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Katherine McKay Energetics 07.01.2021

This is a wonderful high-energy day promising big breakthroughs and real progress. Expect this day full of pleasant and unexpected surprises, nice twists of fat...es, and quirky happenings. A day to be filled up with the wonder and energy of life, a time when you'll find it easy to sail through your work, clear your commitments and really get on top of things. Also possible major steps forward towards big changes which lead us toward our heartfelt hopes and dreams. This is a bright fresh happy day. Make sure you put your energy into this and enjoy every minute of it ! Quote for today is I fill my life with abundance and joyful happenings, because I choose it !!!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 04.01.2021

As we fine tune ourselves and look for what we are wanting in our lives, the closer we get to our desired outcome. www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 01.01.2021

It is a human propensity to fear growth and expansion. We are more likely to stay where we are, instead of reaching for our full potential. I love to study and reflect on the signs that mother nature provides us. It is spring, a time of growth and expansion. Have the courage to sprout and grow and push yourself to your full potential !!!Affirmation for the day " We are radiant strong beings filled with the power of love, beyond our expectations !!!!." www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 21.12.2020

Who are you ? I am all that there is. All I need to do is encompass that knowing and embrace that knowledge. When we connect to our hearts and listen to our inn...er voice, we access this amazing force that is beyond description. This force moves mountains and remove all limitations. www.katherinemckayenergetics.com See more

Katherine McKay Energetics 06.11.2020

Energetic vibrational alignment is Everything!!!! As we pay attention to how we feel and align ourselves to joy and excited anticipation, we open the doors to our happiness!!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 26.10.2020

In the whisperings of silence lies the answers and the unfoldment of miracles. www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 16.10.2020

Merry Christmas everyone. Many blessings and love!!! www.katherinemckayenergeitcs.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 02.10.2020

I drew the stone pink transparent calcite today. This stone represents emotional healing, compassion and joy. We are living in interesting times and when we realize that we are supported on so many levels. We will know that the journey to living in our joy is imminent and all we need to do is surrender to our happiness. It is that simple!!! Open yourself to non-judgement and acceptance of all things including yourself and allow the unconditonal love that has always been present. It is aligning to it that allows it to be present in your life. Have a fabulous day. www.katherinemckayenergeitcs.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 25.09.2020

The energies are ramping up. We are beginning to know that we are the designers of our lives. One of my main focuses of late is watching my inner thoughts and reflections of life. What I am noticing is a quicker manifestation of my true desires. The key is to take time out of our busy lives and really figure out what our true desires are !!! It"s like baking a cake we can decide choclate, vanilla or something in between.( maybe red velvet ...yummm.) Affirmation for today is... " My life unfolds based on my predominant thoughts." www.katherinemckayenergietics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 17.09.2020

Life is a flowing river of energy - and when it is blocked for any length of time it behaves exactly as water does..it stagnates. When we fail to consistently assess our position and attitudes in relation to life - in general, and on a personal level - we too begin to stagnate. So on a day ruled by Adjustment, we need to take stock of ourselves. Have a look at habitual or routine behaviour, and decide whether it is appropriate to your current state of mind, and position. Some...times a thing becomes outdated, and loses its value as we change and alter. If you find anything like this decide to let go of it, to clear the way for new more appropriate actions. Affirmation: I move towards balance and harmony. (from Angel Path Tarot ) www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 31.08.2020

I can't believe it is mid September already.! The enegies are so ripe for living your dreams. The key is owning and living the vibrational equivalent and knowing you can achieve it! www.katherinemckayenergietics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 21.08.2020

Could not of said it any better!!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 12.08.2020

Each step takes us on the path of our amazingness.The key is knowing this and to hold the space for goodness in our lives. www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 01.08.2020

Life is what you make it, you choose !!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 13.07.2020

I was sitting this morning in my daily practise of listening to my inner self and the message i recieived was loud and clear. Life is meant to be an amazing unfoldment of ease and bliss. The only thing we need to do is align ourselves to the allowance of it. So practise what life would look like if everything in our lives is turning up roses !!! ( Got me thinking where did that saying come from lol)... www.katherinemckayenergetics.com See more

Katherine McKay Energetics 06.07.2020

Allow yourself to be inspired!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 20.06.2020

I was up very early this morning, 3:00 clock in fact. Drove my daughter to the airport. She is headed off to Daytona, Florida on a trip she won through work . What I noticed in being up so early is a tranquility and peace of mind.My creative juices were flowing and my level of connection was so acute. I think I am going to practise this weekly. Wake up really early atleast once day a week and get an amazing start to the day. I guess this is what they meant when they said "the early bird catches the worm", lol katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 11.06.2020

Life can be a very busy event. Though sometimes we need to slow down and look at where we are and reflect on where we are going. Today the energies support inner reflection and connection to ourselves. Affirmation: I look inwards to expand and to understand myself.and my true essence www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 09.06.2020

As simple as it gets!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 20.05.2020

Quote for the day www.katherinemckayenergeitcs.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 02.05.2020

When we look at life as glass half empty or glass half full the attention of it determines our outcome. I have seen many individuals get caught up in the illusion of strife and lack . We choose our outcome and todays energy allows us to move mountains!!! Affirmation: Obstacles or challenges are achievements waiting to happen, love it www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 15.04.2020

Today is about self-love, self-trust and self- reliance. When we develope these qualites in ourselves we become a beacon for others. When we share our light with others we allow others to create the same qualities in themselves. Affirmation:. Love flows into my life endlessly for I focus on all things that create the energy of love and let the rest go !!!!... www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 01.04.2020

How often do we judge ourselves ? The way we see ourselves in the world and in our minds eye, becomes the reflection and energy we see in the outside world ! So take time today and watch your inner thoughts and focus on loving and embracing all parts of your magnificent SELF!!! Affirmation : I love and accept myself unconditonally. www.katherinemckayenergetics,com

Katherine McKay Energetics 18.03.2020

I love this quote by Sigmund Freud "Thought is Action in Rehearsal " www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 07.03.2020

We all have the ability to be great. it is all choice. I found this great quote on pinterest and it was a summation of all that!!!! www.katherinemckayenergeitcs.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 16.02.2020

The definition for empathy is broken down to mean "en (em) in ,+ pathos, feeling. The ability to sense intellectually and emotionally the emotions, feelings and reactions that another person is experiencing and to communicate that understanding to the person effectively. The feeling of oneself as being in and part of them." (The Dictionary - Medical Definition by Farlex) We are all in a sense empathic most of us have shut this ability down or tune it out. An example of experi...encing an empathic feeling would be: when we go to a social event and we go in feeling a little drained or upbeat and over time we experience our energy shift to the vibe of the social event. This ability to sense our environment is an amazing gift and we all have the opportunity to develop. When I work with my clients I share this knowledge and give them tools to clear their own energy field. Many of my clients have informed me that in the past they have been exhausted at the end of the day, but now with these tools, they are feeling refreshed at the end of the day. For myself this gift has been crucial in tuning into my clients energy field and assessing the blocks and or imbalances that exist. Over the years I have honed my abilities paying attention to the energies that I pick up in my clients. It allows me to essentially scan the clients body to understand the energy blocks and emotional blocks. With that knowledge, I am able to move the energy to a place where it shifts and I able to sense and feel that shift when it occurs. I am privileged to have this ability and I share this knowledge with my clients and students and therefore they are able to strengthen their own abilities. www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 29.01.2020

As of late I have noticed an even more thinning of the veil of creation or manifestation. I have noticed that those things that I put energy into and relax about. In letting go of attending to the unfoldment of the desire. Staying in a place of trust. Doing the next inspired action. My life has taken on a magical quality. Its like everything is turning up roses. So stay in a place of trust and dream big. For the unfoldment is likely when you stay in a place of surrender and... joy. Affirmation: Success is mine and my life is a magical unfoldment of my positve and dominant thoughts. www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 13.01.2020

I have known about coconut oil and the benefits for quite sometime. Years ago I tried to implemnet it into my shakes the only problem is coconut oil solidifies when cold or at room temperature. So there is a new thing out called the bullet proof coffee diet and they put the coconut oil directly into a hot beverage.. Well i figured this is the key put the cold pressed exta virgin coconut oil in my coffee or tea. The results have been phenomenal. I can literally feel the energy... and nutrients immediately nourishing my eyes and brain. Opening up the channels of much needed nourishment. Coconut oil contains MCT which offers the brain nutrients and have shown results in helping with cognitive repair and even with the conditons such as "Alzeimers." There are so many benefits of coconut oil besides cognitive repair.It helps with weight loss The fatty acids in coconut oil can assist in reducing your appetite.The list goes on from skin protection to bad cholesterol reduction and much more. If you check it out online there are over 10 health benefits of coocnut oil. So every morning I put 1 tablespoon in my coffee and I am feeling amazing.Try it and see how you feel. www.katherinemckayenergetics.com See more

Katherine McKay Energetics 05.01.2020

When we are in harmony with ourselves we are in harmony with the Universe. So choose supportive self talk and you will see how you align to your best!!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 26.12.2019

Each day we have the choice to expand in the direction of greatness!! To seek out the true essense of who we are. To really dive deep into the abyss of our genuine core, our soul, our seed essense. Today is about asking deeper questions.To really know what inspires you. What creates such passion that nothing can stop you from following through. Its a magical day when we know that anything is possible, when we harness our true desires.... Affirmation " My life is everything I decide it will be " www.katherinemckayenergetics.com Katherine Mckay's photo.

Katherine McKay Energetics 20.12.2019

Have you ever been in a place where you had no idea as to where to turn? You were stuck and didn't have the answers? You wanted to talk to someone you just didn't know who? Who could understand what you were going through and who could offer positive solutions? This is what inspired me and this is what motivates me! The creation of Mind Over Matter Foundation was inspired by Source, offering a solution for our local community, bringing us back to a place of belonging... There is a solution, where you can have those questions answered and I believe it is this foundation. Please come and support us and launch this amazing resource for all !!!!. http://www.mindovermatterfoundation.com/ See more

Katherine McKay Energetics 04.12.2019

Do you feel tired? Stressed? Anxious? Drained? Overwhelmed? Join us for our first workshop, "Bio- Energy Wellness Workshop with Richard Lehwald!" on May 3rd! DATE: MAY 3, 2016 TIME: 6:30PM-8PM... LOCATION: WHITBY'S BOOKSTORE, 14877 MARINE DR, WHITE ROCK, BC V4B 1C2 Learn how to: Understand the energy around us, how it affects us and our health -- energetically, mentally and physically. Test your personal energy field using the BioScan* method. (BioScan: is an electrical device that can measure your personal energy field) Improve your individualized energetic wellbeing BUY NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT! Only 30 seats available! http://www.mindovermatterfoundation.com//bio-energy-wellne

Katherine McKay Energetics 18.11.2019

Mental health and wellbeing affects everyone. Many of us struggle with circumstances that affect our mental stability and emotions on a daily basis.Mind over Matter Foundation's mission is to provide educational services in mental health and wellbeing, connecting members of our community with local experts and bridging the gap between conventional treatments (such as medical treatments or government support services) and holistic/natural options and information. http://www.mindovermatterfoundation.com/

Katherine McKay Energetics 12.11.2019

The energy today is about gratefulness and counting our blessings. We have a tendency to get caught up in our daily lives and struggles, that we overlook all our blessings and gifts that exist now for us!!! So today open yourself to the infinite blessings that exist for you See yourself surrounded by happy and loving energy. Beauty and wonderment abounds in our lives all we need to do is open ourselves up to seeing it.... Look to the skies and you will see the magnificence ot the world we live in. When we take time to honor our amazing blessings and to be grateful for the gifts we have, we fill our souls with the warmth and energy of pure exhilaration!!! When we become lighter, the energy of hope becomes the way of life. This is where miracles exist and where energy moves and supports us in a direction of unimaginable unfoldment. Affirmation: My life fills me with wonder and light www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 06.11.2019

I woke this morning 3:00 am to a beautiful presense, Archangel Chamuel. I was so overwhelmed by the presence of unconditional love. The message I received was so supportive and reassuring. A group of us have just launched a non-profit foundation, Mind Over Matter Foundation. "A community educating and supporting Mental Wellbeing" Archangel Chamuel informed me that this foundation will be bring hope and assist in bring harmony to many.... I was so overwhelmed by his message and humbled by the energy and support being offered from the invisible realms. Feeling Blessed!!! Affirmation: I live in harmony and balance and reside in Peace for I know that only love is Real!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 27.10.2019

Many energeitc shifts are occurring right now. We have the opportunity to opt out of the illusion that we are small and insignificant. ! If you are experiencing doubts or limiting beliefs about yourself realize you are not alone. We all now have a chance to release these feelings about who we think we are (Ego) and to move into a place of appreciating ourselves and really honoring who we are, greatness !!!.... Affirmation: As I focus on my light and my greatness I allow the energy of love to embrace me and therefore give others permission to do the same www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 10.10.2019

We are here to learn how to enter into life with high expectations and we do this with an open heart. The key to this is to be ready to receive and to allow our emotions to be our guidance system When we are feeling elation and excitement, we know we are in alignment!! Today ask to cross the threshold,into the flow of the river of unconditional love. When we focus on the support that life offers us. We expand this energy into all aspects of our lives... Affirmation: I am part of the endless river of love.and therefore I celebrate -Me !!!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 08.10.2019

I love to open a page in this amazing book by Ann Mortifee In Love with the Mystery" Here is the page I opened to today,enjoy!!! The Subtler Senses The reality of this world is revealed through the five senses of the body in which we travel.Do not limit yourself to what can be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled. Other realities can be revealed through senses that we have either lost or not yet found. Cultivate the subtler senses. Listen for the sound beyond hearing, the ...sight beyond what your eyes can perceive. Sense the Presence beyond understanding and worlds will be reavealed Have a fabulous day!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com See more

Katherine McKay Energetics 21.09.2019

Yesterday was the unveiling of the *NEW MOON* or referred to as a SuperMoon that lies in Aries. This begins a fresh start that allows us to see the new way our lives can unfold. We are moving out of last month’s Lunar Eclipse, which definitely stirred things up for many. The new moon energy will direct us on our path to our new adventure. We get to choose our destiny. We can choose either freedom or fear.It is entirely up to us. So take time to sit in a place of trust a...nd worthiness and choose "Freedom" Bring your spiritual awareness into play and help birth a free,balanced and healthy world. Where we realiize that we are the co-creators of our world and with Mother Earths blessings. We have the potential to create a paradise here in this 3 dimensioanl reality, we call Earth Its all up to us!! .Choose a harmonious vibration or chaotic vibration ? Affirmation" I live in my heart center where all is well in my world". www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 04.09.2019

I woke up this morning to do my daily posting and the inspiration felt flat. As I sat in the energy a little more I realized my innerness was wanting to be playful today. To be light and airy and maybe be inspired by a joke of the day . So here we go taking it from a lighter perspective and keeping it light, to bring everything into balance for the day. Life can seem to be challenging at times.Though if you try a different outfit on it puts it all into perspective. Prrrfection!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 20.08.2019

The human condition definitely lends to impatience at times.We are always seeking the end result.Searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In actuality the pot of gold exist in the present moment and everything we are searching for exist now!! Once we realize this, the manifestation that we are wanting shows itself Take time today to watch your thoughts. Are you being present or are you thinking of the past or are you getting ahead of yourself?... Affirmation: Today my life is full of blessings, for I am present and breathe and I notice all the gifts that already exist for me and I am in Joy!!! . www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 13.08.2019

oday practise entering into the silence in order to hear your inner knowing Spend time in quiet reflection and opt out of the incessant chatter of the mind.. When we do this we access enormous amounts of information. We have an ancient ability to read the signs of life all we need to do is still the mind. Give yourself time to meditate and to listen to inward!!! :Affirmation: My intuition allows me to connect to the Divine ...and then I breathe.... www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 11.08.2019

Today is a day that allows us to access the power of where the creation of our dreams begin This power is available to all of us, if we open ourselves up and allow it to flow into our lives. It changes our views and strengthens our resolve It nurtures us through even the most challenging of times. It brings serenity, exitement,love and passion into our lives, by its simple presence.... So here is something that will allow you to be present in this energy and will allow you to access it. Sit down and allow yourself to relax. Roll your shoulders around to release the tension and open your chest area and focus on your breathing. Allow your breathing....to be easy and relaxed. This will encourage you to center yourself and to become aware of your innerself When you reach a place where your body feels relaxed and centered, bring your attention to the area in the middle of your chest, your heart chakra. Breathe in, and keep your attention on your heart center. As you breathe out, imagine that you see a beautiful flower opening in the center of your heart chakra. Breath in again, and allow it to flow into the center of the flower.Imagine the warmth and support of unconditional love ,that the Universe always has for you. Sit with this energy and I guarantee you, you will experience a completely different veiw of the your life in awe. Affirmation: Source energy, God Essence is with me and I am completely supported and loved and ---- I am!!!! www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 03.08.2019

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. The lymphatic system primarily consists of lymphatic vessels, which are similar to the circulatory system's veins and capillaries. The vessels are connected to lymph nodes, where the lymph is filtered. The t...onsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system. Reference: Lymphatic System: Facts, Functions & Diseases by Kim Ann Zimmermann, Live Science Contributor Deep breathing is essential for the lymphatic system. An exercise that I do to assist the lymph system is deep breathing. I breathe in for a count of 8, hold for 8 and release for 8. Try this and see how exhilarated you feel after. I do this exercise several times through out the day and I find it helpful for not only my energy levels but for building my immune system. www.katherinemckayenergetics.com

Katherine McKay Energetics 29.07.2019

I was awakened last night by guidance. The message I received was to share the amazing healing qualities of Tumeric or latin name Curcumin. I have been taking Tumeric for years and it really assist with inflammation and is a great detoxifier, especially for the liver. Tumeric also assist in balancing the body since it is a COX2 inhibitor Which means it neutralizes the enzyme that causes the inflammatory response in the body.The thing I love about Tumeric is it does not contra...indicate with medications, so it is safe for everyone I like liquid softgels with bioperine and it is available at most health food stores.My favorite brand is by Botanicals Love Guidance!!!!

Katherine McKay Energetics 16.07.2019

Wow !!! What a powerful night, Thank you for all that attended last nights work shop "Mentoring with Metatron " The energy were so powerful and we all experienced the shifting into alignment of self the "Authentic Self".the star seed essence. I love how the space was held in sacred geometry by all the Ascended Masters and guided my Metatron. Feeling so blessed!!!!!

Katherine McKay Energetics 07.07.2019

I was just thinking about how many people in my life are Aries. I decided to investigate as to why this is and what the sign represented. Here are some of their traits. Those born under the zodiac sign Aries are curious enthusiastic and energetic.They want to create life and make things happen as opposed to being a spectator. They love excitement and it pushes them into new areas,causing them to be extremely action-oriented. Quite interesting and it gave me an insight into my...self! Who do you associate with ? This will give you and indication as to your true nature. We align to individuals that encourage our expansion or not, you choose. " I choose expansion"

Katherine McKay Energetics 19.06.2019

I love what I do!!!. .I work with people to align themselves to their highest good I assist individuals by balancing their energetic system through modalities such as Reiki and Intuitive Guidance .In working with the individual and their energetc and emotional body we are able to creates amazing shifts. Releasing issues that a person holds onto and returning them back to their true essence of self. I love this aspect of uncovering those limiting belief systems that we pick u...p through life and showing a person how to release and let go !!! .I am so blessed to be doing my life purpose work and spreading the knowiness of true blissful living All is good !!!! katherinemckayenergetics.com See more

Katherine McKay Energetics 14.06.2019

A reflection I have for today is : We all take on different roles in life.We are one way this person,one way with our family and a differnet person when we are at work and so on. Let today be about discovering the authentic person who you really are inside.Begin to see that individual and connect with that person and beyond all that, smile and be light in the obsevation.Favorite text line "Laugh Out Loud ". Affirmation: My life and the exploration of me is a constant and wonderous unfoldment and then SMILE !!!!

Katherine McKay Energetics 08.06.2019

Life can be an ever changing stream of water,sometimes calm and other times it can feel like you are immersed in white water rapids . At tmes we wonder if tranquility and ease of life will ever be achieved. Today I drew the card that represents this up and down journey. On a subconscious level the river can be taken to indicate the flow of the subconscious, the emotional Self, We can be tossed about by fast flowing, always-changing feelings.....but with determination, we ca...n reach the other side. So, today know that you have crossed to the other side and life has taken on a new meaning .You have the ability to rise to the challenge and due to this knowing you have faith in yourself!!! Allow yourself to expand in Source,God energy and know that your view on life has been completely transfomed. Affirmation " I have a higher and broader veiw of the workings of the Universe and I celebrate !!!

Katherine McKay Energetics 27.05.2019

I woke up this morning noting the need to connect with my crystals. Crystals are used to balance and assist in healing of the body Ancient civilizations have utilized the power of crystals to release mental, physical and spiritual blockages over thousand of years. Crystals help the energy to flow throughout the body freely. Our bodies on a cellular level are quartz crystal and are made up of mineral silicon-dioxide. For this reason, we are naturally receptive and effected by the vibrations of crystals So today I am specifically drawn to niobium.Niobium allows us to open to the angelic realm ,to be open to receiving guidance. It encourages us to see things from a fresh perspective.and connects us to our rainbow light body and assist us to access our innate abilities to create the things we most desire

Katherine McKay Energetics 12.05.2019

Many people are experiencing an unsettling in their lives. This can be in a form of persistent cold or flu. Feeling off balanced or uncentered. There are many shifts that are occuring, from planetary alignments to lunar and solar eclispes, to collective consciousness shifts. All of these influences are moving us to embrace ourselves. To love ourselves and to nourish and honor who we are. So to ease these shifts embrace your inner child. Love yourself unconditionally and when you need personal time to integrate. Do it without guilt and enjoy the process and realize that you deserve the pampering. "In knowing myself, I come to my center and embrace my true essence"

Katherine McKay Energetics 08.05.2019

How appropriate the timing of this message for the essence of what Easter is all about. Allow yourself to be in touch with the all encompassing and empowering energy of love .This powerful energy flows through the Universe always. When we attune to this deep level of support and love we attune to the unconditonal river of peace and serenity. This allows us to be in touch with our own inner vitality and life force. Affirmation: I now welcome the expansion and renewal of who I truly am into my life.

Katherine McKay Energetics 05.04.2019

" I release all concepts and beliefs that hinder my expansion. . I do this easily for I tune into my center and let go of all things that feel uneasy! Therefore I move into allowance and my Will flows freely and I breathe.

Katherine McKay Energetics 02.03.2019

Each day is a blank canvas ...we decide what colors and paint strokes we get to use. So approach your day with excitement and joyful anticipation and see what unfolds Be delighted in your expression of you !!!.

Katherine McKay Energetics 26.02.2019

A Quote from guidance " I am the center of my focus and therefore I know myself "

Katherine McKay Energetics 11.02.2019

I was watching one of my favorite shows the other day, called "Top Chef," where participants face-off in different culinary challenges each week. In one of the challenges, chefs were asked to think back ten years and design a meal that inspired them from that time in their life... Read more... http://www.katherinemckayenergetics.com/blog/setting-sails

Katherine McKay Energetics 26.01.2019

Meditation is an important daily routine for me. It allows me to center myself. Connect to who I truly am. The key is, breathe and allow yoursel to let go and relax. I use headphones to really connect on a deeper level. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIIEI33EUqI

Katherine McKay Energetics 24.01.2019

Life can be amazing and is amzaing! I believe it is more on how we look at it that determines our outcome. One of my favorite sayings I ask my clients "Is don't think of the color red " Of course it is impossible not to think of the color red. We put more of our attention on the things we do not like and less on the things we are wanting If we change our focus and look at only the things that please us. In time we would see more things that please us .It is that simple, so today spend time focusing on the things that bring you joy and see how quickly more joyful things show up! Qoute for today " I am open to the miracles of life and sit in complete gratitude, " and then breathe,

Katherine McKay Energetics 05.01.2019

This is very timely since the tree enegy has been coming in very strongly lately. .Assisting the transformation of dense energy to the lightness of Source Energy. When ever you feel negative energy ask the trees to clear away the dense energy. It really works, you will be surprised how light you feel after!

Katherine McKay Energetics 20.12.2018

A quote for today that I would like to share.This will assist in allowing the things you want and deserve to come into your life. . "I expect happiness and the grace of life to support my day and I allow the things that I desire to come to me in unexpected and wondrous ways"

Katherine McKay Energetics 08.12.2018

Wow it has been a busy beginning to the Chinese New Year!! The celebration of the Fire Monkey. This is a year that supports any ideal that you want to have momentous energy in. The energy supports the creation of your dreams ! It is the time to step into action and create change, To move in the direction of your chosen new path. The Monkey’s creates enthusiastic energy and risks are rewarded and all things are possible.Obviously use common sense and design your plan with t...hought.Even the most ambitious plans can succeed. This year will provide many opprtunities for action. In the Monkey's energy we can take one step at a time and work our plans as we go through the year. The year of the Fire Monkey.means go!.The color red means take action! The fire element brings passion, creativity, and happiness. So get out there and get engaged in life and listen to the flow of life. If something is not flowing try something new!! I love this saying " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results " So lets all have an amazing Fire Monkey year.and harness the playfull energy of the monkey.Develope your carefreeness and make things happen !!!. See more

Katherine McKay Energetics 27.11.2018

So here we are one month into 2016. Have you moved into the direction you are wanting? I believe we create our dreams. We just need to stop with all the mental chatter that has us doubting the unfolding of them. So lets regroup and set our intentions back on our desires and create the most amazing February ever! Remember that once an ideal comes to you it is already done, all you need to do is allow the Universe to assist you in the creation of your dreams! ... Below is a link from Ester Hicks that will be helpful in the allowing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN9bHvu9sv8 See more

Katherine McKay Energetics 19.11.2018

How often to we get caught up in life? Forgetting to take a moment to slow down and really appreciate the gift of life! We are more likely to be in our heads , concerned about things. We get so busy or stressed about life, that it becomes so easy to forget that our lives and being here is a miracle. We stop noticing the beauty and the things that bring us joy...... we lose our natural ability to be in awe of life, to open ourselves up to the pure pleasure of our existence. T...his is a sad state of affairs, because life is an ever changing matrix of events to show us that miracles are abound and that excitement and elation are ours. All we need to do is look for them and allow them in! What I have found in working with many clients, is we need to practise gratefulness and look for the miracles in our lives.When we hold our attention on the things that bring us joy we open ourselves up to experiencing more!. My affirmation for today is, " I am living the miracle of life and therefore I am present and breathe !!!." See more