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Inside Out Total Wellness 27.01.2021

DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS (Nutrition in a pill)? When you look into your cupboard or fridge, how many vitamins/supplements do you have? Do you take these on a regular basis and why? Have you noticed any positive changes from taking them (mentally & physically)?... All of the above questions are important to think about because so many of us are taking supplements but not really knowing why or noticing any benefit from doing so. The purpose of supplements is to help you get the adequate amount of essential nutrients if you are UNABLE to get them from your diet. However, supplements CANNOT take the place of the variety of foods that are important to a healthy diet. So, unless you have dietary restrictions/allergies/health conditions or are pregnant, I recommend aiming to get as much of your essential nutrients (vitamins & minerals) through the foods that you eat! Aim for a rainbow diet= the more colorful the better! That being said, I want to share with you some common dietary supplements we tend to have in our cupboard and what food sources you can get them from: VITAMIN D: Crucial for bone health, blood calcium levels, cell growth & immunity. (Note: if you are vegetarian/vegan you may need to consider taking a vitamin D supplement). Fatty Fish (tuna, salmon, trout, sardines) Egg yolks Beef liver Mushrooms OMEGAS (EPA & DHA): Plays a vital role in the immune system and improves & supports heart and brain health. Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) Nuts and seeds (walnuts, flax, chia) Vegetable and seed oils MAGNESIUM: A mineral that is vital for proper functioning of the body and assists with more than 300 enzyme systems, bone health, muscle contraction, ect. Legumes Leafy greens Nuts & seeds Whole grains Fruit Avocado PROBIOTIC: Aka good bacteria that helps maintain a healthy balance (gut flora) in your body. Kefir Saurkrat Kimchi Miso Soft cheeses Yogurt (look for contains live and active cultures) Just remember to always be your own detective before taking supplements or reach out to a professional for support!

Inside Out Total Wellness 07.01.2021

CAN ENJOYMENT & EATING GO TOGETHER? Um YES, they canand they should! It can be easy to get stuck in the trap of believing that the only way to eat healthy or lose weight is to have chicken, rice & broccoli day after day OR that if it’s healthy than it shouldn’t taste that good. ... Now don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy chicken, rice and broccoli every now and thenBUT it also can have a lot to do with how you prepare it and finding different ways to spice it up. If you notice you have little to no enjoyment prior or during eating and feel unsatisfied after you eat, then it is probably time to revaluate what you are doing and that it may not be working for you. Remember, eating should never feel like a chore and should always be something that is enjoyed (even looked forward too)! Research even shows that enjoying your food, taking an interest in it are more important than what you eat on any one day. This will also be important to helping you maintain or build a healthier relationship with food. GOOD NEWSyou can still eat healthy while loving every single bite and feel completely satisfied. TIPS TO ENJOY WHAT YOU EAT & STILL EAT HEALTHY Make a list of all of your favorite vegetables, fruits, proteins, fats & grains Google recipes that contain these above foods and pick any that stand out to you (or make your mouth water) Make sure the recipes chosen, contain a good ratio of half the plate veg, 20% grains, 20% protein and 10% fats. Buy the above listed food items at the grocery store (and anything else the recipes require) When preparing the chosen meal recipes make it enjoyable (listen to music, do it with a friend or partner, dance around, just have fun)! Experiment with different spices and ingredients to add more flavour! This way you can find things your like/dislike. Eat mindfully= slowly chew your food and really taste all of the flavours. Avoid restricting yourself! Allow yourself to enjoy a cookie or a bowl of chips every now and then (all about moderation). This will help reduce feeling deprived or like you are being punished. What foods do you enjoy the most?

Inside Out Total Wellness 21.12.2020

THE POWER TO CHANGE ~ What you CAN control in your wellness journey! It may feel like there is little that we have control over in our lives (especially right now), BUT there are actually more things we have control of than we may realize. So rather than feeling like you can’t do anything because you have little to no control, lets switch that thinking to looking at what you CAN control in your personal wellness journey! ... 1WHAT AND WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO EAT: Even though this may feel challenging, you really do have control over what foods you decide to eat and when you eat them. Learning to eat intuitively can be very helpful. 2YOUR SLEEP: Although many things can be a barrier to good quality sleep, you can control your bedtime routine (healthy sleep hygiene) and what time you choose a consistent time you go to bed. 3MOVING YOUR BODY: You have the choice to move your body in a way that you enjoy. 4MAKING TIME FOR SELF CARE: You have control of how often you decide to engage in activities that make you feel mentally/physically good. 5SELF-TALK (HOW YOU VIEW YOURSELF): Recognizing and dispelling the negative thoughts you have in your brain and replacing them encouraging ones will start to reshape how you view yourself and feel about the world. 6YOUR GRATITUDE: At the end of the day, we all have at least something to be grateful for. Saying a little thank you for what you have can provide a mood boost. 7WHO & WHAT YOU SPEND YOUR ENERGY ON: Believe it or not you have control over who you surround yourself with. Make sure it is people that lift you up rather than bring you down! 8WHETHER YOU DWELL ON NEGATIVE THOUGHTS: As discussed before, only you have the power to choose the way you respond to your thoughts and whether or not to just let them go. 9TIME YOU SPEND ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Set boundaries for yourself on what you feel is a healthy limit of time spent on media. HOW OFTEN YOU SMILE OR LAUGH: Something that you can do so quickly and easily that can elevate your mood instantly! Next time you feel you have no control, reflect back to this and remind yourself you really do have the power over your own life. Don’t forget to use it! (but in a way that makes you feel your best).

Inside Out Total Wellness 18.12.2020

MIND-MUSCLE CONNECTION Have you ever noticed any of the following? Training frequently, but seeing little to no results Loss of control while performing strength exercise(s) ... Unable to feel what muscle(s) are working during an exercise Unable to activate a specific muscle/muscle region If you have, then you may not be focusing on mind-muscle connection during your workouts. Mind-Muscle connection is a conscious and deliberate muscle contraction (aka shortening muscle movement). This requires your brain to call upon a higher number of muscle fibres to complete the movement, basically increasing your communication between the brain and the muscle. The more you do it=the more muscle fibers being recruited. Creating tension in the muscles will increase your body’s ability to gain strength and size in all of the right places= seeing the results you are working so hard for! Ways you can improve your mind-muscle connection: 1 Focus more on training the muscle than lifting the weight! Starting with the proper mindset prior to your workout is key. Instead of thinking of squatting as many plates as you can, you want to focus on the movement itself and the muscles being worked (quads, hamstrings, glutes). A strong mind= an even stronger workout. 2 Warm up! Always start with a lighter weight in your warmup set with the goal of feeling the contraction and full extension on each rep. this is also your chance to start to feel what muscle(s) should be working before you move forward. 3Visualization! Really try and think about the muscles and how they are working as you move through each rep. Visualizing it will help make it a reality. 4Slow & Controlled (I cannot say this one enough)! This is such an important way to not only increase your time under tension but also help with motor control and improving mind-muscle connection. 5Limit your distractions if possible! If you are going to invest your time and energy in working out, you might as well do all you can to get the most out of it. Having that mind-muscle connection can be an integral part of making that happen and take you a step closer to reaching your goals! Have you tried any of the above tips on improving your mind-muscle connection?

Inside Out Total Wellness 13.12.2020

Core is much more than doing 100 crunches a day or having six-pack abs. The core makes up nearly half the body and includes all muscles that attach to the pelvis and spine. Basically, any movement you perform on a daily basis involves your core. Remember all of the muscles in your body are connected and do not work in isolation. So, whether you are bending to pick something off the ground or holding onto your dog’s leash as it spots a squirrel, your core is in act...ion. Why is a strong core so important? 1Improves Balance & Stability 2Regulates your Posture 3Protects your Back & Eliminates Pain How can we make our core stronger? Preform isometric core exercises= develops core stiffness and spinal stability Focus on both front AND back exercises Try to breathe from your diaphragm= increases intraabdominal stiffness Pay attention to your posture (seated & standing) Practice balance exercises (single leg or unstable surface) Focus on engaging your deep abdominal muscles when performing an exercise Want your core to be on fire? Try one of my favourite core circuits below Core Circuit: Repeat 3x 30 seconds each exercise Dumbbell Farmer Carry Dumbbell Woodchoppers Inchworms Plank to shoulder taps (from knees or toes) Superman Crunch Side Plank Hip Drops (each side) Deadbugs (can be weighted) Straight Leg Toe Taps Glute Bridge Hold 60 seconds rest before repeating Notice how there are no crunches in that one Variety is key and don’t forget to have fun while your core is burning! Let me know what your favorite core exercise is?

Inside Out Total Wellness 01.12.2020

? The start of a new year is usually what we associate with a new chapter or start. This is when identify what we want for the year ahead. OR as we so commonly call it making resolutions. ... BUT it is usually much easier to make the resolution(s) than to keep them. A common trend is seeing people go all in on their resolution(s) for the first few weeks, but then slowly start to let them go. So how can we continue to keep our resolutions for not just 365 days, but maybe even the rest of our lives? STEP 1: Focus on ONE Resolution at a Time. Pick one resolution that stands out the most (will have the greatest impact on your life) and focus on maintaining that before you add in other ones. This will avoid you from becoming overwhelmed. STEP 2: Choose a Specific/Behavioral Goal rather than an Outcome Goal. Outcome goals are where you want to be at the end and tend to be too broad with little direction on how to get there. For example, if your resolution is to get stronger, WHAT steps will you take to actually achieve that? (Maybe you will choose to do 60 minutes of strength exercises three times per week). STEP 3: Avoid Repeating Past Failures If you are deciding to choose the same resolution as the year before (because you couldn’t stick to it), then make sure to reflect on what prevented you from keeping that resolution and what needs to change this time in order to do so. STEP 4: Learn to Adapt I am sure if we learned anything this year it is that adapting is key. Encountering setbacks is one of the biggest reasons people are unable to keep their resolutions. View any challenges as learning opportunities rather than failures. STEP 5: Remember Change Takes Time Be Patient! I couldn’t say this enough. Change takes time. It’s not a race, it’s a journey STEP 6: GET SUPPORT Find someone who will keep you accountable and on track! Looking at a health/wellness resolution this year but don’t know where or how to start? Send me a message and we can work together to put you the right path to success! What is your New Year’s resolution ?