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Jenny Kierstead Page 02.01.2021

Intent is a force of nature. The Vedas Not sure how this moment happened but it totally reflects my new year intentions to heal, relax, let go and play. It affirms to me that the moment we become clear on what kind of energy we want in our lives, the environment starts to organize itself around that intention, especially if it’s fuelled by a deep desire. Happy 2021, here’s to our best, truest life possible!... #happynewyear2021 #powerofintentions #motherdaughterlove #breathingspaceyoga

Jenny Kierstead Page 15.12.2020

Happy New Year’s Eve! As promised, this is my second of three posts to help us all transition into the new year with awareness and intention. With this being the last day of this really challenging year, let’s take some time today to consider any behaviours that we don’t want to carry into the new year. This could be as simple as a limiting thought pattern, or as devastating as a life-consuming addiction. Throughout my twenty-year exploration into the power of manifestation..., I’ve discovered that first and foremost, we need to decide what to release from our attention before creating what we do want. After all, we only have so much time and energy and if our thoughts are obsessively spinning with self-criticism or resentment (two common, unproductive habits), we’re wasting vital energy that could be put toward building our dreams. Just as a race-horse wears blinders to prevent them from becoming distracted and to keep them focused on the task at hand, we too need to put up our own blinders on all the stuff that doesn’t support us, like toxic people, negative thoughts, self-sabotaging behavior etc. What do you need to drop from your life or disengage from in order to ‘make it rain’ in your life this year? An easy visual is to draw two large concentric circles. In the middle, write down everything you value in your life that you want to nurture, like self-care, family time, fulfilling work, friends, hobbies that bring you joy etc (YES you can add things that aren’t currently in your life). In the outer circle, write down everything that’s distracting you from creating what you want (excessive social media or Netflix consumption, or complaining, to name a few). I’ve included a video of a flowing stream that I did this exercise to this morning. Here’s a 30 second opportunity to let the water purify you of the outer circle list. Imagine this powerful stream of water flowing over you and through you, cleansing every cell of your being, right down to your core. Repeat as needed. Ps: for those attending the EnVision Retreat on Saturday, bring your answers as we’ll be doing a movement practice to further purify. #happynewyear2021 #envisionretreat

Jenny Kierstead Page 11.12.2020

Okay so the fullest, highest moon was last night, New Year’s Eve is tomorrow night, so it seems like the perfect evening to reflect on our lives tonight. Until our EnVision Retreat that we’re leading on January 2nd, I’ll be sharing an exercise you can do each day to usher in the new year with clarity, intention and vision. We’ve all taken a beating this year and if you’re feeling a bit ‘meh’ about the new year, I hope these next three days will help to lift you up and expand ...your perspective. Let’s start tonight by taking inventory of our year. If you can remember (perhaps you wrote them down?), circle back to your intentions from last year. What did you long for in your life? In other words, what were you wanting to generate? If you have a journal, feel free to pull it out and take some notes. Next question; what has unfolded in your favor? Write it all down and of course, take a moment to give thanks (what we’re grateful for grows). Next question; what has not manifested? (don’t make it mean a whole lot, just write it down). Final question for tonight; is the previous answer important enough to carry over into this year? In other words, is it aligned with your vision for 2021? Sometimes our dreams get stalled by life’s circumstances, and we need to adapt, refocus or dream it AGAIN. By imagining ourselves living our ideal life, the closer we come to aligning with our dreams and the easier it is for them to manifest. For example, I have a friend who spent eight years envisioning her ideal life. Each year she carried her intentions into the next year, because they continued to align with her deepest dreams. She didn’t give up, she remained steadfast and yet patient. She’s now living the vision she had for her life, that no one else could see or believe, but now? We get it, and it’s beautiful. What about you?

Jenny Kierstead Page 24.11.2020

I hope you can join us on your own time for a full moon ritual, we braved the cold to burn and release our stressors. May we forgive and be forgiven. May we release toxic energy and emotion. May we be healed in all ways. May we know without a doubt that we are loved. ... And so it is! #fullmoonlove #evolvingtogether

Jenny Kierstead Page 19.11.2020

Honest reflection time. I think this is the 'darkest night' my soul has faced so far. Yesterday I realized I needed to soften the ache and soon after found myself at the mall, free of children, free to shop, with boxing day sales on my side. As I was browsing through Ariztia, the darling young employee approached and offered to take my handful to a changing room. I said thank you and gave her my load. She then asked "So what are you shopping for?" I paused, almost instinctive...ly replying with "I'm looking for pain relief", but caught myself in time and answered with a civilized "shirts and pants". After two hours of uninterrupted, unabashed retail therapy, I came home with a few bags of stuff I'll likely end up returning (the Chuck Taylors? dunno), but we had a lot of fun playing with possibilities for tonight's gathering. I landed on the last look, for the fashionista's who care. Truly though, I'm feeling immensely blessed to be surrounded by so much support, thank you friends for your ongoing tender loving care. I know that this is an impossible time for so many, from COVID isolation, to personal hardship to the April tragedy, it's a lot, so let's stay close and know that love is all around, lifting us up and soothing our pain. #merrychristmas

Jenny Kierstead Page 03.11.2020

The candle is almost gone, Merry Merry everyone!

Jenny Kierstead Page 25.10.2020

This was us today, all day long, cleaning out and decluttering (and always taking time for hugs:) in preparation for the solstice tomorrow. Join us at 1pm tomorrow, Monday, for a FREE Facebook Live session where we’ll cleanse our minds and purify our energy to set clear intentions for 2021 the following week. See you then!!! #cleanseyourmind #purify #wintersolstice #setyourintentions #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools

Jenny Kierstead Page 19.10.2020

Through it all, there’s still beauty. #breathingspaceyoga

Jenny Kierstead Page 08.10.2020

As we face another 18/19th of the month, are you feeling the heaviness of grief as we move into the holidays? Join me tonight on my Facebook page or the N.S. remembers group for a chat with grief counsellor Serena Lewis and a mindfulness practice altogether. #nsstrong #nsremembers #nooneshouldsufferalone

Jenny Kierstead Page 03.10.2020

If you’re struggling to find joy in the season, please join me tomorrow evening on the NS Remembers Facebook group (we’ll also be broadcasting on my own page too) for a mindfulness practice and a chat with grief therapist, Serena Lewis. It’s gonna be real, honest and supportive of your journey. See you then #nsremembers #nsstrong #werisetogether

Jenny Kierstead Page 23.09.2020

Hi friends, 2020’s been one heck of a year and it’s stirred up a lot of stuff for all of us. Today marks our last new moon of 2020, so I thought I’d take a mome...nt to share a practice from our full day retreat ENVISION 2021, that’s happening Jan. 2nd. We’ve been leading this retreat for about the last 15 years, and I love this workshop because it’s a full day dedicated to your deepest dreams, to learning from the past year and bringing your progress with you to create your best year yet. The new moon is the perfect time to plant intentions for your future into the soil of your core, so they can take root and sprout in the new year. I invite you to take a moment of breathing space, by dropping into your center and allowing your heart’s desire to carry you into the best version of yourself. For more info on the retreat: https://fb.me/e/3ieQAMvBz

Jenny Kierstead Page 20.09.2020

Join Sophia as she talks about her journey through grief after the April massacre...

Jenny Kierstead Page 30.08.2020

HI Friends, an update on my previous message; after reading so many of your requests to see Sophia's presentation of her perspective of the April massacre, she has chosen to do it as a Facebook Live on Sunday at 7pm. Please tune in and support our girl as she bravely and authentically speaks about her grief journey. See you then!

Jenny Kierstead Page 10.08.2020

This girl, sheesh, today she presents her assignment on the April massacre to her peers. As she was preparing her cue cards, she looked up and said "I'll have to talk fast because I'm pushing the limit on the word count, but honestly, this seems bigger than a marked assignment. This is my chance to share with my classmates just how important mental health is, and how much pain is caused from gun violence." I teared up as she completed her practice run last night, feeling Lisa's presence with us. I sense her aunt is very proud of her too. #nsstrong #nsremembers #empoweredwomen #girlonfire

Jenny Kierstead Page 23.07.2020

With the holidays upon us, many of us will be feeling the loss of our loved ones more than ever. To help honour their lives at this nostalgic time, NS Remembers... has set up a memorial tree at the Truro Library, on the second floor, which will be available for viewing tomorrow, Monday. Below are some photos of handmade ornaments and a new logo that we’ll be using for our upcoming events. Thank you Margaret Davidson, who worked so hard to make this idea a reality, your kindness is felt by all who visit this tree. Thank you to the family members who also came in to decorate and remember their loved one(s). Please drop by to see the tree anytime throughout December and for those who live away, we’ll be posting a video of it tomorrow. See more

Jenny Kierstead Page 12.07.2020

Research shows that the most effective way to regulate our emotions is through movement and breathing, so I’m pretty happy to be sharing this work that I love this weekend and spending time with growth-minded people. Thanks @catherinerahey for coming to speak about our manual, Yoga for Autism! #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #mindfulnessinschools #ytt200

Jenny Kierstead Page 04.07.2020

Had a beautiful day with the south shore school board, @catherinerahey and Sophia on a full day workshop with @drlauridesautels, which was all about social/emotional learning and self regulation. I ironically received the latest news about the massacre and then blew up at the girls when they came at me with an upset. I described my state as one like the cartoon cats that have been jolted by electricity, with hair on end everywhere. Big feelings today, so I’m walking it out, breathing deeply, and holding myself with compassion, knowing tomorrow’s a fresh start. #traumajourney #selfcompassion #gunviolenceruinslives #nsstrong #nsremembers

Jenny Kierstead Page 16.06.2020

Given the difficult times we've all endured this year, we have decided to, once again, offer our intention retreat, EnVision 2021. If you are longing to realign with your deepest dreams and elevate your life, this is just the event to re-awaken your passion for your future. Hope to see you Jan. 2nd, either in-person or online!

Jenny Kierstead Page 05.06.2020

Last week I posted about a difficult interview experience, but not all are like that and Jeff Douglas on Mainstreet proved this. It was an honour for Sophia and I to be interviewed by such a kind, compassionate man. Our discussion is about how we as a family, are moving through our grief and our different experiences of trauma. May it help you move forward on your own healing journey.

Jenny Kierstead Page 30.05.2020

Sophia and I (who wasn’t up for a photo) are talking to @nsjeffdouglas around 4pm today about trauma and our recovery journeys, hope you can tune in #mainstreet #nsstrong

Jenny Kierstead Page 17.05.2020

Hope you can join this amazing woman tonight...

Jenny Kierstead Page 06.05.2020

Last night's documentary on the April massacre was difficult for many of us, and we deeply appreciated your support going into it. Today I felt emotionally drained and destabilized, so we went to Chapters and indulged in the plushiest, softest pillows ever created. Treating yourself to an experience such as this pillow, delights the senses and calms the nervous system. In trauma-informed circles this is referred to as a sensory anchor, helping to bring us back to feelings of safety and ease (for those with weight or food issues, non-food choices are best). If you have a favorite sensory soothing practice, please share it here so we can add it to our list! #nsstrong #nsremembers #traumahealing #traumasurvivor

Jenny Kierstead Page 02.05.2020

I am holding my breath about tonight's Fifth Estate documentary. I accepted to do an interview, with the intent to speak about Lisa's character and legacy. When they came at me with questions about the gory details of the night, (most of which are unknown to us), I didn't comply with their demands. After several times of setting a hard boundary, they left in a huff, very frustrated with us. After the interview I felt shaken and re-traumatized by their questioning and I realiz...e now how easy it is to be coerced into saying things you don't want to say when you're in this state. I'm praying that people's privacy is upheld tonight and that we can protect our children from this documentary that will present, in detail, the horror that we've already lived through. I also encourage educators to have conversations with students about how to manage this content, especially with those who were directly impacted. It's interesting timing that I just received the final version of our new logo for NS Remembers Anniversary Committee, which consists of a group of amazing people committed to replacing the events of April 18-19th with an experience of love, healing and togetherness. The heart is symbolic of waves, which to me also looks like an embrace. The inner row of 22 dots represents the victims and the white dot at the top is symbolic of the baby in utero that was lost. The outer rows of dots are all of us who have been affected by their deaths. The outer dots are largest because we're still alive and still able make a difference.

Jenny Kierstead Page 28.04.2020

The Liberal changes in May have since banned the weapon, which was also used at the École Polytechnique shooting in 1989. The rifle would have given him the same firepower as RCMP officers, but officers generally don’t use the rifle in all but the worst situations. I’m doing all I can to keep my face to the sun, but this news release on the gunman’s ammunition gutted me. Never would I have imagined that my sister’s death would have any connection to the Montreal massacre, b...ut here we are, again. This is our reality, messages in my inbox like this have almost become commonplace now, but today I stood up in rage and said WTF is this nightmare I’m living? It’s too shocking to understand sometimes. Just as I said that, Bella, who’s home from school and fulfilling some pie orders replied calmly, here mom, this will make you feel better. That spoonful of sweet and sour, sunny lemon pie filling, mixed with tears was like sipping nectar from a merciful, compassionate goddess. And still we rise. #nsstrong #stillwerise #holdingon

Jenny Kierstead Page 13.04.2020

Given our family's loss this year, we are very aware of the difficulty that will accompany the holiday season, for so many of us. So, on behalf of NS Remembers Legacy Society of which I am a proud volunteer, I will be doing a Facebook Live tomorrow evening, Nov. 18th at 7pm, on the NS Remembers Facebook Group, to support those of you on a grief journey. We'll do a brief trauma-sensitive mindfulness practice and discuss a few strategies for making the holidays tolerable. I'll also share some new events that we're planning in the coming months, so we actually have some things to look forward to. See you tomorrow evening!

Jenny Kierstead Page 31.03.2020

Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows. Native American Proverb This lake never disappoints, it’s where Blair was living when we met, it’s where we’ve led our trainings for 15 years. It’s seen us through many births, and deaths and sustained us with it’s beauty and the love that’s generated every time we lead a weekend. ... This weekend will be no exception as we gather for our mindfulness training program, one of our most sacred experiences because it brings people into the now, where we can listen to the wind, the silence and the wisdom in our hearts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessinschools #mindfullife #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools

Jenny Kierstead Page 12.03.2020

Remembering the girls’ grandfather at the historic York Redoubt. Blair has so many stories, like how the Germans feared the Canadian soldiers because they were so fierce. Blair’s dad, Abe, fought in some of the worst battles in WW11 and survived, but was never the same. #lestweforget

Jenny Kierstead Page 05.03.2020

Some of my faves It was neat to be teaching yoga this weekend. I closed our Saturday morning practice with the lotus mudra/hand gesture, symbolizing our ability to rise above the messiness to rest in beauty at the surface of the water, and then came home to see Blair in tears about the election results. Kamala in Sanskrit means lotus, so she’s certainly living up to her name and inspiring us to join herYay!!!

Jenny Kierstead Page 26.02.2020

Beauty cannot be not causedIt Is. Emily Dickinson

Jenny Kierstead Page 23.02.2020

Well this lady stayed, it’s been 19 years to the day that I met this guy and while my love for him hasn’t changed, my respect and gratitude has increased immensely, because he’s the best kinda man there is; caring, hard working, funny, protective and committed to growth. Love you forever Blair Abbass #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #partnership #souljourney #lovemyman

Jenny Kierstead Page 17.02.2020

I’m taking this advice tonight and staying grounded, thank you to the beautiful soul who created this and placed it on my path. Prayers that goodness, respect and dignity prevails tomorrow

Jenny Kierstead Page 13.02.2020

It was an honour to finally meet THE Nancy Regan in person and share a soul booth podcast conversation with her. She is a giant Spirit with so much experience, it was very evident I was in the presence of a master at her craft. It was so heartening to speak about Lisa, and my traumatic grief journey without feeling pressured to share any gory details, where so many news interviews have gone. Instead it was a vulnerable and real chat that I think will help many to move forward... on their healing path. She gave this dress to me because it so poignantly represents Lisa's and my human journey together, yet separate, and our now spiritual journey, united as one. The painting of the two girls was in my periphery the whole morning, of Nancy and a friend when they were 11. If you knew Lisa and I when we were kids, you'll recognize the similarities, Lisa often wore a blue dress just like this one and her hair was styled the same way, whereas my introverted demeanour was often expressed in this crossed arm position. So neat that we both invited Lisa to be with us before we began and I have no doubt that she was right there beside us. Oh and the minute I got home, this hot FANCY headband fell out of the trunk. I think I pull it off but it'll be going to Fancy Nancy #soulbooth #griefjourney #breathingspaceyoga #womenconnect

Jenny Kierstead Page 11.02.2020

"So often we indulge in the short-term pleasure of addiction. We do it so many times that we know that grasping at this hope is a source of misery that makes a short-term pleasure a long term hell." Pema Chodron On our hike through Blomidon Park this weekend, Blair mentioned how much he appreciates my ability to be joyful without any reliance on an outside substance (shhh, don't tell him about my chocolate fixation:). Then, when Sophia was asked about her goals, she said "I w...ant to be as happy as mom is", which was about one of the most impactful things anyone has ever said about me. I've had my share of hardship in the last few years for sure, but I think I'm just so grateful to finally be autonomous and free (of addictive behavior) that it lights my way forward. What does freedom look like for me? These photos of family fun in nature, reclaiming our childlike essence. If you're struggling through addiction, please don't give up on yourself and instead start befriending yourself. I wonder what freedom looks like to you? #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #freedom #healingjourney #addictionrecovery #blomidonprovincialpark

Jenny Kierstead Page 06.02.2020

Your ability to trust life is in direct proportion to your ability to relax. Your ability to relax is in direct proportion to your ability to trust life. I’m practicing both tonight, hope you are too

Jenny Kierstead Page 21.01.2020

We’re regretful to say that Facebook Live did not cooperate with our vision of having a family gathering to honour my sister Lisa McCully and the other victims ...on this day that marks the 6 month anniversary of the massacre. The victims are all represented on our mantle (with baby in utero as the gold candle). May the angelic voices of our girls bring you some peace on your healing journey. We offer our gratitude to Alicia Moffet who wrote Beautiful Scar. See more

Jenny Kierstead Page 16.01.2020

Getting ready for our Live family time at 7pm, lots of love coming your way!

Jenny Kierstead Page 29.12.2019

This morning I had the honor of joining this medicine woman for a sunrise ceremony. In my dream early this morning, Lisa came to me, behind a pane of glass. She looked at me with great intent and when I reached out for her, she faded away. I woke up startled and had trouble returning to sleep, so by the time I joined the small group at the lakeside, I was feeling pretty raw. Despite never having met this woman before, Lottie received me with her big love and healing energy an...d smudged away a lot of my turmoil. I think it's divine perfection that I would spend the 6 month anniversary of the mass shooting with our First Nations friends, who have, themselves, survived such great suffering, oppression and violence. Even through her own hardship, this woman chooses to serve her Creator and spread the Light. In doing so, she lifted my spirit so that I could do the same for our graduates today. As for my visit from Lisa, I know she's with me, with us, and still doing her work wherever she is now. I mentioned in a previous post that we'd be doing a FB Live tonight, but we're just back from Cape Breton and choosing to take some quiet time. However, I hope you can join us tomorrow evening, Monday, at 7pm for some Live family time, where Blair will lead us in an ancestor meditation, the girls will sing a beautiful song and I'll guide us through a healing embodiment practice. The awareness that we're not alone in our pain is enough to ease it, so we look forward to connecting tomorrow evening. #nsremembers #healingjourney #nsstrong

Jenny Kierstead Page 24.12.2019

It was a perfect day for Ytt graduation for these persevering participants who started a year ago, got delayed and then thrown onto zoom, only to come back together to complete their healing journey. Congratulations to all our MK graduates who will be bringing yoga and mindfulness into their classrooms and communities. Wella’lin #yogainschools #breathingspaceyoga #mklove

Jenny Kierstead Page 11.12.2019

Let everything happen to you, the beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeing is final. Rainer Maria Rilke That’s my life these days, we face the horrors of our reality but also let ourselves be awestruck by its beauty. We spent much of our time on the Cabot Trail at this stop, where 80% of NS’s old growth deciduous forest is protected. The energy was exhilarating! And it’s fitting that tomorrow, on the six month anniversary of the massacre, we graduate a group of MK teachers who will go forth and spread the light to their people. #cabottrail #capebreton #fallcolors #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools

Jenny Kierstead Page 26.11.2019

A perfect day at Cape Split today. This diva @catherinerahey started out in typical fashion and kept her glam on all day (she did wear sneakers, red ones:). As I looked out at the shores across the water, Sophia noticed me feeling weepy and said Here I’ll help ground you and added her heavy water bottle to my pack, a real sweetheart. Blessed to have this capable body, blessed to live amidst such beauty and especially blessed to call these people my family. #capesplit #novascotialife #thanksgiving #blessedbeyondmeasure #thankyou

Jenny Kierstead Page 22.11.2019

This is a sacred space I’ve created in my living room, with 22 candles to honour the 22 lives claimed in April. Each time I light these, I’m struck by just how many there are. One man’s mental instability has effected an untold number of people’s lives. This leaves me thinking, on World Mental Health Day, how essential it is to nurture our own mental health as well as those around us. Reach out, check in or consult with professionals if you’re concerned. We’ll be doing another Facebook Live on Sunday, October 18th to mark the 6 month anniversary, stay tuned. #worldmentalhealthday2020 #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #nsstrong

Jenny Kierstead Page 03.11.2019

If you're looking for strategies that help you deal with the challenges and stresses of life for yourself, your students and those you love, then this is the program for you!

Jenny Kierstead Page 24.10.2019

Know the true nature of your beloved. In the Divine’s loving eyes your every thought, word and movement is always, always beautiful. Hafiz This woman/yogini brought so much beauty to the world, I am feeling so blessed to have had the time I did with Maureen in Yellowknife a few years back. Over the course of her illness, I found myself connecting to her in that place we go to when meditating, which she did a lot of the last year and I’m feeling her loving, playful presence now, as her spirit rises. We did a ritual with roses today to honour her joyous life and the beauty she shared with the world. Maureen, It’s fitting you would pass on yesterday on National Teachers Day, Namaste my friend Maureen Tonge

Jenny Kierstead Page 15.10.2019

Happy first full moon in October! May we learn from her and let ourselves shine brightly in the world. An example of this is one of our teachers is leading a school-wide mindfulness practice each morning and the kids are loving this contemplative start to their day. 600 children’s lives are enhanced because she stepped out of the shadow and agreed to shine. What can you do to shine in your life? #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #fullmoonlove #shinebright #livelarge

Jenny Kierstead Page 02.10.2019

An important message on how to stay motivated after job and business loss due to COVID-19....

Jenny Kierstead Page 22.09.2019

From summer berries to autumn sunflowers, our sojourns to the valley have been so healing over the last few seasons. I’m intrigued by our ability to experience joy, even as the heart aches with loss. I think Blair’s hallmark approach to life, which has always been to work hard and play unreservedly, has been my buoy amid so much emotional heaviness. Sometimes over the last few months, I’ve felt so lost that I’ve scared myself by my lack of motivation toward my work endeavors ...which were previously a source of great interest. I realize now that this inability to do or create anything was nothing to fear, I just needed to press pause on production. It wasn’t the time for business as usual. It wasn’t the time to create something new. It was the time to acknowledge my losses and attempt to let go. I’ve needed to spend this time being gentle with myself, being present to my grief and supporting my sister’s spirit through her own losses. Lisa deserves this, I deserve this, our relationship deserves this. It’s our challenge and our invitation to stay present and give our life experiences the attention they deserve. As I said in our column a few weeks ago, fall is a time of letting go of all that has lived out its life cycle and must now fall from the branch. So much has changed for all of us, we’ve all lost something in this pandemic, and it’s vital that we take some time to be with whatever feelings we have about that. As Richie Jackson recently wrote During this pandemic, we all have been confronted with bitter disappointments and shattered expectations. These losses require mourning too. Sadness isn’t reserved solely for the dearly departed. Grief is for everything we lose. On this day of the equinox, as nature shifts into fall, I hope you can join me in taking a few moments of quiet time to reflect on what is calling to be released. When we’re ready, we can loosen our grip and let it go, in order to flow in harmony with life’s rhythms. Today is my brother’s birthday, RIP big dog. I also grieve the titan spirit that was RBG and yes, let’s make time to celebrate life in a sunflower patch. #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools ##griefjourney #fallequinox2020

Jenny Kierstead Page 09.09.2019

While Drew, Cameron and Lucy celebrated the 20 year anniversary of Charlie’s Angel’s, we celebrated our 20 year anniversary (to the day) of starting the Camino de Santiago, the 800km trek across Spain. It happened to be a new moon yesterday too so we set our intentions for the next 20. Lara, you bring so much light to this world with your giggles, plant medicine and big heart, thanks for crashing my silent retreat! And for those who asked, I stayed at the gorgeous floating cottage @stayingafloatns (which sums up my life lately:).

Jenny Kierstead Page 03.09.2019

My retreat so far has been stunning, but I'll admit the first few hours were difficult. Intentionally removing all distractions and leaning into the healing process takes so much courage! I can see why people don't do it and why, instead, our substance stores are thriving. We need guidance, support and reassurance when going inside to face our pain. It's big and scary and uncomfortable but as I moved through practice this morning and then curled up to let it flow, I held on...to the faith that my pain will gradually transform into inspiration, which will help me serve with greater strength and connection. I'm so deeply thankful for my teachers who have transmitted their teachings to me, for my benefit and for the benefit of all...and of course, to you, my sweet friends, who continue to hold us in your love #breathingspace #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #nsstrong #healingjourneys

Jenny Kierstead Page 15.08.2019

Adventure awaits! I’m feeling so blessed to be able to take a few days away, with just me, to reflect, heal, frolick, cleanse, create, sleep, stretch, sit and breathe (in no particular order as this retreat has no syllabus:). Jai Ma...and thank you Blair #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #solotime #silentretreats #recalibrate

Jenny Kierstead Page 12.08.2019

Suzanne Keith I am so moved by this synchronicity, to know that your thoughtful parenting helped me to take a deep breath and walk away from Bella on that first day of school with some semblance of faith. Thank you for doing your part, you’ve already given back to us by raising such a respectful son. Here’s what she wrote in response to my piece: "Anti-Bullying Day" isn't simply a day that we send our kids to school wearing pink - it is a state of mind and a responsibility... that we all have as parents. WE need to lead by example and show are kids kindness and love - we need to teach them how to resolve conflict without violence and anger - and we must show them empathy and compassion for everyone in the human race. This article of spoke volumes to me and will serve as an important daily reminder to me, to continue to keep the dialog open with Chase. This year, Chase is a classmate of Jenny's youngest daughter. She and her family, are immediate family members of Lisa McCully, the beautiful school teacher who was killed during the NS Mass Shooting in April. Unknowingly, Chase stood next to Jenny on the first day of school as these horrible and raw thoughts raced through her mind. Further proof that you must always choose kindness, for you really don't know what the person standing next to you is going through. I hope and pray that we can give back some sense of safety to the victims families and to the entire community who was impacted by this senseless tragedy.

Jenny Kierstead Page 31.07.2019

My dark but real reflections on the first day of school...

Jenny Kierstead Page 11.07.2019

I’ve been focusing on sending out healing energy to raise the vibration of our communities, we can create a mass movement by our thoughts alone. Lisa McCully Thank you, Margaret Davidson, for sharing this message with me that Lisa wrote in March during quarantine. I’m sharing it with all of you tonight, as we prepare for a new school year, with the hope that we can all sustain her vision. As parents prepare their children to go back to school with all the COVID precautions, as teachers prepare to welcome uncertain students into their classroom, and as we support one another in living with the void that April left in our hearts, may we remember Lisa’s words so we can be beacons of love, compassion and kindness. And thank you Bob Brasset for the painted image below, it's so Lisa! (if you want a copy, he sells prints).

Jenny Kierstead Page 28.06.2019

It was a beautiful day at Shortt’s lake last weekend for celebrating this young thing, thanks Patricia and Joan for hosting mom’s 79th birthday party. It was so neat to have her 11month older brother Dave there to share stories of their childhood, like how they used to walk to school shoulder to shoulder, which they re-enacted in the second photo . This woman is teaching us how to live with grace and grit during these hard times, love you mom

Jenny Kierstead Page 14.06.2019

You live on earth only for a few short years which you call an incarnation, and then you leave your body as an outworn dress and go for refreshment to your true home in the spirit. ~White Eagle The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God.... ~Eileen Elias Freeman For those on the healing journey, I hope you can sense your loved one’s presence still with you, it’s moments like these when I feel their love lifting me up. #nsstrong #nsremembers

Jenny Kierstead Page 11.06.2019

These two are so adorable.. if the big girls can spend an evening at the yacht squadron dining, so can they. I set them up and then did my practice on the grass just out of sight so they could feel both independent and supported. @marney_steeves #lovesofmylife ... #attachmentbasedparenting #strongconnections #friendships #blessedmomma #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools See more

Jenny Kierstead Page 08.06.2019

What a week! There’s been some concern about how much I’ve been working but honestly, diving into this healing space is always a remedy for all involved. These people (and our summer group) have shown amazing dedication to themselves and their communities by sticking this out through our zoom weekends and what a gift it was to join in person for the final week, even with the social distance discussions.TY everyone! Being here on the soil where I was born brought up a lot of p...ain but it also brought joy, on the beach with @fernshinehappiness (can you guess which one is COVID crazy?). Thank you Sophia for spending yet another week of your 14th summer to ‘woman’ our zoom, I love this photo of you with your two cousins on either side:). And lastly, I stood for a long time on the riverside to take in these gorgeous art pieces by Jared Betts, reminding me of the organic fragile beauty of life. Now off for a ride and then to Rothesay to visit Dad for the first time in months. #healingjourney #griefrecovery #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #ytt200

Jenny Kierstead Page 29.05.2019

Happiness cannot be owned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living each minute with love, grace and gratitude. Denis Waitley This was an accidental selfie on the riverside this morning, which I think captures my love and gratitude in the moment for the opportunity to teach our Moncton group in person!

Jenny Kierstead Page 23.05.2019

Hey Friends, if you're ready to explore a new career path or enhance your personal life with the practice of yoga and mindfulness, this program has been described as life changing in the best kind of way. These evidence-based tools will help to ground you as you navigate these wild times and will teach you to effectively support others in doing the same. We have limited space with the current social distancing restrictions so register soon to secure your spot. www.BreathingSpaceYogaStudio.ca

Jenny Kierstead Page 06.05.2019

Still soaking in the beauty of our Ytt intensive with these gorgeous humans who will be sharing the gift of movement, mindfulness and wellbeing in their communities. In our final few days we discussed what the Buddhist tradition calls virtuous employment, or work that has minimal detrimental effects and maximal benefits. I think we yoga instructors can feel so good about the work we do, right? Congratulations everyone and a big shout out to our special zoomer, stepson Nicho...las Abbass in Singapore, who spent his summer vacation learning this new discipline with us. #healthiswealth #breathingspaceyoga #yogainschools #yogateachertraining #ytt200 @ Best Western Plus Chocolate Lake Hotel See more

Jenny Kierstead Page 24.04.2019

I'm excited to be doing a radio interview on Sunday to talk about the support we received and our recovery journey from the shooting in April that altered so many lives. It's easy to focus on the pain when tragedy strikes, but that's really only one side of it. True healing happens when we acknowledge the blessings that exist amidst the brokenness. For example, we were deeply moved to hear that when the RCMP arrived on the homicide scene, they completely surrounded the house ...to protect the children inside. We were so completely overwhelmed by the gestures of care and support, with food deliveries, complementary supplements for the kids from @oemhalifax (Organic Earth Market), two large care packages from our yoga community in Fredericton (Kelly Green put a box out in front of her house which people dropped oodles of things into) and on and on. One of the gifts that instantly became a nurturing resource and a constant reminder of the love that's surrounding us is this quilt. Apparently when @poppyprint Krista Hennebury saw one of my interviews and watched Lisa singing with her children, she was so grief stricken that she began quilting that evening (the lyrics to the song are quilted into this matrix of beauty). It was so special to have it (and 3 others for Blair and the girls) hand delivered by local quilters @goldenanddelicious Shelly Stephens and Nora Perry, who put the word out to quilters across Canada when the news came out about the tragedy. Over the next few months, they would receive over 300 quilts for survivors and the victim's families (quilters are amazing people!). This quilt, that likely took over 100 hours to complete, gifted to me by a perfect stranger (known as the 'Oprah' of the quilting community) from the other coast of Canada is what I'm choosing to rest my attention on right now so that I don't die of a broken heart, but emerge from the fog of trauma with faith in humanity, hope for the future and continued passion for the healing work we do. Krista, thank you for this beautiful gift of love, I hope to one day return the favor. And to everyone else who so generously gave to us in our time of need, we are so grateful. #seeingthegood

Jenny Kierstead Page 17.04.2019

‘Trauma doesn’t reside in the event itself, but rather in our nervous system.’ It was so rewarding to complete our trauma-informed mindfulness conference today, we laughed, we learned, we moved, we cried and best of all, we connected. Thank you to everyone who dialled in or showed up, may we all go forward and bring peace, healing and love to the world . #traumainformed #yogainschools #breathingspace #healingjourney #novascotiastrong