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itsthelittlethings.ca 09.11.2020

Matt, never in a million years would I have thought that in 2020 we would add two kitties and a baby boy to our lives, live in Burnaby with a beautiful patio, enjoy hosting socially safe get togethers, each operate our own business, and both find work for companies that are fully aligned with our values. The life and family we have created together is beyond a dream come true because I never even knew this amount of happiness, love and joy was possible. Everyday with you, eve...n the hardest days are some of my best days. Life with you had always felt surreal, and I don’t think that’s ever going to change. I know each year from now on is going to be full of change and milestone as we watch our son grow up. Right now, in this moment I love seeing you... ...be a father to our son. Our son who is already looking up and admiring you with so much respect and love. ...light up when our boys are putting on the Sushi and Potato show for us. ...find your purpose, fulfillment, and happiness in a new career. ...continuously strive to improve your self awareness, and growth mindset. ...get passionate and energized when you help others. This list of I love could truly go on and on so I’ll finish with this. I love you, our son loves you, sushi loves you, potato loves you, our family loves you, our friends loves you, even people who barely know you love you. I hope you know doing nothing for your b i r t h d a y this year means next year will be twice as big!

itsthelittlethings.ca 20.10.2020

Happy b i r t h d a y Papa! I am not old enough yet to know what’s going on but when I am I promise to give you a hug and thank you for all the times you... ...cleaned my blow outs & explosive poops, and fountains of pee. ... ...let me spit up and vomit on you. ...got no sleep because I am a growing boy and need to eat every few hours. ...held me in my favourite super hiro position. ...let me sit on your lap while you worked. ...calmed me with your ridiculous made up songs and rhymes. ...made me feel safe and loved. One day, I’ll be able to put into words what you mean to me but until then I’ll continue to show you with every milestone I hit. This week I am staring at you in awe and smiling at you when you stick your tongue at me. I love you, Papa.

itsthelittlethings.ca 16.10.2020

Happy b i r t h d a y to the most amazing person, partner, baby daddy, father, best friend a girl could ask for. You always ask me to never do anything for your birthday and this year I actually listened. Not because I wanted to but because taking care of our son is the most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. So I hope my words and actions today, and every single day that has passed and that will come shows you just how much you mean to me. I love... you @snccoach

itsthelittlethings.ca 29.09.2020

Dear Papa, Over the last four weeks we have experienced every emotion you could possibly imagine together. We have felt pure joy, sleep deprived frustration, gratitude, insecurity, pride, fear and euphoria. Through all of this you have gone above and beyond for your son and me. I knew you would be a good father the moment I met you but to see you with our son is something else. Especially in those moments where he is inconsolable, and I am at a lost on what to do next; you t...ake him in your arms and he calms the moment he hears your voice, feels your energy and you breathe with him. It brings tears to my eyes every time I see the way he looks and responds to you. I know there are moments you worry you aren’t doing enough or could be doing more for us but I want you to know that Kazuhiro and I are so lucky to have you in our lives. Please never doubt yourself, if our son becomes half the man you are I would consider that a success. I know you are going to teach Kazu the most important things in life like vulnerability, confidence, gratitude, kindness, intuition, and self awareness. You always say Kazu is going to change the world and he will change this world because of all the things he is going to learn from you. There hasn’t been a moment in the last four weeks that I have felt unsupported or alone. You check in with me multiple times a day to make sure I am doing okay. You make sure to ask me if there is anything you can do. You encourage me daily to take care of myself and to do something for me. You even literally came running when I called for you after we experienced our first blow out. We have had our ups and downs this month but I wouldn’t change anything about our journey. These small bumps we continue to face and get over are only making us stronger and better. I fall in love with you more every single day and every day you continue to make me proud to call you not only my partner but my baby’s daddy. Kazu and I don’t need a perfect father, we just need you. Love forever and always, Mama + Your son. @esthermoermanphoto

itsthelittlethings.ca 21.09.2020

Dear Kazuhiro, We not only survived our first four weeks together, we thrived and overcame every challenge big or small. The bond that we have created over the last four weeks is one that I know will only get stronger over time. As much as I am taking care of you twenty four hours a day right now, you are also taking care of me whether you know it or not. ... I have never been good at slowing down or resting when I should and you have taught/forced me to nap or cuddle with you multiple times a day. You intuitively knew that I needed your help curing my boob flu and you stepped up like a super hiro. I cannot wait to see what other lessons you will teach me, or how you will make me become a better person, mother, partner, daughter, sister, and friend. Four weeks is a small fraction of the rest of our life together but a huge part of me wishes we could stay in each moment a little longer. No matter what your age or how much bigger you are than me, you will forever be my little super hiro. Happy four weeks Baby Boy! Love always, Mom @esthermoermanphoto

itsthelittlethings.ca 09.09.2020

Dear Mama, Over the last four weeks, myself and others have reminded me of the following... Motherhood is fulfilling.... Motherhood is hard. You are doing amazing. You are not your insecurities. It is okay to feel. It is not okay to hold anything in. Being vulnerable is courageous. Being inauthentic is exhausting. You are strong. You are not a failure. Be kind and gentle on yourself. Don’t doubt yourself. Your fears are valid. Your desire to be the perfect is normal. The struggles are temporary. The memories are forever. Trust your instincts. Stop overthinking everything. You are loved. You are not alone. You are doing the best you can. And no matter what your best is, that is enough. Love yourself. Take care of your body, and mind. Also, forever cherish our first four weeks together. Love, Mama @esthermoermanphoto