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Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 16.09.2020

There is no rung on the ladder of social development between capitalism & socialism. There is no third way. There is only the working class struggle for emanc...ipation, to end the dictatorship of capital, for humanity's liberation. Apply to join today! http://jointheparty.communist-party.ca

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 05.09.2020

Ultimately, however, our vision is far more radical than simply doing our part to help build a better opposition. A revolutionary party is necessary to mount a... serious counter-offensive, with the aim of winning power and building a new society. Movements alone, even large ones, arent enough to achieve such a transformation. Theres nothing easy about being a communist in Canada today. Its a tough struggle. But this country needs more communists, just as it did during the Dirty Thirties, the Cold War and when neoliberalism attacked every gain achieved through mass struggles of earlier decades. History shows that you dont have to be a communist to fight back, but you do need communists to win. As the song goes, You aint been doing nothin if you aint been called a Red. Thats why were still relevant, and that wont change.

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 28.08.2020

The Communist Party of Canada stands in full solidarity with the ongoing rebellion against racist murders by police. We salute all those standing against racism... and demanding justice for those murdered by police forces who are allowed and encouraged to act with impunity. In the United States, the videotaped extrajudicial murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police Department, is only the latest killing. Police services across Canada do not have a better record. Last week, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, a Black-Indigenous woman, fell to her death in the presence of Toronto police. In early April, DAndre Campbell, a Black man, was shot by police inside his home after being tased in Brampton, Ontario. Also in early April, Winnipeg police shot and killed Eisha Hudson, a 16 year-old Indigenous girl, and Jason Collins, an Indigenous man, in separate killings. We extend our deepest sympathy and solidarity to the families of all those affected by police murders and violence across the country. Sadly, the families, friends and communities of the victims cannot expect justice from the police, police oversight bodies, the courts or capitalist politicians, without a massive fight. When murders occur and the perpetrator wears a uniform, the police and courts fail to press charges in almost all cases, especially if the victim is an Indigenous, Black or racialized person. More broadly, racist policing also includes practices such as beatings, sexual assaults and racist harassment through carding, street checks and stop and frisk policies. Racist over-policing of low-income and racialized communities, often acting and trained as a militarized occupation force, is one of the main reasons for the massive over representation of Indigenous and racialized peoples in Canadian prisons. Indigenous peoples make up 30% of the prison population while Indigenous identified people make up 5% of the population. Black Canadians make up 8.6% of inmates while it is estimated that Black Canadians make up 3% of the population.

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 17.08.2020

99 years ago in late May of 1921, a party of a new type, based on scientific socialism and working class internationalism, a party which fights for reforms, but... rejects reformism as a substitute for socialist revolution was founded at a convention held under conditions of illegality in a barn on the outskirts of Guelph, Ontario. There were debates on the orientation towards the One Big Union, a five hour debate on imperialism, debates on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, mass action, parliamentary action, and trades unionism, on the factory committee or shop steward movement, the Farmers' Union and the National Catholic Union in Quebec; migratory workers in the West; Finnish Communists in Winnipeg. The Communist Party of Canada, and its legal sister party, the Workers Party of Canada, adopted a revolutionary program and party constitution, launched the Party press, and immediately set about organizing workers. The onset of the Great Depression inflicted tremendous suffering and hardship on working people. Factories closed, mass unemployment swept the country, farmers were evicted, and poverty conditions affected the lives of all toilers in the cities and countryside alike. There was no unemployment insurance, and relief was doled out as charity under the most humiliating conditions. The Communist Party took the lead in fighting back. One of the most important early initiatives was the founding of the Trade Union Educational League (TUEL) and later, the Workers Unity League (WUL) to lead the struggles for industrial unionism across Canada, and to organize the unorganized. When the right-wing trade union leaders gave up all pretence of fighting for their members, the Party and the Workers Unity League took the initiative, leading 90 per cent of the strikes during the Hungry Thirties. Communists played a leading role in organizing most of the industrial unions across the country during these years in the steel mills, auto plants, rubber and chemical factories, and in Canadas forests and fisheries. Hoping to stem the growing militancy, the Canadian state resorted to repression, starting with the bloody RCMP attack on striking miners in Estevan, Saskatchewan in 1931 which left three workers dead, and 13 others wounded. This wave of repression was met with the formation of the Canadian Labour Defense League (CLDL), which played a vital role in organizing legal defense for jailed strikers and support for their families. Not least, the CLDL mobilized mass public opposition to the arrest and imprisonment of leaders and militants of the Communist Party itself, including Tim Buck and seven other leaders of the CPC incarcerated in 1931, under the notoriously anti-democratic Section 98 of the Criminal Code. The CPC also helped organize the unemployed to fight for work and wages, and it began a country-wide movement for the establishment of unemployment insurance. The organization of the Relief Camp Workers Union in B.C., and the undertaking of the historic On-to-Ottawa Trek in 1935, swung public opinion in support of the plight of the unemployed, helped to defeat the Conservative government of Iron Heel Bennett, and laid the foundation for the achievement of our present Unemployment Insurance Program years later. There is much to be read of that history, but also a future that remains to be written in Canada: the future of socialism. Today, as we find ourselves in one of the deepest crises of capitalism since the Great Depression, compounded by the ecological crisis and the global health pandemic of COVID-19, more and more people are realizing that it is the system itself thats the problem. Socialist countries and Communist Parties have taken the lead in protecting the health of working people across the globe - in Vietnam, in Cuba, in Kerala - showing that even amidst the emiseration and suffering, a new world is possible. IMAGINE THE FUTURE Apply to join the Communist Party http://jointheparty.communist-party.ca/

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 09.08.2020

MAY DAY 2020: MASS STRUGGLE FOR A PEOPLES RECOVERY International Workers' Day Statement from the Communist Party of Canada This May Day workers around the worl...d are struggling against a double threat. The deepest economic crisis since the Dirty 30s is causing huge lay-offs, lost incomes and savings, and waves of evictions, foreclosures, and bankruptcies for small businesses and farms, triggered by a global pandemic Covid-19 virus for which there is as yet no vaccine, and a vast under-supply of medical equipment, supplies, staff, and hospitals to stave off sickness and death. The pandemic has compounded the growing menace of unchecked climate change, global inequality, and imperialist wars. Corporations are using the crisis to jack up prices and profits on scarce medical equipment and supplies, while also re-organizing production to make permanent reductions in the labour force when the pandemic has passed. For capitalists, everything is a commodity. Every crisis is an opportunity to make a profit, to cut costs, to beat or eat the competition, to expand. Todays victims are the front-line healthcare workers who are dying because PPE is not available, the elderly locked into under-staffed and under-funded private for-profit long-term care homes, and workers on the job in unsafe conditions; or laid off without EI, sick pay, or even a job. The role of capitalist governments is to bail out the corporations in need, to keep a firm hand on the unemployed and the dispossessed, and to save capitalism through this crisis, and the next crisis and the one after that. The coming depression, and the pandemic that triggered it, changes everything. Seven million unemployed and counting changes everything. The labour and peoples movements are at a crossroads: people before profit. Or profit before people. Were all in this together, but we wont all get through this, without a mass struggle led by labour and its allies for a peoples recovery. This May Day, its the unity of the labour movement in the fight to defend workers jobs and living standards, and oppose imperialist wars and catastrophic climate change, that will make all the difference. http://communist-party.ca/may-day-2020-mass-struggle-for-a/

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 04.08.2020

JOINT STATEMENT OF COMMUNIST AND WORKERS' PARTIES ON THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF V.I. LENIN We honor the great revolutionary leader V.I. Lenin, we are... committed to continuing his work! The Communist and Workers' Parties, which co-sign this Joint Statement, would like also in this way to honor a great revolutionary and theorist of scientific socialism, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, as April 22 marks the 150th anniversary of his birth. Especially in the current conditions, and while the pandemic of CoVID-19 is spreading, tragically demonstrating the great shortages of health systems in capitalist countries as well as the anti-social and parasitic nature of the capitalist system, in the face of the new crisis, the burdens of which will be again put on the workers' shoulders, the aggressive nature of capitalism and the escalation of imperialist competitions, which pose new dangers to peace and peoples, we feel an even greater need to refer to the historical personality of V.I. Lenin. A personality that dedicated his life to the cause of the working class and other popular strata, to the struggle for the abolition of exploitation and the construction of the socialist society. We honor V.I. Lenin as the founder of the contemporary working-class party, the "party of a new type", which was firmly separated from the opportunism and apostasy of the old social-democratic parties. Such was the Bolshevik Party, which was at the forefront of the class struggle of the proletariat and the other oppressed strata of Russia. Lenin's party led Russia's working class to victory by overthrowing the exploiting classes and establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat, the workers' and peasants' government, in the service of the interests of the many, the exploited and the oppressed. V.I. Lenin defined and substantiated the leading role of the Communist Party, not only in establishing workers' power but also in constructing socialism. We honor V.I. Lenin as the theorist who, taking into account the particular reality, further developed the constituent parts of Marxism, i.e. philosophy, political economy, and scientific communism. As an opponent of any opportunistic and revisionist distortion of revolutionary theory and practice, dogmatism, sectarianism, and parliamentary illusions, without denying the intervention through the parliament. His works, such as "What the friends of the people are and how they fight the Social-Democrats", "The Development of Capitalism in Russia", "What Is to Be Done", "Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution", "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism", "Marxism and Revisionism", "The Collapse of the Second International", "Socialism and War", "On the Slogan for the United States of Europe", "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism", "The State and Revolution", "The April Theses", "Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder", "The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government", and "The Great Initiative" are milestones in the propagation and development of Marxism and revolutionary struggle. Lenin's valuable theoretical work is still timely and serves as a beacon for the ideological-political education and action of every new generation of revolutionaries. We honor V.I. Lenin as the leader of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which about a century ago shook the world. The victorious revolution illuminated the power of the class struggle, the power of the exploited and the oppressed -when they take the case of their interests into their own hands and turn the wheel of history forward- in the direction of social liberation. The October flame led and accelerated the establishment of a number of Communist and revolutionary Workers' parties. Lenin had an insightful strategic ability and skillfully handled alliances, abilities that he devoted to the cause of the socialist revolution. We honor V.I. Lenin as the leader of the world's first socialist state, which for the first time established workers' power based on new revolutionary institutions, such as the Soviets, sought the economic functioning of society on a new basis, the basis of the satisfaction of contemporary people's needs and the multi-faceted free development of all people, not the profitability of the few. The USSR, the first socialist state in the world, which was realized with the special contribution of V.I. Lenin, brought to the fore new unprecedented economic, social, political, and cultural achievements for the working class and the wider popular strata that had a profound effect on historical progressive developments around the world. It was a support to the peoples in the struggle for socialism and peace. We honor V.I. Lenin as the great internationalist, the leader who raised the flag of proletarian internationalism against the treacherous attitude of the Second International during the imperialist World War I, opposed bourgeois nationalism and other bourgeois views such as the cosmopolitanism of capital, and led the establishment of the Third Communist International, which made a major contribution to the international labor and communist movement and today is a basic source for drawing useful lessons from the experience it accumulated through its action. Lenin's positions on colonialism led the Communists to understand the issue of colonies and inspired them to lead the anti-colonial struggles, both in colonial countries and colonies. We honor V.I. Lenin as the tireless and consistent opponent of the imperialist war, the defender of peoples' struggle for national and social liberation, social justice, peace, and socialism. The counter-revolution and capitalist restoration cannot conceal the achievements of Socialism. The disasters and injustice we are experiencing, the acute problems and the suffering of the working class, the small-middle strata, the peasantry and the peoples overall caused by capitalist exploitation and oppression, emphasize the necessity and timeliness of socialism all over the world. The Communist and Workers' Parties denounce the wave of silence as well as the reactionary and anti-communist distortion that has been unleashed around the world by the political forces that serve the interests of the capital against V.I. Lenin to the workers and the youth. We struggle for the continuation of his work, we are committed to continue defending and propagating his legacy and we call on the workers and the people to learn from it. 22/04/2020 SolidNet Parties signing the Joint Statement 1. Communist Party of Albania 2. PADS, Algeria 3. Communist Party of Argentina 4. Communist Party of Armenia 5. Communist Party of Australia 6. Party of Labour of Austria 7. Communist Party of Azerbaijan 8. Democratic Progressive Tribune of Bahrain 9. Communist Party of Bangladesh 10. Communist Party of Belarus 11. Communist Party of Belgium 12. Brazilian Communist Party 13. Communist Party of Britain 14. New Communist Party of Britain 15. Communist Party of Bulgaria 16. Party of Bulgarian Communists 17. Communist Party of Canada 18. Communist Party of Chile 19. Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia 20. AKEL, Cyprus 21. Communist Party of Bohemia-Moravia 22. Communist Party of Denmark 23. Communist Party in Denmark 24. Force of the Revolution, Dominican Republic 25. Communist Party Ecuador 26. Communist Party of El Salvador 27. Communist Party of Finland 28. United Communist Party of Georgia 29. German Communist Party 30. Communist Party of Greece 31. Hungarian Workers Party 32. Communist Party of India 33. Communist Party of India (Marxist) 34. Communist Party of Kurdistan Iraq 35. Tudeh Party of Iran 36. Workers' Party of Ireland 37. Communist Party of Ireland 38. Communist Party of Israel 39. Communist Party, Italy 40. Italian Communist Party 41. Jordanian Communist Party 42. Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan 43. Workers' Party of Korea 44. Party of the Communists of Kyrgyzstan 45. Lebanese Communist Party 46. Socialist Party of Latvia 47. Socialist Party, Lithuania 48. Communist Party of Luxembourg 49. Communist Party of Malta 50. Communist Party of Mexico 51. Communist Party of Norway 52. New Communist Party of the Netherlands 53. Communist Party of Pakistan 54. Palestinian Communist Party 55. Palestinian People's Party 56. Paraguayan Communist Party 57. Peruan Communist Party 58. Communist Party of Poland 59. Portuguese Communist Party 60. Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930) 61. Communist Party of Ukraine 62. Union of Communists of Ukraine 63. Communist Party of the Russian Federation 64. Communist Workers' Party of Russia 65. Communist Party of the Soviet Union 66. Union of Communist Parties - CPSU 67. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia 68. Communists of Serbia 69. Communist Party of Slovakia 70. South African Communist Party 71. Communist Party of Spain 72. Communist Party of the Workers of Spain 73. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain 74. Communists of Catalonia 75. Communist Party of Sri Lanka 76. Communist Party of Swaziland 77. Communist Party of Sweden 78. Sudanese Communist Party 79. Syrian Communist Party 80. Communist Party of Turkey 81. Communist Party of Venezuela Other Parties signing the Joint Statement 1. Union of Communists in Bulgaria 2. Communist Revolutionary Party of France 3. Pole of Communist Revival in France 4. Shiso-Undo, Japan 5. Communist Party of Puerto Rico 6. Galizan People's Union 7. Communist Party, Switzerland 8. Party of Communists, USA

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 23.07.2020

People's Needs, Not Corporate Greed! Fight for workers' health and jobs, not corporate bailouts. The working class cant afford another capitalist bailout that ...puts corporate profits before peoples needs, and leaves millions of people on the margins, stripped of their jobs, their homes and their savings. We need to fight for immediate support for working people. Action must be taken to stop layoffs, foreclosures, evictions and utility cut-offs and cancel rent and mortgage payments. Employment Insurance benefits must be expanded to include everyone at 90% of pay, with no cut off. We demand that government stop corporate price-fixing and profiteering from this crisis. More info: http://communist-party.ca/bill-c-13-too-little-too-late-fo/

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 18.07.2020

Sign the Open Letter to the Government of the United States and the United Nations Dear Friends of Peace, Justice and Human Rights Around the World,... The global spread of COVID-19 has exposed the illegal and immoral practice of imposing unilateral coercive measures (economic sanctions) by the United States government against more than thirty nations. The economic war against those nations had already resulted in unimaginable suffering of the people in the targeted nations even before the COVID-19 pandemic. With the devastation of the global pandemic, the targeted countries especially Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Syria and Zimbabwe are finding it prohibitively difficult to protect and save the lives of their citizens in the face of the ongoing global emergency. These sanctions constitute crimes against humanity. Instead of helping these countries fight the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government of the United States is now using the public distraction caused by the pandemic to intensify its military actions against the targeted nations. It is increasing its threats against Iran and Syria by engaging in a silent buildup of its military forces in Iraq again, and has dispatched its Naval warships to the shores of Venezuela, demanding the total surrender of the Venezuelan government to the United States. Only a global wave of popular protest can stop these anti-human policies and actions. Please use the link provided below to sign the Open Letter to the Government of the United States and the United Nations, addressed to the President of the United States and Secretary General of the United Nations, demanding that all U.S. and UN sanctions against the targeted nations be lifted, and all U.S. military threats and actions against them be stopped immediately. We are dealing with a global emergency and must act quickly. Sanctions Kill! Initial Signatories: Tim Anderson, Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus, MIT; Professor, U. of Arizona Gerald Horne, Historian, University of Houston, Texas Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental Institute for Social Research Cornel West, Harvard University Iraklis Tsavdaridis, World Peace Council Bahman Azad, U.S. Peace Council Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK Jackie Cabasso, United for Peace and Justice Nathaniel Chase, International Action Center Omowale Clay, December 12th Movement Gerry Condon, Veterans for Peace Darien De Lu, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom US Section Sara Flounders, International Action Center Miguel Figueroa, Canadian Peace Congress Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space Roger Harris, Task Force on the Americas Chuck Kaufman, Alliance for Global Justice Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report Joe Lombardo, United National Antiwar Coalition Alfred Marder, U.S. Peace Council Makasi Metoma, Peoples Power Assemblies Teri Mattson, CODEPINK Nancy Price, Alliance for Democracy (US) Cindy Sheehan, March on the Pentagon David Swanson, World BEYOND War Emily Thomas, IFCO Pastors for Peace Gail Walker, IFCO: Pastors for Peace Yasemin Zahra, US Labor Against the War Kevin Zeese, Popular Resistance [Please click on the URL below to sign!]

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 05.07.2020

With so little to carry millions of Canadians for so short a time, this is a bailout that will strip working people of their jobs, their homes and their savings... in a very short time. Years of government austerity policies and unlimited corporate greed have brought on a global recession that could easily morph into a full-fledged Depression. Thats the real reason the Liberals tried in the original draft of their bailout package to give themselves unlimited taxing and spending powers for an unprecedented 21 months. Thats how long they think this crisis is going to last, and how much money they think theyll need to bailout their corporate friends. The system is overwhelmed by capitalist crisis. See more

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 16.06.2020

The Communist Party of Canada calls for emergency action NOW to stop COVID-19 and deep recession! "In Canada widespread privatization of public services and cut...s to healthcare have increased the danger that the pandemic will spread. Over-loaded hospitals and health-care providers, combined with widespread poverty, inadequate housing, declining living standards, precarious work, have exacerbated the crisis and are the consequences of 30 years of neo-liberal policies enacted by Liberal and Tory federal and provincial governments. In sharp contrast, the governments of China, Cuba, Vietnam, and DPRK have responded quickly and effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic in their countries, and contained the virus and treated those infected, saving hundreds of thousands of lives, through rapid deployment of healthcare resources and personnel, including the construction of sixteen emergency hospitals in the city of Wuhan and region in China, and the building of a 1,000 bed hospital in a period of one week. Cuba and China have also sent doctors and medical teams to Italy which is now the epicentre of the virus outbreak in Europe, while the Cuban government is making available to all countries the 22 drugs it has developed to combat COVID-19, including Interferon alfa-2b which has proved effective in treating 1500 cases of the virus in China. The socialist countries have been most effective in combatting the coronavirus because they can mobilize all of their publicly owned resources to address the pandemic, while the capitalist countries must deal with multi-national drug companies and private for-profit healthcare systems. Research and technology leading to the development of vaccines against COVID-19 must not be monopolized by Big Pharma and the vaccines sold for fat profits. The vaccine patents must be publicly owned and used to secure the health and well-being of all humanity. In Canada, hospitals and healthcare workers are confronted with a national healthcare system that is grossly under-funded after thirty years of cuts, and unable to deal with the anticipated 15 to 25 million people who will contract the virus as the pandemic spreads. The Canadian government must take the same kind of urgent action to save lives today, and to save livelihoods as well. The announcement of an $82 billion public expenditure by the Canadian government, including $2 billion to provide immediate assistance to working people who qualify for EI, and $5 billion for those who dont qualify and whose jobs and incomes have been negatively affected by the pandemic is a start, but it wont be sufficient for very long. Considering the cost of housing in the cities where the majority of Canadians live, the maximum payment of $900 twice a month wont even pay the rent..."

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 09.06.2020

As an anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist youth organisation that struggles for socialism in Canada, the YCL-LJC stands with those who oppose the interests of pr...ofiteers. We express unwavering solidarity with the Wetsuweten nations resistance against the same corporations that destroy our environment and spur global war. Those corporations that seek to dispossess Indigenous peoples of their lands and territory in Canada also play a role in the plunder of Latin America, Africa and throughout the world in the interest of their shareholders. http://ycl-ljc.ca//hands-off-wetsuweten-no-invasion-on-so/

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 26.05.2020

"There were encouraging signs that labour leaders are waking up to the fact that we cannot afford to wait another two years until a possible election defeat for... Ford. OFL President Patty Coates hinted at the kind of mass action it will take to reverse the corporate agenda in Ontario when she said, 'If the Conservatives dont listen to us, if they dont hear the people of Ontario say enough is enough, we will shut this province down.'" http://peoplesvoice.ca//labour-builds-fightback-against-f/

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 09.05.2020

"The Communist Party calls on the Canadian government and the Prime Minister to condemn these acts of war and terrorism by the US and the Trump administration a...nd to speak out about the enormous threat they pose to peace and stability in the world, to national sovereignty and independence, to the continued existence of the United Nations and international law.... ...We call on the labour and democratic movements across Canada to speak up against these US war crimes, and to condemn the US drive to a new war in the Middle East. Public pressure on the Canadian government to oppose these illegal acts of war can help stop the outbreak of a new war, and all its consequences on the 100 million people who live in the region, and on the peoples of the world."

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 05.05.2020

Our efforts to build the fight for fundamental social change - for peace, climate justice, and socialism need your support.

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 17.04.2020

"...The outcome on Oct. 21 presents an opportunity to press for more than just campaign rhetoric; but we also stress that despite claiming to be progressive, no...ne of the parties in the new Parliament stand for fundamental social and economic change, or for a break with Canadas pro-imperialist foreign policy. Passively waiting for change from a pro-corporate Liberal big business minority government, even one backed by NDP, BQ and/or Green MPs, would be a huge strategic error. Genuine progress can be won in this situation, but only through powerful, united massive pressure on Parliament by the labour and progressive movements, Indigenous peoples, environmentalists, students, women, racialized communities and others in all parts of the country who voted in hopes of swift and meaningful action around the issues which were at the heart of this election."

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 12.04.2020

Vote Communist! Don't waste your vote on Big Business parties. Vote for candidates and a party that will defend working class interests. Vote and fight for peace, climate justice and socialism! To find where, when and how to vote: https://elections.ca/home.aspx

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 01.04.2020

The Communist Party's free-time political broadcast is running on CBC TV To support our campaign and candidates, visit http://communist-party.ca/donate-online/ ...Your donation is tax-creditable 75% on the first $400, 50% on the next $350, and 33% on the last $850. A maximum donation of $1600 will yield a rebate of $650. For instance, after tax rebates: -A contribution of $100 will cost the donor $25 -A contribution of $200 will cost the donor $50 -A contribution of $400 will cost the donor $100 -A contribution of $750 will cost the donor $275 An official tax receipt will be mailed to you by the end of February for inclusion in your tax return for 2019. Visit http://www.votecommunist.com to view our program and learn about our candidates!

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 15.03.2020

There's still time to support! If you want a lawn sign, fill out this form here: https://docs.google.com//1FAIpQLSdHPmyY7IESAocl9c/viewform If you want to donate, you will be eligible to get up of 75% of your donation back at tax time. Info is here: http://communist-party.ca/donate/... And finally, our election night party is happening on Monday night, 7PM at Pero Restaurant at 812 Bloor Street West! Join us!

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 08.03.2020

Thanks for the interview, Andy St John!

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 22.02.2020

"Canada is home to more than one nation. It is a prison house of nations, with English Canada as the chauvinistic oppressor of Indigenous nations as well as the Quebec and Acadian nations. So one important national issue would be the sovereignty of all nations and their right to self determination (including the rights to veto resource projects, just settlements for all land claims, and to succession). Theres lots of outrage that the Liberals gave 4.6 billion dollars to a Texas oil giant but whats worse than that is how the federal government is imposing the pipeline construction with the violent force of the RCMP on nations such as the Wetsuweten First Nation. The NDP and Greens are also complicit in violating sovereignty with the continued construction of the Site C dam in B.C. despite opposition from Treaty 8 First Nations."

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 09.02.2020

Communist Party of Canada leader Elizabeth Rowley talks with By Any Means Necessary with Eugene Puryear on Sputnik.

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 22.01.2020

Investigative journalist Benjamin Norton with Communist Party candidate Ivan Byard for TorontoDanforth and comrades Check out Ben's work at The Grayzone: https://thegrayzone.com/

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 10.01.2020

TORONTO COMMUNIST CANDIDATE DEBATES This week #VoteCommunist #Elxn43 TONIGHT Alykhan Pabani for ParkdaleHigh Park... 7 PM @ Runnymede United Church [432 Runnymede Rd] Ivan Byard for TorontoDanforth 7PM @ Applegrove Gymnasium [60 Woodfield Rd] WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2 Bronwyn Cragg for Toronto Centre 7PM @ The 519 [519 Church St THURSDAY OCTOBER 3 Alykhan Pabani for ParkdaleHigh Park 7PM at Swansea Town Hall [95 Lavinia Ave]

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 26.12.2019

"Images of the Prime Minister in blackface have exposed what most racialized, Indigenous and progressive people have long suspected. This incident points to th...e real, intertwined issues of individual and systemic racism in Canada. Justin Trudeau is part of the ruling class, and in politics or not has greatly benefitted from a political system built on racism and exploitation." See more

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 20.12.2019

People's Agenda: the 2019 election platform of the Communist Party of Canada has been released! https://votecommunist.com/peoples-agenda-election-platform/ #VoteCommunist #elxn43

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 08.12.2019

Speaking at the Communist Party's Toronto campaign launch this past Saturday.

Ivan Byard for TorontoCentre 28.11.2019

Ivan Byard's lawn signs will be here soon!! If you would like to have one placed on your front lawn, please email us at byard@ votecommunist.com with your request, and your street address, or call our campaign office at 416-469-2446.