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Locality: Duncan, British Columbia

Phone: +1 250-709-7063

Address: 1711 Westlock Rd. V9L 5N8 Duncan, BC, Canada

Website: florievarga.com

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Inspired Business 07.01.2021

I do most of my posting on my personal page at Florie Varga - visit me there to get to know me and what I am about.

Inspired Business 03.01.2021

Your two greatest commodities are your time and your attention. Your greatest asset is your discernment. Employ them wisely!

Inspired Business 22.12.2020

Whether in relationships, work, business or play the value of the ASK is not getting to YES! YES is the icing The ASK is the vehicle to the information and insight you need to navigate your course of continued movement.... ... To be still To forge ahead To pivot To abort

Inspired Business 02.12.2020

As the words started coming out of my mouth... I caught myself... that is not your perspective, why are you jumping on this bandwagon, why are you entertaining... this dialogue. The tug of going with the group is an impulse so many of us give into without even thinking... just to fit in, feel comfortable, keep the peace, look smart, be accepted...you know the drill. Sometimes it’s something small... but then it is something big...and we are left asking how did I get here? We walk through life swaying in the wind of others philosophies, perspectives, or opinions without asking where are we rooted in our own truth?. The more I become clear on who I truly am, the more I know why I am thinking, speaking, acting, individually, alongside, or against the group thought. AND why I’m doing that. You can’t live your truth, until you know who you truly are. Finding your truth is when you.. unpack and let go of old stories .. shifting the victimizing influence into nuggets of wisdoms define what it means to actually live your values: knowing what they are, knowing what it is to make choices and decisions rooted in them have the courage to define and maintain your boundaries: what you will accept and won't accept, regardless of the pressure for conformity and demand for people-pleasing accept others for where they are at it's your choice if you want to align with them. But the gold here is you don’t always abandon them. When you live these awarenesses out loud - something really neat happens... You build better relationships, trusting your self and others more You are more content - deep inside You are more motivated to build the life you WANT TO LIVE This is when you will truly SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. BE YOU Get Outlook for iOS

Inspired Business 23.11.2020

If you need a sign, if you're hoping the universe sends you a message on what you should do, be etc Here it is..... pick you Get still, be aware and listen to y...ou inner calling I am claiming the courage to be me... Be you This is freedom!

Inspired Business 15.11.2020

Starting a new business - particularly a service based business where what you are selling is not a concrete tangible, where your offerings are knowledge and sk...ills, is kinda like taking a roller-coaster ride for 3-4 years. (Well...so is starting any business) Twists, and turns as you learn, adjust, focus and refocus and then shift to twist and turn all over again. (I know some of you are laughing about now... cause there is probably another shift on the horizon) Not for the faint of heart, but if you commit to buckle-up - keep your eyes open, ride the waves of fear, rejoice in the exhilaration of the freefalls and have the courage to keep climbing the inclines. Well one day you wake up saying - wow that was the most amazing ride ever. Believe in yourself Do it your way Allow for the twists and turns You got this

Inspired Business 04.11.2020

What's your measuring stick?

Inspired Business 20.10.2020

Some thoughts from earlier this week

Inspired Business 09.10.2020

Whether the feeling is pleasant or not, mindfulness is about being present for the experience. When emotions arise, notice them without judgment. Resist the urge to cover them up, distract yourself, or exaggerate them. Take a deep breath - breathe Feel what you feel.

Inspired Business 30.09.2020

The first step to leading others well is personal awareness. Do you know who you truly are?The first step to leading others well is personal awareness. Do you know who you truly are?

Inspired Business 14.09.2020

If you haven't watched this yet.. Its a valuable 18 minutes. Knowing why you exist, the PURPOSE you are here to serve, as a person and in business and what values (how) that guide you, provide the foundation for life and business success as you define it. ... https://www.ted.com//simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire

Inspired Business 02.09.2020

Thyra Hjertaas. Can only share it from here. @inspiredbiz is a closed group. Can’t share

Inspired Business 13.08.2020

I had the greatest evening yesterday. I meet with a soulful women’s professional networking/ social/ sisterhood group of which I am privilege to be part. Yes, we meet via ZOOM. There was some trepidation, as to whether the normal compassionate energy would be present with the physical distancing. ... It was amazing. The social connection was steeped in richness. A few gals walked around their yards sharing images of our trees, gardens and skylines, pets were widely present, others were holding babes, some lounged on their beds because there was no other quiet place in the house. One woman had a wall of hearts behind her as she guided us from her heart. We talked and shared the roller coaster of energies and emotions we are all feeling. We explored how to manage these ever-changing moments. I have been pondering this very question for the last few days as I observe my mindfulness practice ebb and flow and as I try to stay centred and grounded. Practices that I normally draw upon almost unconsciously are taking focused effort to remember and then to follow through on. So what can we do? In my mediation this morning, this is what I was offered. Surrender self-judgement and keep practicing This I know. Being present and grounded in the moment is where my internal hope and strength reside. That this is the first step in managing my fear, which grows when focusing on the future - and mitigating any despair, which is a result of focusing on the past. If I need to deep-breath 100 times a day I will relish the rich air in my lungs. If I need to ground through prompted awareness many times a day I will celebrate all the things I notice in colour, texture, smell and even taste. If I need silence - (which I do I do I do) I will actively find silence. Then rinse and repeat without self-judgement. This is not a test of how grounded, or mindful, or present I can be. It is how I know I will live in my values, in my purpose and within my strengths. To me, this is worth starting over and over 1000 times a day with loving-kindness.

Inspired Business 02.08.2020

I can't wait to stand in my voice and share what I know I have to offer. No more worrying whether I am credible enough, worthy enough, strong enough... Uncensored - is standing in what it means to be ME ... with Varian Brandon

Inspired Business 18.07.2020

One of the many gifts bestowed on me by my mom is the love of reading. She always has a book on the go, and in her younger years was known to read a book a day, even many in a week. Exposed to authors, not common sustenance of the average 16-year-old such as Kahlil Gibran’s The Profit, Chiam Potok The Chosen or equally Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, I assumed my mother's passion for reading.... In the last weeks, I have had a hard time being present enough to read. I pick up a book and put it down, read 5 pages and stop, scroll Facebook or the news. Yet there is a churning in me to settle to hold the weight of a book, to find solace, in the words and lessons found in the typeset. This morning I was pondering this week’s media guidance to get a routine in place. I believe that this routine we need is in how we are showing up in what is true to our being. So, I thought about what are my resiliency strategies, and where from my past could I gain insight on ways to look after myself, reduce my anxiety and survive with the optimism to thrive? And it hit me, reading is one of my resilience strategies. It’s a value. It is part of my way of being. Not only by learning about it as part of my professional tool kit, but by making sense of my world through other’s experiences, insights and lessons. Just consider, Trevor Noah’s Born A Crime or Edith Eva Eger’s The Choice, two of my favourite reads from last year, incidentally, both stepped in lessons of resiliency. So I thought to offer this: You know some of your own best strategies for resilience. Get still and explore. What does your past, your way of being, tell you about how best to look after yourself, reduce your anxiety and survive? Use your inner wisdom. P.S. I took a break in drafting this post and called my mom, now 89 year old, and held-up in isolation at her care home. We scanned the state of the world and Covid’s impact that is slowing all our doing and having and agreed that we just need to be - for now. And believe it or not, as we were signing-off she said: well there is always a good book to read. P.S.S. I would love to know what books have impacted your way of being, or that you just love - because

Inspired Business 13.07.2020

I think I need a Fitbit. Definitely less movement in self-isolation. What are you doing to keep moving?I think I need a Fitbit. Definitely less movement in self-isolation. What are you doing to keep moving?

Inspired Business 07.07.2020

I am posting my April Game Changer prompt early! I’m even sharing this with my public page, because I know the devil in inertia and I want to inspire movement. For those of you getting this twice treat it like double the inspiration.... This gives you two days to get INTENTIONAL about what’s up for April. There are 3 ways you can create and be intentional - You can be intentional in what you want to be - You can be intentional in what you want to do - You can be intentional in what you want to have There is beauty in discomfort, step into it, be present and intentional then magic can happen. I am loving being a witness to what this time is awakening in me and others, witnessing how people are pivoting in their thinking, the things they are doing (personal and in business) and what they want to have in life. Don’t let the month slip by worrying about things you can’t control. Get intentional about what you can and go for it! Post your April Game Changer here and we can all be your cheerleader!

Inspired Business 21.06.2020

I am very proud to be Canadian right now. Our Prime Minister and his government have truly stepped up. They are looking at the whole country, the diversity of people and the diversity of need and are standing at the plate to lead. ... There are no party lines in their response. It has been a continuous daily roll-out of initiatives, and adjustments to initiatives, for the people. So then what happens? Our provinces and municipal leaders follow and lead. Our corporations follow suit. Our small businesses follow and feel supported in supporting their people. Our communities keep leading. And fellowship breeds!

Inspired Business 12.06.2020

Happy Saturday to everyone around the world.

Inspired Business 24.05.2020

I am a doodler. Not one of those ‘draw amazing little pictures’ doodlers. I am a scribbling doodler, covering the margins of my meeting notes in squiggles and little shaded drawings. I have wondered over the years why I do it (My Dad did it on all his note pads), it seems to subtly help me focus and stay centered.... Today is National scribble day. Kids and adults alike have taken to paper with crayons to scribble. Watching these littles' unbridled frenzy of color and lines filled with energy and abandon, made me feel lighter and more joyful. It reminded me of my doodling and then of an Anxiety reduction practice that I thought might be helpful to share in today’s energy heightened environment. It is to take a piece of paper and rapidly write down the things causing you anxiety in a stream of free association. Try and get as much feeling, emotion and energy as you can out of you and onto the paper in any shape or form. Write until you begin to slow down and feel more centered - or just scribble. Now a little different than celebrating our scribbles by posting them on the fridge, celebrate its release by crumple up the paper and throw it as far away as you can, or tear it into a bunch of little pieces and throw them into the air, or start the paper on fire and watch it burn. Let’s take a lesson from those lils’ and scribble, doodle or write away a few of our worries.

Inspired Business 05.05.2020

Yesterday on my personal Facebook page I posted a funny little gif about the amount of food it takes to feed a household of 6 (we are housing 2 lovely guests) every meal and snack. The comments of our shared humanity really touched me, made me feel less alone as I sit in isolation - blessedly with 5 other people. I keep reminding myself to look for the little blessings during this time and that post brought a few to the surface.... - A moment of pause to acknowledge the challenge that so many families have at all times to feed their household. - Shared compassion for all of us as we navigate buying food now and in the coming weeks; determining what is enough and what is excessive. What will make us feel safe. - A reminder to not make assumptions - we don’t know who or how many people are buying for, or how long it has been since the last shop. -And the somewhat glib realization that teenagers eat a lot and I love it! If they are eating they are here and healthy. -And final to keep connecting, sharing what is real for each of us in the given moment. To me this helps bring awareness and I feel the ability to collectively move forward.

Inspired Business 20.04.2020

So I was thinking - I got this all dialed down. I’m breathing, meditating, exercising and feeling blessed and am present-focused. Then this morning I noticed the twitch. The twitch - my telltale I’m stressed indicator. ... The body will always tell you the truth. The twitch in my right eye gives it all away. As I settled into more breathing deep breathing from the belly as that is the only thing that gets it to stop - this came Be gentle on yourself, give yourself breadth And I remembered the 4th agreement. Don Miguel Ruiz’s 4th agreement is to Always Do Your Best He defines this as your best is going to change from moment to moment. It will be different when you are healthy and sick (or eye twitching stressed). In all situations simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgement, self-abuse and regret. So I am doing my best with trying to have structure and presence, yet the twitch is there, and that is ok So my wish for us all today is to be gentle and to give ourselves and others great breadth as we are doing our best in this given moment.

Inspired Business 09.04.2020

Over 10 14 short days our lives all have taken on completely new ways of being. Like many, our routines, habits and lifestyles have done complete 180s at a rate of change that before this seemed unfathomable. While uncertainty and angst are a natural response the opportunity to explore and shift is also ever-present. ... I have been thinking a lot about what I have learned and the skills I have honed in the past 5 years as a Coach and how that has impacted my response to this uncertainty. I thought to share this with you all. Narrative Coaching, in which I am trained, is a process built on presence (what is), curiosity (what if) new awareness (what matters) and building a new way (what works). I have found over the past week that I have brought these four lenses to the situations and reactions I have had and while challenging to do (cause at times I would have rather screamed), I have found great stability, resilience and growth in what they offer. I offer these questions to you, for reflection as we each grapple and shift into our new reality: What is real for me right now (what story am I telling myself)? What if there was a new perspective for this story? What is true and important what matters most? How do I make and sustain this change to empower my story? Best Always My Friends #personalleadership #buildingresilence #resilenceinadversity #womeninbusienss #womenleadinginlifeandleadership #covid_19

Inspired Business 06.03.2020

Love to everyone out there. Stay active. Action is a great anecdote to fear and anxiety

Inspired Business 18.02.2020

Don’t let this first 1/4 slip by without crushing one thing you said would get done to more forward. ##inspiredbusiness #justdoit #businessmagic #smallbusinessowners

Inspired Business 13.02.2020

You don’t want to miss out on this workshop Here is what people who have attended are saying. "Florie's vision board workshop gave me HUGE clarity and inspiration. Her guidance and encouragement helped me to visualize the future of my business and personal life. I highly recommend this workshop if you're looking for direction and clarity in your life". (Jill)... "This day was a true gift to me" (Sierra) "I just attended Florie's vision board workshop which was a lot of fun. There was a lot to it. Florie really helps you focus on what you truly want on the dream board! If you need some help clarifying your dreams and visions than I highly recommend attending one of these classes." (Sarah) "Florie is the most wonder facilitator and I would highly recommend her vision board workshop " (Kathy) ***************** As Sierra said above this day is a gift to yourself.. .......to really get clear and build your future vision by defining your intentions and understanding your desires. Then identify the big bold steps you need to take to make your aspirations a reality. This day is designed to give you a rich and meaningful experience in exploring your dreams with courage, connecting with others, and building the clarity and commitment you need to put feet to your actions. Don’t let another month go by. The future is yours for the making commit to yourself. Tickets: [email protected], 250-709-7063 or message

Inspired Business 06.02.2020

I believe this whole heartedly. For the last quarter of 2019 and for every morning this year, I have established the intention to be impeccable with how I view my efforts and the words I use word toward myself, my clients and my business. I am raising the energy - looking at my effort as a measure of success and celebrating the amazing people I have the honour to work with or just encounter. With this constructively positive focus on effort, my actions are becoming bolder, more decisive and my circles are widening. It’s paying off!

Inspired Business 17.01.2020

What action are you choosing today to bring your goals closer to you? #inspireothers #inspiredbusiness #smallbusinessowner #leadership #personaldevelopment #manifest #cowichanvalleybusiness #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness

Inspired Business 03.01.2020

New Network Association business group meets weekly for breakfast and we are currently looking for the following trades/proffesions: *Home Inspector *Pest Contr...ol *Handyman *Painter *Property Manager *Landscaping *Roofing * Security *Windows *Insulation *Carpets *General Contractor *Pools and Hot Tubs *Printing Services *Comptuer Services *Cell Phone *Attorney *Florist *Sign Company *Event Planner *Website Developer *Photographer *Caterer *Chiropractor *Fitness Trainer *Massage Therapist *Dentist and more! Its free to come check out the group. Let me know if your interested in coming. Cheers

Inspired Business 23.12.2019

Hey who is doing computer based doodle graphics? Looking for some advise on where to get started? Tools, apps etcHey who is doing computer based doodle graphics? Looking for some advise on where to get started? Tools, apps etc

Inspired Business 13.12.2019

What an amazing day co-facilitating with the lovely Kathy White Yoga in her fabulous studio, bringing 10 women together to share in meditation, yoga, intention setting, vision boarding and beautiful communion. My gratitude to all of you wonderful women, for your openness and willingness to dig deep into your inner self and bring forth amazing possibilities for 2020. Blessings

Inspired Business 05.12.2019

Planning for retirement - a twist on goal planning for 2020

Inspired Business 23.11.2019

#inspiredlife #inspiredbisoness #midlifewoman #striveforsuccess #transformation

Inspired Business 15.11.2019

Consider this... Any action or accomplishment today is this Decade’s New Personal Best! What are you starting with?Consider this... Any action or accomplishment today is this Decade’s New Personal Best! What are you starting with?

Inspired Business 30.10.2019

A reminder from my lovely friend Dawn - down under. Bring it on 2020

Inspired Business 05.10.2019

Flying to visit my mom and prepping to facilitate Goal Setting workshop with Cowichan New Network group... where are you putting your focus for the start of the next decade. #duncansmallbusiness #purposeplanning #inspiredbusiness #cowichansmallbusiness... #leadership #coachingleaders #coachingsmallbusiness #beyourownleader See more

Inspired Business 11.09.2019

This looks interesting

Inspired Business 08.09.2019

I used to do a laugh out loud Tuesday post and seem To have forgotten about them. And it is Wednesday. But what the heck

Inspired Business 21.08.2019

What’s holding you back? Journalling is a powerful practice that can help you become more mindful, increase your clarity, and help you build a mindset for mastery. Maybe you’re unsure of how to get started with a practice of journaling. ... This 21 day journalling journey will provide you with the prompts and appreciative inquiry you need to D-clutter your mind, build clarity and establish a mindset geared for success in 2020. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/534810307308103/?source_id=587456688271008 #Inspired #inspiredwoman #Journaling #PersonalDevelopment #PersonalLeaderShip #Transformation #Mindfulness #Mindset #WomenInBusiness #BossWoman #BossWomenMindset#MidlifeWoman

Inspired Business 16.08.2019

Who wants to join in? Ever thought - I really need to try Journalling. A wonderful group of women (men certainly welcome) are jumping on board and we are kicking off Nov 7. Comment below to let me know you are in for this fun, simple and inspiring journey.... #inspired #inspiredwoman #personalleadership #journalwritingformidlife #midlifewomen #transformationthroughwords #journallingrocks #womeninbusiness

Inspired Business 30.07.2019

There is a simple joy of writing by hand. Something about the physical act - the holding of the pen and its amazing transmission of thought to words, images, and reality. It is meditative, bringing me into the present of what is real and what is possible. Interested in joining me on a 21 day journalling journey to bring mindfulness and a winning mindset into the new year. We are starting November 7th. Message me or stay tuned for more dets to come. #inspiredwoman #midlifewomen #midlifewisdom #mindfulnessmeditation #transformation

Inspired Business 13.07.2019

Hey my local business network. We have just launched our New Network Cowichan wide weekly business group! We meet once a week and currently have a once a month visitor day. Our first visitor meeting is coming up quick on October 29th. Visitor day is free to attend so bring your business cards to hand out, and come learn about New Network! Cheers and hope to see some of you there! Message me if you want more info

Inspired Business 09.07.2019

So true. Start with yourself ... it’s amazing how the rest just seems to fall in place -love abound!

Inspired Business 19.06.2019

Do you have a practice of journalling? One of the greatest lessons I have learned is I cannot rely on my thoughts alone. My thoughts come and go in my head, sometimes connected, sometime not so much. Sometimes they become majorly jumbled, ever changing, filled with emotion. When just in my head, I can become filled with suffocating doubt for no reason other than my thoughts are bewildering. ... Writing my thoughts on paper gives me clarity. It gives me a place to order and reconcile my inner voice. It is in this space that I can then adjustment my thoughts and even correct them. I would love to hear about your experience with journalling? #transformation #thoughtsbecomethings #inspiredwoman #personalleadership

Inspired Business 12.06.2019

Wisely consider the words you utter and the thoughts you entertain this weekend. Where your focus goes your energy flows. Would love to hear what transpires for you. #inspiredwoman #personalleadership #personaldevelopment ... #midlifewoman #transformation See more

Inspired Business 26.05.2019

If you run a service-based small business you know how finite your time and energy are and how quickly you can be working full-out without seeing paralleled progress and growth. You may even question why you opened your business in the first place. When the buck stops with you day in and day out, it is critical that you clearly know what you don’t do, as much as, what you do do. This is true concerning both the services you provide and the work you do on your business. A P...urpose Based Strategic Business Plan will bring the clarity you need to keep your head above water while doing what you love to do. If you are ready to get strategic and lead your business with purpose, let's talk. #smallbusiness #inspiredowman #personalleadership #womeninbusiness #servicebasedbusiness #businesspurpose #midlifewoman #womanentreprenuer

Inspired Business 16.05.2019

Seizing the moment to create impactful change. Now that is leadership. This is a good read

Inspired Business 11.05.2019

This is great for a great mid day break. Now to dance my way upstairs for a snack. Love being self employed!