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Locality: Calgary, Alberta

Phone: +1 867-335-4932

Website: www.jdmanualosteopath.com/

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Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 06.06.2021

Most of us have experienced an upset stomach during times of stress. BUT there is so much more to it than that. The intestines produce hormones that regulate our mood as well as help us sleep. If there is tension in those tissues abnormalities such as anxiety and insomnia can result.... Intestinal issues are more common in females. Emotionally, the intestines represents the feminine role in the family; the role as the momma bear protector and nurturer. Can you relate how you identify with this role to your intestinal issues? Let's talk about how I can help

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 21.05.2021

NEW MINI SERIES!!!! Let's talk pregnancy and delivery Ask any mom out there and they will tell you, things do NOT just bounce back to the way the were prepregnancy. ... How can you avoid a nasty domino effect from the trauma and restrictions cause by birthing??? Tune in every Monday for the next four weeks to learn how pregnancy and labor affects your body and how to "bounce back"

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 03.05.2021

I have the absolute BEST clients!! I love hearing from them and I love being able to help...especially when they may have lost hope. Lets talk about how I can help you feel like yourself again.

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 24.04.2021

Happy Well-being Wednesday!! Today we are talking about FEAR. Fear is a tricky one. It plays a very important role in keeping us safe. We absolutely should give fear the credit and appreciation it is due... ... BUT how many of us let fear take the steering wheel to often? How many of us have fear involved in our daily lives without a tangible cause? A REAL fear, a tangible fear, fear of a person or situation, or a fear that is attached to a past traumatic event is associated with the liver. The kidneys represent more of a basic, all around fear. It's not really attached to anything. It's more existential. This is not the kind of fear that keeps us safe. It is the kind of fear that keeps us from living. Can you relate? If yes, you may be holding tension in the tissues around your kidneys.

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 22.04.2021

WEEK 3 of the Gut-Brain Connection mini-series!!! Last week we talked about common things that could throw off your gut-brain connection. If those items are unavoidable for you, try these simple steps to keep everything moving and communicating optimally!

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 12.04.2021

Masks are annoying. There, I said it. You know it's true!!!... But you know what else This mask allows me to see my clients in person. This mask allows my clients to feel comfortable and lets them know that I take their health seriously. PLUS this mask allows me to not wear makeup. So...masks are annoying...but I will happily wear one.

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 07.02.2021

Suffering from the "home office hunch"?!?! Check out these helpful tips to keep your body happy during these unprecedented times.

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 24.01.2021

Ask me how much I LOOOVE being back at work ....its a lot!

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 10.01.2021

Wild weekend planned!! Do you have an issue with your pelvis? Let's talk about how I can help! Comment below or send me a DM.

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 02.01.2021

GREAT NEWS!!! Yesterday, the Government of Alberta made an announcement that indicated I can get back to doing what I do best...help people get relief from pain!!! Head over to my website, www.jdmanualosteopath.com to book your next appointment. ... I can't wait to see you

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 26.12.2020

Emotional Release is an important and very common part of any manual therapy. When we experience emotional trauma: It affects our nervous system's responses. The trauma is stored.... The energy channels become stuck. Alleviating the built up body tension associated with trauma can help with: Anxiety. Sleep. Connecting better with others. Engaging this tension can also cause memories or sensations from the traumatic event to resurface. I highly recommend partnering manual therapy, such as Osteopathy, with sessions with a counselor or "Talk therapist" you're comfortable with. I feel strong, willing, and privileged to hold space for you on my table. #emotionalrelease #manualosteopathy #safespace #traumarelease #somatoemotionalrelease #emotionalresponsetophysicaltreatment

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 07.12.2020

DID YOU KNOW?? Pregnancy and child birth are amazing and magical circumstances that bring life into this world...BUT... the impact on the female body is tremendous!!! During pregnancy the woman's uterus is able to expand to 500 times its prepregnancy size!!!!!!... This expansion forces the other organs to be pushed out if the way to make room. This can have a long lasting impact on the internal connective tissues and ligaments holding organs in place. If you add in additional trauma of a difficult birth or c-section, you can expect additional internal scar tissue. HAVE NO FEAR! Your friendly neighborhood Osteopath is at your service! Visceral manipulation is an excellent way to ease the discomfort and imobility cause by strain on the internal tissues. Visit www.jdmanualosteopath.com for more information #manualosteopathy #visceralmanipulation #newmoms #childbirth #postnatalcare

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 05.12.2020

Ring side therapist on this rainy sunday. #photobombed #ilovemyjob #karatealberta

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 27.11.2020

How many therapists make up one football player???? #funatfortius #whennottreating

Jillian Dean, Manual Osteopath 15.11.2020

I've got a few openings tonight at Osuna Dojo!! Message me if interested :)