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Into My Arms Sleep and Postpartum Services 18.02.2021

Happy Family Day weekend from ours to yours! Postpartum in a pandemic meant that this time around we missed out on having a newborn family photo shoot. So we set up the tripod I got for Christmas and made the best of a Saturday morning during a Stay at Home Order. Although these aren’t the professional photos I wanted, I will forever cherish them to remember the moments of joy we found during challenging times ... (Not pictured here: two dogs, an orange cat and a horse). Oh and, don’t worry @b_to_da_mac, we will make sure to get those professional family photos done as soon as things open back up. #familyphotoshoot #familyphoto #family #familyday #familyof6 #parentinginapandemic #smile #saycheese #postpartum #postpartuminapandemic #coronialbaby

Into My Arms Sleep and Postpartum Services 11.02.2021

BIRTHING IN A PANDEMIC A Birthing Partner’s Perspective (Shared with permission) PART FOUR ... Brian’s birth story: It took Brian and I a few days to process all the ups and downs of this birth story. To really talk it out and let it out emotionally. To have a REALLY big cry (and for Brian a few drinks to get the tears flowing). He talked about his sense of panic when we had to transfer to hospital and how being separated from me and baby during this birth was very overwhelming for him. And how hard he had to work to stay present and not overthink things, to not let himself panic even though he could feel his body and his mind wanting to go there as he moved through the steps of getting things ready to go. And then, the wave of relief when the midwife announced that baby was there and ready. The release he felt emotionally when he could see baby’s head and then when Bobby was finally out and on my chest breathing and crying and perfect. The tears were flowing and he let out a huge sigh of relief, running his hands through his hair and melting down onto the couch beside me. Never once during the birth letting on how he felt. Never once shying away from anything the midwife asked him to do. Always supporting me and holding space for me and trusting the process even if he had doubts. Always showing up to meet my needs in every way he could. And making the best post-birth peanut butter toast (on repeat) that any birthing person could ask for Thank you Brian for being by my side and showing up for me in every way possible for our final (and most intense) birthing experience. It was a wild ride and I couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else. Looking forward to raising our 4 wonderful children together and growing old with you @b_to_da_mac #birth #birthingpartner #birthpartner #holdingspace #showingup #homebirth #midwife #christmasbaby #lastbirthstory #4thbaby #londonontario #lndont

Into My Arms Sleep and Postpartum Services 06.02.2021

BIRTHING IN A PANDEMIC Birth story: Part Two Just after 12:00 am my midwife broke my waters. There was lots of fluid...tons. We tried changing positions a few times: lunges, squats, sitting and leaning forward, leaning back...to see if we could shift Baby off my pubic bone. He was stuck and contractions were stacking. The contractions just kept trying to hammer him down into my pelvis and now my body was also pushing on its own. My legs ere throbbing and shaking from the pre...ssure of the contractions and I was getting tired. With no breaks between contractions I could feel the pain breaking me, I was loosing my ability to hold onto my breathing and be in my zone. I felt like running away from the pain. I was losing my focus and relied heavily on Brian to hold me and support me and remind me to breathe. To remind me that I CAN do this! With my cervix not fully dilated and my body pushing on its own with each contraction the midwife kept telling me to not push but I could NOT control it. The contractions came one after another and my body was bearing down. The midwife had be lay down on the bed to try and slow the contractions and urge to push, to try and give me a break to breathe but they persisted. The midwife checked me again and I was 6cm but there was a significant amount of blood as well and my cervix now seemed swollen on the front end and was still dilating disproportionately because of it. She decided that due to the amount of blood, even though babe and I were doing ok heart rate wise, (I had a lot of bleeding with my first two babes as well- it was determined it was from my cervix) that we should transfer into hospital for continuous monitoring. Just to be safe. At that point I could NOT sit in a car so she called for ambulance transport. The contractions were so intense I could hardly think, I had to just focus on breathing (while also wearing a mask). I only managed to ask one question: will I be separated from Brian?. Continued in comments below...

Into My Arms Sleep and Postpartum Services 03.02.2021

One month with you Dear Bobby, it’s been one month since you joined us earth side on Christmas Day. You came into this world vigorously and practically the size of a 3 month old. Our transition to a family of 6 during the lockdown of a pandemic has had its fair share of highs and lows. Although we are now seasoned parents at transitioning a new member into our clan, finding our flow will take time. Thank goodness Oma is living with us during this lockdown to help us fin...d our way there In your first month you have endured a fractured clavicle at birth and a much needed lip and tongue tie release. And through it all, you have been reliable at communicating your displeasure while also demonstrating resilience at overcoming these minor set backs. You are our last babe and I have been treasuring all of the sweet baby snuggles. Even the ones that happen in the wee hours of the morning. Which lately, seems to be the only quiet time we get together. You have brought a huge sense of joy to our family. We are so grateful for your healthy arrival and I look forward to getting to know better every day. #christmasdaybaby #christmasbaby #BobbyMAc #postpartuminapandemic #coronial #familyof6 #onemonthold @b_to_da_mac