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Locality: Maple

Phone: +1 905-553-9255

Address: 2174 Major Mackenzie Drive L6A 3Y8 Maple, ON, Canada

Website: www.psychotherapyclinic.ca

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InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 22.05.2021

Something that is very important to recognize when beginning therapy is the simple fact that the interventions and tools gained from participating in sessions with a psychotherapist are strategies that are meant to last a lifetime and are constantly being developed! There is no magic wand that can alleviate a persons conflict in just a single session. The truth is, it is a journey of dedication and perseverance! #love #goals #perseverance #dedication #emotions #feelings #habits #mentalhealth #affordabletherapy #innersightpsychotherapy #opportunity

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 14.05.2021

So much of how we think, feel and act are based on our automatic thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is a great quick self check to help dilute negative automatic thoughts, resulting in a more positive mindset! #mindset #emotions #feelings #thoughts #mentalhealth #positivevibes #cognitivebehavioraltherapy #affordabletherapy #innersightpsychotherapy Credit @youthcreatingchange

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 27.04.2021

If depressive symptoms disrupt your daily routine, setting a gentle schedule may help you feel in control. Depression can push you to give into your fatigue. It may feel more powerful than happy emotions. Try to push back and do something you love something that’s relaxing, but energizing. It could be playing an instrument, painting, hiking, or biking. Thankfully there are many other methods and interventions that may help alleviate symptoms of depression. Speak with a psychotherapist to discover more options. #psychotherapy #innersightpsychotherapy #affordabletherapy #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #sad #hope #dreams #emotions #mentalhealth

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 14.04.2021

Part of taking advantage of opportunities is setting achievable goals. To accomplish your goals, you need to know how to set them. If you want to succeed, you need to set achievable goals. Without goals you like focus and direction. Start by setting SMART goals - Specific - Measurable Attainable Relevant - Time bound. Stating goal statements in a positive manner is a great way to motivate oneself to achieve one’s goals! If you are having trouble setting your own goals, a psychotherapist is a great option to help you through making an action plan and helping you remain accountable. #goals #plan #smart #smartgoals #achive #passion #opportunity #affordabletherapy #innersightpsychotherapy #action #planning

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 31.03.2021

Self-care does not need to be expensive or elaborate! These simple tips on how to instill some self-care habits into your life are on point! #selflove #selfcare #selflovejourney #calm #peace #mindfulness #mentalhealth #emotions #affordabletherapy #innersightpsychotherapy Credit @selfcarespotlight

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 13.03.2021

Checking in with a friend can be as simple as asking how their day went? Remember to be open minded, come from a place of authenticity and ensure information shared remains confidential. Trust is key! #friendship #friends #trust #checkin #care #emotionalhealth #affordabletherapy #innersightpsychology #relationships

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 19.01.2021

Just like your physical health, mental health also depends on detox and elimination! Clean up the information you consume. Examples of junk information: gossiping, meaningless conversations and small talk, blaming, self-deprecating inner dialog, news, and any information that is NOT ACTIONABLE. "Sometimes success can be determined by the amount of boring conversations one is willing to have." #meaningfullife #lifeworthliving #depth #solvingproblems #mindbodydetox #courage #honesty #beingreal #barefaced.therapist #trueself #simplicity

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 17.01.2021

It is a known adage that we create our own problems. Our mind is build in a way that out of the sea of information it picks up that which you care about. Have you ever had the experience of looking for a new car, and now that you think about that particular car, you see it everywhere? Use this, and train your mind: actively begin to eliminate all that doesn't serve you and shift your focus on that which does. #mindpower #mindpositive #brainpower #intentionality #consciosness #selfhelp #selfcare #beliefsystem #healthymind #beresponsible #selfreliance #selflove #selfrespect #integrity #psychotherapy

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 02.01.2021

Reading J.Clear book "Atomic Habits" (great book, btw) I came out with the system that I want to share, maybe you can find it helpful: List things you want to stop doing. Come up with the replacement action you will take instead (you can't just stop doing something - you have to replace it with another activity). Frame it in a positive way. Attach this new behavior to something you already enjoy doing, to make the new behavior appealing. Make it easy and attractive, create e...nvironment that is conducive to continue with the new behavior. Attach time and location to the new behavior. Now you have a SYSTEM: 1. List of "stop doing" things. 2. Replacement activities framed in a positive manner. 3. Stack new behavior with another one you are already doing. 4. Make it easy and attractive, create a conducive environment for the new behavior. 5. State time and location to make it more tangible and concrete in your mind. #badhabits #creatingnewhabits #creatingchange #makeithappen #systemsofliving #makeitstick #powerofchange #takecontrolofyourlife #beincharge #stepup See more

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 23.12.2020

Make this year count. Make it happen. 5 reasons to create New Year resolutions: 1. It is an opportunity to evaluate where you are in your life and create goals. 2. It moves and motivates us. 3. It is an opportunity to create something to look forward to (having something to look forward to is paramount if you want to have a meaning in your life). 4. It is a fresh start.... 5. It serves as a growth agent: ask yourself in which areas of life you would like to grow? (Areas of life include health, love life, parenting and relationship with your children, family life, career and work, financial health, social health, character building, education, etc). What are your new year resolutions? #makeithappen #takingcharge #beinghuman #creatingchange #selfcare #selflove #selfregard #healthymindhealthybody #healthyrelationship #healthylife

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 20.12.2020

Create a SYSTEM: 1. List of "stop doing" things. 2.. Replacement activities framed in a positive manner. 3. Stack new behavior with another one you are already doing. 4. Make it easy and attractive, create a conducive environment for the new behavior.... 5. State time and location to make it more tangible and concrete in your mind. For more information on the science behind changing habits, breaking bads ones and creating good ones, read "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. #newyearresolution #changinghabits #creatingchange #healthymind #healthylife #takingcharge #makeithappen #freshstart #buildmomentum #beinghuman

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 20.12.2020

How is being realistic different from being pessimistic?... #boredome #beingrealistic #pessimism #dream #daretobeyou #neversettle #happiness #authenticity #trueself #myway #beingpassionate #passionforlife

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 07.12.2020

No matter how many billions of snowflakes fall from the sky, there are never two the same. ... Every single one of the snowflakes in this picture has its own unique pattern. Same goes for people. There is one and only YOU. Honor that. Be YOU. Be true. You are enough. #everythingpopulariswrong #uniqueyou #trueself #truelove #selfreflection #selfregard #selflove #beingtrue #doyou

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 02.12.2020

10 Lessons to Learn from 2020: 1. Control is an illusion. The only thing we can control is our response to life. 2. Family is important. Investing time and effort in creating healthy relationships pays off. 3. Parenting is a process of a reflection - not a perfection. 4. We learned about the parts of us we didn't know existed. In crisis we find out a lot about ourselves, both, positive and the negative. Same goes for people in your life. ... 5. Adaptability requires creativity. 6. Being alone does not equal loneliness. 7. Self care is a priority. 8. Always have something to look forward to. 9. Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Don't be judgmental, be kind instead. 10. The only thing that's permanent is change. #beinghuman #lifelessons #overcomingobstacles #makeithappen #livingintentionally #winning #lessons #2020lessons #controlissues #adaptability #change #selfcare #spirituality

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 25.11.2020

Happy New Year everyone! May this year bring you hope, love, clarity, creativity, connectedness, health, and positive mindset! Make last year count: don't let the struggles of 2020 go in vain, learn from it, and use those lessons in 2021 and years to come! There is always something to be grateful for!

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 24.11.2020

Food for thought. Comment below possible reasons behind Wild's words. #approvalseeking #peoplepleasing #authenticliving #authenticity #beingauthentic #ego #soul #true #beingtrue #trueself #followyourheart #followers #leadership #leader

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 08.11.2020

What traditions, rituals and celebrations would you like to create in your family? Happy New Year! #creatingchange #familytraditions #bondingwithkids #funtraditions #creatingafamily #familylife

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 06.11.2020

Mind-Body detox: what are some of the things you need to eliminate in order to create life that is healthful, enjoyable, exciting? Some problems can be solved by removing certain habits, certain foods, even certain people. There is such thing as junk food, also there is such thing as junk interactions (gossip, gaslighting, abuse...) How can you clean up your diet, your environment, and what your mind consumes? #minddetox #mindbodydetox #environmentallyfriendly #functionalrelationships #healthyrelationships #boundaries #selfcare #newyearresolution #takingchargeofmylife

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 02.11.2020

5 min journaling: Train your brain to be positive: law of attraction states that you attract what you are. - 3 things to be grateful for - Intentions for the day... - Affirmation of the day - What would make today great End of the day: - 3 good things that happened today - How could I make today better - What is the main learning from today #5minjournal #journalprompt #livingintentionally #livingconsciously #consciousliving #selfcare #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #journaling #spirituality #lawofattraction #soulful #mindfulness

InnerSight Psychotherapy Inc 25.10.2020

Journaling is therapeutic, it is good for your mental and emotional health. Journaling does not have to be time consuming. 5 min journal can be done even verbally, while you drive to work or take a shower! Live intentionally! #liveconsciously #livingintentionally #5minjournal #therapy #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #selfcare #selflove #healthylivingtips #psychotherapist