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Phone: +1 403-689-5655

Website: www.innermindperformance.com/

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Inner Mind Performance 16.02.2021

You can’t live the life you want if you are sick or dead...

Inner Mind Performance 07.02.2021

Make the change!

Inner Mind Performance 29.01.2021

It’s easy because abondoning yourself is harder It’s easy because pretending to be happy is harder It’s easy because lying to others is harder ... It’s easy because toxic relationships are harder It’s easy because going to bed empty and waking up numb is harder It’s easy because watching another opportunity with your name on it go by is harder It’s easy because having a chronic illness is harder It’s easy because disappointing your children is harder It’s easy because being exhausted everyday is harder It’s easy because living with regret is harder It’s easy because holding onto anger and fear is harder It’s easy because fearing money is harder It’s easy because settling for less everyday is harder Ready to make your life easier by making a change ? Let’s talk today!

Inner Mind Performance 14.01.2021

It’s not your fault !

Inner Mind Performance 27.12.2020

Hypnotherapy for your health

Inner Mind Performance 10.09.2020

Your heart knows. The answers are within.

Inner Mind Performance 04.09.2020

I was speaking to a client the other day after working with her over the past few months. For years she wanted to own a gym, she wanted to find her perfect partner and she wanted to feel empowered in her life. She had been doing all the right things. Working hard, meditating, reading the self help books yet she wasnt obtaining her goals or desires. We worked together to reveal she had a lot of beliefs and past experiences reminding she couldnt have what she wanted. ... We reconciled/got rid those memories that were attached to some negative emotions, mostly fear and never feeling good enough/ worthy of success. Within weeks she started to see a shift in how she approached everyday circumstances. She found a renewed hope and ACTUALLY started to create opportunities to make things happen. She called me up and said jokingly we have a new problem, for the first time I think I truly believe I CAN HAVE EVERYTHING IVE EVER WANTED!!! She told me she was putting in a offer for a gym she had come across for sale through a friend she hadnt spoken to in years... and she suddenly had multiple potential partners to date which she felt very optimistic about. What changed? We reprogrammed her unconscious mind which allowed for hope and creativity to take over. Your mind is a powerful tool! See more

Inner Mind Performance 20.08.2020

Thats the funny thing about life, we do know what we want... we unconsciously put requests out there making mental notes of what we want, like, and dislike. Then your unconscious mind works with the universe to create and give you exactly what you want. So whats the problem ? The dilemma is sometimes it comes to you in ways you did not plan, anticipate or expect. And it looks differently than what you may have imagined or didnt imagine. 18 months ago i set out some ...specific goals I wanted in my business and personal life. Certain I would obtain these desires and goals one day. However I did not anticipate or expect I would be living BC in order to achieve them. In fact it wasnt on my radar even 6 months ago until I was asked if I would ever consider working and living in BC. Of course I replied with thats a hard no and it doesnt make sense at all for me to be there... or does it? Little did I know Id be moving there a few months later. Turns out everything I wanted on my list from 18 months ago happened to be in BC.... Dont get tunnel vision or back yourself in a corner because things dont look exactly the way they think they should... Learn to look for opportunity even if its outside your box, stay open and flexible and let go, even if its uncomfortable temporary. See more

Inner Mind Performance 13.08.2020

I had a client come to me who was doing alright in their real estate business but knew she could be making more money. She had the skills and the talents to be thriving, in fact she told me there was a point 5 years ago where she was killing it. I asked her what changed and we began to explore what was holding her back. To her surprise her lack of success was not caused by external forces ie, a slower market ... She spit out... omg I had a deal that went sour with some clients 5 years ago... I felt totally responsible for not getting them the house they wanted, thats when things started to slow down for me Bingo She had an experience that created a limiting belief and her unconscious mind was working against her goals to protect her from recreating that situation by stopping her from fully meeting her potential again... Guess what... we changed the belief and she messaged me 3 weeks after working together... You are never going to believe this, Ive been busier than Ive ever been and more importantly I got my drive and passion back for real estate! Im going to surpass where I was 5 years ago Bingo. See more

Inner Mind Performance 07.08.2020

You know. You absolutely know what you want. But you are stuck and telling yourself you dont know is a a protective mechanism... from what? Thats something we can discover in a 30 min complimentary coaching consult ... And you tell yourself you dont know what you want because fear and guilt of whatever other emotion is in the way is protecting you from something deeper. Once you know what you are protecting yourself from and get rid of those emotions, your desires w...ill start to speak up. And it will be so easy to take action! The question is are you ready to let go of the emotional obstacles and own your passion? Because trust me. It will be worth it... See more

Inner Mind Performance 27.07.2020

I was speaking a entrepreneur client, as they were struggling to make a personal decision, he expressed that no matter what he decided on, it would be a disaster. I asked him And what if you decided it doesnt have to be a disaster, it may be uncomfortable for a short peroid of time AND what if no matter what you chose it worked out exactly how you wanted it to? I explained to him that you get to decide if its going to be a disaster or not. It may be uncomfortable a...nd require letting go of perceived emotions but no matter what you choose the key is to be flexible while focusing on the bigger picture, the outcome you want. Decide today that things always work out for you, let go of the mentality that change is difficult and disaster is looming. If you are struggling to train your mind to be positive and create a positive outcome in your life, I can help with that. See more

Inner Mind Performance 10.07.2020

Life isnt really that complicated, we make it more complicated than it needs to be. We were designed to be creative, happy and successful. If you arent experiencing those things then the unconscious mind lets you know thats a problem... the unconscious mind also recognizes when there is possibility, happiness and success. In fact, you created the door and it was always unlocked. Society tells you that its locked. Its not and there is no key. You just have to silence the conscious mind. Trust what you already know and walk through the unlocked door.

Inner Mind Performance 02.07.2020

I worked with a client, a health practitioner/ coach the other day. She proceeded to tell me that she had been working on a relationship problem in her business for the past year. Trying to convince herself that it was an ongoing problem it and it needed time to change. Consistency is important in success AND change can happen in a instant. ... My client agreed to change her perspective and we worked through it in a hour. She messaged me the other morning telling me she had an enormous shift and suddenly what she had been working on for the past year, disappeared! Dont get stuck convincing yourself you are working on it, sometimes time works against you. Get the help you need and make the change instantly. If you are looking for a shift after much of your own effort, dm me to have explore more of that. See more

Inner Mind Performance 16.06.2020

Turn your mind off! Get outside, go for a walk, sit under a tree, be alone with your thoughts. Empty your thoughts. Sit there until you have peace. The answers are within. Connect to yourself and your surroundings. If you do this and you cant find peace or find the answers to your questions or struggle to silence your mind, then its time to book an Inner Awareness Guided Meditation with me. ... You will experience the clarity and peace you didnt even know existed. You deserve peace of mind. See more

Inner Mind Performance 06.06.2020

My aunt who is a successful business owner was telling me the other day about a client that was irritating her. I offered my advice around boundaries and changing some of her standards so she wouldnt have to deal with clients who waste her time. She said to me, ... you know what? yup, aint nobody got time for patty cakes I laughed Patty cakes!?! What do you mean? Games, mind games, you know like the hand game patty cake, I dont have time to sit around and play games. Time to make some changes Shes right. Theres so much more you can be accomplishing if you just stop playing games that dont give you the results you want. Time to make some changes. Are you done playing patty cake? Ready to make some changes ? See more

Inner Mind Performance 03.06.2020

I meet too many people who are still hung up on the past. Who feel the need to play out old stories over and over again to punish themselves for the should have, could haves and would haves. YOU ARE NOT YOUR MISTAKES. In fact there are no mistakes. JUST LESSONS. Learn the lesson and get on with your life, you have too much potential to hold yourself hostage or to let others cage you with judgement. Move on. Let that shit go.

Inner Mind Performance 29.05.2020

I walked into one of my clients office to pay him a visit. I noticed on his computer screen backdrop he had the phrase HOW CAN I ........ I asked him about it and he said well every morning I ask myself that question with whatever task or obstacle I may be facing that day... I smiled as we had been working together with him on finding solutions to some of his business mindset struggles. So many people get stuck on WHY they dont have the results they want... Instead ask yourself these questions: How can I have the life I want? How can I (fill in the blank) ? How can I move towards success? So I challenge you to do the same today. How can I ..... See more

Inner Mind Performance 23.05.2020

Confidence! - a feeling of self-assurance arising from ones appreciation of ones own abilities or qualities. I want more confidence in... ... Fill in the blanks! Making decisions Relationships Work Speaking Appearance Projects Performing Fitness I have yet to meet a client or person who doesnt want more confidence in a certain area of their life. Guess what! I help with that! Because when you are confident you achieve more, attract more and overall feel better about yourself and life is too short to not be doing it confidently! What do you want more confidence in ? See more

Inner Mind Performance 08.05.2020

Was speaking with a colleague the other day, she seemed extremely happy at the time. I asked her what she was doing... chopping onions ... I laughed. do onions always make you this happy well yes, actually, Ive come to a place in my life where everything is a joyful experience She laughed. Having known her for a few years now, I agreed, rarely have I seen or heard her complain or be unhappy about anything. In fact shes one of the happiest persons I know. Shes also one of the most successful people I know. I fundamentally believe they go together. Everything we do should came from a place of joy... How much healthier, easier and more productive and successful would you be if you embodied joy? Dm me if you want more joy. See more

Inner Mind Performance 24.04.2020

Theres no need to get lost in the rat race of achieving your goals... You. will. get. there. In the mean time, celebrate today. All that you have accomplished, the life you have now. Know that today is just as exciting as tomorrow and today is enough, and for today you are enough.

Inner Mind Performance 16.04.2020

Ive worked with many clients who are visionaries. They set plans and goals and then come to me disappointed because life didnt pan out they way they expected. Heres what I teach my clients. Its important to set goals, to set standards and boundaries and lay out a framework of how you want your life to work/ be. However heres the key. ... Let go. Your unconscious mind is a directive. It likes specific tasks and is always seeking to achieve what it has been told. So set your intentions and plans, set your goals and imagine the best possible outcome. Then let go. Be open and flexible to change. Detach from the result. You dont need to remind yourself daily what you want. It already knows, in fact focusing too much on what you want may steer your unconscious mind into conflict with the conscious mind, what you are perceiving may not align what you are creating. Let go. See more

Inner Mind Performance 27.03.2020

Had a client come to me recently. Listing off all the things people say he is and why he cant be successful in his real estate business... ok cool. Well whenever youre done identifying with that label you can tear off the imaginary name tag stuck across your chest and throw it in the garbage... because Im not interested in who people say you are, Im interested in who you think you are and who you want to be Im not interested in who people say you are, Im inter...ested in who you think you are and who you want to be, Im interested in the goals you want to achieve and getting you results.. You are a human being having a human experience and how you appear to someone whether thats now or in the past is not who you are today or how you appear to others shouldnt hold you back. You get to define you. You are allowed to change. If you are struggling with labels that arent benefiting you , Im happy to work with you to eliminate them so you can step into your best self. So are you ready to peel off all the old name tags and redefine yourself? See more

Inner Mind Performance 18.03.2020

Let me introduce myself ... I love being in the sun and outdoors, NATURE is my sanctuary. Im a runner and I am PASSIONATE about health and fitness I am also passionate about everyone leaving a PURPOSEFUL fulfilled life ... I believe we are all able to CREATE the life we want and it should be an enjoyable process I love to ANALYZE people and patterns and I seemed to have knack for it I believe life is a gift and an ADVENTURE if you choose it to be I am a huge ADVOCATE for personal growth and self development I believe knownledge is POWERFUL and applied knowledge is even more powerful Ive discovered a lot in my life and am continually LEARNING how the mind works Im on a MISSION to help those around me see they are pure potential, they can have a STRESS FREE, successful life, however they want that to be. See more

Inner Mind Performance 08.03.2020

Speaking to a gf the other day about something someone had said to me the other day... it caught me off guard and rubbed me the wrong way. I recounted the situation to her and she said dont make it a thing and we moved onto a different topic ... Dont make it a thing...... Was I making a nothing into a something so it was a thing? Why do I need a thing? I dont think I need or want a thing right now. I decided in that moment I didnt need a thing. And let the situation go and went on with my day. How quickly we make things into things! How we take a passing comment and create conflict and stories around it. Things can be great distractions whether positive or negative. Sometimes its necessary to address but how many things can we just let go of so they dont become a thing... Generally life has enough worthwhile things that need our attention... What thing do you need to let go of ? See more

Inner Mind Performance 04.03.2020

Got in the car with a friend to go on a hike a while back. 30 seconds into our drive we were already deep into a conversation catching up on life. He looks at me and abruptly interjects: whats holding you back? ... Puzzled as that was coming out of nowhere and had absolutely nothing to do with what we were discussing. I paused with deep reflection being the Innermind specialist I am... .... nothing He smiled: exactly, can you put your seat belt on now. I laughed not realizing I had completely forgotten to buckle up. It got me thinking, Sometimes the things that hold us back need to be there temporarily for our safety during necessary transits... however staying buckled up sitting in the parking lot would not be beneficial for you if you were wanting to go on a hike or level up in life. This is when you would want to unbuckle yourself so you can get on with your journey. Do you need help figuring out if you should be buckled up or if its time to unbuckle yourself? See more

Inner Mind Performance 27.02.2020

I went for a walk with a fellow coach/ friend before I ventured out to BC again for some work. We hugged goodbye in the parking lot. She looked me in the eyes and said: You can do anything. ... Wow! What powerful words those are!!! They kind of scared me since Im usually the one delivering those words to clients not the one receiving them. You. Can. Do. Anything. But can I ? And how? Hmmmm the that line didnt sit as right as it should. Saying I can, felt too optional. And saying anything, felt too flippant and abstract. I quickly changed the phrase to I will do anything I choose to do Much better! A quick reframe and I felt like I could own it and it was an achievable statement. I do this with clients all the time. Reframing their perspective and goals so they can own it, while feeling like its actually achievable. What do you need to reframe today? See more

Inner Mind Performance 15.02.2020

I was working with a client the other day. She lived 40 mins away from her office. She was annoyed and repulsed every time she got in her car to drive to work. Thinking she had issues with driving, time management and her career, she would continually showed up late every single day for work. It was significantly effecting her overall happiness in life. After working with her to get rid of negative emotions and limiting decisions, which actually had nothing to do wit...h driving, time management and her career. She finally felt she had permission to say You know what...its not working for me so why am I forcing myself to drive 40 mins to my office everyday, its just not working for me! After a year of spending so much time and energy doing something she thought she had to do, she realized it wasnt worth it. All it took were a few tweaks to realize how she could make it work, so she could enjoy her life again. She found a new office that week, within 5 mins from her home. If it doesnt work for you why are you forcing yourself to do it that way? Maybe its time to shift those limiting decisions so you can find something that does work for you? See more

Inner Mind Performance 02.02.2020

While I was staying in BC with a friend, she had this beautiful peach tree right by her front patio. Id sit by this tree every morning to have breakfast. Often out of a nowhere a small unformed peach would just fall to the ground. The ground was covered in these tiny peaches that would just shrivel up. ... I finally asked my friend why there were so many unripe peaches on the ground? (wondering if something was wrong with the tree.) She replied Peach trees JUST KNOW if the fruit is viable or not, if the peach on the tree is isnt going to fully form, the tree just drops it to conserve energy and focus on the peaches that will be viable. What are you putting energy into that isnt bearing prosperous fruit? What do you need to drop so you can spend more time and energy on the things that are important to you? See more

Inner Mind Performance 15.01.2020

4 Keys to Success If you want to attain and maintain success, here are some keys Ive learned from successful people and what I practice myself. 1. Get outside ... The most successful people I know, make a conscious effort to be outside almost everyday, if not everyday they make spending long bouts in nature a priority. 2. Turn off the TV The most successful people I know dont watch a lot of tv, if any. They are very select with what they watch and limit their time. They find more inspiring ways to relax and would rather engage in mindful hobbies. 3. Unplug The most successful people I know make it a habit to frequently turn off their phone/ emails/ work/ responsibilities and completely isolate or devote quality time to fun or meaningful relationships. They know the importance of variety. 4. They dont pay too much attention to outside world events The most successful people I know are aware of world events but dont get sucked it. They stay in their lane. They have an objective point of view of whats happening outside of their control. Despite what is happening around them, they are not easily swayed by external influences. They stay focused on what they are doing and where they want to go no matter what their environment looks like. Which one of these keys do you. need to be practicing more so you are moving towards your success? See more

Inner Mind Performance 06.01.2020

So many of you have been taught to just settle. To be happy with what you have. You have become conditioned to believe that coasting through life is good enough. Youve convinced yourself that because you are getting by and life is comfortable that theres nothing more to attain... however, do you just want to tolerate life or do you want to experience greatness? What if you could do a little more and have a lot more. More meaningful relationships, a more purposeful caree...r, inspiring love, ageless, energetic health, deep confidence in yourself, continual peace of mind and security no matter what life throws at you, more money to pursue your dreams... Do you really want to just get by? Does it stop at mediocre for you because well, things could be worse... Things may be good, but what if they were great... Are you ready to experience greatness? See more

Inner Mind Performance 31.12.2019

What if theres absolutely nothing wrong with you ? We live in a society addicted to suffering, addicted to focusing on the problem, always looking for things that need to be fixed, especially in ourselves. I want to suppose to you that maybe there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. The problems you have may not be problems but are place holders for change. There may be areas you need improvement in and mindsets you need to shift but theres no need to spiral into... self loathing and long drawn out inner conflicts. Inner change can be fast... a little bit of effort with the right help can go a long way. If you are ready to move away from your problems and move towards results, its time to work with me. See more

Inner Mind Performance 21.12.2019

Three weeks ago I had to travel out to BC for an urgent family matter, understanding the the flack I may receive from traveling in such a fragile time, I took the risk because it fell in line with many of my goals regarding family and work. Since Ive been out in BC, I havent had time to follow some of my old routines, which I realized werent actually serving me. Being disconnected from some of the resources Ive relied on has actually been liberating, in fact its... actually brought more motivation for achieving my goals. Sometimes the best thing you can do to propel growth and change is to disconnect from old way of doing things, even if its temporary, it allows you to see things from a different angle, offering new insights which in the end can provide more drive and passion toward your goals. What areas in your life do you need to step back from to allow more room for perspective bringing about new motivation? See more

Inner Mind Performance 11.12.2019

As someone like myself who struggled with chronic illness, this is an overused phrase. In reality there are some days where if I listened to my body Id never get out of bed. Theres a fine line between listening to your body and falling back into old patterns of finding excuses. Here are some guidelines I use to help determine if I need to ACTUALLY listen to my body and pull back or if I need to tap into my Innermind strength and push through regardless of how tired I am.... 1. Will I feel worse if I dont stop and listen to my body? Will not taking a break physically slow me down for my future goals, ie. will I get sick in the next few days therefore miss more work, or tasks related to my goals? 2. Am I able to push through for the next few hours/ day and rest later or am I physically unable to function right now? 3. Is this all in my head and really am I avoiding my potential because of fear of something I dont want to face? Ie. if I felt optimal Id have to go run 5 km or Id have to finish my presentation or Id have to make that uncomfortable phone call? 4. Do I need to be 100% to complete the task or can I just complete it with the capacity I currently have? Ie. just getting it done or needing to be my best? 5. Is there something I can do to temporarily relieve my discomfort or tiredness? ie go for a 5 min walk, do some yoga stretches; listen to an upbeat song, grab a healthy snack, take a 10 min power nap in my office, call an uplifting friend. Based on these answers I am able to make a decision whether its better to tap out or push forward. So much about mental toughness and success requires a healthy dose of self awareness and self evaluation. Dont limit yourself but at the same time develop trust with your body and mind. See more

Inner Mind Performance 23.11.2019

Everything comes down to choice I decided I wasnt going to get Sick I decided I wasnt going to live in fear I decided I wasnt going to hide I decided my mind is more powerful than my body, I decided my mind was going to protect my body ... I decided I wanted life no matter what I decided the opinions of others dont matter I decided life was easy and things would fall into place I decided to move forward no matter what was happening in the World I decided to make up my own rules and redefine success on my terms I decided to not quit, to embrace uncertainty I decided to no longer compromise my values over societal standards I decided to start getting results instead of just going through the motions I decided to live a healthy holistic life no matter the temptations I faced Are you having trouble deciding what you want out of you life? Are you struggling to let go of old patterns? Maybe you need help removing the fears? Maybe you dont know how to change those habitual thoughts of defeat? Maybe you just need a few tweaks to get you back on track ... Maybe the influences and experiences in your life are just too much and you need to realign with who you really are? Id love to reintroduce you to your potential, in fact I dare you to find yourself, to take the risk of choice and understand how easy it is to train your mind Are you ready to start making some choices that will benefit you instead of leave you deflated and stuck? Lets get started... Make the decision. See more

Inner Mind Performance 19.11.2019

Lots of people are getting back to the hustle and bustle of real life again and Ive had a few clients ask me what they can do to keep a sense of peace as the pace picks up ... So heres tip number one! Find stillness everyday... Stillness not moving or in motion, simply just being present in a particular spot, redirecting thoughts to your present body and surroundings without the need to do. Its being observant. ... Simply put its stopping and being present. It is a mindful technique I teach a lot of my clients, especially those who live busy lives and feel rushed accompanied with anxiety. Stillness looks like being present where you are, noticing your surroundings, directing thoughts to peaceful statements or gratitude; focusing on a soothing image that evokes a sense of stillness, such as a natural landscape; taking a slow walk without talking or listening to music; sitting down and taking deep breaths until you feel stillness in your body; closing your eyes for several moments; journaling; or reading. Make it a goal to find Stillness everyday even if its just for 30 seconds. See more

Inner Mind Performance 13.11.2019

Theres a lot going on in the external world out there. It can be scary, confusing and overwhelming, filled with questions and uncertainty. But I just want to take a minute and remind you that YOU ARE POWERFUL! Do you know how equipped you are to overcome any obstacle?! Do you know that your mind and body is the greatest voice, computer, healer, money maker, lover, warrior you have?! The human body and mind is so intricately made to adapt to forces and change. It can... input and output information and energy faster than we can even comprehend. You have all the tools and resources within to create solutions and navigate through this season of change. You are so much more powerful than youve ever been taught or told. So you have to remind yourself who you really are, you have to tell your mind and body it is able to do this. The mind and body unconsciously already knows how to overcome and reset. So Set the pattern to override fear of the unknown by telling your mind, soul and body that it knows what to do come out not only alive but on top! Trust yourself. Youve got this. See more

Inner Mind Performance 03.11.2019

Here is the book by Dr. Mercola

Inner Mind Performance 29.10.2019

For the people who are concerned or just learning about 5 G... I think its important to understand there are things we can do and take to protect our bodies. Yes 5G is dangerous, but our bodies are powerful and it is possible to override and adapt. There are things you can do right now to help your body. Magnesium and Salt water are a couple. ... Heres a great podcast and I recommend Dr. Mercolas book as well. Please keep in mind that fear is more deadlier than anything. So protect your mind and understand how powerful you are. If you have questions let me know how I can help. https://podcasts.apple.com//ben-greenfield-fi/id283908977

Inner Mind Performance 12.10.2019

Heres a great mediation for global healing during this time of change. Remember that love conquers all. https://youtu.be/dlmMK1-QJo4

Inner Mind Performance 09.10.2019

If you are on a healing journey or not, your mental and emotional wellbeing, your beliefs and thoughts have a direct effect on how you perform daily, if you want to transform your life maybe its time to repattern your mind... Im offering a 9 week Transformation program, Nows the time to reset your mind and body.

Inner Mind Performance 26.09.2019

Just keep flowing.