-jung-about-and-wha _______________ Image ~ "Holding the tension of the opposites is exemplified by the unity of male and female energies. Our brains employ two mutually exclusive systems in tension: empathy and analytic thinking. We can't think empathically and analytically at the same time. The new study suggests a new explanation: both networks focus on external stimuli, but one is for social problems and the other is for analytical problems, and when the one concerned with one type of problem is engaged, the neural pathways for the other type are repressed." ~ Iona Miller https://www.facebook.com/iona.miller