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Jessie May Baird 24.09.2020

Happy 5th Anniversary to my best friend and the love of my life.Thank you for bringing all the happiness, laughter, and fun times in my life. Even if its from endless fart jokes . I'm the luckiest woman to have the most caring, supportive, and amazing partner. Life with you is the BEST path I could be on . Love you forever and always Bubby @ Vernon, British Columbia

Jessie May Baird 22.09.2020

Just a quick Chat about Kindness <3 Kindness is so powerful.

Jessie May Baird 12.09.2020

This is a very heavy topic for me and I know some people can relate. It's Mental Health Awareness Month, and I want to help get rid of the Stigma of Mental Health. It's okay not to be okay. <3

Jessie May Baird 07.09.2020

"I'm too tired" was my excuse this past week. - And you know what, that's okay. I would normally be mad or upset that I just took the week off of my workout's. But, you know what I definitely needed it. - I used to use my excuses all of the time, I am growing in ways I never thought I would, I am learning that just because I have goals, and that working out in good for you, its also good to give yourself the extra sleep you need. ... - I feel so much better, rested and back for more. Ready to keep going and learn along the way. And I am still learning while sharing my journey with you , of course there are going to be some bumps but, that is okay, just keep getting back up and keep going. - We are all human, give your self a little extra love today, you deserve it. See more

Jessie May Baird 22.08.2020

Self care is so IMPORTANT. - A few years a go I never would have thought I would take the extra time out of my day to do something for me. I used to be the person that is always go go go. And I used to always feel like I an being selfish if I had to say no or wanted to just do something for me. - Its been a busy week, and I don't want it to miss another day, so, Facemacks and coffee for me this evening. After a long day at work, I am going to soak it all in. I've learned its... not selfish to take the time you need to keep your cup full so you can share it with others. - Also, join for another coffee chat with Jess! I'm going Live at 6pm!! :) let's hangout! See more

Jessie May Baird 20.08.2020

Meal prep sunday !!! - Lately, I have been super unmotivated to make dinner after coming home from work. Usually I'm stumped on what to make or I'll choose the quick but, unhealthy options. - This week I decided to do something different, and I prepared everything. It'll make it super easy and convenient to just grab and plate. ... - I have my meats, veggies, snacks and breakfasts prepared. No excuses for me this week. Eating healthy is always easy when you prepare for it. - What did you do today? See more

Jessie May Baird 03.08.2020

Today I decided to get all make-upd up and curl my hair to sit in my jammies! - I hardly wear make up, mostly cause my skin gets super awful when I do it a lot, secondly I DONT know how to do it - I used to think I had to wear make up to feel pretty and beautiful. Over the years I have learned to love myself and my imperfectly perfect skin, the blemishes and redness. It is all that makes me who I am . As much as I feel good and beautiful wearing it., I really do feel mo...re beautiful without it. - Embrace your natural beauty, you are all beautiful @ Vernon, British Columbia See more

Jessie May Baird 26.07.2020

Hey Everyone! This is my first EVER coffee and Chat. I really want to do this every Wednesday at 6pm. Let's hangout, get connect and chat :)

Jessie May Baird 21.07.2020

Hey everybody! I hope you all are having a wondering Sunday! Today I have decided I am going to push myself out of my comfort zone a little bit! - Lately, I have been feeling a little bit lonely. In the sense of missing just basic social connections. I know there are a lot out there are probably feeling the same way as well.I decided that I'm going to do "A coffee chat with Jessie" every Wednesday at 6PM PST - I will be going live, chatting about various topics, like mental ...health, selfcare, and many others. If you have any suggestions for topics, please comment below! - I am so excited to hangout & chat with you! Grab your coffee and join me!! See more

Jessie May Baird 14.07.2020

My biggest goal right now is to push myself out of my comfort zone. my workout today really pushed me out of my comfort zone. Not only was it challenging physical, but it was challenging mentally as well! I am taking advantage of the now, and I need something that makes me work a little harder. each exercise is done for 60 seconds with 45 seconds rest in between. I did this 4x... happy Saturday!

Jessie May Baird 28.06.2020

My biggest goal on social media is to be completely transparent with you all as I share my journey to the world. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes, I really push out of my comfort zone! But, I always know that there is someone out there who can relate in some way or form. - Lately, I have been super happy about my consistency of taking care of myself. Honestly, It’s been a while since I have felt this AMAZING. But, i'm sure many of you ladies can relate, I didn’t feel good e...nough, I didn’t feel strong enough, I felt Chubby. Sadly, I told myself those things as I gripped my rolls on my side. - Negative self-talk is our own worst enemy. It can tear you down, it can make you sad, it can make you angry and so much more. Over the past few years, my own negative self-talk has improved. But, it has taken a lot of work. Even though I said those horrible words to myself yesterday. I DO NOT feel that way 95% of the time. I know there is always a root cause of why I say those things. If you are struggling with your own negative self talk, here are some things that I do to help me get through it and start being the amazing, strong and empowered woman I am, and that I know you all are as well - Self-awareness: Listen to what you say to yourself. Are you focusing on your weaknesses? Are you being mean to yourself? - Trying to be perfect? Are there certain points that your original motivation turns to self-doubt? - Once you are aware of the negative talk, you must stop it, which is easier said than done.; When a negative thought starts to creep in, acknowledge it, then imagine picking it up and putting it outside a door. Close the door on that thought, it’s not welcome. - Replace with the positive: Visualize your positive thoughts. Practice saying them out loud. Sounds easy, right? Then why do we focus on what we can’t do? Taking control of your self-talk and focusing on what you can do is much more effective. It may seem silly to say them out loud but I find it's often the best way to get out the negative-self talk. - Practice this daily!! @ Vernon, British Columbia See more

Jessie May Baird 20.06.2020

Loving yourself takes time. Success takes time. Relationships take time. Transformations take time. .... Everything in life takes time, but believe me when I say everything is worth that patience. Learn when to be patient, and when to take life by the balls!; @ Vernon, British Columbia See more

Jessie May Baird 01.06.2020

My babies love eachother, I swear

Jessie May Baird 15.05.2020

The world has changed in some really big and scary ways over the past few weeks and we are being encouraged to be socially distant To be honest, I think we need to change that to physically distant but emotionally connected! Just because we can’t workout together in the same space or get together for a meal doesn’t mean we can’t support one another or be there for each other! I am opening up spots in my support + accountability community for April. This just might be for you... if: You’re feeling isolated and craving connections Your gym is closed and you want a way to stay healthy from home You love trying new recipes + would love a weekly meal plan You want to bring some fun back into your life! - You in? Drop your favorite food emoji and I’ll send you all the details!

Jessie May Baird 25.04.2020

3 years ago I started on this health and fitness journey. At the beginning, I was really just doing it because I had gained weight and I wanted to lose it. Thinking that would be fixing all of my problems, I started and stopped. Then again started and then stopped. I Wondered why I wasn’t getting anywhere, how I wasn't losing weight. I realized through all of that, that I wasn't wanting to lose weight. The key part there was that I was wanting to be happy. And I thought that ...if I lost weight, I would be there, and everything would be fine.That wasn't the case at all. Over the first 2 years of my health and fitness journey, I learned a lot about my self-esteem, learned about emotions, started prioritizing my mental health and slowly built my confidence back up. It has taken a lot of hard truths about myself, some tears and break downs, but. I am now the happiest I have ever been, and as much as I love to workout. It wasnt because I lost weight. It was because I worked hard to become my best self on the inside. - With a lot of ups and downs & failing, It has brought me to this moment right now. I am now into my 3rd year of my health and fitness journey and though I have already been sharing my journey with you all to see. Now, I am committed to help and coach you all through your own journey! If you are curious about how I have improved my health and my life, and how I am here to help you all do the same, I’d love to chat!!

Jessie May Baird 22.04.2020

It is a strange world out there, and I know alot of people are really struggling. And I'm sure in many different ways. I want you to remember this !My focus right now is to bring positivity to my day every single day. And what better way to share it with all of you too. Having a bad day is okay! Things WILL get better !

Jessie May Baird 17.04.2020

"Be brave enough to be bad at something new" - I am always up to try new things, and a few weeks ago I started running. I never have been a good runner, but, I am slowly getting into it more and more. - It's been a nice way to get outside and enjoy some fresh air, it's also something to challenge me to get better every single time I go out. ... - Today I went for a sort 15 minute run around the block, let me tell you, being new at it I had to stop a few times to catch my breath, but, I am totally okay to be a Beginner. - Have you tried anything new recently? See more

Jessie May Baird 06.04.2020

I know with everything going in right now, it's hard to focus on the positive. But, I think it's what we need right now. - I feel that all of this is reminding me that family is everything. Reminding me not to take things for granted, reminding me, that even in a hard time in the world there is still so much to be grateful for, and probably didnt think twice about it a month ago. - It is giving me a chance to grow in a different way, which is showing me what's really impo...rtant to me. - Remember you are not alone. we are all in this together See more

Jessie May Baird 03.04.2020

A little at home fancy day for us this weekend. Made some steaks cracked open some got in our nice outfits and even did my hair and makeup. Such a great way to spend time together, even if it is at home.Definitely will be doing this again.

Jessie May Baird 20.03.2020

I told myself Towards the end of 2019 that 2020 was the year of ME. The year for me to be selfish, to think about what I want in my life, what I want to experience, how I want to be, to act. AND actually be that person. So, I officially did something absolutely 100% for me. I have booked a month trip to India for this december. I am super excited and nervous. - I am really happy to be finally checking this off of my vision board after 3 years of wanting to do this. Not only am I traveling to india, I am taking part in the 200 hour yoga teacher training course as well. I have always loved yoga, and am super interested in learning more, what better way to grow, to learn in the heart of where yoga was made just makes it so much more special. - This is the year for ME.

Jessie May Baird 08.03.2020

2020 hasn’t had the greatest start for me. Something has felt off. And I really am not going to sugar coat it, it’s been fucking annoying and this feeling of being not good enough for anything has been constantly in my head. - That hole we are all so good to dig for ourselves when we get depressed has been where I have been living for the past two months and I am just starting to climb out of it, something inside me has said that this is enough, I DON’T have to live this way.... I need to take care of myself and my own mental health by treating myself with respect, give myself grace, and just start doing the things I love. - I lost inspiration & the intention to put myself first. It has been a few months of spending endless amounts of time in bed, playing on my phone, or doing anything to just escape from my own reality I am creating. But, I am done running and I deserve to be happy. But, I am the only person to do that. - So,THIS HERE IS MY NEW BEGINNING. See more

Jessie May Baird 27.02.2020

it is NOT selfish to put yourself first. It’s NECESSARY. Think about it this way the people that you love and normally put first NEED the BEST you. . When I put myself and my health first I am my happiest, the most confident, less stressed out, the strongest, most energized and that is when OUR relationship is the BEST. So, I will continue putting myself and my health FIRST, so I can continue showing up as my BEST self every day for THIS incredible human

Jessie May Baird 23.02.2020

It's HARD, I know. It's hard to get up earlier while everyone else is sleeping. It's hard to push through when your legs feel like caving in and you can't catch your breath. It's hard to put in work day after day and not see immediate results. It's hard to trust the process when you've feel as if you've failed so many times before. - Do you know what else is hard? Waking up years from now realizing that you are stuck. Hard is looking in the mirror and hating what looks back... at you. Hard is getting COMFORTABLE with feeling UNcomfortable. - Every day, we GET to choose our hard. Keep on pushing, my girl. You are doing JUST fine. Your hard work will PAY OFF and it will be so worth it. - You can do anything! See more

Jessie May Baird 09.02.2020

Sometimes your inner critic can be quite loud. You become hard on yourself and you begin to place blame on yourself for things outside of your control. Getting hard on yourself doesn’t change a situation, it just puts you in a negative headspace. The next time your inner critic gets loud, like mine was this morning, try asking yourself, Who in my life is putting these expectations on me? How can I be more compassionate with myself? Sending you all compassionate energy

Jessie May Baird 22.01.2020

So, it’s 3 weeks into january, how is everyone doing? It’s definitely been a while since I have posted! Let me tell you these first three weeks have not been going according to plan. I am currently in holiday mode still, well, in the way I have been eating; pizza, cookies, Ice cream, and more cookies. This week I am back to my workout routine, getting myself back to the usual schedule, but now it’s time to get back to eating healthy. I love treats so much, but they are definitely not treats anymore, more like the usual. THIS GIRL NEEDS HER VEGGIES!! So here I am, keeping myself accountable, veggies here I come!

Jessie May Baird 19.01.2020

Last night chocolate fondue night was a success! Quinten and I spent the night with some amazing people. For anyone who hasn't had a chocolate fondue 10/10 would reccomend. Such a great way to treat myself after a hard week of workouts!

Jessie May Baird 13.01.2020

One of the goals I had during my 100 day program was to write down a inspirational quote, how I am feeling. Or somthing that keeps me going on a sticky note.. - This is my wall after 100 sticky notes of my journey! Everytime I workout I can look up and read something off my wall. Anything to keep myself motivated and going!! - I challenge you every day for the rest of the week to write on a sticky note something that inspires you. And place it somewhere you go often. Read them everyday. I ensure you it will help you stay positive and motivated!

Jessie May Baird 03.01.2020

Yesterday I completed my 100 day challenge! - I did it! - I am so amazed by my dedication my drive, my strength, my commitment to myself during these 100 days. Even at the times I felt like giving up, or the times I missed a workout here and there, I caught up and got back on track and pushed myself to do what I have started! ... - I have never felt so strong and empowered. And this is just the beginning. - Today I started a NEW program which is 6 weeks, but super intense. I want to push myself even more, finishing this year stronger than ever. - We have 47 days left of this year. How are you going to finish it? See more

Jessie May Baird 28.12.2019

Day 82 and 83 done! - Feeling great and on the home stretch to complete 100 days, so close to reaching my goal, I can just taste it! - Has it been easy? No not at all.... - Did I feel like working out every day! Definitely not! - Did I feel like giving up? Yes - Am I going to push to finish strong. Yes! - This has been an amazing experience over the past 80 days. Pushing myself, even when falling off track. I have never been more dedicated, and motivated. 17 more workouts to go. The plan is to do 2 a day and finished for next weekend! See more

Jessie May Baird 21.12.2019

Throwback to last Halloween when Quinten and I were The Purge couple goals! Happy Halloween Everyone!

Jessie May Baird 11.12.2019

On Monday I was sitting on the couch with Quinten. We were chatting about our day, then all of a sudden I start talking negatively about my fitness journey using the words "why am I not loosing weight? " or the worst one "why cant I be skinny?" - It is a daily practice not compare yourself to someone else's body.And its been something I have been working on for a long time. That "skinny" is a terrible word. And I know many women also get caught up thinking thag "being skinn...y will make me happy" which isnt true. for me I know when I am in a positive mindset my goal isn't to be skinny. It is to be my aversion strong, to be my version confident, to be proud of what I can do. - It's crazy that your mind can trap you into thinking negatively, no matter what stage of your journey you are on. But, 4 days later, I couldn't tell you why those words came out of my mouth. Because on the norm that isn't how I feel. Everyone needs a reminder sometimes to be kind to yourself you are beautiful, empowered, strong and being YOU is your super power. See more

Jessie May Baird 02.12.2019

10 Facts Every Woman Should Know: 1. Everyone has rolls when they bend over. 2. When someone tells you that you're beautiful, believe them. They aren't lying.... 3. Sometimes we all wake up with breath that could kill a goat. 4. For every woman unhappy with her stretch marks is another woman who wishes she had them. 5. You should definitely have more confidence and if you saw yourself the way others see you, you would. 6. Don't look for a man to save you, make sure you are able to save yourself. 7. It's okay to not love every part of your body....but you should. 8. We all have that one friend who seems to have it all together. That woman with the seemingly perfect life. Well, you might be that woman to someone else. 9. You should be a priority. Not an option, a last resort, or a backup plan. 10. You're a woman. That alone makes you pretty damn remarkable.

Jessie May Baird 16.11.2019

HEALTHY PUMPKIN BREAD It’s pumpkin season! Which means it’s time to make this moist and flavorful Healthy Pumpkin Bread. Packed with pumpkin puree and a few chocolate chips + the just right amount of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger, this pumpkin bread is something your whole family will enjoy! INGREDIENTS DRY... 1.75 cups white whole wheat flour cup of coconut sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup chocolate chips (+ more for topping!) WET INGREDIENTS 2 large eggs 1/2 cup maple syrup 1 cup pumpkin puree 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup melted coconut oil INSTRUCTIONS First, preheat oven to 350F and spray a bread pan with nonstick cooking spray and set aside. Next, whisk eggs, coconut sugar, and maple syrup together in a large mixing bowl. Add almond milk, pumpkin puree, and vanilla and mix again. In a separate bowl, combine dry ingredients. Slowly add dry ingredients to wet and mix. Finally, add in melted coconut oil, and mix again. Pour batter into greased bread pan and sprinkle on more chocolate chips, if desired. Bake at 350F for 45-50 minutes or until the center of the bread is fully cooked. Remove pumpkin bread from oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes. Then, remove from pan to finish cooling. Just a little something from my 5 day fall favourites group!

Jessie May Baird 12.11.2019

This morning I woke up and reminded myself that my soul is fucking beautiful. My mind is powerful. My heart is made of gold and I’ve got so many good things going for me.. - I challenge you to say this to yourself every single day! - -... Farewell to the bad vibes See more

Jessie May Baird 26.10.2019

Today I want you to think about all that you are instead of all that you are not. . If you’re anything like me, I can sometimes get stuck in a head spin of self destruction or think that someone deserves something more or is better than me because of BLANK. The truth is, WE are ALL deserving. We are all WORTH it. So why can’t it be you? . Hint: it can

Jessie May Baird 10.10.2019

If I run a FREE Fall favourite foods group would you want in? Healthy fall recipes focusing around, of course, pumpkin spice yum, as well as hearty stews, soups and all the other fall favourites. Leave me an emoji if you want in

Jessie May Baird 06.10.2019

In my most authentic form, with cat hair all over me, the highest messiest bun, leggings and a kitty. Reminding you to own who you are... Let go of who you think you have to be, and be who you are. . We need a world where we aim for doing our best and not perfection. We need you, all of you. Not just your highlight reel, but your unedited life. Nobody is perfect once you realize this, I promise a huge chunk of pressure will be released. I know it has for me.