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Inspire Oneness 02.03.2021

The Divine being called GOD or THE ONE knows every single one of you. YOU are all God's children and as such he has you all in his hands. He holds you and prote...cts you from the chaos that is happening on GAIA today. As She reaches the Tipping point after the Winter Solstice of 21.12.2020 she is being surrounded in a Brilliant bubble of a Sparkling Pink, LOVING LIGHT. Imagine this as you sit in his hands. Watch as God/creator blows away all of the virus's, vaccines and dark materials which are harming the planet at this time. Imagine that the dark entities, which have been trying to control you, have no power over you now as you rest in his arms. They are being blinded by this LIGHT, and cannot see their way forward. They are running around causing the chaos that you see today. Imagine all of these dark entities and dark materials finally being shot out of the Earth's atmosphere and landing on Jupiter as she conjoins with Saturn. Jupiter now takes them away leaving Saturn in her wake. This Time on Earth has indeed been likened to the Time when Jeshua came to Earth and the wise men followed the Star to his place of birth. You all may feel as if nothing is happening but do not despair Dear Ones, when Jeshua was born only a few would have known of his birth. The Star then, heralded an amazing Transformation on the planet and a religion called Christianity was born which has survived unto this Time. A religion which had LOVE for all men as it's main theme. The Jupiter/Saturn conjoint is also heralding a new Age of LOVE and KINDNESS to all men. As you go about your daily business you may not realise any change taking place. However Dear Ones YOU are changing from within and YOU are now THE LIGHT. YOU are the CHRISTED ONES and as such YOU have the POWER now. Do not diminish yourselves and stand under others. Rise up and take control of your own selves. Imagine holding the hand of every single person on GAIA today and surround her in a human chain of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, KINDNESS and UNDERSTANDING. Pick up anyone who has fallen by the wayside and hold them in your arms until they are strong enough to stand up themselves. LOVE everyone as you would LOVE yourself. It is no accident that the Jupiter/Saturn conjoint is happening at your CHRISTMAS TIDE. Many of the Earth's inhabitants are celebrating a time of PEACE to all men. Do not let the Dark spoil this time for you. If you cannot be with your own dear friends and families hold them in your HEARTS and they will feel the LOVE. If you find yourself on your own, reach out to others who are also on their own. There will soon come a time when you can all be together again, with your friends and families, but in the mean time surround them all in a BUBBLE of LIGHT as if it were Pink Champagne. Imagine the bubbles rising up inside all of you and clearing away the last vestiges of the dark. Imagine yourselves as EARTH ANGELS now. Each human soul is on his/her own journey and as such you cannot interfere with this journey unless asked. Uplift your own selves and stay uplifted in the LIGHT, even whilst others continue to scramble around in the dark. Those who are still seeing the dark will also see the LIGHT in time and may well come to you for guidance. Until that time BE your own sweet selves and SHINE in your own LIGHT. This is what will help others to find their own way out of the dark and into the LIGHT. We wish you all that you would wish for yourselves Dear Ones and know that these wishes WILL come true. TRUST and BELIEVE and ALL WILL be WELL. A Happy CHRIST MASS to you all and a BLESSED NEW YEAR of 2021. The ANGELS of SIRIUS. Channelled by Thea Grace Sirius

Inspire Oneness 21.02.2021

Beautiful read

Inspire Oneness 07.02.2021

Jupiter turns direct after 4 months in retrograde! On September 12, Jupiter moves direct in the power-driven and hardworking earth sign of Capricorn after a four-month retrograde period. In astrology, Jupiter represents luck, abundance, growth and success. As the ruling planetof optimistic Sagittarius and go-with-the flow Pisces, Jupiter is NOT in its comfort zone right now. When Jupiter is in Capricorn, it doesn’t hand the goods out to just anyone. As Britney says, You b...etter work, bish. While its retrograde period offered a chance for reflection, Jupiter direct has us back in business. With a powerful connection to the Virgo Sun, Jupiter in Capricorn is similar to a strict corporate CEO. You must win them over with preparation, organization, and planning. While this boss energy is in effect until Jupiter moves into Aquarius on December 19, it will only reward those who are committed to putting in the work, planning, and creating a stable structure for their lives. . Article from . . Photocred : @ourkindlife . . . #raisingvibrations#jupiter#astrology#jupiterdirect#capricorn#travel#yoga#inspiration#maldives

Inspire Oneness 28.01.2021

You’re starting to realize your personal power. You’re getting all the signs and seeing things unfold in your favor. Don't panic if you're being challenged, tested, or pushed right now. You might be going through a lot of transformations in your life where your limiting thoughts, negative activities/behaviors, and old ways of doing things are being challenged. You're starting to face yourself even more and deal with the core of who you truly are by questioning everything you' been taught to believe. You're starting to notice yourself growing more and no longer settling. You want more out of your journey. You want more out of life. You want to be real to who you are. You want to truly feel and really understand yourself. A lot could be on your mind about what your purpose is and that's a great place to be in. In the midst of taking the inner journey, your outer reality experiences some major shifts. Shifts that are pushing you towards an authentic life doesn't have room for low vibrational energies that are keeping you stagnant or blind to your true potential. You start to disconnect from old friendships, relationships, and things that aren't fulfilling your soul. You might even start being aligned to people and situations that fit your life beautifully. You find yourself getting stronger and less caught up. Some might even find themselves being challenged by the shift, because they want to remain the same or stay in the same cycles. Most pain comes from resisting growth to try to hold on. Yes, the familiar always seems comfortable, but it's the journey into the unknown where you discover your soul. In order to understand yourself, you have to know what you're made of. Don't try to avoid changes. Don't avoid growth. Don’t resist. Once we let go and allow instead of thinking we have all the answers, we suddenly find everything making sense. Trying so hard to force things can be the reason that why everything is stagnant in your life. Be open to what can enter, by releasing what's holding you back. Today say ~ I AM RECEIVING Idillionaire

Inspire Oneness 21.01.2021

If you've noticed a HUGE Divide forming between your SELF and those you're normally close with (including family members) OR those you associate with. Consider ...this... When you're Aware that you exist within a Spiritual Reality of 5D Consciousness and yet are experiencing a human physical life in 3D Consciousness you instantly BEcome more SELF-RESPONSIBLE. You can then readily NOTICE when others are NOT on the same page as you... You're Evolving at an accelerated rate... where perhaps those close... are NOT... Indeed, we're all at different levels of Consciousness... And that's How It Is. Those who choose to keep operating only on the 3D level... probably won't notice much of a difference in everyday life... It's YOU... who have chosen to see life from the 5D Higher Perspective... who may NO longer resonate with those close. When you raise your vibrations into HIGHER States of Consciousness... All that is NOT in Alignment will naturally leave your Life. HIGHER Consciousness is to rise above the left and the right... to BE in BALANCE while seeing both and NOT getting Entangled in either. A BIG outcropping of this NEW Earth Template is that we'll naturally turn away from what doesn't resonate towards... what does. To Neutralize the Polarity... and to Step Out of the Divide... We need to Hold each other with COMPASSION... EMPATHY and LOVE recognizing that We Are All ONE and We are All Alchemizing and SHIFTING in Frequency regardless of our Opinions and Truths. with Sacred LOVE of ONE Pars Kutay

Inspire Oneness 08.01.2021

30 Little Somethings: Reminders for your Heart In my experiences, these little reminders have stood the test of time, offering a world of depth in their succinct bursts of universal truth. Perhaps they can offer the same for you: 1.You can’t build anything without starting at the bottom (or, many times, even further below).... 2.How you fuel the fire determines the quality and duration of its glow. 3.Being afraid has a purpose; being brave has a bigger one. 4.Being brave has nothing to do with not being afraid. 5.Being brave almost always means that you are, in fact, afraid. 6.The bigger picture is always made up of smaller ones. 7.The truth sounds the same in a whisper as it does in a scream. 8.Your definition of love is the only one that matters. 9.The most profound learning occurs at the point of utter despair. 10.Pain inspires creative change, the impetus for transitions into better ways. 11.Retrospect asks how you ever made it; prospect, if you ever will. 12.You are allowed to be broken. 13.You are allowed to mend. 14.There’s no point in wearing shoes in which you can hardly walk. 15.If it makes you uncomfortable, try to see it differently. 16.If it makes you uncomfortable more than three times, it’s not for you. 17.If it makes you sad even once, it’s definitely not for you. 18.Curiosity won’t kill you; stifling it will. 19.Beware of boxes, and if you find yourself inside one, get the f*ck out. 20.Walk away from those who demand your silence. 21.Trust your voice. 22.Listen to yourself. 23.Listen to what hurts you. 24.Listen to what heals you. 25.Remember to breathe big breaths, read good books and take hot baths. 26.Remember to keep going. 27.If you’ve reached the top, say thank you. 28.If you’re still climbing, say thank you. 29.If you can’t even find the goddamn mountain, say thank you (and keep looking). 30.You’re probably doing better than you think you are. Sara Rodriguez, The Elephant Journal