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Queen Life Nutrition 15.01.2021

What exactly does a healthy diet look like? The reality is that it looks different for everyone. Figuring out what foods work best for your body and what doesn’t work is a process and sometimes a tricky one at that. I myself am still trying to figure out what causes some symptoms that I deal with regularly, and I eat what most people would consider a healthy diet. It’s a matter of constant trial, assessment, and adjustment until you can nail down exactly what the trigger fo...ods are. And this often takes some time. But there are key components to a healthy diet that are universal. Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to share with you 10 components of a healthy diet that you can use to improve your own nutrition! The first: EAT NATURAL FOODS This is a fundamental principle of holistic nutrition. Eating natural, whole foods as nature intended ensures that we are getting as much nutrients and as few chemicals and additives as possible. They are also naturally lower in unhealthy fats and sugar that increase inflammation, which contributes to symptoms of so many common chronic conditions. Make the majority of your diet from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. Choose meats in their natural state, such as chicken breast or wild caught fish rather than boxed chicken fingers or fish sticks whenever possible. This is not to say you should never eat anything processed. I think that would be an unrealistic goal for most people, myself included. Just don’t make processed products the staples of your diet. By choosing whole foods the majority of the time, you will naturally be making an improvement in your nutrition and, ultimately, overall health #benatural #wholefooddiet #goodforyourbody

Queen Life Nutrition 06.01.2021

If you were to ask me what is the single best thing every person can do to improve your health through nutrition, I would have to say to that taking care of your gut micro biome would be top of the list! So many of the common chronic conditions people suffer from can be linked back to imbalances in the intestinal system. When you regularly consume processed foods, artificial ingredients and high amounts of sugar you are promoting an overgrowth of pathogenic gut bacteria and y...east. This type of diet is also typically low in fibre and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which are required to maintain a healthy balance and diversity in gut flora. Stress, exposure to toxic chemicals and moulds, and use of antibiotics and steroid drugs contribute to imbalances in the intestinal system as well. Some symptoms that suggest possible imbalances in the gut micro biome are: mood disorders and anxiety sleep issues regular diarrhea or constipation, or alternating patterns of both gas and bloating poor condition of hair, skin and nails recurrent yeast infections fatigue chronic headaches and muscle aches lack of libido getting sick often (suppressed immune system) By increasing the nutrients required for a healthy balance of gut bacteria and reducing the exposure to ingredients that promote imbalance, we often see a reduction in these symptoms. If you are dealing with any of the issues listed above, or think you may have an imbalance in your own gut micro biome, feel free to reach out and see how I can help you in reducing these symptoms and improving the state of your health through changes in your diet. Or visit my website: #gutmicrobiome #allaboutbalance #intestinalhealth

Queen Life Nutrition 05.01.2021

As the New Year approaches I’ve started noticing a lot of chat in the local Mom Groups about weight loss programs over the past couple of days and the conversations often start something like this: Any recommendations for weight loss programs that actually work? I’ve tried ___ and ___ and ___. Looking for something new. Or: Was thinking about trying _____ again. I’ve done it several times in the past but I think it’s upgraded and wondering if anyone’s doing it now. Would y...ou recommend? There’s a reason why these programs don’t yield long term success. They are usually based on constant tracking, which is unsustainable for most people, or a high level of restriction. Most people try these, see some results for the short-term, but then ultimately fail. If you want to become healthier, increase your energy and naturally shed excess weight you need to figure out what is going on in your own body that has contributed to your lack of success thus far. You need to figure out what foods to FOCUS ON to build you up, rather than obsessing over what to take away to get you to your goal. And you need to start believing that you are worth the investment and effort in real life change, because it absolutely is possible for you. And you don’t need to feel stressed about arbitrary numbers or deprived of the enjoyment of eating to do it. #stopdietingstartliving #healthyhabitsforlife #youcanhaveit

Queen Life Nutrition 30.12.2020

Have veggies dying in the back of your fridge? Me too. So I sautéed them up with some seasoning added some canned chickpeas (any bean will do) and leftover chicken broth I needed to use up. Simmered for 20, blended until smooth, added freshly grated garlic and lemon juice, and voila! A healthy and delicious soup that is comforting and creamy without any cream #savetheveggies #easymealsforbusypeople #soupfordinner

Queen Life Nutrition 22.12.2020

Yesterday I read that we should not have looked at January 1st as the start of 2021, but actually at today’s new moon which is said to bring about change to our inner and outer worlds, letting go of the things that are no longer serving us and preparing for new possibilities. I felt relieved reading that because I had been beating myself up already for not being as on top of things as I felt I should for January 1st. The holiday season this year felt weird with all the Covi...d restrictions and I felt like my energy was off because of it. Then the first week back after the new year was homeschool for the girls and that was an adjustment for the 3 of us. I am a structure and routine loving creature so not having my designated work time to myself was a bit of a struggle for me. Thankfully the girls are back to school, things are feeling much more normal this week and I’m looking at this new moon as a clean slate and the official start to my new year! So if you had set some resolutions for yourself and haven’t pulled the trigger on them yet, consider making today your official New Year too! Make now the time to prioritize yourself. Put in the effort to make all those positive changes you want in your life. Invest in YOU. If you aren’t feeling comfortable where you are at and doing what you’ve been doing, that’s your inner voice telling you it’s time. Listen to it. Making changes isn’t easy, but oftentimes staying the same is just a different kind of hard. Helping people change their food choices and their thinking about what a healthy diet would look like is what I love to do. If you are ready for big life change then I am ready to help guide you on your way to becoming your very best you. #newmoonenergy #makefoodyourmedicine #transformationispossible

Queen Life Nutrition 18.12.2020

New Year, New Name, New Website, New Services, New Energy... These past few months have been a big learning curve. Starting out I felt like I had no idea how to set myself up, what kinds of services I wanted to offer, or even who I was really wanting to work with honestly. I felt like I was lacking a clear vision and struggled to find a sense of direction. I’ve taken some time over the past few weeks to really reflect on where I’m trying to go business wise and who I’m trying to help. And who I want to help is basically the woman I was 5 years ago. Feeling like a run down version of me. Wanting to be happy and healthy and confident but unsure how to get there. Taking care of all the things I needed to take care of in my world to keep us all afloat, except for myself. I was quietly drowning and not asking for help, just pretending as best I could that I was fine. That feeling sucks. I’ve made some significant changes over the past 5 years that have got me to where I am now - that happy, healthy confident woman I wanted to be. An everyday Queen of my own little world . And I hope that I can help lift up other everyday Queens to get them here too. Because it’s a really great place to be. Please check out my new website: #queenlife #newvibes #keepongrowing

Queen Life Nutrition 12.12.2020

If I’m being honest, I’m finding it a bit difficult this year to be fully in the Christmas spirit, but I am really trying to see the positives in having a quiet Christmas with my girls and doing some fun holiday activities together that we otherwise may not have. For us that will definitely involve trying some new foods and making some homemade treats! On Christmas Day we will still have a wonderful meal together, although it’s hard to say what it will be since I couldn’t less about turkey. Even if you are going to be on your own this Christmas, you are worth putting in the time and effort for to create a delicious holiday meal, whatever that may be for you, and I hope that you do If you would like some healthy holiday food inspiration, go to my website and sign up for a free e-book of 30 delicious and nutritious recipes inspired by the season. Christmas is just two weeks away so time to start planning your holiday menus now! #foodinspirations #healthyrecipesideas #xmasiscoming

Queen Life Nutrition 06.12.2020

Reminder that a part of healthy eating habits is to be mindful of what your body needs, as well as your spirit, and indulge occasionally without feeling guilty or trying to compensate with excessive exercise or avoiding eating later on. Long term success is not built on restriction. Some days you just need the burger. #eattotreat #norestriction #thisisreallife

Queen Life Nutrition 02.12.2020

Don’t let your health spending account dollars just disappear! Now is the perfect time to get yourself set up for a nutritional overhaul and renewed focus on your health and wellness to get you where you want to be in 2021 Message me for more information on how my services may be covered for you.

Queen Life Nutrition 06.10.2020

Cold and flu season + Covid = a lot for our immune system to handle. Why not give it some extra love by eating more healthy and delicious foods high in nutrients that naturally support it? Sign up at

Queen Life Nutrition 29.09.2020

If you missed my info session last night, here is the recording. I explain what it is that I do and how we can work together to achieve your wellness goals. More information on my packages can be found on my website- Please reach out if you have any questions

Queen Life Nutrition 21.09.2020

This is happening tonight at 7:00! In person at Lotus Massage and Wellness or live on their Facebook page. Please share with anyone you think may be interested in knowing more about what I do and how I can help them achieve their wellness goals. My services are available through Zoom so no need to be in Millet or the Edmonton area to work with me

Queen Life Nutrition 07.09.2020

First day in my office at Lotus

Queen Life Nutrition 19.08.2020

Join me at Lotus or on Facebook Live next Wednesday, October 14th to find out more about what a holistic nutritional consultant does and how I can support you on your journey to better health!

Queen Life Nutrition 14.08.2020

I am so excited to announce that I will be joining the team at Lotus Massage and Wellness here in Millet after the Thanksgiving weekend!! I will be working out of their shop and offering both in-person and online appointments from 9:00-3:00, Monday to Friday. These appointments can be booked on the Lotus website: Evening and weekend appointments are still available online through my website: If you are looking for nutritional support in a different capacity or price point than what you see listed on the websites, please contact me to discuss what I can offer to meet your needs

Queen Life Nutrition 02.08.2020

Are you up to your eyeballs in rhubarb and not sure what to do with it? I’ve been fortunate enough to be gifted quite a bit of it this month and thought I would share with you one of my favourite ways to use it - for breakfast! Take 2 cups of chopped rhubarb, add a few tablespoons of water and a splash of maple syrup. Cook over medium low heat until rhubarb begins to fall apart. Top steel cut oats with some of this stewed rhubarb, cinnamon, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and hemp hearts. A perfect fall breakfast that’s high in fibre, iron, vitamin K, and essential fatty acids.

Queen Life Nutrition 14.07.2020

I am so excited to announce the launch of my web page! I am currently accepting clients who are ready to take their health into their own hands, adjusting their diet and eating habits to bring about balance in their body. I am specializing in women's health with a focus on family-friendly meal planning. If you are ready to put in the work and make a change, I want to work with you! And please share with family and friends! Visit or send me a message for more information. *I am able to issue receipts, allowing for insurance coverage under "naturopath services" with participating insurance companies