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Jennifer Dwyer 01.12.2020

Yesterday I walked away from this beautiful place for the last time. That’s the biggest change I wrote about this year. I’ll start by saying that selling a cottage is a serious first world problem. I know that. And I wish I could tell you that I handled this big life shift with all the ease and grace you’d expect from your yoga teacher, but in all honestly, that would be a bit of a lie . . The past few weeks have reminded me again and again one of the greatest lessons my pra...ctice taught me - the power of choice. In any given moment we can let our minds focus on what’s ‘wrong’ or we can remind ourselves to open our eyes to what’s ‘right’. . Is it sad to think that we won’t be making any more memories on this dock? Definitely. But how incredibly lucky am I to have had a place in my life that felt so hard to part with? Prettttty much the luckiest. . Same situation. Totally different perspectives. . And it really is sometimes as simple as realizing that you have a choice. I’ll be reminding you - and clearly myself - of that all summer. This practice is about training our minds to let go of thinking about what we don’t have so we can open our eyes and deeply appreciate all that we do. . Grateful for every memory and moment that I got to spend with my favourite people, in my favourite place. There aren’t enough thank you’s in the world to properly tell KDawg and Nance how lucky I feel to have had 20 amazing years up here. Now onto a new chapter and new memories with this crew. . To my boathouse yogis who are wondering what this big change means for your yoga-filled summers? Absolutely nothing. Muskoka can’t get rid of me that easy. I’ll be in the boathouse all summer. Come see me! Full schedule starts tomorrow. @ Muskoka, Ontario See more

Jennifer Dwyer 29.11.2020

I learned today that it was May 15, 2011 that I stood at the front of @poweryogacanada Oakville and taught my first class. Shaking on the inside. Yup. Red and blotchy with nerves on the outside. Oh yah. . All I feel like saying right now is thank you, thank you, thank you. To everyone that dragged themselves out to that first class to support me. To everyone that was in my class this morning. To the many, many teachers that have inspired me. To the mentors that have helped me... grow both in the yoga room and outside of it. To my Muskoka students who supported me from Day 1 despite being 23 and having no clue what I was doing. To every student that I’ve crossed paths with. . The work that I get to do is possible because of all of you. So thank you, thank you, thank you! . . . . #yoga #yogateacher #yogalife #poweryogacanada #poweryoga #vinyasa #vinyasayoga #yogaeverydamnday See more

Jennifer Dwyer 21.11.2020

I spent countless hours this year in front of this window quietly working away at something I’ve been toying with doing for years. I’ve always felt crystal clear on why I teach yoga: because of what it does for our minds. Are there other benefits? Sure. But in my opinion, the power this practice has to transform the way you see yourself and the world outweighs them all. . Yoga’s been my ‘job’ for almost a decade. I plan on teaching until I’m old and grey. While I cherish that... role and all that comes with it, I kept hearing this little whisper telling me I had to connect with my students off the mat, continue the transformation that yoga inspires in a more intimate setting and provide support to those seeking more meaning and fulfillment. . I’m excited, proud and admittedly, (really) scared to share that I’ve spent this year chipping away at my life coaching certificate to really understand the tools that create positive transformation in peoples lives. . I believe we all need support at different moments and for different reasons. I know I have. Maybe you’re looking to quiet that voice in your head that tells you you’re not good enough. Maybe you want to find the confidence to do that thing you’ve always dreamed of doing. Maybe you’ve ticked off all the boxes of what you wanted and are wondering is this it? Maybe you’re craving a deeper connection to yourself and your purpose. Maybe you’re feeling stuck and don’t know what you want. . Whatever it is, I know that deep down you already have the answers to these kinds of questions. They’re just hard to hear when there’s so much other noise in your mind. It can help to have someone on the outside lend a kind ear, be a neutral sounding board, a cheerleader and a pillar of support. I’m hoping to do just that with one-on-one coaching and group programs in addition to all the regular @pycmuskoka programming you know and love. . If you’re certain you want to dive into this work, send me a me message and let’s chat. If you’re hearing that whisper but want to ignore it, let’s definitely chat. I have some spaces open for powerful conversations. Complimentary. No pressure. No strings attached. If you’re ready, I’m here! See more

Jennifer Dwyer 08.11.2020

Isn’t it funny how the little moments that usually pass by unnoticed all of a sudden become special when we know the clock is ticking? As soon as there’s an end in sight, we remember to really, truly appreciate what ‘the end’ is going to take from us. . I’ve been feeling this over the past few days and weeks in London as our move creeps up. Everything just seems a little sweeter - our flat, our street, the pubs, the parks, the walk to yoga, my pretty window. Looking at all of... it through the lens of ‘I should appreciate this while I have it’ is such a beautiful way to live. . This got me thinking. What if we lived everyday with the deep appreciation that comes when the clock is ticking? . My favourite chapter from The Untethered Soul says we can, we just have to remember that we all have an end in (hopefully far far off) sight. I know that sounds morbid, but it really does change the way you live your life. . I’m flying back to Canada tomorrow but want to hang onto this feeling that time is passing. All the little things and seemingly mundane moments become incredibly special when you remember that nothing lasts forever. And since I can’t really say it better than Michael Singer himself, I’ll leave you with this: . It is death that makes life precious. Look how precious life becomes when you imagine you only have a week left to live. How precious would life be if there was no such thing as death? You’d waste every second of it because you’d figure you’d always have it. It is scarcity that makes things precious. It is scarcity that makes a simple rock become a rare gem. So death actually gives meaning to life. . Should this be the first book for our @pycmuskoka book club? Who wants to read it? I’m down to dive in again! . . . #pycmuskoka #yoga #offthemat #writersofig #poweryogacanada #thesweatlife See more

Jennifer Dwyer 22.10.2020

Don’t you love when the universe sends you a sure sign that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be? . I wrote about uncertainty on Monday and less than 24 hours later I stepped into @mindfulsonder’s {amazing} class for the first time and heard exactly what I needed to: . Relax. When you try to control everything, you enjoy nothing. Trust the wait and embrace uncertainty. When nothing is certain, anything is possible. Feel the power that comes from focusing on how you wan...t to feel and let the Universe fill in the details. @awakened_s . It’s so easy to think that we can only feel the way we want to feel once we’ve arranged all the parts and pieces of our life together in a perfect picture. This year has taught me that the picture is always, always changing and attaching our peace, our happiness and our ability to be calm to all the stuff on the outside is a guaranteed way to feel stressed, anxious and out of control. . I’m grateful for the little nudge I received on my mat this week that while there may be some chaos on the outside right now and some unknowns in the details, I always have a choice. I can create peace on the inside and trust that the details will come together as they’re supposed to - because deep down I know that they will. . And guess what? You have that choice too. . Happy Sunday lovelies. I miss you! . And a big thank you to Mariel for unknowingly sharing exactly what I needed to hear. . . . . #yoga #muskokayoga #yogamuskoka #dockyoga #headstand #offthemat #yogalessons #onmymat #pycmuskoka #iloveyoga #perspective #discoveron #muskoka #muskokalife See more