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Phone: +1 403-615-8200

Website: howardjparsons.com

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Howard J Parsons 05.10.2020

Coaching With Joshua - Write Your Own script for Your New Reality I'm heading out to the garage to meet with Joshua, my coach, and my mentor. He is a wise old mouse with, I have learned, a long history. " Hi Joshua," I say as I open the garage, thinking he would be on his tire podium waiting for me....Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 24.09.2020

This morning I sit watching Joshua dancing on my deck. The summer weather has brought him out of the garage. I am filled with appreciation for this character who showed up in my life with the wisdom he brings. I know he is a guide from a historical time who has come to help me, and help those of you reading this note. I do my best to pass on his wisdom. Hi Joshua, I say as I sit down at the table. ...Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 16.09.2020

Brene Brown describing who we are as our authentic self

Howard J Parsons 07.09.2020

This is inspiring!

Howard J Parsons 22.08.2020

Coaching with Joshua - Keep The FaithNo Matter What I'm sitting in my favourite chair this morning. The air is crisp, and the sky is becoming a light blue as the sun rises. I have been reflecting on my relationship with Joshua. He mysteriously came into my life as a guide a while ago. He has been a blessing to me. I write these notes so I can share his wisdom with you. We'd love to hear from you. So drop us a line anytime at [email protected] reading

Howard J Parsons 08.08.2020

Coaching with Joshua - Are You Gonna Hold 'Em or Fold Em? Joshua loves to dance. The music infuses him with joy and energy....Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 29.07.2020

August 11, 2020 Coaching with Joshua - The Most Important Words You'll Ever Hear. ...Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 27.07.2020

What do you need in This Moment? See full article at Howard Parsons.com #personaldevelopment #relationships #love

Howard J Parsons 12.07.2020

July 28, 2020 What do You need at this moment? It is once again a beautiful morning. I am in awe as I stand for a few minutes and watch the sunrise washing my beautiful garden with a soft iridescent light. The plants shine with the morning dew.... The plants stretch as they wake up with the warmth of the sun streaming on to them. How could I ever think there is not abundance, love, and growth when I am so privileged to be a witness to this early morning rise. Joshua and I are in the garage talking about life, which has become a regular ritual. He asks me, Howard, what do you need at this moment? I pause for a moment as I consider the question. Peace in my heart. How is peace in your heart created? The morning ritual I follow, including meditation, walking my dog, and sitting quietly in concert with my garden, is what creates peace for me. You have given me a beautiful description of how you bring peace to your heart. How do you maintain this way of life during your day? It is more challenging to maintain peace with the distractions of the day. I have to retain my moment to moment awareness of where I am and what I am doing. I take breaks during the day. I don’t try to push through for hours without letting up. Meditation and quiet time are part of my mid-day routine and late afternoon time out. These quiet breaks in the work routine are essential to maintaining my peaceful heart. From time to time, I stop and ask myself what I need at the moment. It is a useful practice to bring me back to my heart. Thanks for asking Joshua. You are welcome. Notwithstanding your routine description, you are not present with your family or with yourself, for that matter. This is news to me. What do you see? What I observe is you isolating yourself. You don’t pay attention to how you dress when you go out, and you are not having heart connected conversations with your wife. What do you notice is going on in the life that has caused you to isolate and disconnect. By the way, you are disconnected from yourself as well as the outside world. Hmm, I notice I have a non-specific anxious feeling. Right, when you have that feeling, your automatic response is to disconnect. Why? Simply because that is the place you feel safe. There is a lack of safety at this time in the world. There is a lot of uncertainty and negative media. You learned this disconnection habit a long time ago, growing up when information and experiences went in without discernment. Your automatic response comes from the unconscious, which we know directs 95% of daily human activity. How do you change this habit? Bring it conscious. You have now done this. Recognize you are safe where you are. Keep up your daily routine of self-care. Most importantly, train yourself to be consciously aware of your presence. Namaste Howard Parsons

Howard J Parsons 08.07.2020

Coaching with Joshua - I have led Men into Battle As I go through the door into the garage, I see Joshua pacing, as he does when something is at the forefront of his mind. His head is down, and he is deep in thought, shaking his head back and forth. ... ‘Hi, Joshua, what’s going on this morning? You seem agitated about something. Howard, I have led men into battle in my lifetime. I have served with powerful masters of the universe. At this point, in the life people have created, I am astounded people are not stepping into their lives once and for all. They could be asking how I can be of service in ways that are greater and more beneficial than ever before. There is learning going on. I can see that. However, few people are transforming their lives to fit the capacity that has always been within them. There is a difference between learning and transformation. You can spend years learning. Nothing will change unless a decision is made to transform. The possibilities are endless for your people, Howard. You, as a leader, must pass along this message: Every one of you is body, mind, and spirit. Your spirit can never be broken or disrupted. Take the time and pick up the thread of the voice of your spirit. It will guide you through. You have only to be of service to your fellow man. Then joy will flood your being in such a way as you have not known before, and you will be pleased. That is what I have to say today. Namaste PS. why not share this note with a friend. it might stimulate an interesting conversation. Joshua would love to hear how you are doing. Drop us a note at [email protected] Howard Parsons We Reinvent Lives - Intention Driven Community Reinventing Your Life

Howard J Parsons 29.06.2020

July 14, 2020 Coaching with Joshua - One Step Forward - One Step Back It’s another beautiful summer morning. The garden is lush and shining in the fresh morning air. I’ve asked Joshua to come to talk with me....Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 27.06.2020

July 7, 2020 Coaching with Joshua - The One Who Changes Everything Hi Joshua, you look dapper today in those blue jeans and ball cap. Well, thank you. I’m upping the ante in staying current....Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 24.06.2020

Coaching with Joshua - The Power of Presence and Awareness The cloudy overcast sky makes the garage dark this morning. When I come into this 1950's building, I'm both grateful, and a bit guilty, the place is crammed with stuff I rarely use. ...Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 13.06.2020

June 9, 2020 I open the door to the garage. There is the mouse coach with earphones on listening to music that has him doing a rock ’n roll dance. That quickly comes to a stop when he sees me....Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 01.06.2020

May 20, 2020 Coaching with Toby - Lesson One Reluctantly, I put on my jacket and headed out to the garage to see if that mouse was there to start coaching me about life lessons. He said I could live my life more fulfilled, learn to love myself more deeply and connect with my heart so that I would feel more coherence, understanding, calm, and authenticity. Naturally, being a curious person, I decided to at least take the first step to discover if this experience was real or my...Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 22.05.2020

Howard and A Mouse I was sweeping out the garage on the weekend, and I heard a small squeaky voice say, "Excuse me, sir." I looked around and didn't see anyone, so I kept sweeping the winter residue....Continue reading

Howard J Parsons 06.05.2020

What are you holding on to? My back is sore and stiff. When I rise in the morning, it feels tight, and my whole body stiffens to protect itself.... Walking, I feel like a stick. My mind talks to me to keep the body stiff and protect itself. Is the mind attempting to protect me from more physical pain, or is there an old experience holding the pain in place? It is a contemplative question. On the surface, it would appear that the self-talk is wanting to reduce the pain in my back. However, I'm wondering if the answer lies at a deeper level. My ego says it is part of the aging process. I will have to get used to less mobility, less flexibility, and less movement. Is this true? No, it is not true. My ego is resisting something I need to know about myself. Less mobility in life can show up at the physical and emotional levels. Being stuck, being sore, and being stiff is a result of resistance to an aspect of our life experience. In one of his poems Rumi wrote: "I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside!" That is how it feels. Knocking on the door, thinking the answer is on the other side. Doing insane things to be someone or look like someone or be somewhere that will, in the mind's eye, make you that which you think you are not. When the door opens, you realize you have been knocking from the inside. The realization is that here is where we are. I am me right here, and right now, that is all. Acceptance and awareness flood into my being, informing me there is only this moment to appreciate and be grateful for who I am. There is nothing to hold on to that previously was held in high regard. There is only someone to know. What are you holding on to? Namaste Howard www.howardjparsons.com P.S. The We Reinvent Lives Coaching process can set you free in your life from where you are right now. Just DM me to get in touch with me. I will also send you your free We reinvent Lives Guide to get you started.

Howard J Parsons 21.04.2020

April 29, 2020 I Just Wanna Be Free Locked down.... Closed shop. No menu to choose from unless it is take out. No rat race. Highways empty. Easy to get around town. Life has changed in these times. Relationships in virtual reality. Time on my hands. Do I have to work right now? How will the boss know? Doing a job, you don’t like anyway, but you have to do it because you want money. Does it feel like freedom? Not really. It’s just a change in your routine. Emotional strain for everyone because we humans need connection. Virtual hugs just don’t fill the need. Freedom is in the eye of the beholder. You don’t feel free chained to the desk at home. It’s just another version of the one you left at the office. Freedom is running in the park, feeling the sun on your face and the breeze blowing in your long flowing hair. Hairstylists are closed. HA! Freedom is feeling the vibration of being connected to the Source of the universe, knowing it is possible to live your life full and fulfilling. Freedom won’t come from wanting something to change. Wanting keeps it out in front of you while you grasp for it and never quite getting it. Freedom is within you. It always has been. It always will be. The way to experience it is to: Be grateful for who you are Practice feeling the vibration of being connected to Source Visualize and feel the acceptance of your life. Lockdown is a word used to hold you in place. Freedom is a way of living your life and living it fully right here and right now. All is well when you are free. Namaste Howard www.howardjparsons.com P.S. I offer one on one freedom coaching. Just drop me a line at: [email protected] See more

Howard J Parsons 02.04.2020

I Just Wanna Be Free Locked down. Closed shop.... No menu to choose from unless it's take out. No rat race. Highways empty. Easy to get around town. Life has changed in these times. Relationships in virtual reality. Time on my hands. Do I have to work right now? How will the boss know? Doing a job, you don’t like anyway, but you have to do it because you want money. Does it feel like freedom? Not really. It’s just a change in your routine. Emotional strain for everyone because we humans need connection. Virtual hugs just don’t fill the need. Freedom is in the eye of the beholder. You don’t feel free chained to the desk at home. It’s just another version of the one you left at the office. Freedom is running in the park, feeling the sun on your face and the breeze blowing in your long flowing hair. Hairstylists are closed. HA! Freedom is feeling the vibration of being connected to the Source of the universe, knowing it is possible to live your life full and fulfilling. Freedom won’t come from wanting something to change. Wanting keeps it out in front of you while you grasp for it and never quite getting it. Freedom is within you. It always has been. It always will be. The way to experience it is to: Be grateful for who you are Practice feeling the vibration of being connected to Source Visualize and feel the acceptance of your life. Lockdown is a word used to hold you in place. Freedom is a way of living your life and living it fully right here and right now. All is well when you are free. Namaste Howard www.howardjparsons.com P.S. I offer one on one freedom coaching. Just drop me a line at: [email protected]

Howard J Parsons 09.03.2020

In The Light of Your Own Discovery I decided to write this note to you today because the world is in turmoil, and I wonder how it is affecting you and your family. Maybe you feel afraid. Perhaps you feel like you have cabin fever. Maybe the world doesn't make any sense to you. Are you wondering what will become of your life and that of your family?...Continue reading